I THE TUESDAY if fa 0jgeijss6s Issues J- Wont v x The first joint was held Aurora- on day evening and it is sale had the ball been twice as would not hare been large enough to accommodate those who wished to be present on that occasion- of candidate were ad mitted to the platform by the side prior to the opening the main floors- When the latter were opened the crowd surged in with da impulse carrying all before and appropriating the entire seating ac commodation in leas Hi an a minute ball- A number ladies struggled hut not many and it is to the credit of those present that the meeting was as orderly as it was eight oclock Hon Mr Davis made bis appearance and was with a roar of welcome which was repeated a few minutes later when Mr Lennox appeared as before stated did nobly although the friends of Mr forgot themselves- nee or twice jo heat- of the debate Mayor Aided in a very impartial manner and made a first class chairman Mr Davis Speaks Mr Davis friends won toss ahd as he had the- choice ho decided ta speak first He was greeted with prolonged cheers and assured them that it afforded i or dinary pleasure have toe tunny of addressing such a gathering of the electors of York He thought he need scarcely devote much time to explaining why they were holding an election at this particular juncture That explana tion bad made from the public- platform in the riding it had been published in all the leading newspa pers Conservative and Liberal alike and in addition to that be had had printed and distributed to every tor in the riding a statement his own accompanied by one from Judge Morgan signed by himself which dealt absolutely and accurately with with the ar rangement of the settlement of the protest and vacating of the seat which hi present byeel lie A ways Wins In the of this moating ft was understood that lots should be drawn as to which of the two would have the choice in arranging the speaking He was told when he reached Aurora that in the drawing of the lots he was successful in winning the choice and had the of deciding whether be should speak first or last at the gathering He had de cided to speak first for an hour Mr Lennox would take an and a half then Mr Davis half art hour and Mr Lennox to be allowed minutes in conclusion Mr Davis drew attention to the fact that dur ing the many years that he had been in public life their servant on more than one occasion lots had been drawn in meetings similar to the present and on each occasion he had succeeded in choice as to what the Proceeding should be they had had a number- of election con testa and through kfodneKft and support had always plac ed Mm at the head of the polls Cheers He was not one of those Who made statements that he was QoUiK to win because he never Mew until an election was over who would win The to the and it was their to choose between the two can didates and their politics but from what he heard as he around the riding the result of the present election would be no exception to the others when he had been placed at the head of the noli Mr Davis took it that his hearer were present to hear and seriously the questions of day They were not there for the hewing speakers vilify each other or indulge to and but in North York as days of yore were I here for ihr irbf of rising the lower plane of polities and discussing what in the light of the day would redound to the credit id serviie of the country in- which Ha therefore proposed during the time at hie disposal to deal of public questions of the day Ontario Proud Position He the expenditure of pub lic money ol the In portent questions nieipality If for whether their revenues were and expenditure pro perly made and a that would be of the grealeSt advantage to the greatest They would to Hi at In with other provinces of thin Domin ion comparison the Do minion Itself and with any of In the American union the it province of Ontario stood in position of having the hostfacial record that in of the Dominion in for which they have no assets tpay- and whose first interest charge Ontario on hand was not only able to meet liabilities presently due after providing for liabilities marr ing next of years as well there was sufficient in the Treasury of the Prov ince o show a of assets at the conblusion the last financial year was a most sttuation compared with that of started on an foot- with Ontario and it had been at- tained without the levying of taxesj upon the people There was no di rect taxation any He ven- to predict ftaiJf town Council of Aurora could conduct the- business the municipality for a of tax- the councillors would all be returned by acclamation How the Money is Expended Mr Davis went on to show that people of the Province were gen erously dealt with by the Government in the distribution of the of which the Government were custodians They had dur ing the last official which they had record expended for the assistance the conduct of the high