Newmarket Era, 24 Feb 1903, p. 2

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J A THE FEBRUARY t Magnificent Exposition of provincial public question to consider was whether the Government wore right or wrong in their public policy Were they right in their fight lor the disputed territory to the north of us or were they wrong- Were they right- or in their policy of Build up Ontario This had been done in Nomination at V spite of Mr Whitneys Opposition consulUd Continued from First Page meeting the fflOUIlt 411611 I0F statement bad been prepared at the Parliament Buildings ami to the Judge and signed by him in a moment weakness our move- and efforts to frustrate at every step If the dofafe of an opposition were among his friends Here was a man finding fault with The greatest and most enthusiastic meeting ever held here in the Liber- Mr Lennox rose to his- fee as- if deny the statement and actually commenced to deny it when he was i J sla room being at a premium and of an himself Mr Davis felt quite fltA rass and criticize the Government it v -ft- a The Government and tire Traffic Ait Eloquent Tribute to Mr Aurora Ken Premier Ross spoke at a magnificent meeting here tonight Conservatives and Liberals alike assembling to him and listening in rapt attention to one of the finest exposition of Provincial af fairs that has yet fallen from the lips of Ontarios courageous Premier The Premier was assisted by Esq of To ronto a vigorous exponent of Liber al principles and by Mayor Cane of Newmarket who also spoke ably and was well received Mr- Under bill presided and among those on the platform with him were exMayor A Yule John Davis Thos Thus J Fer guson J Andrews Dr K Rogers H Hart- man M Win Linton Lnndy Alfred Graham David Johnston Jacob Andrews J Baldwin D Nel son Phillips Samuel Holland Lin ton jr Chas J Knowles Broobsbank G Smith Geo Knowles John Holder Towns J Walton Charles Norman Thomas Lloyd The Chairman Mr Underbill in a few happy phrases set the ball a- roll ing On behalf of the Town he welcomed Premier Ross pointing out thatt the joint meeting in same ball Mr Lennox had said of the Premier he had thc greatest re- Mr Ross as an honorable man man of integrity and a man he very highly Mayor Cane was the first speaker other questions treated J John Smiths connection with in a manner which show conclusively that McKay John Smith of the Herald was head tail and Emote the third candidate movement the responsibility rested on them that men who should be selected to govern the destinies of this land were qualified to discharge the high trust reposed in them He be lieved that public men should be men of integrity that the man who asks the people of this country such an office shall he such a that a fa ther can ask his boy to emulate ami imitate and fashion their life by should take pride in their pub lic men because he believed that the public men reflected the moral senti ment of the community Mr Lennoxs Offer to Retire Mr next went into the Len- telephone affair Hold ing a Tory dodger in bis band A lie nailed Mr- Davis telephone trick ex posed he read from the Globe re port of the following He Mr- Lennox however had telephoned to Judge Morsan this mornirg and asked him if he would consider such a proceeding an insult Morgan had said that he would be delighted if Mr Davis would come down A voice Take alb to it Mr Lennox said that he would not take his oath but if Judge Mor gan would contradict the truth of what he said he would withdraw from the contest From the World he also corrobor ated this and then he repd amid repeated the following let ter from Judge Morgan and heard the discussions think every impartial observer will have come to the conclusion that Mr vis made a good defence of himself that his honor is untarnished that the cause which he espoused has been ably defended by him and that as between the two candidates the ejec tors of North York have but one choice I expected as much I have had the honor of sitting the House with Mr Davis first while he was a private member I have sat with him around the council board as a minister and I have heard him on many occasions repel the at tacks of his opponents and I have ne ver known him on a single instance it had no initial plan tor- tiat in benefit and of tie emergency he would do what was the country then flie best possible thing on their behalf for mischief is and by one of the for mischief his of the country is wide Mfk at elecu more eBeetne ve meetlnf in such numbers as to Were they roads io secure legislation and the to sugar And J introduced to beet Only the otto day fc day to make my id the interests of ths and feo the arm labor he had cabled ltleDda England for laborer spot App was a serious problem raem0 to the last dav of my and the Government were endeavoring XonA to solve the Spewing o declared that his for doing exactly Ross said that the Liberal party J would not waste itself in i A his party for DavisHe said be eonM have And then they had a good broad sword and as Judges Chambers Toronto February 20 My Dear Mr Davis Mr Lennox did not phone me at all yesterday nor did I personally re ceive a phone from any one else on the subject of North York as I phon ed you yesterday said We Continuing Mr said it was his ambition as a Canadian to get into markets of Great Britain with manufactured goods of the of Ontario the Niagara power quest said the