The gives more homo news every week than any two other paper in North York combined and acknowledged to be the Leading County Paper I N OKJH YOEI INTELLIGENCEE AND to to above all other ive me liberty to fcoow to u and to argue to conscience above all other liberty No piper sent outside of North York paid in advance No Single copies cents each J Newmarket Tuesday Feb 24 1Q03 TERMS per annum if pah in i I omination LENNOX- TRAPS Said Galled Jp Aurora Thursday Judge Not Galled Aurora day- at the The nomination proceedings on to such good advantage The long enough on the platform he Mr Thursday last at the Town Hall effect was tremendous When Mr Dais might get him to stats some Newmarket will live in the political Lennox was caught in the falsehood of the real true facts in connection history of the riding as one of the with regard to telephoning to Judge the protest Mr most interesting and exciting politi- Morgan from Aurora and falsehood Lennox had said that he never said meetings ever held in the historic it was for no one called Judge or charged that he could disqualify riding of North York gan from Aurora Thursday morning him and then Mr Davis read from The electors of both sides will look as the record kept at ebe Aurora of- the papers served upon him and at it but with different feelings fice will prove the Whitney candidate that the petitioner for Mr Lennox and from different viewpoints Lib- turned white as a sheet of paper claimed that Mr Davis was and who were there will remember For a moment those on the platform hereby is disqualified etc Mr it as a triumphant vindication of the stared at the young in pained Lennox had charged that Mr Davis man in whom they had for the past and silent surprise and then audi- had run away from the protest years reposed entire confidence as enco realizing the tremendous weight ceedings but who had allowed him a public man and their of the point scored almost raised the to run away He could not have live roof with several great cheers that settled the case without the consent The Conservatives present will re- fairly shook the building This put member with shame the fact that at this magnificent meeting representa tive even of very outposts of the riding this Immense meeting and in the face of his political friends their idol the smart young man from Aurora who was destined till then to drive Commissioner of Crown Lands from Public Life miserably himself and was publicly ex posed in a falsehood meeting was productive of many surprises the first of which withdrawal of the third can didate William of Toronto In taking this course Mr was well advised hut not altogether frank In he attempted to mis lead the audience with regard to the position of Mr Davis but the latter immediately set him right and Mr then repeated Just exactly what Mr Davis had promised It is sate to ay that the Town Hall at Newmarket was never so crowded at any political meeting ever held in the town When it was necessary for anyone to leave the platform he had to go out over the heads of those wedged in around the doors It was the fin the series of joint meetings and was a startling climax When the first meeting was held at Aurora and Mr Davis elected to Apeak first although in so doing he placed himself at a tactical dis advantage his friends were not al together satisfied It placed the Commissioner in the position of speak in in the dark as to what line his opponent would take It also gave Whitney candidate advantage of following Mr Davis in his own town and among his own particular friends But after the final meeting or the series on Thursday it was teen that Mr Davis knew what he was doing in taking the course he had and looked forward to the final result rather than to a momentary advantage The events at the nom ination meeting demonstrated the wis of Mr Davis choice Had Played Too Soon Mr Lennoxs friends on the run so to speak and when tbe of Crown Lands after making of Mr Lennox and the latter was en tirely to blame for allowing the pro test to be settled in that way If the Whitney candidate believed the his opponent repeat his statement chargeshe Jg have gone on maxicoat the the letter from the Judge they gave up heart and it was a very sore and dis appointed crowd of Wbitnoyites that left the building at the close of the proceedings a weak attempt to discount the effect of the disclosures Mr Lennox stated that he did not believe it arid his friends evi dently thought that the story was without foundation as a number call ed at the town telephone office to see if Mr Davis secretary really telephoned to the Judge THE MEETING After the formal nomination pro ceedings an account of which ap peared in the Era of Friday last Mr was given an opportun ity to explain his position He said that he had been advised to re tire by many coming in to the riding They were convinced that his candidature would not help the real cause temperance and he had decided to take their advice more especially as Mr Davis had promised him that tne people would get all they could get under the Liquor Act of Mr Davis Allow me to say that I rnade no such statement Cheers Mr after a moments thought I understood Mr Davis to say that he would go just as far as his leader would go He cannot go any farther Mr- Davis That is right Cheers Put His Foot into It Mr Lennox in his opening speech made no new point until ho remarked that he had on returning to