Newmarket Era, 6 Feb 1903, p. 5

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CAPITAL Total ORB CHA- General NEWMARKET BRANCH Business Banking TRANSACTED Changed Mr Jos Wesley has bought from Mrs of Sharon the property on Niagara St occupied by Mr He takes possession on the 1st of March Interest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED At ATt JOISTS American in- oM Collection promptly to ft Gospel Theresas quite a disappointment last Sunday afternoon The care taker forgot to open the Hall and quite a crowd of people had to turn around and go borne T flood prank AUCTIONEER Beau Collect- Street Bolton Home Street and WHEVES J SMITH smiTH SPECIAL REPRESENT DOUGLAS CO Stocks paring and percent Original secured ftnd guaranteed Office Reformer Newmarket A Ellis Architect and Sanitary Room Manning Chambers Toronto Pinna and Estimates kinds of buildings- Sale On account of the bad Mr H Harman was unable to get his ttlcl here last They will be here for next Saturday Me sold five hordes though through his ad In Mr Brillmger got a carload of horses and cattle in this week The maple sugar season approaches This is the kind of weather that makes the blacksmith smile- Only a little over two weeks till Lent begins Probably no spring will ever be more welcome than the coming The shortage of fuel has marked un easiness in all stations of life made for all R Deputation A deputation from Whitchurch Council waited upon Hon Mr Dry- den Minister of Agriculture the week and urged an amend ment to the Barberry Act so as to provide that the Government assume all responsibility for payment of compensation in connection with destruction of Barberry hedges The deputation consisted of Messrs John and The Minister will consider the re quest of the deputation Confidence We Direct You To The NeverFailing The late Isaac a of King Township left a farm valued at which be had willed to his widow during her lifetime and at her- death it passes to William- with the maintenance of tie late Air daughter Catharine Messrs J C Stokes and T J QUICKLY ELEVATES THE CON Woodcock have been appointed audU CONDITION tors of justice accounts OF ALL RUNDOWN of contagious AND SICK PaiDesCeleFyGompoaad diseases up to year shows foundation can no man lay than that laid Which is Jesus Christ Paul went directly from Athens to which like Athens was in that day one of the sights of the world It was a new city built on PEOPLE scarlet fever and cases or typhoid fever January 1903 there were cases of dipbWieria scarlet In the winter season when many and typhoid fever cases people especially Women and children The opening of the Chinese new are confined in close and stuffy apart- rear was quietly celebrated by which lack proper ventilating- Celestials of this city on Wednesday facilities the blood becomes watery of last week pale sluggish and impure the Independent coal dealers will come system is impaired the brain to grief after things get settled down is tired Insomnia texriWSj to normal conditions For the and the nt coal may be dear but its not so of diphtheria cases of the ruins of its former site most of son liuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES I At the ERA Oflce Newmarket Ode Private Paper residence J ft OF LICENSES SUTTON The Quarterly service last were largely attended and the Love Feast was best yet during the pastorate of Rev J The sermons were very appropriate to the occasion and a very large num ber partook of the sacrament pre vious to which half a new mem were admitted into church fel lowship The music by the choir was better than usual and included solos duetts and foil choruses There were at Sunday School and the pupils on ihc Honor Roll for ISM received their Diplomas The prayer meetings on Thursday evenings have been better attended lately whole system ensues Our object at this time is to sug gest the true means of succor and help for pale languid nervous irri table and weakened women and chil dren Thousands of such nerveless arid frail victims will soon be cut down if help is delayed and time is lost Celery Compound is the l the sure and tried res cuer that saves when all other means fail Celery Compound is doing the same Heaven- blessed work today for sufferers that it has so Well done in the past It quickly furnishes the new pure and fresh blood which is the foundation of true health it promotes cell- growth builds up flesh bone and tissue and elevates the constitution al of every sick person and defends them from germ and bacter ial dangers Celery Compound dear reader and your l will be fully and happily NEWMARKET LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones Are better than ever Call aid aee new at Studio Corner Main and Newmarket Grocery and Provision Dried per tt Evaporated fti or Pali Jam Jar Jam ttf Marmalade Jar is Blue pr per coo Ptiiitfl notice of Coa at next thereof the Huron or an Act to amend Act M Chapter by the time for th of the of- the lint of branch Act fcpthom4 to renew If araftttd Act and to confirm the of the named in Act Of Company or to nyyilm Post on Poor Ice Newmarket Hoys went to Toronto on Thursday night of last week and defeated the af ter an exciting match by goals to This is how the News reports the game Last nights match was a good one considering the state of the ice Newmarket excelled in combination play but in individual work the were superior The winners had on their strongest team while the were without two of their best men in cover point George Hunt and forward Kddy Abbott- The visitors had the better of the first half l half time