Newmarket Era, 13 Feb 1903, p. 2

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FEB ilcivmatkrt Never Lets Up and Belter Km All Printing Done at Hoes North York Election 26th TOe fftit in North York Issued last Satur day fixing ok Feb The Temperance Trick SEE OUR NEW SPRING- WALL PAPERS J 4 Have a Look At Our Bargain Table Of BOOTS SHOES NEWMARKET AND Q IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD ITS RIGHT At the Conservative nomination meeting week editor of ExpressHerald is thus reported in the Toronto World in answer to the John Smith story circulated York during the present later Whereupon they wrote or I Lucy Brock spent Sunday J the city I Master Brock spent Sunday in Bradford Miss of Toronto was IhjnkMr wrote fa Ti 1 Edna is spending week visiting in the city br J of Henderson polling on Thursday Feb campaign The report states In accordance with the Writ J J Pearson Esq Returning Officer has issued a proclamation calling upon the York to a at the Town Hall on toe above date to a candidate we look for a large gathering here next week Voting take place a week from Thursday and every Liberal should lee that his vote is cast or Hon J pout Joint meetings As tie days go by brighter grow the prospects for an overwhelm ing vicmry the Libeial candidate in North York During the week a of four joint meetings have been arranged by Hon J Davis and Herbert Lennox in connection with the campaign to be held as fol low Monday night Aurora Tuesday Wednesday night Thursday afternoon nomination day at Newmarket According to present arrangements only the candidates will speak at these meetings the first speaker will be given an hour and his opponent an hour and a half then the first speaker will wind up the meeting with an half hours address The candidates take turns in delivering the first address Mr Davis is to speak first at the beginning of this tournament Now for fair play and a decent hearing The editor stated that he was register CL City John Smith Yours LUCAS write Era is pCfot Toronto is It Hit Him That or Which ar ticle in the Era of two weeks ago completely out of the ExpressHerald man with John Smith City thrown into the bargain Ho thinks it would disgrace the veriest fish wife for vulgarity and and put Ananias out of business for unblushing and wilful falsification Now air this is very sad but we have sometimes noticed that people who get cornered up in a tight place try to covet their by or doing some thing and the Lennox organ is sim ply playing that sort of game After bis John Smith City escapade and around the bush explanation at the Lennox nomination meeting the less he has to say about Ananias and other of his apparently familiar friends the more it will be to bis credit When a nun resorts to throwing dirt and indulges in theta of vulgarity and for argument or defence the general public very readily reach the con clusion that he is the uader dog all right enough and that his piteous kiyah I is simply undeniable evi dence how badly he feels his pun ishment My but he will be a sick man after the He wont know himself from two John Smiths City An organization meeting for No King was at Mr Fergusons on Saturday evening About fifty Liberals the Division were present and the greatest prevailed Hon J addressed the meeting for about half an hour giv ing a brief sketch of the work by Ross Administration and their plans for the future He was received in the most cordial man and speeches were mad by Mr Peter and other prominent Liber als Everyone was unanimously opinion that Mr Davis would get the generous support that he diaervea in this division this time It was pointed out that Ifce tad er thing to gain and to loose electing the of Crown Lands that the candidate was simply playing at politic for the notoriety that be could get out out it and that the duty of Liberals of North York to show him exactly where be stood in this fight This was regarded by everybody to be the best organization meeting ever held In the Division The Literals never were so enthusiastic or deter mined aa they are now the Express in the House- Toronto on Tuesday and had supper there with Mr Chad- wick but did not register under any name and that the story his having registered under the assumed name Smith was a political invention Why this prevarication Why not tell the honest truth editor of the ExpressHerald when making toe above assertion he was wilful ly and deliberately misleading bis hearers But notwithstanding backhanded dental story of John Smith City like Banebola Ghost keeps right on making unwel come visits another tack was taken to cover up his tracks An unequivocal denial under a false date was conceived and on Friday last the following appeared in the Toron to Evening Telegram The North York campaign story circulated by Mr Davis supporters that Mr McKay edi tor of the Newmarket Express registered in Toronto on Monday at the Lucas House as John Smith city nroves on tion to be fictitious No such name has been placed on the reg ister The signatures registered arc all in ink with exception of that a political organizer a supporter of Premier Ross which was made the day after Mr McKay took tea at the ho tel The glaze on the paper shows that no erasures have been made from the register North York Conservatives who visit Toronto after this may be expected to bring their