Newmarket Era, 13 Feb 1903, p. 4

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fc- that he has already prepare the explanation of the defeat he is about to suffer at the fa the Commissioner of Crown Lands In this epistle he professes a regular Saul of Tarsus conversion lo election methods and spectacularly calls on Mr Davis lo join him In an Political are and fast these dayssome of them health and faappinefi to Scrofula- letter to the press T ever time jjeirbert Lennox member of five law It in the neck j forth in his the and candidal shows membrane waste the j already commenced to on the bone reduce the power to and the for develop into A Two bad to for threo L Only a Slight Cold Yet It May Lead To Consumption And an Early Grave enough but J faIood tae rather of the sensational than loucn influenza will settle latter is John Smiths ftVU Explanation John eiplanatun of escapade at the Lifers House was a suflles and sniffle such as might he expected from one otherwise Of this currency given to through the Toronto the return of Hon politics in Canada- Should it prove for to lay upon you itier man than he felt to be dear as the rtroiee and be the hand death mediate of their souls For Temperance people of North York rested heavily upon him and as John said made honor doth forget mens names to use the or I John Smith himself a week or ago We do wish to exult fallen foe Nay nay that riot do- We can- be accused 61 stealing his good which Shakespeare rightly or 24 Bedldtes do Hood effort to have a thoroughly clean and great heaviness of heart while others roalce red blood They his beautiful allegory V A a 111 a a J flood SqrsaparlUa SSly unto LEGAL J Robtftson t Street to Loan o4 T Notary ljMiy at Court or- P J Bank Aurors at Block Money to A I Toronto Jobbing J A for fflr at Current Pom OOoe fl fl Hales n lira honest To be sure Mr Davis desires a thoroughly clean and honest election and has always been able to conduct a campaign that would bear Hie possible scrutiny It remained for the Conservative candidate in North YorV at the last general elec tion to introduce a species of cam paign almost entirely foreign to this constituency At no stage were public matters discussed by the Op position candidate the record and policy of the Government were ignor ed in the discussion because it was known that on its merits the policy of the Ross Government deserved the support of the fairthinking elector ate To oftset this a campaign of petty personalities was introduced and maintained from one end of the con test to the Proposals for joint discussion public questions were purposely evaded and while maintaining as he has commenced again to maintain for preelection purposes that be had no outside as sistance in his own campaign he was at the same time accepting the aid of over a dozen outsiders whose names Mr Davis is in possession of to say nothing of the shady importa tions from Buffalo who under guise of detectives slumbered in the day time and went abroad at night In view of the known reputation of the Conservative candidate it is on ly in with his general de meanor to assume that he has any right to purity to the electorate of North York Probably he has never heard of Satan rebuk ing sin Mr Davis personal reputation his character as a business man and his record as a public administrator will bear a very favorable comparison with that of the suave young member of five law firms and he not long ago declared that only a farmer should represent York who is just now holding aloft the torch of political purity The Whitney candidate should lend his services as a purity letter writer to friend Andrew of the aUflpC was not the name voluntarily thrown exceeding others will go I John doubtful as aside if not in person then in the the lamentation business and endure Williams Pink Pills They t to whether or not he should print capacity of consenting partner for Said he silence gives consent We again will not care a button whether add resisting power to the lungs Some said John print it others Shakespeare to cover casc steals my purse steals trash but he who filches from me ray good name robs me of what I have already forfeited Some said John print it others g Smiths in on the other side of the At- Some said might do good He who proof that Or Williams Pill- tie or comes to Canada But where other medicines fail Mis the Hon gentleman continues to They have saved hundreds from a iproot or comes to Canada But other medicines- fail Miss give the Stars report of the rumor for j Katie Henry PBI all it is worth The rumor is says Some months ago I got abroad of an interesting development A 7 the near future in Canadian in tics This Is no less than the re- turn of Hon Edward Blake into the political arena in Canada This re port stated to have good author ity though no details of Mr Blakes plans are yet known except to his own immediate friends