I TOE NEWMARKET BRA TUESDAY j AND COP TO RECORD L L Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer AND PAINTED ALSO Dick i ATORS Your choice of Full Rig for On four years time- Cheap at An organization meeting or polling subdivision No was in the Hall on Thursday night was tlie best attended organization meeting ever held in the place the hall being fa Veil filled with enthusiastic sup porters Hon J it general opinion of everybody present thai Mr Davis would receive a much larger vote in this locality than he- did in May fast J The chair was occupied by Mr chairman of the division and County Councillor was the first speaker Mr brief ly reviewed Mr Davis political ca reer gave several substantial reasons why the should sup port him Mr Luke Gibbons was then called on and made a neat Speech express- ins the hope that Mr- Davis neigh bors would rally round him and give turn the he deserved in this contest The meeting was closed by an ad- dress by Duncan Marshall- who brief ly outlined- some of issues the our friends against slathers and to lateovantt pSrTrfrag out the need lor effective and practical organization The meeting was in parttqur lar a pronounced success and definite results will be beard from On the Crowded out last week by Mighty iu News of a fearful in a storm that swept over the south sea Islands last month reached here the Era fln I ArouidOlosgocu Glasgow Scotland Jan Last was a Splendid a amble and so after our mail posted and dinner Ernest Barter Old day the steamer Mariposa direct myself a tax and went Tahiti- The loss of life is to its at at persons the eastern the last a huge tidal wave City Glasgow from place by a hurricane at- I we loo shanks mare and suuck tacned the Islands and the into the country superb group with featful force hedges holly causing death and never which are to he seta before equalled in a land dreaded the greatly admired estates storms The storm raged scleral nd men who reaching its maximum sought the the if erf coal will over four million toils yearly for years and per capita debt nearly twice that- of the United States Pop VU Jan and Jan its and the meagre news at Tahiti up to the time of the sailing Jit it is estimated that and the islanders lost their lives It is feared that advices will in- lease this The news of the disaster reach Tahiti Jan by the The of the from a of where the atmosphere in contrast with sua worry ousincs in where tall neves- those chambers ma to- ptTform the disagree m functions apparatus Our Mr acting it towards beautiful lake of in Obeland the of the traveller is directed to an adjacent sloping mountain which presents a great contrast to the verdureclothed hills and tree- covered cliffs and prominences bor dering on the lake The lake itself is stretched towards the declin ing its blue waters agitated by- riding Form a mountain wind the higher fastnesses those of snows which sometimes breaks forth the wind MA Up Capital HEAD 5250C5 J NEWMARKET Amnsrirtbyrg I he descends extraordinary fury of a mo iyiafe are placed the fatalities at The- steamer Kxcelsior arrived at Pa peete the following day- with sur vivors The captain the Excel sior estimated the total Joss of life to be figures comprised only- the deaths on the three islands ordinary population is On Island where JiI out Us of the iiavjQg the poitiohs conn of an antiquity On n and began to ivo dor where the end was At length we parsed thru a gate and wen in of and whose Braes a public pari- by the and is a uiiimer lor did City of w vorite were in pearl J ip the ieriiee We were drown Meeting at Mr Davis Neighbors will see to it That He Gets the Majority He Public Service I island -one- hundred more washed but to sea -Ma- Had are depobuiated estimates Tahiti place he number of I si vs Id by the tidal wave and hurricane All f them vie the of embracing in its scope no fewer the French Government at Tahiti than sixteen counties lies hidden The four survivors brought from our eyes- The course of the tie Excelsior to gained is seen at a glance from Car- the ships side by to the soon at point the to be about abpv the level of the sea iWln cry mist the prospect of Those is said to Above the Health and Vigor depends upon the Quality and Quantity of Blood -HUWITARIAM- lie liver it the great secreting organ of and when it Its office bile the blood becomes man filch as dull heavy Idling to attend to pain in back fee akin at It tbee symptoms are not promptly with they become so as to Induce severe lllae3 To relieve at once and cut DR CARSONS TONIC Stomach Cotibtlpation Lave long recogzit4 as the sovereign treatment are made from the formula of an em inent Canadian physician who tho in his practice foe many years with the results- A Purely Tonic and Blood Puirier SO Bottle you can the pre paration of your local druggist but to Obtain it In neighborhood we will send to one or more bottles on receipt of price per bot tle carriage prepaid tent Free Application Simple on Of to Company 7 good told by than who took a girl out riding the other night The conversation turned to and be if she believed it Well the dont but I think I could foretell more An organ meeting in the interests the candidature of Hon J Davis was held at on Wednesday evening last week and though the night wasyerfStorniy the attendance was large perhaps the largest that ever assembled at a similar meet in Chairman of the Divi sion presided and the of Organ ization was carefully prepared or the locality At the close the organ ization part of the meeting Mr J Walton was failed on for an ad- dress Mr