Hi ive me the liberty to utter and to freely to above all other liberty g INTELLIGENCER ML- No Single copies 3 cents each fiesta QE BEE E No nar outside of York unless paid in advance annuo if paid in advance ore happened and have a John For sometime and gave him what support they could But up in West where a temperance candidate was nominated e Tie expected has North York is to Smith candidate i was nominate the Conservative party here hopeless ft Conservative themselves of winning in fair was absolutely opposed to Pro- have been trying to lay some plans they refused to give and schemes by which they could jo asked Where the Herald Really Is York On last the Telegram stated Mr Win of the Crown Manufacturing is tors of fet Hon- J Davis and they have at last hit upon one which they hope Kill be eBectlye John Smith was the willing tool in the hands some clever and more designing person who planned this Mr who was rora last week with a view to pro moting the candidature of William admitted that he was sent up by Chad- wick is the man who registered him self and John Smith House on the of January He is the man whom John met casual ly according to his own story and client an hour closeted with W no doubt discussing ways and means to elector in North y Everybody admits from start that shadow a ghost of election does not Ho is simply running with the hope of ngi temp and what a glorious victory will be lor the cause of temperance Fancy how the temperance forces all over the Province will rejoice at the election of candidate I an to the North York announcing any support the his intention to run as an indep en- fact that he had some chance of dent prohibition candidate etc and were backed by if he were backed by the Con servative temperance men But to have done this helped the cause of the Conservative party and parly these men would never have it that tbey would sacrifice their Party to the cause of above rcverned gentleman we gravely doubted this announcement The next goes on to say is expected that Dr will make several address- in the during the con test From our personal knowledge of the The Temperance people North York do not wan a Third candidate in this fight of the opinion that can gained and a good deal can be lost to the cause of temperance by having such a candidate in the field An if Mr comes here to run he comes on his own invitation unless John Smith can be taken in to candidature being pro- muted by part ice outside the rid ing entirely against the wishes of the temperance people here Why were the prohibitionists of York not about his candi date Why did not this little Tory clique in Toronto take the people of North York who have -beeta- lighting tb battle of temperance for over a fort whether lay or cleric are men of Tory affinity Anything to beat Ross appears the under lying motive They are professedly prohibitionists but while favoring prohibition they love and and the success of tho party more We are led to this conclusion because of the fact that the organ of the Al liance lat Friday referring to the distinctly- states that the matter of placing candidates in the field is entirely for local work- to deal those who arc in the const if arc quali- and entitled to say what course ought to be taitehf The local Mr will seek to support Premier Ross by depriving if possible Hon I J Davis of sullkietit sup port to secure the election of Mr Lennox And the editor of the will continue in task of sicking outside Temperance speakers and onto the North York Liberal public With the same hope at heart that Lennox at least will benefit by the result TOe Liberals of North York will be pardoned if they continue to think that the connection of John Smith or McKay with the per sonal friend and financial sponsor of Mr is a suspicious cir cumstance side light the strings that have been manipulated to bring about the present condition J To North in Interests and paper giving an unequivocal denial Rev Dr speaking toy The Telegram denies the state- meet that he was North York to in behalf of the prohibitionist candidate He says the nibble thing was a com- surprise to him as he was not consulted He adds that is opposed to putting a third can- in lie field in North York temperance drganizatiOBs of North day after its publication the follow j that in paragraph appeared in the same Hon Mr Davis they have a man in Gonial the ufeosfc confidence may be placed and therefore have taken no action towards nominating a third The efforts aiitside parties to override setUed policy of the simplyigra and has its origin in rather the vain hope of of the Liberal nominee v the temperance organizations and prohibitionist of York waul to run a candidate they have The Toronto Telegram announces that Yankee Organizer John A is to figiire in the North York prohibition The Telegram calls him the Dominion lec turer and Mr NicholJs does not occupy any such position He was for a short time in the cm- employ of the Alliance but It was very short During the entire refer endum campaign Mr on his own hook taking the collections effort of Mr Mi you watch will find that neitlwr ojT Herbert will have a word to against tlie gen tleman coming here front to foist a candidate prohibit of York I Their silence on Will show the true the sib- It has alwaysl been the method of Mr Whitney Whit- neyites id general to ahy- that not please the Liberal party and to condone every thing that happened in their own party or interests in this case Air Lennox is There is no mistaking this denial as the Rev Dr declares he is op- plenty local mpn well putting a third candidate in fi for the position men who have Id in