the score was to After rest the pot down to work ami the score on only to against them The home team got the visitors on the run Ijut try as they would they i tie the score poor shoot ing alone keeping the puck out the net The were on the of fensive right to within a minute and a half of time Then an offside oc curred just in front of the goal and on the shot the puck into the net The next goal was scored in 30 sees and the tally was recorded In Jujt sees after Welleslcys to go to pieces Time was called just as the puck was faced again Mark goal for the looser made some great and cleared his goal well Graves did excellent service at point while on the forward line waa always prominent For the visitors Roy was the star and Br w ton were the pick of the forwards while in goal did well The game was very clean and only two players were ruled off They were Doyle and The learns officers and summary Newmarket Coal point Doyle cover j forwards Flanagan and ton point Graves cover Dixon forwards Perry Miller and Dale flchooley umpires IV home and Bert Short time keepers A Hewitt 0Hallarn Newmarket Newmarket 0fiallacn mln half Newmarket Fashion Hints fop Spring Novelty suitings show a variety of styles the Scotch mixtures having of lustrous mohair sire among the smartest Mohair will be an extremely popu lar material for Spring In wash fabrics there is a wide as sortment and tbe Summer shirt waist or entire costume will still more attractive Simple designs continue general favorites The shirtwaist costume has ob tained a prominent place among fashionable modes the amount of variation possible in construction adding to its popularity The blouse jacket continues to en joy favor and many the smartest modes are of this shaping Skirts fit smoothly about the hips and flare at the bottom though some pleasing modes show and tucks at the hips A fancy of the season is the gown of pale gray cafe ait or pure- white lace and chiffon combined An attractive decoraUon for the sleeves of the new tailor gowns is achieved by slashing them at the back and lacing them across with silk cord on buttons Points are a feature in skirt dec oration thai will not easily their popularity is as popular as it has been for several seasons From The Delineator for March POINTS OK THAT t WELLS RICHARDSON IMPROVED SETTER COLOR MOST COLOR Wells Richardson Jos Improv ed Butter Color never turns a red dish or brick tinge butter colored by it always retains the lovely June golden tint It is the only that is chem ically pure and harmless Leading experts vouch for its whole- somen ess and freedom from taste or srnell Its keeping qualities arc perfect it ne becomes rancid or sour It is the strongest color made therefore the most economical Wells Improved Butter Color Is reliable at all sea sons because it never varies in pur ity or quality costly as pneumonia and things of sort and so people have to pay the conscience price demanded coal Andrew Carnegie has notified- the Public library Board that be is pre pared to pay over the sum lor central and branch libraries in this city on condition that city vote ten per cent annually for maintenance the unexpected demise of His Hon or Judge last week caused unfeigned sorrow in both le gal and social circles in this city Flags floated at half mast from pub lic buildings in the new St Lawrence Market object to the concrete floor in their stalls and want the same covered with wood Junk shops are regarded as a and steps will likely be tak en for legislative power to compel them occupy such localities as the may designate The officials of the Toronto Driving Club have been receiving a roasting for their presumption in even asking for a part of a public street of this city to be set apart for it The late George Clinton Vernon of Whitchurch died intestate leaving a widow and four The wid ow applies for administration of the estate which is worth Of this is in a hundred acre farm lot So concession The secretary of the Un ion of Toronto writes to the Mayor stating that the organization has passed a resolution against the citys acceptance of Air Carnegies offer of over a quarter of a million dollars for a free library because of it be ing the honest sweat and toil of thousands Sentimental nonsense born of just such ignorance as the product of the malsters occupation is a large contributor At a meeting of the Sheep Breed ers Association at the Palmer House on Friday last a resolution was endorsing the proposal of a Dominion exhibition here this year The agitation for a Dominion Ex hibition fin this city this fall still continues Mayor and the Industrial President held an inter view with Premier Ross and Hon Mr Minister of Agriculture on the the Federal Gov ernment will take hold of the the Ontario Government will lend a helping hand At the annual meeting of the ind Georgian Bay Navigation Co recently after reelctUng officers passed a resolution appropriating for a new steamer Seven per cent dividend was declared on the stock of the company Hon If Make has given towards erecting a home for Church of deaconesses and mission ary workers A fire at Wellington Street on Friday night did about damage to the building also damage to die stock of Holly Boyd boots and shoes to the stock of A Roe Co skirt bindings and to the stock Frank threads etc all covered by insurance Henry Nutlcy has been sentenced to three scars imprisonment tot high way robbery in Toronto on the night of Jan Beano was bUj victim George has purchased Us magnificent structures- dating on ly from the time of Julius Caesar It was a rich and populous