Walton voiced the sym pathies and opinions of everyone present when he said that the Lib erals of Township owed it to themselves this time to sec to it that Mr Davis got the majority he deserved He reminded those that every one them was tier- acquainted with that he had Jived at their most all his life knew as reeve of their township and also as their representative in the Ontario Legislature and they man in public life was more devoted to the interests of his constituents than was the Hon K J Davis In every he had at no s saeri to himself and his business giv en his time viee Now alter reaching the posi- ion in the of the Prov ince which he has reached and been subjected to the of he has had to meet during the past two years it was the least his friends and neighbors could do to rally to his and make his majority larger it was before And the applause that greeted Mr Waltons remarks that the Literals present purposed making this the first on their hands Mr Walton was followed by Mr Duncan Marshall who addressed the along same lines Among other things he- pointed out that in all his public career Mr Davis was one of the few men In public in either political parties who asked nothing for himself He bad never asked the country for any- favor for or family I in any whatever Ills had been a hearted and devoted service to his country giving of Us time and tat freely and generously Mr Mar hall detailed Nome of the plans and methods that were being pufsufcd this campaign and warned the Liber- four the tops trees As the islands were twenty feet above the sea level and were not surrounded by coral reefs it was necessary for all the inhabitants to take to the trees tidol wave began cover These trees grew to an when the the land immense waters like the convolutions of a mighty serpent turning up to light every here and there amongst- the fields and woods At our half hidden among its old trees lies a stately struc ture of considerable antiquity and where Queen Mary slept on the night preceding the battle of Langside in ready tossed the sudden gusts in to foam and curling roll ers And as gradually the glory the stormy sunset gives place to the darker tints of the coming storm the surface the water assumes ait inky indigo tint which contrasts still more with the driven spray On the slopes of mountains are numerous bright green ies on which browse cattle and from whence were it not for the roar the mountain blasts would probably have been heard the harmonious notes of the that striking Swiss National mountain mel ody which such a distinctive charm to a walk through the upper hilly meadow more moderate elevations the mountains which border the lakes tower the peaks and barren rocky pinnacles the snow- clad domes and spurs and the black frowning precipices of the mighty giants of the Alps now one after the other shut in and hidden from view the rolling masses of black- cloud now rapidly gathering on nether side of lie extended down to the waters a lofty rocky hill height many reaching an altitude of the grounds beyond lies the burg feet All the lower trees were of and the industrious is swept with pitiless force about and over them- The natives on the tall er trees were safe until the roots gave way and then they too were swept out into the sea One of the many acts of heroism reported is that a woman who climb ed one the tall trees and lashed her babe to the branches arid hung to the of the tree the ope as best could There remained for hours great torture until finally rescued Thousands of tons of copra the dried kernel of the and over tons mother of pear shells are known to have been lost The pearl shells are valued at per ton and many valuable pearls may now he lost to the world for ever covered try the raging as which of Glasgow nestling as usual under her canopy smoke as well as numerous villages and towns Before descending from brae our conducted us to an enclos ed patch of ground known as Marys Well and from which Queen sracied thirst her flighY the after the Battle of Of course we all felt rather dry and each in turn the qualifies of the clear sparkling spring water and were ready for the return tramp to the A different road was chosen which proved fully as interesting as the former and wl i lead us through the old village of and past park to beware of all kinds of yarns if the in one and arid falsehoods with your Hie young man the country would be flooded not and he thought of it with during the contest corrugated brow for about miles From this meeting there Is every when a great thought struck Him and evidence that Division which a broke from his lips He did its duty well last may would do drove with one hand the rest of- the it even better on the and magnificent will major Dont forget the old man with the fish on his back For nearly thirty years ho has been traveling around the world and is still traveling bringing Health and comfort wherever he goes To the consumptive he brings the strength and flesh he so much needs yl To all weak and sickly children he gives rich and strengthening food To thin and pale persons he gives new firm flesh an4 rich red blood Children who first saw tho time the Was reached darkness had set in and as we moved near the principal street the same busy and pushing were on every hand Altogether we covered over and my felt as tho I had tramped Yours very truly EDGAR Telephone It is estimated that the Dell Tele phone Companies the United States will expend during in extending and at least new subscribers will he added to the exchanges The hid lelephoce Co of