North York of affairs The result will be such a demon- for himself and this stration of weakness that these Tojj the Telegram to represent opposed to any person coming in friends gentleman to be the of from even another county to hell the that they not only have been ill-ad- Liberal candidate hut whin vised will discredited them- the Alijanco in kping selves with the government from with the false and hypocritical his which they arc present expecting employed to get Win why then he has no of an advanced measure of temperance pron candidate in legislation And editor of the j matter wflcrc they come from after shedding gallons of crocodile A Nichols is a Yankee tern- earned consideration and distinction of a century into their strikes the at their hands Instead of a mere Why they a peculiar is intriguers- there- temperance- convention and gel opinions upon this matter Sim ply because they knew that the tem perance electors of North York would not be a party to any Tory scheme such as this is and bo they prefer heir lllcCie stories about a third j fore warn the Liberals North York candidate always makes their an- to of this at- in or cs- to snatch a victory- Iike papers of the men- the apples of Sodom the tioned as being identified with the is a delusicn and O 9 take opinions arid statements of a of teni- a deputation that one North perhaps the most bitter bigoted questing Mm to become a candidate constituency in the constituency but when asked than consult the electorate by the Star reporter to give the names of the deputation he refused Who formed this deputation No temperance man North- York has yet admitted that be was a- member of it AH the prominent active men of the riding have of Jan been asked if they knew anything about it and they all profess ignor- the and the it alt announce that the Are these men who waited upon Davis has an ashamed to their in regard to his resignation known Or is be ashamed which willbe hive the know who l0f to his constituents tears over the terrible lecturer who dubs himself Mr Davis as a temperance man IrofesiiotV He sat in the gallery frankly admits that ail the time he has been posing as a friend lejii- pcrance lie has merely endeavor- Whitney made his speech the to assist his friend Lennox referendum and appJHuded and chuck- He ays delight at Mr story that the Whitneys utterances And then he was trying to bring wo ior the temperance candidate when ev eryone knows that he is a strong w supporter of Mr Lennox is so man- Now his is coming into North ifestly absurd scarcely to call for to share of the thousand condemnation for outsiders whether they he Yankees or candidates no so Ion in Herbert a denial I The following extract is taken from stord sponsor for his candidature in it John Smith the deputa tion very little doubt but that tie litter statement is true that was the only temper- deputation left North York in search of a ietnperane candidate And When he is making his explana tion it would be to make a clean breast of it and square with the Temperance people have so loyally supported him in the past lie of the has shown a It was announced Friday that John Smith methods and know tuite Ham of Toronto was to be well what connection exists between foisted into the conteat- in- North v Buchanan of the Templar iL sworn foe to Liberalism and the A very friend of expenses of the prohibition this Herald chap appears to i great John a third candidate In the concerning Hon dial of anxiety J Davis and the York by a small clique of Tory temperance in the city The Liberals will see through this thinly disguised ef fort to defeat Davis and will not be hoodwinked thereby They know thaf tie regular temper- workers of Worth York arc Ap posed to any such and they know also that the temperapce people of riding are competent to manage their own The Toronto Slur asked Mr for the two years and now if it was so that ho had been Invited genuine Yankee of the Kentucky a of temperance men Colonel Professor comes in to boss the campaign we expect Mr Lennox grow vehement in his de nunciations such interference John Smith ought to take a turn at him too and denounce him as tlic the object ho has in view The Prohibitionists of North York will have something to say- about Yankee organizer candidate The deliberate attempt in the Even ing Telegram to make the people bey that this man is in the employ the Dominion Alliance is keep- with their actions a through eolations the of the Alliance he- cause it is a responsible prohibition and they to be stating or- to accomplish this tice- that Yankee calls the North York Alliance- a fake gathering Perhaps when this fake- professor comes to North York to instruct the temperance peo ple and to call them names he will get a kind of reception that will be dollars that has up for the How T Herbert Lennox will rage when he finds that Mr is coming into North York have been the bane of Mr Lennox from North York to enter the field Yes was his answer I was waited on over a week ago by such a deputation Who were on the deputation Oh now answered Mr rankest kind of an outsider but if still a rood deal more real than his pro fessions The more information wo Rain about this matter the clearly becomes manifest that the whole affair Is a John Smith busi ness And if ever those letters that Air claims to have are read they will expose the plot more clearly hId for the purpose of taking Liber- temperance cause and has metaphor- votes away from Mr Davis speaking lifted up his hands in any sane temperate man his teres of temperance to run a third affairs if it were considered necessary in the there the riding who believes