The basis of the report is a statement from Mr Blakes own made before he left Canada to return to England for the assembling of the House of Com mons this month In conversation with an intimate friend be stated to have said that he was going back to put political affaire across the ocean in order and that he then in- tended to return to Canada and re- enter public life This statement was made to the Star this morning by a man who to have the authority of one who he said to know No Countless John Smith thought it might do good But has it WANTED Fall or Aw you Sine ralyoe- If you tea ft pay well 1st kcSi as you Qscr6e4t tit WEita We employ berth task cad tea txt to No touslt outfit a largo ew specialties ay If you want to the rgeat popu lar It will be wort it TORONTO NEWMARKET JIM US Prove Ijoaa The independent press the Prov ince is warning the Conservatives that the lesson of the byeelections is to talk less and prove more The cry at the general election was that bribery and corruption had been re sponsible for the result but what has been by the recent events seats were opened by the courts for corrupt practices Were they all Liberal seats as might be expected If there were any foundation for this charge of wholesale Liberal wrong doing Is it not a fact that three North Norfolk Perth and Bruce- were held by Conservatives on ly one Grey by a Liberal Docs this bear out the sweeping charge of Liberal corruption A Tike again tie carried to the jfiiurlof Hast Middlesex and South Oxford Here we have two Conservative seats one Liberal balance of jvrpng- 4 S3 www pi S3 S5 o l 88S n it rja and Saturday Afternoon doing would appear on tire Conserva tive side of the ledger In North York the two protests were dropped by mutual agreement and the candidates wilt fight ft over At the Mr Lennoxs Andrew the who came to North York to preach political purity on several occasions the recent election is rot yet out of the woods the judges having reserved charge for consideration But case Is worthy of indi vidual and somewhat extended re view Since the general election eight elec tion trials have gone to court and tell It not in Tory Oath six of these cases have been against Con servative and two against Liberals Here they arc Against Tories North Norfolk Perth Oxford Lennox Bruce Marie Against Liberals Grey Mid dlesex Three Conservatives were unseated one case remains subjudice and two are In appeal One Liberal was seated and one a Llber- member Is In appeal And yet will soon be in session and the Government program of osU will probably bo foreshadowed in the Governors speech but the details of the bills to be submitted must be awaited till the same are presented to the House In however to Sir William Railway Labor Bill from interviews which taken place with the Minister himself and from I what has appeared in press des patches from Ottawa we are led to believe it will prove a very desirable measure acceptable to both employers and employees It will provide that were any dif ference exists between any railway employers and railway employees and by reason of a failure to readjust such difference a railway lockout or strike has been or is likely to be caused or the regular and safe trans portation of mails passengers or freight has been or may be inter rupted the Minister of Labor may cause enquiry to be made into the same Further clauses of the bill will then provide for the of a Board of arbitrators to te composed of three persons one by each of the respective patties the dispute the fa be the other or by the par ties to trie reference but failing to make a choice then the Minister of Labor is to make the selection The award shall be final The bill will likewise provide the report of the arbitrators shall be published in the Labor Gazette and the annual re port the Department He to give arbitrators to summon wit nesses to give evidence and paid Arbitrators are to iraveliing of t chair man will receive per ckairroaji to fixed by the which simply means by the generally agree the Miniver of Labor and with at Ottawa a mea sure of aec- and this should not be allowed to tertere the travelling with the transporta tion service of the country ting was followed by a cold At the first A paid but little attention to It but as the cold clung to me and finally developed into a hacking cough became- alarmed and consulted doctor who gave me a bottle of Unfortunately it did not help me and- began to grow pale lost in weight and my- appetite complete ly left me I was now regularly un der the care of the doctor who me that my lungs were affected and that I was threatened with consump tion The doctors treatment- did not seem to benefit me in least steadily grew- weaker and Anally was compelled to remain in bed At this time a urged me to try Dr Williams Pink Pills aid even brought me three boxes before I fin ally consented to take them I reason