Newmarket Era, 13 Feb 1903, p. 5

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A CAPITAL Total BRANCH General Biffing TRANSACTED Interest Wpbiits AT ATZ DRAFTS AT ILL li Collection tt069i Duncan AWTIONEER Bolton J SMITH SOUTH DOUGLAS CO and per cent Ordinal wd 9 Chamfers Sunday is Missionary Day morning and evening by Rev Geo Brown of Bradford Chair man of the District Postponed Clotting The annual meeting of the North York Society which was post poned owing to the small attendance is to take place on Saturday Feb See Ad Is There a Weak Spot That Likely to Pouts S S A social evening will be held under the management of the teachers and officers of St Pauls Sunday School in the school house on Tuesday Feb commencing at oclock when games music and refreshments will be provided Small admission fee Go and spend a pleasant evening i magistrates Court On the of January last a dis turbance took place in John Rosa monds Hotel Mount Albert or which complaint was made to the License Inspector Information was laid be fore Jackson J P and on Mon day last Mr Rosamond visited New market and admitted the charge Af ter consultation Messrs Jackson and J J Pearson imposed fine of which at once ail of CARRIAGE- LfGfiNStSl ftt If J OF IfAltBlAflB LICENSES DEMOBS Monuments ted Stones- Is Aka i Splendid market last Saturday and prices very satisfactory for the farm ers The usual run was as follows Butter to lb Fresh Eggs to do Turkeys to lb Chickens to pair Potatoes SI bag Pork to cwt Beef to cwt Green Hardwood per cord ft lengths Womans Sphere A Ihe editor of Womans Sphere in the Canadian Magazine white not an ardent advocate of the life for women gives this pointer to his lady readers and to which attention of fair sex of is directed The Editor He would not write down hockey for instance as a very attractive or desirable feminine pastime but curl ing as a dignified and at the same time stimulating recreation for wo men young and old should receive the hearty support and encourage ment of both sexes Now ladies get out your brooms and hie away to the rink Next Monday is to be a Literary and Musical Evening and the officers are arranging a program of excep tional interest The subject for the evening is Canada Mr A Coombs principal of Newmarket High School is to give an address on Our Connection With the Mother Country Mr Howard Cane a pa per on The Resources of Canada Miss Mamie Millard a paper on of appropriate by Miss and Mr Russell Tbe above will be with patriotic ringing and an invitation is extended to all old and young to enjoy this pro gram with tne in Lecture Room of the Methodist Church Quickly Reaches The Affected Parts Fortifies Them arid Imparts New Life to the Blood Are you conscious or a weak spot in connection with any of tie great organs of the body Do your kid neys bother you It may be that you experience pain in urination or pain in the small of the back You perhaps find the skin dry and harsh the urine high colored or a deposit in it Any of these symptoms kidney trouble Is your doing its great work properly If you have vomiting nausea furred tongue constipation or disordered vision there is a weak- spot in the liver This demands in stant attention Is the network of muscular fibres of the stomach a healthy condition or arc the nerves weak irritated and inflamed Is digestion poor Have Jour indigestion heart burn watcrbrash or flatulence Any of these troubles are forerunners of suffering and illhealth Does your blood as it courses to all parts of the body carry nourish ment and life or is it filled with im purities and poisons Unless you have a full and vigorous supply of pure blood your life is in daily dan ger medical men and the tens of thousands made well and strong by Paine s Celery Compound will toil you that this marvellous medicine is your sure deliverer from ail the trou bles we have mentioned Celery Compound quickly and prompt reaches the weak and suffering parts fortifies them gives new life to the blood nourishes the nerves builds muscle and tissue and urines you rejoice in a condition of health that will be permanent and lasting HOT We notice Joy the Brant ford Expos itor President Thomas Elliott and other members of the executive of the Ontario Coal Doners Associa tion were committed for at on a charge of conspiracy to lessen competition in the purchase and sale of coal- This looks like a case of the bitters Sunday Lesson Cor Feb jv rW Ottawa despatch dated Feb says Hon Sydney Fisher Domin ion Minister of Agriculture left this morning per for San Francis co on a trip to Japan which oc cupy about three months Canada is making a display of natural and manufactured products at a grand exhibition about to be in Japan Ah American exchange us KaphokbhoakJiiwhokcweohah who resigned his position as postmaster of Hawaii has recalled the same the Government through the United States PostmasterGeneral having assured him that a man with such an awful name and a family to sup port have a small advance in his salary In his statement before the War Commission Sir Charles Mansfield Clarke quartermaster of the British Army testified that horses and mules end don keys were lost in the South African War exclusive of which were lost on the voyage to South The bulk of the war loss was owing to the use of the animals before they