meals with them Who said that John Smith City was registered at the Lucas House on Mouday No Liberal in this Riding said so but they did say that John Smith City was so registered on the of January last and we shall now give proof which cannot be In or der to be sure there was no mistake in this business the following fetter was forwarded to the proprietor of the Lucas House Toronto which speak for itself and the reply also we make no doubt will be abundant ly satisfactory Office of the Newmarket Era Feb Mr Lucas Proprietor of Lucas House Toronto Dear Sic As there is a good deal of controversy in North York about John Smith being registered at the Lucas House along with Chad- wick and copies the Telegram be- ins circulated contradicting that re port would Kind to give me tie exact particulars about this matter and greatly oblige JACKSON Prop Newmarket Era There is no mistaking the purport of lie above letter It simply asks lor a plain and unvarnished state ment of exact particulars Here have the reply Toronto Feb Jackson Esq Prop Newmarket Era Sir Your favor of yesterday re ceived Regarding the article in the Evening Telegram of last Friday to which you refer saying that no per son at the Lucas House on tno twentyeighth January last as Jobn City I have to in form you that the Telegram is not correct and moreover it is not true what the Telegram further says namely that a Grit organizer regis tered that day or the next day or indeed on any day this winter in pencil The whole story In the Tel egram made up and without anr truth in It I regret this the more as I have aood reason to believe that this false was written for the Evening paper by a man professing to be a temperance worker John Smith or a gentleman whom Mr Rogers a member of York County Council and Mr John of say was a Mr Mc Kay a newspaper man of Newmar ket did register at the Lucas House on the last or Mr Cfeadwick and Mr Smith call- theJewcit Toronto Dr and Mrs Wesley were At Home wHh Wednesday above what sbalT we J evening s- capable of standing up before an in- j tea name of John was a politi cal invention He saw write John Smith he knew and the people North- know he had a purpose in hiding his identity He now stands unmasked as an An anias of an unenviable The County Council is to be com mended on their effort to the Province replenished with desirable farm labor the Old Country New Ontario has trained old Ontario laborers to the point that farmers cannot get help enough to work their land A cut in a patent medicine adver tisement relating to a cure for rheu matism looks wonderfully like that selfconstituted deputation who recently visited the city to ask for a temperance candidate to take the field in North York He seems to fce in terrible misery a sort of John Smith contortion you know Two great minds in perfect accord T Herbert Lennox and John Smith City having strong desires that a content North Such a consummation is the prayerful Such a consummation is a prayerful desire of these disinterested temper ance champions After the the friends Friday evening of last Mr for To ronto Saturday to attend Business College tbere Mrs Martin left yesterday for England and expects to be gone several months f- Mr David of Detroit Was in Town couple of week callng on friends Barrie Gazette Mrs Thos Hunt ley of is visiting her cou sin Mr John Mainprise Mrs J Parry and son Gordon of St Louis are visiting with her sister Mrs John r and his affable com panion were At Home with a few friends last evening Miss Pearl of Snowball was spending a few days with her aunt Mrs Brcdie this week Mr John Warren mechanical at Canes Factory was in the city last Saturday- visiting his par ents -i- Mrs Walter Willson gave a Ave oclock tea last Friday afternoon in honor of Miss Maud Wallace of say Mrs Murray of Newmarket left lor home yester day after a visit with Mrs Charles St Mrs sister of Mr Winans is here on a visit with rela tives and friends after an absence of years Mrs is now a re sident Pembina Dakota and spend nearly three We have been successful inclosing a big deal in Flannelettes- with a Mon treal firm at remarkably low figures and propose to clear the whole lot of over yds in the next days We realize that this means big selling but if prices count for anything we will accomplish this end These quantities may appear large but wont last long at these prices So come early yds 1000 yds yds yds yds yds Flannelette neat stripes Pink ami White and Blue and White Also a quantity of plain Pink wide width now on Bale at 6e Worth Heavy Flannelette 20 different patterns 32 in wide fast oors value 10c Now on sale at per yard Only Flannelette in Pink Cream White and Blue full 36 inches wide How on sale at per yard Regular 1 Jc Extra Heavy English Shakers Ten different patterns inches wide Regular He value Now on sab at Genuine Lochloman Shaker Flannel Shirting Very heavy wight good patterns Worth now on sale at 12Jc- neat patterns all colors Some very pretty designs for childrens wear from to He per yard To clear at yard Dress Good Prints Cottons At a Saving of boys will be singing Goodbye Herb youve gone it with Ontario friends you may follow the on rut you Little daughter of Mr can get in at the time of last I weeks issue was in an extremely cri- Toronto Star says Mr condition owing 10 an attack lAnnoX who against Hon J be