mercan tile City the centre commerce for East and West SUGGESTIONS Paul was continually finding the open door of Providence As- a practical preparation for lite boys and girls should be taught to use their hands as well as their heads V Pauls textbook in the synagogue was the Scriptures our textbook is the holy Bible We should so study the Messianic to be able to give a rea son for the that is in us Fearless preaching brought the synagogue to a What results did you get in the Sun day School 0 and Exhibitions Civilized mankind is divided into classes those who help to man age or who exhibit at fairs and those who are visitors The annual report on Ontario and Exhibi tions for just issued by the Department of Toronto contains many hints of interest to all concerned in exhibitions The first part of the report consists of an ac count of the annual meeting of the Canadian Associate and Ex papers aid discussions on presentday fair topics given in full Air James Deputy Minister of- Agriculture in reply to throws much light on the provisions of the Agriculture and Arts Act so far as it touches Agricultural Societies and exhibi tions He also contributes an ap pendix to the report of a most inA teresting historical character scribing the first Agricultural So cieties formed in the Province the first Provincial Exhibition and the mode of conducting the early mar kets and fairs The report also gives a large amount of space to an account of the Mode Fair held at Whitby last Kail This Fair attracted much attention and the plan is explained in in the report trie official program also being given A perusal of the report by the directors and other officers of our agricultural so cieties will mean a marked improve ment in the aim of our fall exhibi tions and in the mode of conducting The importance of the educa tional side of the work rather than tbe spectacular is well and fairly em phasized throughout the report School Report No EAST Clark Georgia Mac- donald Charlie Greenwood Nellie Hodge Wilfrid Hodge Ernest Wat son III Fred Johnston Violet Jr HI David Sweet Clarence Moulds Kirby Hodge Mary Watson Clarence Anthony II Norman Hodge Frank Green wood Smith John Macdonald Ma bel Sanderson Arthur Greenwood Sanderson Donald Macdonald Jr Garnet It Sanderson Alonvto Cole Tablet Sanderson Present every day Clark Greenwood J Macdon ald Average attendance R Teacher 0O a- pi in ill och And to ft bathe At rot tod to to Willi iitJUt 14th btr A CAM HON of Oct of Perry Newmarket r Flanagan SO New market OHallarn tec This match puts Newmarket in a tie with the St Georges for first place for District No O A Intermediate Series which play ed off at on Tuesday night Another collision took place be tween freight trains on the Grand Trunk near one man was hurt but several cars were destroyed A Sunday School teacher was struck dumb because one of his pu pils asked him to explain how Me thuselah managed t reach such a great age There Is not any mystery about It thing waa In the old fellows favor Had he lived in days trolley cars automobiles operations for appendicitis and health foods he would have petered out Just same as other people to a cold day Take Laxative Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund money It falls to cure 25c Groves signature on each box Ihc southeast corner of Scott and Col home streets Just behind the new King Hotel Mr is principal stock holder in the hotel company The Customs House employees asking for a salary Increase of per cent for all clerks receiving and upwards per annum and cent for all clerks receiving under Now aint that generous of tnc big salary officials One would have to reverse this order would be nearer the thing five per cent to those receiving over and 10 per cent to who are paW less but thats always the way the big fish all gobble up the little ones Two families were rendered home less by a disastrous fire whloh occur red in early Saturday morning ft started In house of Thos Hogg a Toronto Street Rail way conductor living on I lowland Avenue and an overheated furnace Is given as the supposed cause Mr and Mrs W Herbert are leaving town shortly lor a trip to Jamaica CONSTIPATION probably the most common of all ailment When neglected it becomes chronic and frequently to hemorrhoids other ser ious consequences CONSTlPATlOf IS BY TABLETS This Remedy Is not a purgative but by mild action organs restores natural functions thus entirely avoiding the debility following use of catliartlca which taktu frequently are almost always harmful Fifty Tablets for 25 Cents it pays to In Try an Ad Era It pays i SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN GO WEWRflARKgT TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOB HIRE door to Post Office We have now a complete line of Pure Drugs Druggists Sundries comprising choice Stationery Toilet Prepara tions Soaps and Sponges Brushes Combs Atomizers Hot Water Bottles Ac J l I Ill Mi A Fun of Patent Medicines at lowest reduced prices I I I I I t We pay special attention to our Prescription Department A Call Solicited w J PATTERSON AGENTS FOR THE GREAT NORTH WESTERN TELEGRAPH COMPANY OP CANADA Phono No Lace Curtains PATTERNS AND OUR SECOND SHIPMENT OK THEM AT J To Buy Your Candy it is Made Fresh Every Day Brown Mixtures per pound W Maplo Cream plain per pound Cream with Walnuts per pound Chocolate- Drops do Mixed do do Peanut do Chocolate Dates do Now Figs Dates Nuts c New Peels and Goods at Lowest J J f NEXT TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE v ma

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