l I t owes CfAfl 1 A Bus TRANSACTED ess DRAFTS ISSUED and fcouahl i Collection firurr Good Demean nests of the Riding have been over in jthftir to relieve Hod J of he has promised to donate to Foot House for slanderous story which could on personal to be substantiated v v- v- ERA J- A Honest voters both parlies should beware the talebearer men who Like one having truth by idling it such sinner of his memory To credit his own lie Even so there is no necessity for rate conversations who has no re- anyone else to credit it and a visit or Mr Fosters political to Mr Davis will quickly disprove respecting the good faith every statement that cannot bear the It is one thing to Breach- but quite another thing At of his recent meetings In North Ontario the Conservative can didate delivered We cannot insist too strongly that honesty integrity And per- feet our public life This is the doctrine Hon- Foster is preaching over in the joining riding but it proclaims a sad commentary on the retailer freedom of publicity 33 Street to Save that should characterize our public lite and presents the conduct of the trio at the Lucas House as In triguers of political corruption The doctrine over in North Ontario is not suited to life of North House rotor od VHEVB8 DOUGLAS LACEY V Co and f A Bills aid Saiary fibzs tods of bull for ail jt Preaching in Toronto the Mr York as worked out by exponents in one of Torontos able and practice popular ministers presiding over one of the leading Presbyterian congrega tions denounced what he termed ex treme temperance workers as slaves to party and ridiculed them as peo ple who were constantly claiming that going to the Tax on Gotp Nations f- He he Icnew of lots of people making a living that sort of thing and compared their ut terances It is curious that on the very day this address was published Mr Buchanan was out with a statement in the press denouncing Mr Davis North York as an al ly of the liquor party Mr is well known to be just the opposite but it would not be Mr Buchanan one of the tribe by if he not calumniate and detract and slander Events oi- r I taw MM mm MARRIAGE At the Oflce isrPaperfciMuea I USB Daggers of flier Confidence NEW Monuments and Head Stones Let no Liberal throughout length and breadth of this riding rest secure in the frequently expressed opinion Davis will be return ed by a much larger majority than that f During the general- election in May last the Opposition leader sought the help of the corporations by promis ing in the event of his attaining to the Treasury to repeal the tax under which contribute to the Provincial revenue- He stated ho was doing this in the interestsof the poor man who saves money from his wages to ensure his life Herbert Lennox having avouched a supporter of Mr J P must be regarded as hold ing views on this que with his leader This means that Air Lennox thinks the banks railway and insurance options of the Province should not be taxed to supplement the revenue of Ontario in aiding education charitable institutions and other usefnlpur This poor cry is simply a little byplay to catch votes Hon Air Ross on one occasion during the last general election exposed its mm rtjr Toronto better as which y as published by its- iScfconftjcrg last week will go a way to make for among his Hdh J for North York was in town pari of last week with his usual quota of mak ing a house to house canvass Pub lishers have gone to jail tor less than this 22Ta2vi6S Word from Ottawa that a deputation of farmers waited upon- the thfe week with a request the establishment of rural mail delivery Sir William gave them a sympathetic hearing and said he had been giving the mat ter study for some time back He was now having enquiries made by parties as to how the system work ed in the States Personalty he was inclined to favor the proposition In a recent interview with a Globe reporter Hon J Gibson defended himself from the attacks of certain prohibitionists and said were not refused a commission to invest- charges corruption in refer ence to referendum vote He added There certainty never was any decision arrived either to grant or not to grant a commission It was thought in the meantime that it bo proper as well as useful to let prosecutions take their course loVseo what the was Those arc now under way and pcope have been sentenced- Before Order I lacy effectually taking for il lustration the rich corporation of fee Canada Lie Assurance pointed out of that company are the revenue tax tberepn is or on each that is enemy is already pres on twentieth of one per cent- To the the fact and attempting to make cap- man whose life is insured for it Once more the and who pays a premium specious is being used by ghfctenths of one aa it annually It the company should the canting friends of North York defamer the Whitney candidate the holder of policy would Oh Davis will- be elected we all pay per year ftddltional It would take over twelve years for the On