V THE BRA TUESDAY ALL Sunday re expecting time the Social la School Room this Tuesday evening St Valentin Saturday JoveXy day Bright and clear In the early morn ing with thermometer at zero At noon the temperature was like a Day It ttste is any Id the old saying about the bear and his shadow we can expect another six weeks of winter weather Its a good job hard coal is coming into Town more Freely Over It IS THE TIME TO GET We keep the Christian The consecration meeting on Sun- evening at the close preaching was well attend ed and of a very hopeful spirit Re vival meetings are feeing held every evening this week except Saturday conducted by the pastor Rev J and assisted by the gos pel singer Miss Phillips Regular Fellowship Meeting on Sat urday afternoon at Aurora The H the accomplished entertain of Detroit Miss Helen Watson contralto and Mr Fax of To ronto give a splendid concert pro gram in Aurora on Thursday evening next Late car returning to New market Seals may be secured Rogers drug store prior to oclock on the afternoon of the con cert S I In Town i CALL AND en CONVINCED Brleflcts Mr Richard Rogers the Town Line had the misfortune lose cow valued at by inflammation a few days ago Messrs Halladay and Taylor ship ped a car of cattle and pigs to To ronto on Monday Nomination in Newmarket on Thursday afternoon Immense ga thering expected Tuesday morning was about the coldest have had this winter below zero His North polities not Saiicttofitid Sons of yiirk Alliance or fa Boots Shoes Robbers Qdtjr a car w testing Houses Every day or two somebody is en quiring if there is a house to rent So far as we know there is not a house to rent in town and the boarding homes are filled to overflow ing A number of employees at the Office Specialty Works are obliged to hoard at the hotels because of scar city of houses The Manager of the Specialty Works was us the other day that tbe Company spends on average in cash in New market every gathered from all parts of the World and they have a difficulty in keeping their foreign help on account of lack of home accommo dation What is wanted is a lot of tenement houses that would rent for per month Some of the farmers In this vicinity who are letting their money out at per cent could dou ble their income by such an invest ment and at the same time do some thing to benefit the community The Toronto Tory is attempting to wrest from the Tem perance people of North York the right to conduct their own affairs because those identified with temperance in North York are sUn posed to be liberal in Politics will perhaps not be dissuaded from their efforts to elect via by the following expres sions of opinion but JUst as well that the temperaijje people of North York should know how the scheme is considered by repre sentative local temperance men Not Invited or Sanctioned president of York Temperance Alliance writes from as This is to say that the North York Alliance composed of representatives of all temperance societies churches Leagues and other temperance in the riding held an excel lent meeting at Aurora in January awl its regular annual meeting on Feb to at Newmarket MI have in close and constant touch with leading and represen tative temperance men of the Dis trict for the past year I have heard of no desire or attempt on the part of any individual much less of the Alliance to bring out a candi date in the present byeelection I know of no person authorized or the Alliance going to Toronto for such purpose or of correspondence for such purpose from such source v At the annual meeting of this body such a matter was never men tioned and any one assuming to come before the electors at time does so without the invitation or sanction of the temperance people of North York so far as I am to Not in the Interests Thomas Hunter of Temperance Past District also does There was not a very large market Saturday although there were a good many people- in Town The ruling prices were as follows to IS to Turkeys to Dressed chickens to pair Dressed Geese to lb Dressed Ducks to pair Live Chickens young 40 to Live Ducks to Live turkeys lb Potatoes SI per bag- Hides Tallow Co Fresh Lard lb not consider Mr candidature in the interests of Temperance He says- I have heard with surprise that a candidate is to brought out by the of the riding I have connected with the Royal Templars officially and have been the head of tbo District Council of Royal Templars We had bur annual meeting when we transacted all the business and discussed temperance matters There was no thought of bringing out a third candidate in our interest the byeelection of York as we do hot consider it be to the interests of temperance to do Nor Endorsed Says Ernest Rogers Past Dis trict of Temperance The of William- of Toronto at this time- purporting to be the Candidate comes as a to the Sons of Temperance as well other temperance people in North York The annual session of the North North York District Division was held in January