Newmarket Era, 17 Feb 1903, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA House and Lot For Sale on Eagle St Apply the premises People in Aurora and Newmarket to mail circulars at home Good pay Seed stamp for particu lars Elmer Johnson Aurora Can Sever Up I J lighter and Better Each All Printing Done at Home For Sale of Bibles Would Hot Do point be tried to score and it forcibly of but ton l man poor man And as Mr Davis said one such speech on tie floor would blast the career of any aspir ing politician But then that need not trouble Mr Lennox at least not for a long time to come- Pearson was Hot Consulted THEM OUR NEW SPRING WALL a At Oar SOOTS SHOES acres St miles South of Aurora Brick House Barns and acres cleared Price Easy terms Oak Ridges NOTICE Lost a note made by Michael in favor of Andrew for Same is due end lu paid Parties are warned not to negotiate same M GUTHRIE Vandorf Is hereby given to the public that accounts with VanNorman j Co of Keswick most be paid on or Core March either by joint note or cash VAN NORMAN CO Keswick North York Agricultural Postponed Meeting Public hereby given that the Annua Meeting of the above will be held in the Council Newmarket on Saturday February at hour of one oclock pm for the reception and adoption of Annual Reoprts Election of Officers and otter Business A general attend- requested J WM KEITH President Secretary TO THE WINTER RESORTS OF CALIFORNIA MEXICO I FLORIDA and the CAROL AS Including New Orleans anf the fam ous Hot Sprites of Arkansas One way and round trip Tourist are oa safe daily- choice of route and atopover at principal points EXCELLENT Prompt last time lux uriously appointed Parlor aad Sleep ing Cars Meal a la carte served la to and Cafe Cars are the best hotels folders all inform attoo oa la asjeaes A Agent Newmarket AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS Increase the usefulness of camera by getting a set of our Improved Alum inum Multiplying Slides Makes different pictures an plate Can be used in any focussing camera Sample photo and price list mailed upon request I Toronto FOB ALB A Champion Feed Mill Inch grinder wife delator about a month only Coat new Address J Vlvtaa Adelaide St Toronto For Sale Two raves and Brown rears Unas Woken to saddle Afco one bay Wry old l WALTER WESLEY Pin Orchard To Meyers Ponltrj Spice you want Kg early wink For Sals at Forvyth AT THE ERA As an exponent of squirtgun noli tics Mr Lennox was seen at his best at the joint meeting in Aurora on Tursdav evening thing can be said in his favor and that is that he has a fair appreciation of the estimate placed upon his utterances by the general public as he found it necessary to bring along a Bible to take a mock oath as to the truth of what he was saying As he was charging both Mr Davis afld Judge Morgan with falsehood it is readily apparent that even mock oath wilt not help Mr Lennoxs case much This debasing of the sanctity of the oath is iiough in itself but to his melodramatic performance Mr added the sin of falsehood for he said Now if what I have is not true I can be committed for perjury He knows perfectly well that no man can swear himself and that the oath has to be taken in proper form before the proper offi cials appointed or that purpose- Mr is first man to es say to enter public- life in Canada who round it necessary to bring along a Bible to public meetings to get his friends to believe him Then his invitation to Mr Davis to go before Judge Morgan was a piece of arrant non sense They had been before the Judge once and he had adjusted their difference to their apparent satisfac tion and given his verdict No Judge can please both parties to a suit and one is sure to feel dissatis fied If he is a good loser he ac cepts the situation with good grace If he is a bad loser arid a squealer as Mr Lennox appears to be he calls the other party and the judge both liars and wants the Judge to re verse his deliverance We under stand he- has already written the Judge asking him to vary the given under his own band and now he asks Mr Davis to with him and have the judge say that he the judge is a liar We can imagine what Judge must be saying and thinking and were it not that his position pre cluded interference in politics he no doubt would tell Mr Lennox good and plainly who his estimation liar is Out of respect for the bench Mr Lennox ought to cease his effort to embroil Judge Morgan in the contest And as to getting the people of North York to believe Mr Lennox in preference to the Judge and Mr Davis well it will take at least a stack of Bibles and a score of declarations from disinterested so licitors to do that Mr Lennoxs jibe at the farriers the riding was- gratuitous and uncalled for and will be resented at the ballot box contention thai Mr Davis had resigned on the Mi of January effectively dealt with by Mr Davis No effect Was given to the agreement until the other parties carried out their arrangement on the Jan before the Judges and thro Mr Davis had until Feb to resign a man owes an