that I lie cause of temperance be promoted apparent apathy it now candidate more by the election of Mr J McKay to make a clean The Liberals of North York editor of Mr Lennoxs pocket organ in Newmarket The thinking temperance workers not only In North York but all over the Province realize that it would be most unwise to gratuitously an tagonize the government at the when the workers ail over the country are looking towards the Parliament Buildings for an advanced temperance measure No man could expect even friendly consideration who would go up to a person from whom he expected to re ceive a benefit and hit him in the eye It is altogether likely that the re sponsible temperance people of the Province will realize the mistake by the election of Mr Davis do not believe there is a single who believes any thing The Is in power the temperance people sire A iMseni A nun the John with the- tern- people with has part of pi icily as to Ontario Legislative are finite well aware of the efforts that liave gojng for some time the Conservatives of the riding Jo Import a third candidate into the field they are fully conversant with the you mustnt ask me to make that public Was it a large deputation Suliiciently Kepreseutative Oh Their representations were what induced you to a Candidate Yei they were one thing Sever al things me ihe action of the me You know I want to support Mr I want to give him all supporters I can in House to aid him in carrying out Temperance re form That Is why I am trying to get into the House Now suppose North York wanted some municipal matter attended to Mob ha Mob lor North York stands in the peculiar position of the first man in peaee of any tries to per sun Lull gel this if Mr to who ever sought the people to York l hid it will no b be permitted The that Lib erals have endured a good deal in make laws by melting them to vio- North York from this agistor who lence against the laws already con- j on tin platform and through We are very credibly hi- organ has Indulged formed that at his in temperance people of North York were dissatisfied with Hon 1 meeting last week in Mr their misguided brethren are making and advised his friends to use and take action before it Is too what a man would Mr Snob law against Liberals Naming superiors AjJp-Wii- be who knows nothing about some of Mr Davis workers in North province going to throw away their such questions Knows only one present advantage with the Oovcrn- 1 supporting and then simply to aid in the election of asks the elector to turn dawji a ehomneg the should kick the who makes Cabinet Minister for them out of the and pretense of oil a hack seat lie would stand between Hum and wholesale abuse of the members the Liberal party In general No names have been too harsh to call men by who Lire in every respect Of their And now that he has reached the limit he wants to get up a fight Pretty tactics forsooth 0 no When M comes to thai they give to to that the Minister in a to of this kind can only serve to the Gov ernment against the peo ple This is well known by the and by gutting a third candi- loathe Weak at That Now that Editor McKay taken York he wilt no the guest I who are Mr in date tie field Reform vote fc this contest but the polities this be and I ilt thereabout that name also ititU the bitterest kind a hecomeefeeted prejudiced- in name for iXcept as It cati be as a donkey defeat the Ross and In a despatch Worn Ottawa make Whitney premier of ttijs Mr Hal 1 1 the try in order that he may have trie manager of the Western Union of prevent the been a prohibitory law in the Province The w tbla as tbvt HUggetitH temperance asked a conundrum loving young lady of her escort as at a Lennox poster OJ vel t I he swain who ho doubt was thinking of wiqiers Why Tea you goose was the When Mr left to poetry ft is charitable lb suppose of Smith City is merely norn do plume- LQiiHiiecelal agent Jcgue This some yearn ago alleged tnat trie they position hid ofdefeating- Liber- that they did their to appointing one or more have a candidate in the Old ao that Mended trade he a fraction on the dollar If he or eUctlon in North York the willrnaVfi him look like thirty cent I bin Mr says he wants lp get Into the House slip JiWl He wants to Mr by electing Herbert Lennox Mr friendship for the Liberal Premier iff a danger This is about tiie limit ft will be noticed that the Whitney candidate wants the other fellows to do the kicking the is at work he wont Ik about and as for helping anybody out trouble Mr Lennox to Against Him John Smith of aid now likens himself with friend John Smith John scarcely to register The Is making to he qutv teaching kind and so difficulty in carrying them out that he makes them wllh a recklessness now that deciding to contctttcr riding in the Liberal in terests that the rf ding owes him something He will findya good Q masimanv of the older of the conv Ww heels pack Newmarket think toe are velplng John fa the arM obligation they little who name he was doesnt count for- The time has by we think when votes in York can be won by actions of this kind The Liberals desire to conduct a campaign They do not desire the J ho has the are q prepared to wipe but old of riots or saw you at Lucas Hoi as really a cur cores Jfoj Smith Mr Herbert Lennox has been re- nominated in North York against Hon J- Davis and says he will do a- finish are a hundred to one that it will be Mr Lennoxs finish In which be As a cal windiammer he is equalled by that other son- of York J St Two in Legislature bo fearful London 0006 Rev Winnipeg Come back and help us defeat Davis and elect Herb as arranged when I House John