Newmarket Era, 13 Feb 1903, p. 1

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Era gives more homo news every Treekthaa paper in North York combined ldyed to i 4iT lit t NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCES AND SEE Li Give tfc liberty to to utter and to freely -sccordiflg- to conscience above all liberty No sent outside of North York paid in advance IS viva ML No copies cents each Newmarket Friday Feb per annum a paid in advance PAINTERS SUPPLIES BLACKSMITHS SUPPLIES Carriage Makers Supplies Plumbing and i Stationery Toilet Preparations and INTERNATIONAL FOOD The Best Yet A Another Cut on Patent Medicines Regular Price Our Hair Vigor Burdock Bitters 9 9 i Linseed and Av- V25 15 Carters Pills V 9 Resolvent Pills 1 CO Spavin Cure I Liniment yi NtWM A Our Toronto Letter J The attempt to saddle the cost special constables to local police duty in he Townstrips border ing on Toronto at the expense of the ratepayers of the County at large a somewhat breezy was vetoed by only a nar row majority The members and Newmarket Divis ion did the fighting on the side of the ratepayers at large It is estimated that the alterations and improvements the in this city will cost about The Street Railway earnings for show considerable over the corresponding month of citys percentage for the last months earnings figures up to This will help pay loss oh corporation coal At the Press Association Meeting last week Mr J wis elected President and Messrs Jackson and reelect ed Auditors A King Street hotelkeeper on last Thursday was fined and costs for an infraction of the Liquor Act Mary Craw ford who were up lor bigamy in the Police Court last week were both sent to Prison for days After two years residence in their known A former caretaker kept a small museum Possibly it to him J A lifelike bust of Hon J Gib son has been placed in the collection at the Normal School It is from a model worked by Miss- Mildred Peel- The tory of the Provincial tem perance executive wants to put up a Liberal as a third candidate in North York Why dont they suggest a nominee because that wouldnt help Whitney jWhich is their game Politics is behind the whole move Everybody knows Mr Davis is a temperance man out- Side of defeating the Government he would go as far as representa tive in the House on the question If How to Make Bright and Good A crying baby is an unwell baby The little chap is not cross for the fun of it He cries because it is the only way he has of expressing the fact that he is either pain or- dis comfort Most of his little troubles are due to some disorder of the stom ach or bowels and if Babys Own Tablets are given both the trouble and resulting crossness will disappear You can take a mother word for it and Mrs John T Sunderland of little mission home on Centre avenue says I think in DRUG STORE and six years in the St James rec tory the Childrens Aid Society fast week opened their new and permanent home at St Forty new cars are being built by the Toronto Railway Company Thir ty will be the large closed cars sim ilar to those in use on street and the other ten open cars capable of seating sixty people Scarlet fever the increase the city There are a number of cases on the Road in the extreme east end and in the section between I u fieri and nine new cases have developed with in the last week The spring millinery and early sum mer goods imported here this season as shown by customs duties paid are largely in advance of fast year The barbers of this city are mak ing a from employers that they he relieved from plying the toh- art on Sundays This is only reasonable The Newmarket has se cured the County printing for the year f v n A broad avenue is to be opened from College St to the University Campus through the Observatory grbunds r The nonJury Court will bo opened for a tonweeks next day With Boyd pre siding the first week At the close of last week the pa tients at the General Hospital num bered arid females less than the week previous The Association of Toronto is a new organization that was effected last Friday light at a hotel men at Walker House The object pi the lion is mutual protection especially against Ihe beat class which preys upon hotels 1 1 is now thought the city got out of the fuel business as soon a Orders or further sup plies have been cancelled The sup ply in hands dealers Is about to the demand now In the Citys against Gas Co the corporation has retained Mr to at I as counsel business The District Council last v tjee of flic The John Smith jncidtnt in this has opened the byes of the North York to one of the that has ever beset them that of being by supposed friends said 1 would redeem North York and I will redeem it So the groat political prophet to whom the or power of the people is as an idle win a while and listen to him whine when he is whip- il The death of Mr J Edwards postmaster of was aged years By his demise a lucrative vacancy has been created for Sir William to fiti ill J In the G trip the lee BY A BANKER t i During the past petitions were filed against the return of Mr A M Little for North Norfolk and Mr John Brown for North Perth pur readers will remember the above gentlemen were recently returned at Hte reeve of King Mr informs us that he saw the Lucas House register with John Smith City its pages and that from the proprietor of the House he received positive information that story in connection therewith is true City papers state that the Govern ment for Rainy River District has written saying that about Manitoba families are in communica tion with him regarding taking up land in his district The probable reason for their wishing to leave Manitoba is that they arc old bush- Men and have a longinfe to return to that class of country Much was exper ienced by a number of Liberals who out curiosity attended the Conservative open meeting in the Town Hall here last Thursday