account and gives a promissory note at two months it cannot in fairness be eaid that the money bar been paid over And yet- is the position by the Whitney candidate with regard to the candidate complained that in his statement of expense In curred during tbe general election no by Mr Davis to alleged to have been used by Liberal organiser- Hut than North York In general and come of Mr noxs friends In particular are anx ious to know what became of which have the Whitney candidates friends from time to time and which were to have come like the bread upon waters I On line Mr attempted to make capital by insinuating that Mr Davis had made to his poverty It was a shame Indeed he said and his followers echoed Indeed But he forgot arid began to blow and brag thai really he made as much money anybody In Aurora To bay th- READ THE LETTERS tie meeting in Aurora Mr Rev Mr fisloa in connec tion with Ms proposes visit to Judge Morgan- to ask to say that what he has already set his name to is false Of course Mr Pearson would not be a party to such an in- J suiting and very much that his wane was used without consent 0Q jj Mr Secretary of the Prohi bition claims to have a letters from promin ent temperance men in North York asking the League to furnish tie con stituency with a prohibition candi date We would like to have them produce these letters Let us have the of parties We will guarantee tat no person who has ever done anything of lor the cause of temper ance North York ever wrote any such letters and if he has cor respondence in his possession when gives the names of tin parries who wrote League the public will find that it is the correspondence Tor ies in North York who desire a tem perance candidate for Tory purposes By all means let us have tbe names these letter writers Mr refuses to give the names of the par ties who waited on him in the John Smith deputation asking for a pro hibition If these letters are ever given to public doubt very much that they will be they will be found to be John Smith correspondence as well No prominent temperance men in North York want Mr as a candidate here If they did want a prohibition candidate Mr would be the last man that anybody would ever dream of asking to accept the position as the prohibitionists of York have no desire to honor a man who would consent to be the in the service of the Tory in this campaign short time ago Mr Munns stat ed that he would a candidate in North York but since the thous and dollars has been put up Mr has changed his mind how much he will spend Our Society PEHSOKAJL points PLEASANTLY GOO 0 I The of least it spoiled the of The ExpressHerald of last week re marks It is always an amusing spectacle to a poodle snarling at a big St Bernard Not less ridiculous is the snarling at tbe of the harmless little pets that nomin ally edit the Banner and the Era The intelligent electors of North York cannot have their attention diverted from the public career or thief Hon J Davis by the absurd twaddle of insignificant nincompoops It is beneath the dignity of a respecUng journal like the Express- Herald to stoop oven to reply to such base misrepresentations as these two little papers publish and hence we treat them with contempt We cannot descend to their Billingsgate we would not if we could We do not wish to vie with the harmless little editor of the Banner in deceiv ing the temperance people nor have we any desire to emulate the reputation of the writer in the For such we have no bond of Several electors have expressed their gratitude to the editor of the for informing them the breed of dogs that he blonds to He calls a St Bernard which the way is a yellow variety When- he get through with his dis sertation on dogs he stales In a kind of regretful fashion that he cannot descend to billingsgate and spelled It with a capital Is this the same Smith who called the Hon fig J Davis a whit- sepulchre Js tbfs the edi tor who of the call ed at Mr Davis nomination grafters and grabbers who did a clean and un polluted candidate Oh no the editor cannot de- to abuse or namecalling and how it grieves bis righteous soul to see person deviate from his own of rectitude The truth is that John started In to abuse villifv Ms opponents and now that getting back at him with the truth and hitting no hard that ho cannot stand it any longer big begins to out I want to play fair What a giant man makes himself out to be compared with ordinary newspaper men How nice it must be to be a great big Bernard and have the small boys call ing John after you- purchase of an organ by Mr Nicholas Arkmy of the oth er day was quite a notable event in that town The day on which It was purchased and delivered Jan in the anniversary of the birthday of his mother who is years Old him self and his son Three generations all together and all bom on the same day of the same is met with Mica Hoover is visiting at Albert for a couple of weeks Rev Geo Young Bradford was the guest of the editor on Sunday Miss Laura entertained some friends last Monday evening Miss