Conservatives bad out a few weeks aROihat tW Niagara Falls was a very The Liber als had ten years ago They were willing to allow the municipality of Toronto all the power it wanted for civic purposes and would he willing that muni cipalities of this province should combine and between themselves es tablish a commission and get electric power for themselves They did I it do you think he would have refus ed it A small hoy Why take it Laughter Sir Davis If he could have qualified me did he sell his party for Cries of Yes Mr In thc matter of costs they were either lying before the judge or they are I will tell you what is the matter The judges statement is true but ft Grinds my opponent very seriously to that he did not at time re alize the lull force of some the clauses when they were drawn up He is trying to hay idee change his statement and the judpe will not do it Peanut Politics reminded that evsn the Mail and Em himas saying so Then be said that what he did say was that the statement was prepared at the Parliament buildings that it was takeit down by Mr Davis to Judge Morgan Mr Davis and Judge Morgan went it together and it was then takenback and typewritten by Mr- Davis This was hot quite what Mr Len nox said at Sutton but it suited Mr Davis quite as well He read amidst almost breathless expectancy the following letter from the Judge Judges Chambers Toronto February 1003 Dear Sir In reply to your communication to me that Mr Lennox alleged at Sut ton meeting tbat the statement sign ed by me and published by Mr Davis was prepared by Mr Davis or some of his friends in the parliament buildings and sent to me for signa ture I have to say that the state ment was drawn by myself and sign ed by myself and sent to Mr- Davis and was not prepared by Mr Davis or any one else for him and sent to me for signature Yours truly MORGAN Judee After the reading of this letter the Whitney candidate was metaphorical ly speaking carried out on a stretch er HON BOSS J He the sinuous movements of the Lucas House where received a message to me registered him as the phopc asking if I over I could see some to prevaricate r misrepresent He has re been found to- he unrelia ble either as a private citicu or a public officer- and it would be an traordinary thing it would be a great shock to my knowledge if his As I said in mr letter to Mr previous character if did which has been published my not turn out in this campaign so as it had tuned out and thai was able fully to vindicate Jobn Smith City and where he parties from North York and I told ill to reply Y tomorrow after Something to I and afterwards had The contest has now narrowed down tea at separate tables for fear of lft between the two parties Messrs discovery of the cabal This I M not know from whom or and it from what where the phone came or what ths jhappemd yesterday that Mr Mum persons wanted and did not hear any of the running if he was ever more about it until the afternoon when Mr said he had phoned me on the subject AS TO THE PROTEST SETTLE MENT MY ORIGINAL STATE MENT IS CORRECT AND I AM NOT AT THIS STAGE WILLING TO DISCUSS THE MATTER wish to curtail the powers of muni- 1 Mr Davis then drifted into a dis- cipaitics but one thing the were recussion of the public or the solves ami that was that they It was after all only such would not bring the Province of On- questions that were of vital moment into any debt because of any I to the electors and he asked if such a discussion was not better than the digginc down into private correspon dence- the little scavenging work and part of Province unless did the peanut politics of which they it for the whole Province I had had such an example during the investment the Government- is ex pected to make or is asked to make to develop electric power for any was on the of January On of February the Mail reported a meeting of the To ronto legislative League for the pur pose of nominating a third candidate and those in attendance were Rev J Starr W and Grand Councillor Austin Mr Cane next showed that the money used in the third partys campaign had come thru Chadwick And then when organizers to Newmar ket they went to ExpressHerald office and bad their bills printed- But they would notice that the posters omitted to record that fact as it usually did at the foot of the bill The next public appear ance of the Conservative party in ton with the matter was on the platform at Nomination Day Mr Munns was rather short of a mover and second er and Mr Cane was on the plat form When it appeared likely that Mr would not secure a mover a prominent young Conservative lean ed over Mr Canes shoulder and said We can get you a mover and sec onder if you wish And then the Mayor came to last and latest de velopment that day of all of literature John Smiths office announcement created a decided sensation and Mr Cane was warmly when he said that be not wonder at Mr retiring because in the person of Hon J Davis they temperance candidate in Laughter That of course is not to be regretted because it makes it perhaps easier for some to determine when there is but a choice of two for whom to vote do not know that either Mr or those who favored his candidature if there were any ever took ser iously However we are not going to discuss him or his platform but bong Time Mr Lennox at meet ing let the people see just how tricky he be in argument shallow in pretense All