now to bless my friends persistence because 1 felt better be fore all the pills gone and I gladly continued the treatment and was able to be out of bed and take a walk each day I am now in the best of th and weigh ten pounds more than I did- before took sick- I feel that owe my life to Dr Williams Pink Pills and hope my Leneftt some other sufferer All diseases which come from poor blood weak nerves can be driven from the system by the use of Dr Williams Pills which may be from any dealer in medicine will be sent post per box sir boxes for by writ ing direct to the Dr Williams Co Out Remember that substitutes and medicines said to- be as do not cure There are many plausible explana tions as to why editor McKay was registered as Smith in question no was the large and depu- tatioD which iccording to the newspapers JM been waiting on Buchanan and it has occurred us thai he would have more weight as a Smith than as a McKay The are notoriously numerous the McKays not so To be to Mr Buchanan as one of the the of that and One of few the immortal That were not torn to die would indeed impress Mr There fore it may fce argued that Mr Chad- Wick endeavored in making- McKay Smith to airy nothing ness a local habitation and i again we heard of nun who at times have t their own names Can perish the thought House is a temperance hotel so that is dlsp ei of as groundless No doubt a Tory could trace the explanation to a defect in the ed ucational system of the Province Smith has often in his umble criticised the educational system and we fear that there may be some foundation for these versions P at maturity should think or suppose that spells M-c- Kay is certainly on our education which ought not to be to pass unnoticed aed J- is- WHY 1 Why should North York elect Mr Lennox to represent its interests in Legislative Assembly What great political principles docs he stand toil What proof has he ever given that he possesses the first essentials of a legislator He has gone through a campaign in this constituency and spoken in every part riding without ever an effort to enunciate a single ppiticaJ idea We has dismissed public as unimportant and spent his time in ing opponent in particular and Liberals general every speech made by Mr Len nox name of the Commissioner of Crown Lands found a place in sentence Of what service could rs of pur est kind of partisan prejudice could induce any elector to such a man f On the other hand the electors have in lion Davis a public man whose life has been spent in service of his township his county and bis province In his capacity he has brought to hear the splendid business that has made a success of his own affairs and the province thereby it I REPAIRED SHOOT SATISFACTION I i A in TO CREDITORS it that No electors Lucas North York Nothing but the School ftiopt No BAST V Allan Cowicson IV Barbara Young Guy Leslie Young Carrie McDonald Ralph Wed- del Lloyd Sadie Burrows IL Myrtle McDonald Johnnie Smith Lome Burrows f- l is not the same who dip it quickly into cold is once a School Inspector is it will then cut the alass And the surely this Chad was no And of course that would not le the why any would be anxious to see a third candidate Temperance prefer red injected into the contest in York Can it be possible that the truth Who ever heard of culling glass with a thread Yet be done Dip the thread in sulphur- and wrap it around the the piece glass you wish to cut Then set lire to the thread and while it is burn- water This also Pt It Jr Wm Young Lulu that was ashamed of his Martha Burrows Angus Gordon Mc Donald Nellie Rose Nellie Present every day Barbara Lloyd Russell McDonald Walter Rose Angus is not only a very curious hut a very useful thing to know -o-ooo-e- Notice is hereby given that pur suant to Sec 38 Chap Revised Statutes of Ontario that all persons having claims against tho estate of James A late of East York County yeoman deceased who died on the day of December at Hast aforesaid are required to send by post or undersigned Solicitor for John Mc Millan and John A Boag of said estate on or before the first day of March their Christian and Surnames and Addresses with full particulars in writing of claims and the nature of the ties if any held by them verified by statutory declaration as after said date first of will proceed to distribute the assets of the said de ceased amongst the parties entitled thereto haying regard only the claims of which they shall have had notice and that they will not be liable for said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons wlo have not thus given notice of their claims Solicitor for It fort Wonderful Results from Taking Clarkes little Red Pills No NORTH Cook Alice Jr MortonWesley Cook Russell Bessie Sr Hi Bessie Cole suae J Purdy Jr III Norman Cook Percy An accident whicb have re- at West6n other day The were stairs in their home and an luiiply trunk