to hear Mr- J prospective the gentleman ad dressed by Mr Blake as My Dear It was scarcely fair to the public to announce attractions on the- program not to be on exhibi tion Own Tablets the best medicine in the world for tittle ones My ba by was very cross and used to keep me awake half the before got the Tablets No she sleeps soundly is good and is grow ing splendidly You can give these Tablets perfect safety to a new born babe They are guaranteed to contain no or poisonous sleepy stuff and are a sure cure for all the minor ailments from which little ones suffer Sold by medicine dealers or sent post paid at 2oc a box writing direct to the Dr Williams Co Parish Bay City- Mich Feb It is forty fishermen went to their death in the storm which struck Sa ginaw Bay Tuesday night The men were living in shanties built on the ice The storm burst without warn ing It was accompanied by a blind ing whirl of snow and the waves crushed the ice upon which the fisher mens huts were standing into a crunching mass Nothing has since seen shanties or men rr The John Smith of the Ilerald is horribly shocked at a little joke or comparison made by Premier Ross at the MassMeeting here The Premiers playful comparison was given innocently and in good nature and the only vulgar part of is- the explanation The Provincial Assembly of New Brunswick was dissolved on the and writs issued a general election Nomination takes place on and polling on the is said there will be both Govern ment and Opposition candidates in nearly every constituency pi The Lennox convention was a pret ty tame affair The candidate was fairly under way and then paraded up aisle there was plenty of room to raise a cheer If the Lib erals who went to hear just how wild the Whitney would had not been there empty seats would have been very conspicuous Never in the history of trie Liber al party have such splendid organiza tion meetings been held as in the present Whenever notices are sent out the place of meeting is not large enough to accommodate the crowds that gather The whole par ty in- fighting- triirt and Will give the will win candidate quiet us on he Mr J St John MIM it is reported claims to some of his own friends that at close of the Au rora meeting he gave Mr Lennox a proper calling The mem ber for West York claims to have been disgusted with the speech of the latter that an interesting dia logue ensued We do not wonder at this but we might add that if the Whitney candidate succeeded dis gusting the man of piggery fame then he must have reached the limit of human endurance in bis special role of silly slanderous politics According to figures given in last weeks Christian Guardian the Mails decrease of in Missionary re ceipts of the Methodist Church as compared With the previous year was an error The Missionary test year instead of a show an increase of 117 the total receipts for the year were the largest in the history of the Society Instead therefore as was stated that foreign mission aries would not be paid their stipu lated allowance their salaries are paid in full FelJ fl Mrs John Cody of was thrown out her cut yesterday up against a balcony her thigh broken Feb Mr Thos Knight a machine operator an the is the possessor of a rare flower a black lily In bloom The bloom is let black of a rich velvety texture and measures i nine inches Feb Joe Thorn ton of tho road three or four out of Woodstock J had a The Toronto World Saturday cow which became sick from gets of a long rigmarole under The Mail states that tlc Conservative Convention John Smith explained away of personal slurs cant upon him by Mr Davis Winn did Mr say anything personal about John Smith The audience called John down at the liberal meeting but as usual Sir Davis dealt generously with him John Smith however lias not and never will bo able to explain away this episode iii career- Possibly the Canadian Magazine states a truth in suggestihg that suffrage is becoming ton to he valued in this country and if so is useless at a moral force The thought to im press itself upon the consideration those who make our laws that the great purpose of the franchise Is not fully appreciated The Canadian wants this and out that if a Sen ator absents for two consec utive sessions his place is declared vacant then goes on to nay perhaps It would be advisable to disenfranchise every man who ab sents himself from two consecutive pollings Perhaps compulsory trot- would be better still eaten more chaff than it could digest There was only one way of saving the animals lite arid Sir Thornton cut open Its paunch and it of its Besides the he took out piece of hoc J handle 10 inches lohirf At heading of Toronto will gel Kothlng Sir Williams Last tuni which attempt is create an impression the Post master- General has Informed- Mayor that Toronto need not ex pect anything from the Government a of the trustees On the afternoon of the same day- the Maple- Church- agreed that the custom of holding Sunday funerals also the Telegram made this contradiction Mayor this morning that article which appeared in Agent for Canadian Qcj ttMRxfc or called for or 1 to the various pro- si on foot hi the city Id should go of the sensation ntHS OVJs- I I J night week reakhK to- -ft- secure a larger ore prominently great disadvantage in life on- has always been not to Interfere or meddle in local matters be- right There You can always nee just what you arc and you dont have climb up on a chair to I can you a lot good things about the Tubular and if you dont wint buy It after it I J Sharon Ont HOME FOR as the coming the zone It cleanses the crimson flood people His turns of OntarJpVoVnJal of Renews What to do- without Kthools for the thus and It and makes lots on our lor the year arc thus given and strengthens It and makes Toronto- males females- tun- of red corpuscles that manifest on spot know any declaration The report