Tuesday l a do from Council an inter view with Gibson and as for an to passed sanctioning the tension of the territorial jurisdiction of the Police Magistrate Ellis making it include all York Township East To ronto Village and parts of and Townships at a stat- re would the County and the Government Hon Mr Gibson that fie feasible and Id before the at- ion of the Cabinet Ah intimation conies from Ottawa that His the St iiXtiA tew admit that the way they are getting around It in canvass So one vote or less will not difference to your man why not Vote for Lennox outside of politics altogether You know he is a nice and all that Yes and all that about sums up the nice fellows Qualifications But -friends- of good government will not cease their- vigilance tor all Let every vote be canvassed let every vote be polled Front Seat or Back Bench Which pried Be Ha tor tjraU4 PeJxt3 ftV fettihi could not- as felon I f tn by MutfMioa of of in Ait 14 to 0 ixr lit tflirf KM When two elements of a community are set at each others throats and feept there for almost three years people will to it when finally the matter that the blame will be apportioned to the party re- lor the prolongation of undesirable stated of affairs Last May there was element of uncertainty about the general election which is entirely lacking in this That element of political possibility enabled the candidate to make all kinds at premises which he Of Liberal for the com rag Parliamentary term can scarcely be held out as an inducement present ejection contest is now largely per sonal and local It is Yorks Toronto alleged temperance candidates will find out is made to run an outside candidate The question is whether aad tried public servant shall- be seat back to private life In undeserved and merited defeat whether voice that ibis enjoys In the of be stifled and riding accept in its place the service of a lyr who will be told by Ms Own by any tit the Which there is little go away back and Hit down I The people forth York will twice before they their allegiance from the front tow to the of Op position a policy to contri bute one dollar of this revenue tax But as Mr Ross pointed out the operations of the Act has demon strated that tax really comes out of the profits of the stockholders who can well afford to pay it be cause the money spent by the Pro vincial Government on education and developmenthas largely added to the profits of the hanks insurance other corporations who have the tax to pay If Mr Whitney and his sup porters got the chance to repeal this corporation tax the money now com ing to the Provincial Treasury there from would have to be raised by some other and more burdens way which would touch with great er force both the poor man farmer and the mechanic By sus taining he Government peo ple are protecting themselves from the policy of an Opposition which would legislate for the classes in stead of masses when casting your vote on the al leave the at to ponder over these things do that Congress has ratified the Alas kan Treatv thought at Otta wa thai and Sir Francis Icune will be the two mem bers tribunal to be appointed British Government Canadian representative has not been and perhaps will not he for yet former as sociation With the dispute Is as an Insuperable obstacle Louis Intimate knowledge of the facts relating to the contro- versv should call for his nomination True and Unfailing Are The of of for Old friends who arc ever ready and ajlp ua In our time of need are Indeed true friends Diamond Byes are the Id homo friends of our Canadian people and have proved blessings in thousands of the heart craved lor a dress skirt Mouse jacket op era shawl bright ribbons or feathers at times when economy had to be observed the Diamond Dyes quickly transformed old and garments and materials new creations thus having a targe amount of money In home If you would have the best results in your dyeing work always the Diamond Dyes your address to The Wells Co Llrnited Moun tain and you will be with new aye book dyed arid artistic designs of the Dye Mat and Hug Patterns 0O0- 13u3 ought to bring happiness to all there is luck In odd numbers The binder- twine manufacturers who waited on the Government at Ottawa last week asked that a duty be of tamper cent This they say would enable them to compete the who material very cheaper The Opposition press favors imposing the duty Should the Government consent thereto and the price of bindertwine be enhanced as a natur al consequence then these same pro tectionist journals will a talc into the ears of the farming community respecting the burdens imposed upon thou Government thereby enhancing the hindertwine commodity Protection means more cost to I he consumer and a advantage the manufac turer Taxation for revenue is one thing while express purpose of Glutting out on a article simply means taking money from the consumer for the advantage of the manufacturer to the extent of the