Kate OMalley of Toronto Is visiting here with Miss Radmorc of is visiting her sister Mrs Herb El- The Misses Ray and Mill ard of Toronto spent over Sunday at home Miss Laura returned from Tottenham last week after a visit of a couple of months Mr up lor the last Friday and remained Toronto wks aunt Mrs J- Brodi Mr Knowles of Toronto former ly of was a welcome caller at the on Monday morn ing Miss Mr Gamble and Mr Cane attended the con versazione at Whitby College last week- Mr and Ball of Lan sing were in town last Saturday vis iting her aunt Morton Mrs Ball remained oyer Sunday Times Miss Bertie Wes ley of Newmarket Is spendingafew weeks with her sister Thomson Longford Villa Mrs and Mrs A Proctor of Aurora and Mrs Proctor of Calgary were visiting Mrs L last week Mrs Rose of Pine Orchard assisting Miss in care of Mr this week The latter is as helpless as a Utile child and failing greatly Mrs K Cook who sprained her ankle very badly at Hills Bakery last week doing nicely but it will be another week before she can put her the floor Mr Feed Miller who is attend ing Victoria College Toronto was home over Sunday to Visit his moth er and see his brother The latter leaves this week for tbe Philippines in the American Army Mr Austin D Haines of Boston Mass came over to attend moth ers funeral and has been spending a couple of weeks witti old friends He is looking well and appears to be well satisfied with his position as decorating artist for a carbuilding company We have been successful in closing a big deal in Flannelettes with a Mon treal firm at remarkably low figures and propose to clear whole lot of over yds in the next days We realize that this means big selling but if prices count fur anything we will accomplish this end These quantities may appear large but they wont last long at these prices So come early Feb Town of voted on two bylaws to day one lo partially Barbers foundry from taxation for ten years and the second to loan to the Canning Co Both bylaws were curried by large majorities t Cradle LAWSON At tbe North New market on I to Mr and Mrs a daugh ter MILLER- In East near on Feb to Mr and Mrs John Miller South African veteran a son THK Undertaking House argains r -IN- Tables and Fifteen Days A atteaded to ai John Millard 1 m yds yds yds yds yds yds Flannelette in neat Pink and White and Blue and White Also a quantity of plain Pink wide width now on sale at Worth Heavy Flannelette different in wide fast colors value 10c Now sale at per yard Only Flannelette in Pink Cream White and Blue full 36 inches wide Now on sale at 9c per yard Regular lSjc Extra Heavy English Ten different patterns inches wide Regular 14c value Now on sale at Genuine Loehloman Shaker Flannel Shirting Very heavy weight good patterns Worth now on sale at neat patterns all color Some very pretty designs for childrens wear Worth from to per yard To clear at I Dress Good Prints Cottons At a Saving of White Beans Bags Good Sound Potatoes Dried Apples Hunters Special Cocoa lb Huntera Baking Powder 1 lb tin 15c Newmarket Cheese lb Sweet Pickles in bulk quart Mixed Pickles regular now Iarge Jar French Mustard BRO Ll THE BIG HAND te K5ceJt PHONE NO Dublin Feb Karl Dud ley Lord Lieutenant Ireland at the annual dinner of the Royal Col- j of Surgeons here made a very optimistic speech during which he do- that the prospects for the future of Ireland were very encour aging Agitation has been very largely abandoned and be hoped ear nestly that those who were responsi ble for the government Ireland never again will be compelled to en force the exceptional treatment which they had been obliged to impose ear ly in He believed the recent land conference will prove an epoch in Irish history the mainspring thereof toleration moderation and co operation and with these principles there- is nothing Ireland cannot complish Large Loaf at the store Usual price in case of Delivery that skilled workmen and High Grade Flour can produce Never has our broad trade equalled the presont output counter and The Altar At residence of the brides father on Feb by Rev J Morgan Mr- Ira Morton to Mibs Claudia daughter of Mr Rear all of Albert Feb at St Johns Church Newmar ket by Rev Father Whitney Mr Martaln MoQuald of Toronto to Mies Margaret Desmond of Aurora Feb at St Johns Church by Rev Father Whit ney Mr to Miss Al- both of King Tomb Town on Feb William son of Mr Lyons grocer aged months Fresh Buns Jelly Rolls Sponge Drop Cakes Cream Rolls Fried Cakes Ginger Snaps So par lb Christies Biscuit more than 2 dozen varieties Fresh A car just arrived in first class condition This flour is now on sale counter It highly recommended by nil who have it Have YOU tried it I GROCERIES PROVISIONS on Feb 12 daughter of John March aged years J FLAKED FLAKED BARLEY ROYAL BREAKFAST FOOD Oats and Quaker Oats Evaporated Peaches per lb Also Prune and and per lb mm MAIN ST NORTH All Orders will reeeiva and Attention Ranges Bananas Strained Honey by the Peck BULK Central Telephone I

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