last and was a large representative meeting of that organ ization Such a matter as bringing out a temperance candidate by the temperance people was not mention ed or thought of We were not informed or advised then or since by local people or the district that such a candidate was thought of and was not until a few days ago that we found through the Toronto papers that Mr was intruding himself on us He is neither invited endorsed by the Sons of Temperance North York Our Toronto Tamarack a cord There should he at least a dozen Dry Hemlock cord houses go up in Newmarket the com ing summer and- every one would be picked up before they would be finish ed Continued from Pago the npuMern and ho did not make use ihe in question Premier and many of as ere iu town of lie which had His for that J act Hniirtijr in wits position full flint- In woiili impar tial Hint lie knew 1 the of upon anything lie say or- do posi tively tint In- had nil Mr Ho ftboJutely re fused r a on those inference f iats wan strictly and be Mr Lennoxs Duty It was Mr Lennoxs duty to go ahead and show up the terrible ras calities which he alleged were prac tised- by the Liberals and the fact that he was quite as anxious to set tle the matter without trial as the speaker was was evidence that Mr must have had grave doubts of his ability to prove any thing of a serious character The people had very little idea of what it cost to conduct an election trial and cross petition The South was in the courts yet and the costs had amounted up to the neighborhood of He for one certainly did not wish to incur such heavy expenditure if it could bo avoided- He had to earn his money hard and he knew how every dollar came and he would sooner give ten or fifteen thousand dollarsto the poor of North York than waste it in law expenses His opponent said he did not mind election protest trials and those kind of things Of course not it made no particular difference to him but there had been subscrip tions taken no throughout the riding on more than one- occasion during the past few years some people did not mind expensive trials as long as would subscribe the money Personally he would be ashamed to ask his Libera Friends to subscribe a towards the expenses of an election or a trial Mr Lennox he would not dis cuss settlement except on the basis of resignation of Mr Davis That was absolutely untrue It was Mr Davis who had first suggested the resignation as the basis of settlement and on the of January when the arrangements were prematurely closed he was not in a position to cause they hinged on the of the matter in a certain way bo- fore the courts If the case was not dismissed as arranged then he would j en A Can Tomato Pears and Corn for All Package Teas Hulk Teas lbs Raisin lbs Currants Salmon Jans Salmon Yeast Malta Vita for Force pks for Soda Biscuits 22c Quaker and ata Pure Lard per Wheat for can Baking Powder Grape for Art Baking Powder with ware Game Ping Pong 225 Manitoba Flour 100 Pail Syrup Pail Syrup per box Pail Syrup Everything in the Grocery line cut at Cost Price Wfe for East York will be pleased to- hear that he Is now convalescent If no relapse follows he will be able to take his place in the Assembly next month Word comes Irom Richmond Hill not have resigned at all and the courts could not dispose of the mat- Sale Register A Car of Soft Goal Try It for on A correspondent writes us this week stating that he had noticed the annual report of Hor ticultural in the Era a few wees giving an account of the work done and propria by the Ass- iialion and- with many others in the Town and neigh would like to sec much greater progress crown the Societys efforts during the current year Km iflV he like see the prize extend ed and are sure it afford a very deal of pleasure to tbe Directors P bad they the means To this our correspondent that each householder in and convenient to a member dollar will do it and with the little time devoted to study the cultivation of a few plants and flow- tittle attention to summer ve getables and fruits and lite proper carina of a tasteful lawn they can do much towards increasing a taste for the beautiful and by entering in to the spirit of competition at the midsummer exhibition not only re imburse themselves for the outlay hut derive as the In all probability a un ion between the Horticultural and lb North York Agricultural Socie ties will again be in which case the membership to Horti cultural Association will the hotter to all tie the Fall York Ag- Society An the rectors of the are now entering upon the re- vising the list the an time to hand in your name to any or Directors tad your wouM go towards the widening the usefulness and education advantagrs of the Association Possibly some ember of the tny you In the of a or two Give your s- d a dollar bill ne tor until the of January And n has purchased 100 acres the po his the riding from the procurable in flnallv Mr Lennox read it declaration from his solicitor to Vnrt effect