the quirks and quibbles known to the legal business were brushed up and used and to this were added some of the cheap artifice commonly used by young men Mho aspire to Hamlet and Mac- Beth The people were afforded an excellent opportunity to how much banter and demagogue the Whitney candidate really is and from the en tire lack of enthusiasm it is quite years to come He described the that the gentleman condition affairs all over thc dear or mentally what Province and better times that teke0 the government arrangements all classes of citizens were seriously by the people of to assist as a result of the wise measures j He was evidently ashamed of his of the Government Was it not bet- Strongest Effective Measure ter that they- should consider such burlesque of night With respect to the referendum he questions of legislation rather before as he omitted it from the pro- Discussing the disbursement of pub lic monies the Premier said that there was no country under the sun so much public money for Hon to private charity as Ontario I there were in last three years in the ridine of York they consider such unimportant matters or give at ten- matters of legislation which progress at the present time Was thing that made him proud and which would mean so much for of Ihc Government of it was the future of Province in the that fact that no class of lame or helpless or diseased or Wind or WITH ANYONE AS think it would be well if we should CHANGE COULD BE MADE BY till accentuate the line taken up tup whether or not In Hi the present ha and yet Mr had been heard to say that he could get enough votes to defeat the Commissioner of Crown Lands After a reference to the of having a man of ability and to the fgiolature Mayor Cane took occa sion to refer to duplicity of Herald in printing on one jaw story to the that the tnt to throttle public spirit and prevent free speech had prevented the of the Newmarket Town Hall the Conservatives This printed on one page on an other was an advertisement of GIVEN Yours truly Signed MORGAN Judge r Leaving this matter of Whit ney candidates shattered veracity Mr clearly demonstrated the fact that the Whitney the following their leader oppos ed the taxation of brewers and dis tillers And they also vott the taxation of other rich corporations opposed the establish ment of the Neglected Childrens and the safeguarding Hie and interests of in the various Industries of the land Premier Ross In introducing Mr Un derbill inadvertantly referred to the present as Mr Ross first visit to Aurora After the applause which greeted Mr had ceased had been presented and ac knowledged Mr look the op portunity to intimate that years ago this winter he had the pleasure of speaking in Aurora on behalf of the Wons of Temperance App Like his predecessor he jocularly re marked that he had almost some in coming again to Aurora There seemed to be so much heat in Aurora notwithstanding where the mercery stood He did not know whether there was much light as heat and there was certain ly a good deal of heat And for to bring coals to at this asked if it were wrong to submit that than take such a narrow contracted question to the country The Gov- of politics as were taken by the eminent Ontario was not an auto- Whitney candidate Government which says or I concluding he thanked his sup- that shall be law They took porters from the bottom of his heart view that the people were the govern- 1 for the support which had been ors of country Although the him as their member for a had increased so rapidly they had decreased the drinking places of years They had stood by him nobly and cheered and the Province from to him under many difficulties such It was undesirable that they should as encompass public men It was this same time to him a work of super- rogation But he knew they were ml as had as reported they were town Hear bear Mr yd made capital fighting fcpeech commencing with a jocular re ference tothe he Hi in vis iting Aurora after the exaggerated reports of what occurred the other evening and then eloquent and vig orous language he pictured the im mensity of Ontarios fie asked them to make ure that the men sent to parliament to too lntellignt for that I m not Mr Ross going to discuss local Issues You have had duel all week in this between the combatants for the mastery I was confident that when the duel meetings were ar ranged my colleague would not be over matched in the discussion of public questions or in the defence of his honor and veracity I have the reports in both gr-r- and whether we take them with mm of tagacity and men of or without or whether we crisis in voting against Davis who has represented you so long and to that extent weakening the Govern ment of the Province of Ontario I lad the pleasure of market on the fth of October at- that magnificent demonstration which was by the way one of the flnCst politi cal demonstrations I ever saw and I had the pleasure then of saying although my majority was small I thought it would grow Hear hear and It has very satisfactorily ever since and I think it will continue to grow I think we arc living in a growing time Laughter A comfortable majority is a very comfortable thing We have had three byeelections since These three have contri buted to that growth- We are hay ing two others next week and I hope in the case of both of them that the work begun on the of Jan uary early In