which comes from Man itoba respecting some sixty settlers in the Prairie Province desirous of returning bush farms in New On tario and spend their remaining days In grubbing stumps instead of re- on farms on account of the monotonous character of the country as the Telegram says that even If the days of mir acles aire strange things are sometimes hilled to happen it seems to us that the pioneer ex changes a beautiful prairie farm for a- hush homestead has In exper ience the wear and tear of grubbing out living among trees and stumps an aching for hard work that people try hard to avoid Hut there Is no accounting for tastes The County Council- at its meet ing last week a majority decided to forward a petition to the Legis lature asking that in Townships Towns mid Villages all Councillors elected for two years instead of one as at The County no mandate from tin such recommendation thought such a change from the municipali ties interested and Mr Is is taking away power out of the hands of the people ill they- like their For the Bra A few years ago at the foot of one of the Swiss glaciers the frozen body a dressed in the costume prevalent many yers before was discovered protruding from the ice His identity having been reveal ed by documents found in his pocket- book it was remembered that thirty or forty years previously this gen tleman while on his marriage tour had fallen into a deep crevasse sev- era miles higher up the glacier lis disconsolate young widow having learned that all glaciers move slowly onward towards the moraine at their foot and that therefore that cold sepulchre would in the course of time give up her and that she would be able to reclaim front icy grasp the loved mortal remains of him to whom she had plighted her troth and with whom she had hoped hand in hand to travel along lifes chequered path had from time to time pro to that evermoving tomb in the hope of once more claiming hint from whom she had been so cruelly bereft They had been exploring together the higher- reaches of the magnificent glacier revelling in tain air and entranced with the sub lime grandeur of the scene mighty pinnacles pure ice on all sides buttressed fortresses and cloistered cathedrals grotesque misshapen and startling forms and snowcrcsteU precipices and outspread fields of glistening snow all surmounted by the giant monarch of the snows whose peaks and crests towered high into the aether Hut suddenly with a cry of despair he sinks deep down into a partially covered cleft in the ice far out of reach of human help and he whom she had loved so well is ruthlessly parted from her for all time held fast in that deadly icfc having learned that her longdeferred hopes would be realized she hastens to the scene and once more sees the companion of her youth by time ami still the same as when on that fatal morning so gleefully wandered together over that treacherous glacier But not so with her for those long years have silvered her hair as white as the snow ilsclf and now the one though cold as marble is in the prime of his youth while the other stricken by the aging hand of time venerable And wrinkled has put on the sere and yellow leaf and before long must too quit this mortal scene once more she hopes as an ethereal spirit to join him who ft was decreed was to be parted from her ere they had- scarce begun that unite earthlife which as they had fondly hoped would unroll so long a vista of happiness and joy for them both And if they each had served their Clod and had accepted the pardon of fered in virtue of the Redeemers vi carious sufferings those hopes of re union must most surely be realized But what If both had forgotten their Creator on our part have they can elect them by acclamation written thb friends l Temperance in Hut if a change desirable they don del in males females Ottawa presence a ruddy he lileVM lips School Kor- quickly masters all II glow in North York them to do want to be In a position to make the whatever thcV- think bast In the in- change If the Council had petition- skin eruptions of- the- cause Wonder if the Legislature to so amend the Two women were hanged in Lon don for the murder of many in fants A little son of lames was burned to death near Delhi his clothes catching It is easy to slide down hill but the bumps you get on the way down are calculated to jar A man named was struck by a Trunk engine near and had his back broken Smith a tenyear girl was killed a car while gathering coal in the Trunk yard KilhnasterV block at Tort his hardware store and a of other stores was destroyed by fire As Stevenson of Newton- brook was engaged in drawing logs Friday sustained a broken leg a on him The Water fc Power Company as completed its trans mission line and- is- now delivering power to Montreal a distance of mitts The paper that is read by the former his hired man the women folks and children as Well as all the of the county is paper to advertise in The Is that paper A strictly live exchange says that thing about this policy of tho Alii- of that body should be composed of AU of several years Mice not to unless the the of each local municipality presented when they suddenly up broken down constitutions Smith City has heard any- law as to provide that tho members the air until The old Parliament Buildings on and to weak sickly an Front Street now being spirits vitality energy In an corner beauty Try its all friends of temperance take the In- with certain cumulative voting discover dont want tic an attic a workman found right Price per box or six As a temperance er to larger corporations the r i never subscribed tor it a large South African boxes for at druggists or Hon Mohn Smith City does not would In in keeping with key How it came there not yet Poison Co Kingston Ont appear to be a howling success the feelings of the to the r i l- J

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