that his total costs were York is to be from it and adcP Nothing he affirmed could the time In looking up SATURDAY Feb Mr J will hold an extensive sale of Household Furniture at his residence Main Street North on Saturday at am Terms Cash Duncan A Y Man 3rd Mr Jos Wesley will a sale of farm stock Ax on St Newmarket Credit till October on sums over 510 Sale at one oclock Auct TUESDAY Feb Mr John Ful ler will have an extensive sale of stock implements etc on lot Con 2 East months credit on sums over for bogs and turnips Sale at one oclock W Ka- And if not checked becomes a condition No remedy with which Is prepared spe dally for stomach and bowel trou bles As a radical euro for Cramps Colic Gas in the Stomach Summer Complaint excels every thing in the medical line Is an household staple and costs only Buy a bottle today Try Mandrake evidence which herefused to do He charged Mr Davis with alluding to his his reference to Mr Davis denied this aiid Mr rather gingerly the denial The meeting concluded with cheers for the Khte and indidalcs tp Death Gray a fortuneteller of St arrested for swindling a man out of cut his throat in cell and is dead JJovrmanrille Feb- A terribly death occurred here yesterday Mrs Samuel was stricken down a short distance from her house She had gone to see her little over a creek runs pat their bouse and the is thai oil her back she fallen in Her absence not for some hours when led a was made by the neighbor of Slreet was years of flay be added to It unless he added reports It is said the residents vauf north of Park intend petition- his own ing the Council to be made part of Town as they have neither light or water and no protection practically is that an employee on the escaped suffocation one last by ailing into a barrel of machine oil Dob is all right now I Kast Toronto is taking steps to have a Police Magistrate- appointed for the Town The scheme proposed I he County Council to have one roni Bast Toronto to Junction doesnt The other day Henry Miller Who was convicted of burglarizing the of James Smith Queen Street was sent to the Penitentiary for months This was not Millers first offence At the recent meeting of the Angli can Synod it was decided to ralfw for Canadian and for eign missions and of this amount was apportioned to the Dio cese of Toronto Mr Thomas Director of Colonization has received up to the present over one thousand appli cations for farm laborers resident of the Kastend appeared before the Com- laittee last week and made such a against the establish ment of a porkpacking industry and slaughterhouse In the old Don brew ery that the aldermen unanimously decided to turn down the application of Messrs Brothers The proposed to be erected would cost and the weekly wage to be paid would amount to hut the people didnt want tie smell The Argonaut rowing club purpose making wrestling a prominent feature of their athletic tournament in the Granite Rink on April and Prizes will be offered in all classes feature Is expected to increase the gate receipts to a large extent Lome son years of age was death on Queen Street hist on I Buckle Snag Proof Rubbers 2Buckle Snag Proof Rubbers High Leather Top Rubbers Snow Excluder Overshoes Felt Lined Boots Fleece Lined Underwear regular 2 oo 3 a a for I pi 00 for for 6o lor oo for for lain Sis Winnipeg A despatch engineer Vance of the Canadian Pacific tarty on line to was found froen to death yesterday morning near Lizard Lake forty east where he exploring He had sent his driver ahead on Friday with Instructions to prepare camp and followed lie did not turn up at night and search was made with the above result The weather was bitterly cold the ther mometer was below during night Up Hamilton Feb it The big bas ket factory owned by Dean at blown to bits yesterday by the explosion boiler A lot stuff struck En gineer and blew him right thru tbe door and across tho adjoin ing creek I is badly hurt The two owners were burled under tho wreckage but miraculously escaped injury The steam was put ot order and no one knew how much steam was up The boiler was split clean In two and the halves hurled in- opposite directions Winnipeg Feb Manitobas leg islators have once more resumed their active duties the House having been formally opened this afternoon by LieutenantGovernor Sir Daniel There was nothing of an un usual character in connection with the event except perhaps the ex traordinarily large crowd present the to CAN YOU HELL THE DIFFERENCE Suppose your neighbor starts to talk to you cream separator and you the difference Ixitwcen the TUBULAR SEPARATOR that is talking about and the other kinds can you toll him Dont you think you ought to know Ill give you- circulars and show you if youll com and see me lr J PEG Sharon ALWAYS BUSINESS COOK I HARD AND SOFT WOOD OF SALT JUST IN BROS cor Builder Contractor House for A viti Leva la eolltlca an3 particular apply rfkr mm St la now In a poaitioa to coa fox all Estimate at and AND mo on do veil A St