another man who talks too proving under the efficient effort of H l P tbe medical attendant Mr Ed J Barry of Wanted White Bags Good Sound Potatoes lbs Dried Apples Hunters Special Brand Cocoa lb Hunters Baking Powder I lb tin 15c Newmarket Cheese 14c lb Sweet in bulk J5c Mixed Pickles regular 15c now Jar French Mustard contested York eiysipelas caused from a wound u Present time steadily being interviewed almost dally- and evidently considers himself to be the whole push we may apply colloquialism It tben points out that in relating what was manifestly a private conversation which had taken place between himself Len nox Hon Mr Davis on train was an abuse of conndence no man of honor would do without first obtaining the consent of the other party thereto This is the kind of an opponent the Liberal candidate lias to meet in the present contest A nice team he and John Smith City make they present the long and short of it every time Another possible now departure Is foreshadowed for our educational in stitutions City parers state that a deputation waited Hon John Minister Agriculture on Tuesday last from the Master Bakers Associations of Ontario and made a proposition which may lead to farreaching results The deputation the of baking schools and at the interview that the Minister gave good encour agement it appears they asked for the establishment baking classes to be organized at first in Toronto as an initial move and to be address ed by the members of the atari of Ontario College The idea is to give working tech nical and intellectual training for their work Marie Mich writes You wilt find enclosed one dollar to renew my sub scription for th year Era is a very welcome visitor and comes every week like a letter from home I would be pleased to be re membered to all old friends Mr Warren su perintendent at Factory has accepted a situation in Toronto and BR SIGN OK THE BIG HAND f3533 fe3 t PHONE NO Mr Herbert Toron to was hero yesterday on a short vis it Frank Miller son Mrs Miller of this Town who went over to the States about years ago and Army serving in the greatly missed being a leading cor net player in Newmarket Citizens Band and main support of the Methodist Sunday School Orchestra- He has many friends who will wish him success In his new venture ban war arrived here yesterday morning on a visit The Cradle KITCHENln Newmarket cm Feb to Mr and Mrs Kitchen a eon Town on Feb to Mr and Mrs a daughter BRANDON In Whitchurch on Feb to Mr and Mrs Brandon a son TOOLS fa Whitchurch on Feb 1903 to Mr and Mrs Toole a daughter As a political prophet Hon Bosh appears to be a success He told tbe people at the Liberal demon stration in Newmarket that his ma jority at that time was email but It would grow It is now seven and following close upon Mr Carneys intention to support the Admin istration comes tbe announcement another possible supporter from Opposition side of the House The Marie Express the following interesting rumor now currently reported that now that the Roe Govern ment is assured of a ood working majority has no to retain a seat in the Legislature and should he be unseated he will not pre- tent himself for reelection r the Sault dtvislon It Is believed that Mr Smyth for the ed and had an interview Mr division calling a con vention of his supporters to decide whether not he aball support Buchanan in his room and on coming down they handed me overcoats that they would for tea I tbern to register and when they hesitated I Very well gentlemen I at but I always like to have good names In a good TIIE LEADING Undertaking House Extension Tables and Couches For Fifteen Days Hose Government in policy of developing New Ontario Should these rumors prove true the Premier will have a majority a round doz en before the approaching sssfon is over mid SmtAlsuag A SPECIALTY calls aHtaded to at John Millard Phono and The flltor In Newmarket on the of Feb by Eld Prosser uncle of the bride at his residence Pearson St Mr- A Carson of the Township to Miss May East In Toronto Feb John Hodge of place formerly Newmarket to Miss Ethel Croft of by Rev A The Tomb Richmond Hill on Feb the wife John Palmer of the Parmer House WILSON In Toronto on Jan Rose wife Charles Wil son formerly of Newmarket and sister and T McQuillan- aged years Interred St Johns Cemetery Newmarket At his home Wash ington Ave Texas on Friday Feb William Forster son the late George and eldest brother Mrs J in his year fltouflville papers please copy HAINES At the residence her son A Esq Whit church on Feb u Sarah Haines relict of Israel Haines in her year per Large Loaf at the store Usual price in case of Delivery thatHkilled and High Flour can produce Never before has our bread trade equalled the present output tho counter and Fresh Buns Jelly Rolls Sponge Cakes Drop Cakes Rolls Fried Cakes Snaps per lb Christies Fancy Biscuits more than dozen varieties Fresh est Flour A car just arrived in firat class condition This flour is now on Halo over the It is highly recommended by all who it YOU tried it r J ft mm MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention FLAKED RICE BARLEY ROYAL BREAKFAST FOOD Oats and Quaker Oats Evaporated Peaches per and 5 and 10c per lb Oranges Lemons Bananas Honey teained Honey and Cooking by the FRESH BULK Central Telephone Office r

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