and separate schools municipality he pointed out benefitted by its share of the grant made by the Government Then the Government in maintaining six or seven asylums for the care of ihe un fortunate assumed a which to the he knew of Over three quarters of a mm were expended annual ly for this good purpose And although there Was law- abiding found in the Province of Ontario there still some lawyers in the land who made money because of the trou bles and difficulties of other people and it costs the Province almost annually to aid in the pre- per administration of justice Then the Government assisted the great and important interest agriculture to the extent of and Mr Da vis pointed out that even the ap pointment of responsible mini stir to this had been opposed by the Opposition as necessary briefly reviewed the record of the Government connection with its aid to agriculture pointing out that the increased prices which had re sulted to the farmer by reason of the educational advantages afforded by the Government not only benefit ted the farmer but the merchant and the manufacturers as well The Corporations Mr Davis then up trie favor- Opposition cry Govern- ment was En the bands of the that the posed to these same corporations three years an extent that are now paying into tlie treasury or the Province over Whitney and his this tax while their friends were still persisting the Govern was too friendly to and had he their way the Province would the million of dollars that had been add ed to the treasury of the as a result the Hill And the lead- of the Opposition In addressing a at Aurora May seated publicly that he would if to that tax on corpora tions I with he Mr said that at Mr recent one of in the the transfer dfmUptf that from the aide the line to Ontario Their pulp pol icy also provided for the establish ment of pulp mills lor the manufac- in Ontario of pulp cut on Lands The Government at present charged 40 a cord for all wood cut on the spruce limits and this right cui was the only fight dis posed of the rand remaining in the Crown The settler had also the right to dispose of the on to these mills at the Gov price The Government re served the right to increase the price as they saw fit and in this way the advantages of the bargain were clearly with the Government and with the people of the Province Mr next dealt with some of the movements which Mr Whitney id had endeavored to defeat the appointment of a Good- Roads Commissioner the wisdom of whose appointment had since mani fested itself to several of the pal Councils of North York as well as the Province generally They could not overestimate the necessity of good roads to carry the produce of the farm to The Oppos ition leader bad also opposed the of a clerk of Forestry of Mr Lennox to at thin Yes Iwefe to very of- the speaker I im speaking to iriH ircdependent Liberals Mr to with Mr But the dams reply Crowd in volume Mr Lennox very evident disgust were the he added in evident surprise pontiiiuing Mr spent 10 iit Davis was remits in duly putting him the speaker in jail if he could have him Morgans statement thai of Mr- arid Mr He ihe of costswas in another roohind to tiolo Toronto the it judge ihnt lie would isigii from The lauglid at and Mr Lennox added naive I know people will nor in to these or to Bible and in the jivKerie of my pledge myself that what J said this matter is true help God 1 All this was dramatic but the evidently had its own opinion of the statements of a man wild ripply said that one just listened to deli vet on of ment would kill any members useful ness in that body for all time to conic One hour and twenty whose duty it is to be i of the time of meeting of the Province by a system taken op without the die- of reforestry As a result of the w- for one moment of one of the of this office the Gov- public issues which interest people today Never in the history thai Kot with hi but KtumpA As the ahthor the VAX Mr the veterans wood the with the pine and as much of the and every to sa- all their exception the piiiv Vitiy also received J Vonrnvt I on It I he land were exempted settle duties and Vaxatfdn with exception of ehon Years that of the land Ontario would be very valuable in deed a id the Government In thus en abling to hold for en years without laxefi were treating them nerr Timber and Mr Davis next reviewed the Tim ber and Pulp wood fl showing home man ufacture of the former result now three large forest reserves where the growth new pine is and is value to the extent of three Quarters of a million dollars a year Mr did not even think it worth to save neglected children of the Province and opposed the estab lishment of a Neglected Childrens Branch on the plea that was the appointment of another official mere ly But in- the few years since branch established over little boys and girls had been snatched from a life of sin arid degree and of had been rather less than a head The Chairman