thc year will continue and that when the polls close next Thursday our majority will lit tle larger than it was I also said speech that I had no intention to re tire that I thought I was not called upon retire that the public inter ests required that I should stand my ground and fight it out have been doing so I in a clean conscientious and upright way We proposed to fight it out in that alone and I hope that every elector In Jhe North Riding of leaet every Lfberalfeels he has something to fight for that there is at stake important principles and Important interests which call for his allegiance to sound and progressive Liberalism and allegiance to the country ard Province to which be be longs A good cause and I hope we have that a good spirit devoted attach ment good organization and rll the other proper means of carrying an election hope be employed so that my friend Mr Davis will re turn to Toronto and to the Councils of the Province with an majority Cheers Right or Wrong take steps which would in a few years have to be undone Every step they had yet taken they had been able to keep and he promised them the strongest measure that they believed could be made effective The sweetness and purity of our Canadian homes must be made the sovereign purpose of any govern ment which wished to command the confidence and respect of an intelli gent mid Christian people am said the Premier in con clusion speaking to young Canad ians Our lives will soon have spent their forces Whatever power we hold to somebody May it be tie will pass to men that are imbued with sound principles of progres sive Liberalism that knows un holy alliance with corporations or with the dominations of capitalists May our power when it has passed from us pass to others who will be lieve in right of the subject rights to every race and creed and will protect as we have orcd to Protect of Province no matter by assailed I trust this spirit you will apply yourselves to this elec tion Do not worry unnecessarily about this or that or the other mat ter The issues are far These local matters may have- to bo clcarcd up good and well so clean I hem up but ft so sec that voir hot forget the great aibilitv which rests upon voir when exercise for about seconds thc of sovereignity on the of February that ballot has been marked your sovereignity will pass to man who has the major- It of the ballot at the poll There conscientious ob ligation to invest that sovereignty In a man you can trust anil have trusted in a man who Is loyal to Liberal nrinclplts and a who stands at the very front of who arc the country who has the the Legis lative Assembly as well as the of who sits around the council board with him Cheers oo that after election his cards will read It is considered stylish to Tear on to that 1 an inspiration to a public man to j feel that behind him tic has an elec torate which has confidence him and which believed that he would honorably and fairly and to the best of his ability protect their interests on the of Parliament and serve their interests in the development of the country They had done then part He hart done the best he could as not for him to say wheth er he had succeeded- Still he had tried show his appreciation of their confidence then the very best services that had been In his power If they believed that his services had been of advantage to them he asked- them to say as much at the polls on and return him by a larger majority ever The Final Mr Lennox in the half hour at bis at carefully evaded any further reference to his telephoning- Judge Morgan from Aurora although there were frequent cries of one tel ephone With some astuteness he steered all around the matter re peating his challenge to go Judge Morgan again but omitting to repeat his story that the Judges statement had been prepared at the parliament buildings and sent down to the Judge for signature He re peated bis assertion however that the judge was wrong about the and anything Judge Morgan might say to the contrary- would make no difference t the fact Mr is In conclusion said that Mr Lonnnxs offer to do a good turn at any time lo the people of North York would probably result as it had for the gentleman who had risen In the audience a short time before and who had to pay for his Jaw Davis then repeated his already published statement in- regard to temperance legislation and went oh that he never had an opponent so difficult to pin down to a truth ful statement as the gentleman who Is opposing him at the present time bad said that Judge had never sent him a copy of the agree ment Why had he not been honest enough to admit that the copy had been sent to Mr Daird Lennoxs so licitor and by him sent to Mr- Len nox Mr Davis then to repeat the gram Somebody probably expected to see this little bit of low drama as a largo Bible was found lying on the speakers- table when the meeting opened As an actor Mr Lennox pays special attention to cumulative effect and the full calcium and with the snare drum rolling At side door when Mr Davis entered the hall a young man was stationed As as Mr Davis passed the youth bolted with to Mr In a few momenta Mr Lennox entered the front door and a young man sit ting three scats from the front stood up and waved a once white At this palpably prearranged signal Mr Lennox joined and the candidate his entrance to their careful Mr Lennox and his of detail And