life lid fell upon them and were unable to raise it mo ther noticing sent an child to what they about loud breathing revealed their whereabouts They were taken out almost suffocat ed I the Tory Journals continue to sing House for Sale ltd of Huron Street Ave J K CANE Newmarket the old old story of bribery and corruption No wonder a weary jtoratc returned Liberals In all three recent byeelections They were driven to do It by the blatant of the Tory organ and the Tory Mumper More proof and less talk would he acceptable even to the Tory listener The has decided to abolish the close season for Ash in the Detroit River- to place Canadian fishermen on an footing with those In the States jpWi arid Robert A dry goods stores at were damaged by Mr is with W5- Pair He or insured I Salt WclJ or Pood 1 tfc Elements J To Assimilate J ivlji 1 sec that your stomach liver are in it easily and pleasant ly take j ONE PACKAGE MAKES A DISH FOR TWENTYFIVE PEOPLE The large majority break fast furnish only nine to twelve ounces of food while Malt Breakfast Food concentrated elements- furnishes a solid and full package of twentyfour ounces of a healthgiving and delicious preparation or enough to make a dish for twentyfive peo ple The solid package of Malt Breakfast Food makes it the most economic cereal that families can use to your grocer buy a pack- ago and try it As far as economy and are concerned Malt Breakfast Food has no equal name Either or he way ashamed of bis Undertaking as woU he might be The errand was one of iimnviahle political intrigue and conscience doth make cowards of us all A good lame is better than precious ointment so the scriptures tell I therefore it is natural that a man should desire to keep his pro per name for and use a cloak which can be thrown away un less as in the present instance it for questionable works How the respectable Smiths must feel hon ored No doubt an editor- any other name would smell as sweet to them It are wrong in the assumption Smith was bis proper we will be to take the more view that he It was time for a change Mary of Scots a erred that on her those inieresled would hud Calais en graved on her heart And it has been a subject of remark by those who Have been lo listen to on the stump and In his paper that the phrase Time change will also be found on the whitewashed Interior of Editor Mc Kays Ihinktank Ills best friend has yet to Smith of the conduct of bis organ and there is still less originality in his celebrated adc have to their names but riot for the of obtaining a surreptitious interview with a pro fessional temper organizer as said To step aside is human Would that we could impute the ed itors slip to lapsus cither on his pit or on the part of his friend Perhaps In his selfappointed capacity as representative of the tem perance interests of York ho was overcome the immense responsi bility he had assumed To le lie had been a severe critic of Mr Davis course as a temperance man hut not of Mr Lennoxs It is also true that while he accused Mr Davis of neglecting to lend his influence to the cause he was himself neglecting to lend the weight his to the same cause Hut no matter Sincerity is a jewel and a mere news paper editor is not supposed to wear jewels Therefore may fcsumc that the responsibility of his unuc- task representing the of the Era Sir I have been a sufferer for years from rheumatism Tried and no relief boxes- of Or Clarkes Wonderful Lit tle pills made me as veil as ever I write this solely that others may get James St Marie II Yates Out writes Tried different remedies for stomach trouble without relief Three boxes of Dr Clarkes Wonderful Little have Clarkes Little Pills are a positive And- certain cure tisni coughs tame back and troubles even ttie- diseases have standing for many years the stubborn cases will yield For sale by all local sent mail by Canada cets a or 3 boxes for Dr Clarkes Sure Cure for Catarrh and Dr darkens Sure Cure for Ec zema same price 100 will be paid for any case that it will not per manently cure TO THE RESORTS OB CALIFORNIA l FLORIDA M are rouba t principal appointed ana c Meab la carte in Cars are air- asced information on areata A Afjcat ill It if E to 111 business positions with our students or graduates at SIXTY DOLLARS per month came to us during the last week in January ens of other places were varylng from to per week during the month at salaries varying from to per Heck That Is why we have plenty room at all times for new mem bers Write for catalogue Enter any time No vacations Principal 6la I rtWca of by ttv ii quickly ciirtcnU procured aitrp Jim- rta without fa the of MARION MARION Potent NOW To Beyers Poultry Spice if you want Eggs In the early winter For Sale at STORE Opposite Forsyth ham Ac- a Scientific i without a lathi n jk A of any four New York 5 WuhlDaton jtAtt lour

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