became acclimated The Mall asks this question Are any of the offices distributed by the Ross Government given gratis or is there a rakeoff in each case The Mail appears to entertain the idea that the Ross Government is doing business along the same lines as the Conservatives administered the Federal affairs Some people have to be for stupidity oth ers take it in the natural way Our totem need not mind being innocu- f J CHRISTIAN Golden Let us therefore follow after the things which make Tor peace INTRODUCTION the epistle from our lesson is taken is dated at four years after the foundation of the church at Corinth Paul has just given directions concerning and now turns to the discus sion of the scruples of conscience PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS It is an awful sin to let ones knowledge cause a person of inferior opportunities or abilities to perish and it is the Christians duty to abstain from the slightest not only to essential evil but to all that appears evil even to weak minded people To convince an opponent we should seek first for some common ground of agreement Individual liberty must be sacrificed for the general good Total abstinence from intoxicating liquors is a great example of love for our fellow men Sow a We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward lor any of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure J Cheney Co Props Toledo We tne undersigned have Jcnown J Cheney for the last years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business tiansctions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm West4j Truax Wholesale Druggists Toledo Warding Kfnban Marvin Wholesale 3 9VV7VCV2S i5Q w few fitttioCWtaer i fi3 c We A laifci liaxeaiiife Mm c ir KK0WLK8 ta WO hi fttatdo Ike A the time for ike of the of tie Huron for to er or me or of Act uUwU3 If the Act r4 to of oeLo to ti4 Act director of or or Arl At to Joa of line tome on the aoelburoe fcid to the Toronto and to 4 by by the to trrzfe with any Railway 1Mb day cf A of of Walkertoo The Burgtya This is way the case of Willi mi who stole Mrs goods from the premises of Mr field is reported in the Toronto Star Perhaps in View of the family Judge Morgan did the proper thing to let he culprit off hut if he could have ordered a dozen lashes would have served him right The William Blue was charged with stealing furs and from Catharine I Height He guilty hut told the judge I hat be was drunk when the occurred He had a wife and family of four lit tle ones in North Hay of whom he was the sole support promis ed to leave town and his He would be hottest and sober all the of his life His Honor gave hint a chance York Orangemen North York County Orange Lodge held Its annual meeting in Aurora on Tuesday of last week it was pre sided over by County Master Taylor and there Was a fair atten dance of member from Mount Albert Newmarket and Au rora Alter routine was transacted the election of officers took place resulting as follows County Master Taylor Aurora re elected County Maslvr A I tort Chaplain Ktely Newmarket Sec Proctor Aurora Fin Sec William Albert County rnonies A Flintoff Newmarket Albert Dtp lecturers John Mt Albert and Robert White Union Tyler Win Taylor Aurora Newmarket was as place for next meeting and Aurora chosen for of July celebration providing Its Council and citizens contribute suffi cient funds to meet the necessary Hast Meeting of Coun cil held this day of Feb all members present Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed Communications received from Trent Valley Waterway Association Severn River Power Co Clerk of Scott Tenders for Printing from G Jackson J McKay and It II Tinsdale On motion Printing contract ewas awarded to It Tinsdale for 75 including all printing and advertising for the year and Stationery Km Grant was heard before the Council re sheep claim and bounty for killing Do On motion the Auditors report re accounts of was accepted ana adopted and accounts finally au dited Mr Turner was heard before the Council re building a culvert over the Nelson Ditch on St By motion a culvert was authorized to be constructed by Mr Turner the cost of material not to exceed three dollars and reasonable allowance for labor Messrs and Wood ek were appointed a Committee to meet a Committee of Scott Council to arrange for continued maintenance of Town Line lying between Townships Further extended powers were gr Med the Commissioners- re the purchase of gravel Payments Were ordered as follows Km Grant killing dog Km Grant Sheep claim Ahb Will son Hall for I Council adjourned to meet at am on March A special cable to the Globe says While the Venezuelan still has precedence as the leading foreign question there is a general feeling iu Fleet Street that it will speedily be overshadowed by the Macedonian question A formidable insurrection against Turkey is expected in the early spring by nearly all the writers following the course of events in the Balkans Predictions of a similar nature been made year after year but never with equal confidence since the preliminary stages of the last war between Russia and the Porte Druggists Toledo O Hulls Catarrh Cure is taken Inter- acting directly upon the blood and rnVicous the system Price per Sold by all Druggists Testimonials free Halls Family Pills are