protection giv en We dont mind receiving letters- Judas kissed his Master In the Garden of On- the of betrayal ways the part of affection to be more holler than In their relation with those- who do not pro- the shibboleth atid the assassin perpetrates his deeds- of violence in a dark and un derhand way- above is Written fdr the special of person who sent us an anonymous communi cation written on storepod paper Were he a friend he would not have afraid or ashamed to append Ms name Please do it m6re Your style is not to iUy on one hand and be trays a hard hit of the John brotherhood on the other you want a safetyvalve for your highly moral christian ethics Now dont be again We have to these things as soldiers Contribution may as well be added to the other stuff we have to while coal Is so scarce it wont break you to a little for postage and it will help the in building up surplus- Now dont forget even if you are a rel ative of John Smith IhGeiatweit Chi cago occupied the of Jar- vis Street Baptist Church In an interview by members after wards it is understood that a call extended to him to assume the pastorate of the church in succession to Rev Dr whose resigna tion takes effect in April A The Board of Trade received a request from the Wireless Telegraph Company asking for a site tor a sta tion here The boards answer will invitation to Marconi to ad dress the board when he visits To ronto as is expected within a few months coroners jury returned a ver dict of murder- inquest on the body of Louts from wounds to been inflict ed by Isaac The verdict was an explicit one not only fixing the crime of which Goldsmith was the victim but naming the prisoner as his slayer Xrarfy every man in a own has a for the boys he went to school with but grown up men sometimes become resident in a place whose boyhood days were spent and they too occasionally do a John Smith act which gives them a they never get rid of York Farmers Institute purpose holding a seed fair Mark- on Friday Feb made for several ad dresses from Profs of the Ag ricultural College and others arc being made for the Annual Banquet of the Young Men Liberal Club on March Sir William will be the guest of the evening Premier Ross will also be present Rev Albert Moore President of the Hamilton Conference of the Meth odist church assumed the duties of Field Secretary of the Lords Day Al liance on Monday last George McKay was found guilty one day last week and sentenced to three months at hard labor by Mag istrate for committing an as sault on A J Case on Jan near Mr David Boyle Pro rife Arch aeologist has received a con taining Indian relics from the County of Middlesex In fixing routes of radial elec tric railways to enter the jcrity Mr Jennings reports for the whet other terms are agreed upon Entrance should bo westward from the present terminus Street via then through the water works property- across Avenue and under the CPR and street by a subway thence by Bedford and Davenport Roads Severn Street then at back Of pro perties on north side of Collier St thence across Park Road then to and Church to St eastward McMillan Avenue and North Mutual Street to St and St Lawrence Market This will mean nearly half an hours run from the present Yongc Street station Q COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU AS REPRESENTED J 11 i TELEPHONE CONNECTION ft I Jit Til jr I I door to Post Office- o i We have now a complete line of Pure Druggists Sundries comprising choice Stationery Toilet- f aps Qruohea Combs IT of Patent Medicines at lowest reduced- prices We pay attention to our Prescription Department A TM J PATTERSON AGENTS FOR THE GREAT NORTH TELEGRAPH ROGERS lit- hi i Limited lis Mo OSafiTBtfSFW sab the Old man Says f i j During a recent trip away from home we tried to eat a dish of oat meal at four different wellconducted hotels At not one of these places was this oatmeal so cooked as to ho fit for food We we could in some way impress upon the minds of cooks everywhere that all foods must for a long time in order to be palatable and If intended for the morning meal oatmeal rice hominy prepared wheat in foot any of should be cooked in a double holler for at least three or tour hours the day and then wartiiH up for breakfast o PATTER AND OUR SECOND SHIPMENT OK ew A SEE THEM AT Children pry fop We Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by P J Cheney Co Toledo We the 4 411 able to carry any obligations made by flrtn West A Truax Wholesale Druggists jlnpn fy Is taken Inter nally theWoQd mucous or the teWv Sold by all Druggists Testimonials free Halls Family are the best Mr Slmard butcher of Hull was killed by a block of ice weighing about 100 pounds falling on him and crushing his nil Come To Candy Where it is a Brown Mixtures per pound Maple Cream plain per pound Maple with Walnuts per pound Drops do 60 Creams do do 20 Peanut do do New Oranges Lemons Dated Ac QUO Now and Wtf Hi TORONTO JOBBING ii- yfcAfekAi ili i v-