how they tittered and how they laughed when said ho had not tasted a drop of intoxicating liquor in nino years in the town of Aurora When the crowd stopped laughing ho invited to tell an other and no wonder told them also that no person in North York had the cause of temperance more at heart than he had and was immediately smitten with such a great and thirst that ho was obliged to reach for glass of water ts a wonder he did not faint The Whitney candidate at the joint meeting pulled a book out of his pocket stated it was a Bible and then took his solemn swear that some observations he had made was true Ho possibly thought it a sort of masterstrokcAbut all who witness ed scene wore disgusted with such a theatrical stage performance under tho circumstances and readily reached conclusion being un able to swear to other parts of his did not Mas to all he said The wonder is that being a member of the legal profes sion and consequently aware of the tact that there is a statute providing for taking of extrajudicial oaths that ho did not go about this kiss book business so that he could be held for perjury if he really desired to give It effect but that wasnt his John Smith game- it was sensation ho after not truth and good the tide was overwhelmingly Davis Great cheers greeted the two speak ers Mr C KC and Duncan Marshall who delivered two of the finest speeches ever delivered in this section Mr whose reputation as a thinker and logical preceded Mm lived up to all expectations and gave a strongly argumentative address deal ing with the charges alleged cor ruption reviewing the rascality and outrages committed by the Tories who now claim to be apostles of purity The educational system was ably defended taxes on corporations were dealt with and the succession duties were thoroughly explained The financial position of Ontario was successfully handled and Mr gave a grand eulogy of Premier Ross under whose inspectorate the speaker had taught Mr- speech convincing and conclu sive left a favorable impression upon the audience The vociferous cheers that greeted Duncan Marshall on rising to speak and the shouts Well send Davis hack evidenced the popularity of the speaker and the Davis enthusiasm Mr Marshall never appeared to bet ter advantage He was at his best His speech was captivating for two solid hours he showed facts figures fight and fun and fired bullet after bullet into the enemies camp He compared the tactics of the two par ties showing that all through campaign the Lennox it polity one of vilification and abuse while Mr Davis and his friends dealt fairly honestly with the public issues a discussion on which could not be from Mr Lennox Mr Mar shalls comparison of two candi dates while in the waft convincing and ho urg ed lit the hundreds of listeners the and desirability of to parliament a man who stands ip for and principle Mr Lennox was strongly for slanderous remarks he made at his meeting here a few nights ago Mr John Shields a most respectable citizen Mr Marsha soaked it in by declaring with the unanimous approval of his hearers that tho man who deliberately abused John Shields was not fit shine Shields boots The question was ex haustively discussed and incidentally episode and the abortive attempt to launch him upon an un willing electorate by the Smith was exposed Conclusive was given that John Smith and Hilly with his hidden literature were synony mous terms Lennox and his lies at nomination meeting in for a great scorching at hands of Mr Marshall but the hottest shot of evening Was when Mr Davis was en tirely vindicated by the production of Judge Morgans latest letter attest ing to Mr Davis statement that Lennox lied The genera administration of pro vincial affairs took up the balance of the time and after firing more grape shot into the enemys ranks that made what few of them were present howl Mr Marshall resumed his seat amidst great applause the echoes of which will resound long after Feb 26 when if all divisions speak with the certain sound as ML Al bert Mr Lennox will be sunk into political insignificance a position whitt his character as a claptrap haranguetalker well mer its Slandering Hotel- Keepers In hie recklessness the Whitney candidate in an effort to score a point against Mr Davis has taken to slandering the women of the riding Ho repeats the disproved chtuge that Mr Davis left with the wife of a Keswick tor im proper purposes Mr Davis explain ed under examination that this pay ment was made for services tendered to himself and parly and which cov ered tho of a covered Now Mr Lennox says he is having Mr Davis watched in every hotel in thc riding to see that he docs not leave five dollars with the hotel wife Of course Mr Lennox not think much of the honor of Mr Da visnot tbat Mr Davis cares much what ho thinks but ho might a little regard for the honor the wives of North Yorks hotel keepers And Mr Lennox poses as a man- The man who wrote the report of tho joint political meeting at Sutton for the Toronto Telegram must have been same genius who penned the misstatements about absence of name of John Smith City from the Lucas House register One Is about as truthful as the other and both are on facts The sudden retirement of Mr wo are sure must have caused a shock both lie Mail and- Telegram who took such a deep interest la his candidature J

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