then announced that the hour was up Mr was his fellow I if for the same lb fair accorded of Crown Lands Mr that the ridifijr in favor of a fanner Ho frit at that tinif but should by faitinr Ipilt IjvJ ehsiisinf his mind wii of the riding did not want a farm r not re to it Ins had pureed the iaue as lie had an to the imdiinK Ift speaker nit at the close of ho had not fairly and he claimed that the ttionent that he had not was tie fact Davis resigned He decided bis aotion in making of the private ho Mr on led to latter to he held no lie that Mr Davis was for the in the Globe that in North York ha and he claimed also that Mr Davis had no right d date contra that he had re- If to fact that hi Mr Davis bail of either his or his portfolio however nUUVd had told tbj premier of iW to he atosv in I py be did not know her iiewai fijrhtijirf the Mr Davis who had not Mr had Mr resign lie he the of fiends f He that settle mutual was a he oull into a similar day ft was not right fin- position that noting JeVn provedi iim of he auoi that Mr in Avoiding a trial to pergonal had thrown an on trie people Ae you with tie conduct Ire at Hem a the First to would sooner of the riding in bin opinion had they bad a campaign of the character his opponent three years ago PersonaUj be had always dis cussed public questions in a gentle- manly and fair manner and had al ways treated his opponent with courtesy On the oppon ent had indulged in personalities and abuse to the exclusion of the of a single that way Did the deshe that style of campaign to go on The of North York of bail hover been dragged in he dirt as had in the pres ent Referring to the to droo the protest and fight the election over again Mr Davis that the statement out by him with regard that settlement was true in every particu lar This was so also in the case- of the statement by the and not one item in the statement could lie truthfully altered at the Farmers lie referred to his opponents thrust at the famiem of the riding when lie said that the farmer candidate was always defeated Mr Davis would defeated also if he ran as the far- candidate Mr thought the farmer as good a right as any and a better right than most to contest the riding of North York and to take an active interest- in affairs politically Reverting to the matter Mr Davis ally that be was publication of the item that- North protect mutter was settled in the Globe of the of January It Was untrue that the item bad been purpose or flu the but lie did blame the Conner Natives for tak ing full advantage of the publication of the item Ho explained how in the rearrangeniunt of the matter on the front page the item referred to bad been token out with wine items to room for other matter for the second wli- it bad intended sup press the item in North York it Hat appeared in bulletin in North York The cation of the item was quite accident al the reporter of the it in to bis newspaper from wberw he heard the minor rejxirter was present at the meeting ami in reply to a question by M that what liad Win sail J by him with to pub- Heat ion of item and removal from the second edition was absolutely cor rect He Hid Not Resigned He defended bis action in stating on of January he ban not resignwj Ho hud not resigned and was no compulsion td re sign before tie of February that Premier telegram to effect of bis cabinet intend- Mr said lie was the Premier en be i ho in question to Ills Continued on Page As to the had Issued that no to resign present wit We remove about the Sovereign Bank than move we will give To make things more interesting we will continue the Store occupied by JELL at a Great o from now until the first of March alore WHITE Stock Remember our Mew Stand ALE during February to help reduce tore will he nearly opposite our old STORE NONE SO AS jiy Are selling out a lot of Fancy Bilks tot Blouses Bilks for per yard on the counter as you enter only he For Sale Heavy Horse Driving Mare Setts Light Sleighs Cutter Light Heavy Democrat Wagon Apply Car Choice Yellow Corn Newmarket Feb 1903 Flour per barrel a I White Wheat per bush a per a Wheat per bush a Spring Wheat per bush a Another to follow at Once fi 69 a 40 a a CO a a a a 00 a Shorts per ton a Turkeys Butter roll per It per Chickens per pair iUvK3 per Barley per bush Oats per bush Rye per Wool per lb Hay per ton Bran per ton 0 45 33 12 in a a a a a IS Toronto markets Toronto Feb Wheat per bush a 0 Wheat per 68 a Wheat per bush a per a Barley a Peas per 0 a per a Butter roll per lb a per bag Hay per ton a Wool per a Dressed Hogs per a Beef fore qrs a Beef Ijinu a Chickens per pair 0 a Ducks a per lb- 10 a Turkeys CO SI We are offering the remainder of our Stock of Hot Water Bottles AT COST Household bottle roc livr Oil bottle 60 Iron Mills in bottle Stock Food three pounds for particular Attention to Fining LEY SUCCESSORS TO TO Take Laxative Seven boxes la months rt Li Two D This signature 7J A 1 J I r f a ft