the best the last campaign the Whit ney candidate so it is said farmed out all the offices in the gift of the Government now held by Grits in North York For that ot Registrar wo have beard of only two being nam but when it comes to Division Court Clerks License Inspector etc is said that promises are counted by the score In the present cam paign this kind of electioneering wont cut any Ice Even the lit tle huckster who figured somewhat conspicuously last election about the hiding at local markets has lost courage Deceived Imitations IMPROVED BETTER COLOR IS TUB ONLY AND GAL COLOR There are several imitations of Wells Richardson Gos Improved Butter Color now on the market Tire who use Improved Color never pay for Mud or impurities The last drop is as clean and clear as the first All im itation butter colors contain impur ities and foreign matters that are to spoil wellmade butter Ask for Wells Richardson Gos Improv ed Butter Color and take no other- Neighbors who go to lav- about trivial things help support the law yers even they get no real satis faction out of the business All neighborhood troubles should be ar bitrated by disinterested parlies Try in the Era pays Children Cry for CASTOR A According to the report prepared by Mr A on cereal breakfast foods now on sale through out tie country the samples were collected and of suspicion regarding their or genuineness for they were believed to be as their proves them to be nutritious and palatable foods but the analyst sums up by saying the whole I am of the opinion that as a wellbal anced material for porridge these an alytical results justify me in claim ing a very high If not Hie highest place for oatmeal and especially in the form of rolled oats Is the title of a new book written by J M a member of the Toronto Conference of the Methodist Church This hook contains pages and sells for SI AH correspondence re lating to the of this book must be addressed Simpson Toronto The Rev Darius P for East Northumberland was re quested to review this and In a letter to the author he says have read your book Gods thronvh twice must say that have been greatly Interested therein The perusal of your will repay every lover of biblical and historical events The Canadian Trade Ret lew re marks The rush of the season in the wheat movement Id sea board may be said to be over the Canadian still continues to haul the crop of last soason to the Atlantic by allrail route Up to the of this month there has been moved by the Canadian Pa cific bushels against last year ears loaded last year Up to the same date there were bushels stored in elevators west of Fort The Canadian North ern Is said to have carried nine mil lion bushels to its Port Arthur ele vators and Is there remains between and bushels to move Floods in Scotland m The melting of the snow has caus ed extensive floods and serious dam age in Scotland river Tayjias overflowed in Perthshire and many carcasses of deer cattle and sheep and quantities of household furniture arc floating down the streets of Perth At Inverness the River Ness has overflowed and the railroad bridges have been damaged The River Dec has flooded part of Bal moral and elsewhere has caused destruction ooa An instant relief and perfect cure for Colds Coughs Catarrh Deafness Asthpia Lung Trouble and Consumption Inhale live minutes any time ana it kills a Cough or a Cold in the head Inhale five minutes four times daily and it permanently cures Catarrh Deafness Asthma and Hay Fever A Inhale en every hour and ft cures pneumonia Consumption Lung Trouble pre vents all contagious diseases Com plete outfit triul size or Poison Co Kingston l The average man tries to follow the straight and narrow path when it comes to snow shovelling s William was sent to penitentiary for three years for steal ing from J Held So Co his em ployers at An tells how wedding bells became a fire alarm Nothing funny about that A few sparks na turally precede every wedding oo For Over twenty fears Have Been the Popular Home Dyes A CHILD CAN WITH SUCCKSS Today Diamond Dyes arc the stan dard and popular dyes in every civil ized land of the world new discovery in dyeing has been utilized to make absolutely perfect They arc now the simplest strongest most brilliant and most reliable of all home dyes Diamond Dyes never disappoint they give perfect results they save time and money A new Dye Rook 10 samples of dy ed cloth and full range of new de signs of the Diamond Dye Mat and Hug Patterns will be free if you send your address to The Wills Richardson Co Limited tain St Montreal an SHiLF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A fl0 TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS HIRE I ii A I IT I door to Post vrl Wis have now a complete line el Pure Drjrggteo comprising Stloeif Tolled and Sponges Atomizer HA Water At of Medicines at lowest reduced prices pay special attention to our iVif A Call The ROGERS a r J PATTERSON Phm I FOR THE NORTH WESTERN COMPANY OF iu ii PATTERNS AND SECOND SHIPMENT OK W STIUL AT i 101116 Buy fern it is Bay Drown pound pliiin pound with per pound do do Peanuts Peanut Chocolate Dates do ft 20 New Dates Nuu Ac OROOERIE Now Currants Peels and Canned Goods at TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE

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