Aurora that morning called up Judge Mor gan at Toronto and the latter had with them After dealing further with the of resignation and explaining the Jackson Elliott matter to the satis faction of his friends he came to the Judge Morgan phone incident Turn ing to the Whitney candidate be said You stated a minutes ago did you not that on your return to Au rora this morning you called up Judge Morgan Mr- Lennox Yes I repeat it And he assured you that he would be glad to see you and me in Toron to tomorrow morning You said that did you not Mr Lennox weakly Yes Well continued Mr you made that statement I sent my private secretary out and he called up Judge Morgan over the phone and this is the Judges reply taken down in shorthand Judge Morgans Reply I have not had any conversa tion today with Lennox over the phone or with Mr his solicitor or anybody on behalf of Lennox What can the man mean Mr Lennox winced visibly when this message from the Judge was read and for a few seconds the crowd looked on in silence Inen a tre mendous cheer followed the disclosure and for some minutes the friends of Mr Davis made the rafters shake Ladles and gentlemen said the Commissioner when he could again be heard to what length will hot this man go In his effort to hoodwink and fool the electors of North York The time has now come when tbe people of both parties should realize where we are Is the good name of North York to be trail- said that he would be pleased to see tbemetnoda thls Lennox and their faas lnto and explain what he djH Lennox had his trump card too soon when ft a stated to Mr Davis in I impatient he made use of a Davis had at hat moment Jn fa Commissioner sent his secretary out practicafily to the telephone to tcU statement if it were true lie brot dealing with almost every back des repjy d baiiM ft to Mr Davis while Mr Lennox h on his feet entirely unaware ft8 anybody to at the Sutton meeting he otherwise Intcndrd to save tor final at the Newmarket To hear tire applause of friends at Sutton stat ed that the entire printed ky Mr Davis and atcrlbtd to Judge Morgan was propped by Mr Davis in the parliament buildings and taken 4own to the Judge and by him in a moment of Weak- and because did not desire to fiend Mr Davis Mr Lennox hid fco Intention to make use of this statement at the meeting in until it actually slipped out He threatened at Aurora and fiUiuBville to make an exposure of ttiis kind and fact that his pre posterous statement was pub lic on Wednesday made It possible for Mr Davis to get from a letter denying the story in every par ticular This was a drive which Mr used at conclusion what had occurred The only other point of interest In Mr Lennoxs remarks was when he trying to make a point against Mr Davis for alleged promises of employment one man got up In the hall and said that Lennox had promfs to transact law business he might have as a consideration for the vote Mr Lennox said he would be perfectly willing to transact the busi ness- but would charge well for Caught in the Act Mr Davis was given an ovation and prrsented a bouquet Maggie West said don the nomination proceed- Lennox would continue stoop so low as to allow anybody prepare a statement for hi in that would sign anything that Is presented to him Now he a statement to this effect at Sutton last night Pud when he gets up to speak I want him to repeat it and I have something In my pocket which will put him In a very much worse place than he is at the moment Cheers Whom Did Lennox Consult Continuing Mr Davis said that his opponent had charged that he did not think enough of his friends to con sult them the matter of the pro test settlement He askcrf Mr Len nox toname a single person whom he I See iVliscirably the Whitney Candidate Himself at the domination At the Nomination Meeting at Newmarket on Thursday Mr Len stated that on his return to Aurora that morning from Sutton he had telephoned Judge Morgan and the Judge had said that he would pleased to see Mr Davis and Mr Lennox and their representatives the day and explain what he did mean by the words excess of When Davis got up to he said to Lennox You stated a few minutes ago did you not that on your return to Aurora this morning you called up Judge Morgan Mr- Lennox Yes I repeat it Mr Davis And he assured you that he would be glad to see you and me in Toronto toniorrow morning You said that did you not continued Davis you made that statement I sent my private secretary out and he called up Judge Morgan the phone and this is the Judges reply taken down in I have not bad any conversation today with over tho phone Mr Baled his solicitor or anybody on behalf Lennox What can the man mean Mr Lennox turned very pale at this disclosure and the Liberals In the hall made the most of the incident That night Mr Lennox made a hur ried trip to Toronto saw the Judge and got a letter which his credulous friends took to be a vindication of Mr Lennox in regard to the matter merely because the Tory papers printed it as such It will be this letter secured by Mr does not clear him of the charge of falsehood for he distinctly stated and the or more in the hall heard him re peat it that he had that morning from Aurora telephoned to the Judge Here is the letter and it be seen that the Judge corroborates the fact Mr Davis secretary called him up My Dear Mr Lennox In answer to a phone enquiry from Mr Davis from Newmarket I replied that I had not