Cleveland having made applica tion to the City Council for the right to increase its rates and been refused now proposes to go ahead with the increase without permission of llie civic council The s of the company staled that they must get higher rates or go out of business The proposed increase is for residence to and business to annum These rates inter esting to Canadian telephone users who have been getting service at less rates than the above without the ex pense and nuisance of competition The net output of tccphoiV the American Bell Telephone Company during was 021711 being the largest in the history of the Com pany The company has in opera tion in tho United States 8160820 telephones the number of sub scribers la increasing at a rate requiring an of capital lake edge bar ren and desolate as though Nature shocked at the desolation and ruin which it was the scene refused to spread over it the veil of herbage and leafage which would have concealed from view the record of the great catastrophe For here at the com mencement of the last century hun dreds of human beings and thousands of cattle were immolated by the mountain itself a considerable sec tion of which almost without warn ing loosened from the strong founda tions of the towering mass slid down the sloping sides and with dcafen- roar as though a thousand deton ating peals of thunder were rending the air carried all before it in one hideous and appalling ruin Vast masses detached rock hounding down from the dizzy heights with ever accelerating speed crush into powder every habitation with all it contained which happens to be its destroying path great boulders shot as it were from some titanic engine veritable projectiles discharg ed from Natures mountain hurtle hither and thither the air thick with the mighty missiles while the very ground itself and all slides down the mountain side carrying devastation and anni hilation in its path And when all is over the smiling landscape is hut a wilderness and the prosperous homesteads die entombed in a rocky sepulchre And a Day will come when some who have forgotten their call upon the rocks to covet and hide them from His face Hut those who have served and loved 1 1 in suffered as their Substitute will welcome that day joy For they know that their redemption nigh Why do we sometimes throw a shoe a bride The reason is not very compliment ivy of old it has been the habit of mothers to chastise their children Mill a slier Hence the custom arose of the father of a bride making a present to the bridegroom of a shoe as a that It was to he his right to keep he in order Although the medicine business above all be carried on with and the act that til no bluer there to much fitful The the are traded upon i I Hold by ltiVitl Co Condition his bill for appointment of a He was the measure had apparently proved so satisfactory because criticism it wax heard What She Can i Canada has already miles of railway- that cost nearly old man with the fish are of tin W world grown up and have children she has cMnals ioooo of their own post He stands for schoojs inn m luml I winter- I it 7 and over colleges delightful and a natural only percent Illiterates a river tonic for children for old miles long peo- and for all who need flesh and WV born and only per cent foreign horn the remainder being British Horn Canada ranks third In the production of gold has a million i miles of practically Chomlato Toronto Ontario end all iiiivful maimer- Impoisf- many pur a ta in the hie cure to worthier and oiuq arc to As a all proprietary tr with suspicion by many people and the good for the bad these reasons e announce that our arc the principal SOW iijb r ai VW Wl an ample of the of tfrery aehuth MOUNT Montreal St Im- ALBER Ottawa ISO and NERVdUS- Headache Weak Stomach orderediyvef Female Prepared only by the Proprietor Thomas St Bold Everywhere in Canada America In boxes 25 cents sit wing WyoacTf contracted lay Blood tjn1MborEor is beta La no serious result will follow you any of ihe ioiioTiny K ulcers on the tongue or in the mouth of the the body and smart djspictlo of the Dont I with the old mercury suppresses the tot a lime only to break appv iu life experimented yon Our NEW Is to core you Our arc backed that the will return of have already our NEW TREATMENT for and the up but a care ca Mm- RRW wilt rare and make a raw I J it Influence the brain becomes active Ifc all pimples and ulcers become that become face full and clear energy to the and d all drains no more vital the system The natural ajid You feci yourself a map and know marriage We iuvlteall the of charge let and rob of Willi CUBE YOU OR NO PAY ftQd cure STRICTURE VARICOCELE KIDNEY and BLADDER DISEASES and all diseases peculiar to wen and Are ni a victim Have you lost hope Are you contemplating marrujje Han your Mood been diseased New Method Treatment will curoyou fro Mo wbihay treated Char The All teal Free scaled No names on boxes of envelops Everything pnJdfttaBiJ l MICH tfsA iV WEAK TH v2Sf ft mms WVi 10 id f- I iTiVI J- i 1 iVtrUWVtiriJ Pag Metal Will not get Willi elfaUiig which cither child or In CtftiMUedileryUl Out UootMalpflivLndjjijijohuUB BO PROMPTLY SECURED for our Interesting Invent or Help and Nov you are J Bend ui a rough ketch or model of your fa- and our opinion It patentable been conduct fully equipped office In Montreal and IhlaquaUfleaujtoptonjpt- lydfjpalcji vVork and quickly ftetrurc a the references dSTpcurcd rfarion without charge la throughout over the Dominion of fcsoDC Subscribe for fe Era timm and get all the Home News