today received any message over the phone from you from Newmarket It appears hew- ever tbat while I was engaged in court work a message came to me over the phone in my chambers and was received by my man asking if I would see a deputation from North York and I Instructed him to reply that could and would be pleased to after pm tomorrow Subse quently Mr told me that he had phoned me and that it was about the matter of settlement of the North protest I told you some time ago that if mis understanding had arisen about statement as to the settlement I would be pleased to see you and Mr Davis and a representative from your respective parties and endeavor to re move any misunderstanding in refer ence to the questional costs or oth erwise Tours truly MORGAN County Judge The Tories issued that letter as a dodger to try to offset the tremen dous effect of the exposure of the day before but those who read the let ter between the lines admit that it confirms the- fact that Lennox did not call the Judge as he a But their joy was shortlived when they read the following letter from the Judge the first two lines of which proves the point Davis made at the meeting and the last paragraph also discredits seriously the only strong card Lennox was able to make use of at the joint meet ings County Judges Chambers Toronto February 28 My Dear Mr Davis Mr Lennox did not phone c at all yesterday nor did I personally re- ceive a phone from on the subject of North York as I phon ed you yesterday As I said in my letter to Mr which has been published my man received a message to me over the phone asking if could see some parties from North York and I told him to reply Yes tomorrow after three pm I did not know from whom or where the phone came or what the persons wanted and did not near any more about It until the afternoon when Mr said he had phoned me on the subject AS TO THE PROTEST SETTLE MENT MY ORIGINAL STATE MENT IS CORRECT AND I AM NOT AT THIS STAGE WILLING TO DISCUSS THE MATTER FUR THER WITH ANYONE AS NO CHANGE COULD BE MADE BY ME FROM THE STATEMENT OR IGINALLY GIVEN Yours truly Signed MORGAN Judge Finally at the nomination meeting Mr Davis made his opponent the statement he had made at Sut ton when he said that the Judges entire statement had been prepared at the Parliament buildings by Mr Davis friends and taken down to the Judge and signed by him in a mo- of weakness and because he did not like to refuse Mr Davis thoroughly disposed of that story by reading the following letter Hon J Davis Newmarket Dear Sir In reply to com munication to mo that Mr Lennox alleged at Sutton meeting that the statement signed me and publish ed by Mr Davis was prepared Mr Davis or some of his friends the Parliament Buildings and sent to signature I have to say that the statement was drawn by myself and signed and sent to Mr Davis and was not prepared by Mr Davis or anyone else for him and sent to me for signature Yours truly MORGAN Judge A 1- HON E J The Liberal candidate this elec tion has lived practically all his life in the Township of King is well known to the electors of North York and has served the public in different capaciiies from that of publicschool trustee and Township Councilor up to a member of the Provincial Cafe- and Commissioner of Crown Lands for the Province of Ontario Mr Davis record as a business and as a politician is one that fleets credit alike upon himself and the people whom he has soloVg resented Mb man has been voted to public duly thin Ho has never asked his Province for an favors for himself or his relatives As Commissioner of Crown he has been instrumental In having a great deal of legislation for the Province of Ontario and we doubt if ever a cabinet minister in the Province of Ontario administered an important portfolio with as great satisfaction to all concerned as has the Hen J Davis- administered the Crown Lands Department for the province If devotion to nubile du ty and ability as a representative counts for anything then Mr Davis deserves to be reelected by a hand some majority The Commissioner of Crown Lands is a large property holder in the con stituency His business gives to a large number of men and extensively engaged farming In act no more represen tative man could be secured in the riding to look after the interests of the people in the Legislative Assem bly We trust that Mr Davis will receive the splendid majority that he deserves on Thursday of this week Beware of Roorbacks Be on the outlook for Tory roor backs about the day before election when they think it is Impossible to correct the same Any story that saved until the day before election Is a phoney to use the latest ex pression coined in the riding Look out for phoney roorbacks 1 it Bluff That Failed With all the sangfroid of the poker- adept T H Lennox called Mr Davis hand at the Sutton the Commissioner of Crown Lands drew in the pot Lennox thought Mr Davis did not have one of the Dollar Bill let ters he had been talking about so he called for it Had Mr Davis not had letter Lennox would have produced a Bible- and sworn by all that that there was no such letter With quick resource hut Judg ment the Whitney candidate claimed that the letter was written by the man charge of the Liberal Com mittee Rooms at Aurora Mr Davis agreed to let Mr Lennox have an opportunity to prove his charge Mr Lennox may be a good poker player but he now knows that blufl does not always win