Newmarket Era, 6 Mar 1903, p. 2

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A General Servant Apply at once to Mrs Prospect Ave To Dressmaking Mrs Pe ter Diiiman St For Sole on to Rent The corner house and lot on the Con of Whitchurch adjoining Mr Josh Wilsons property acres For terms and par ticulars apply to Mrs Mary Wil son St or Newmarket FOR Best Quality of Meats 1 brighter aid Better tew Ail Printing Done at Home Election Voided Call On AT LOW PRICES TAYLOR Bonds Old Stand Newmarket Stove Nut or Egg at Delivered Lukes Family and Pastry Flours Also Manitoba Hungarian Flour J HURON STREET Telephone On Tuesday last judgment was giv en in the Court of Appeal at Hall in the Ste Marie election case against Andrew the Conservative candidate at the last Provincial election by- Justices Osier and The judgment a lengthy the election void but costs are not allowed on either side The House now stands Government Opposition seats varant Premier Ross Majority still growing The concluding part of the judgment again demonstrates how toe Whitney party puts down bribery and corrupt practices Mr Justice Osier said The acts of bribery proved and the illegal practices connect ed with the employment of ought I think to override any majority Nor can it be overlooked that drinking was un doubtedly indulged in to a most reprehensible extent though the evidence may fall short of the commission of corrupt practices in that respect The Liquor License Act indeed would seem to be almost a dead letter in the town of Marie Roy and be reported In the matter of costs his Lordship decided that in view of the number of cases as well as proven no costs should be given to either party Mr Chief Justice agreed with Mr Justice Osier in ev ery particular A patriotic song en tilled The Colonials and the dedicated to Caned who fell in- South approved sblt IsstaU Minister of Education for use in educational institutions Province North is now in line and both parties are ready for the fray On Tuesday last the Liberals placed Lieut Hale a wealthy young lumberman Pembroke in nomina tion The meeting was unusually large and very enthusiastic A num ber of addresses were delivered on the occasion Our Society Column it SEE OUR LAO RANGE SPRING WALLOPERS We are Corset Specialists Try us We Guarantee Satisfaction v A Big Sale Mostly ail Young Steers will take place at Harmans Stable NEWMARKET On Saturday March At oclock am A counter petition has been filed by Mr John Brown North Perth against Mr John his Conservative Over in York State at Watertown Tickets Kisses which young wo men have promised to redeem have been sold for the benefit of a fair A provisional school for Infantry in struction will be opened at Ottawa next month under the authority of the militia department The school will continue for a period of two months Also a few horses Cash or Easy Terms AUCTION -OF- J Valuable Farm Pursuant to instructions from the Executor of the late JOHN BAIT will be for sale by Pub- He Auctioa by Win Kavatiagh Auct it Hotel in Toid of day of March at the hour of eleven oclock in the forenoon the following parcels of land The North half of Lot No in the 2nd concession of the Township of East in the County Of York containing one hundred acres more or Jess On this parcel are frame residence frame bam shed and stables in fair order There is a good well on the place and about 15 acres of tamarack bush 2 Lot No in the first con cession of the said Township of Hast east of Street containing acres of marsh land growing marsh hay and a consider able amount of good blue hay The two parcels will be sold subject to a lease in favor of William Halt which will expire on the first day of April The purchaser will It was jocularly remarked by a farmer from the country last Satur day that he had heard nothing of that dull sickening thud which it was said Liberals would experience here at the close of the poll on the 2tn Another farmer Conserva tive from the neighborhood of Van- dorf speaking to a wellknown sym pathizing buyer on the market said Didnt they put it to us Thursday The reply You bet was signifi cant According to recent cable des patches from London England the excursion of members of the British House of Lords and Com mons will take place in August next Two special steamers will be charter ed or the occasion The trip con templates arriving at Quebec then through to the British Columbia coast by rail slopping over at va rious points of interest and cm the return trip take ship at Halifax The Earl of Aberdeen and Lord are taking an active In terest in ibis excursion Nominations for the Commons bye election in North Ontario took place at The can didates proposed were Mr Geo Grant Liberal and Hon Geo Poster Conservative Speeches were delivered by Hon Mr Minister of Customs Mr It Bor den Conservative Leader at Ottawa Mr Grant Mr and others Hon Mr Foster was too ill to attend Polling takes place on next Tuesday and a close contest is anticipated The North York byeelection is thus commented upon by the Globe The campaign In North York was marked personalities and other discredit- be entitled to the rent which is features Mr Davis may or due and payable on the day of wisely in corn- January promising with his opponent bus Terms of Sale Ten per cent credit that his time of sale and the balance of the throughout the campaign was purchase money to be paid in character and re- months thereafter his constituent He The property Will be put up subject Petty ptrsonalitiea in to a rtJierre bid which his opponent Mr Lennox further particulars apply to own hurt If James PO or contest makes plain to Mr and men of his type that a of extravagances and is offensive to- intelligent electors Irrespective of party the i campaign will not fa in vain Certainly the return of the Commissioner of Crown Lands is a good service rendered to the Province to J ROBERTSON Vendors Solicitor Newmarket Dated March Aurora and For the information of persons in terested in Private legislation at the present session of the Legislature the following notices are placed on the bulletin board in the corridor of the Parliament buildings Friday the of March will be he last day for the reception of reports of committees on private bUla No public bill purporting to mu nicipal assessment Acts without unanimous consent of Ihe House be introduced after the expir ation of five weeks from opening cf session This does not apply to Gov measures During the year men in America were killed in prize fights and in a season of three months just passed twentyone men have been killed playing football Fifteen of these have died broken necks or broken backs How have been ruptured and permanently injur ed various ways no man can say I says Elbert HuUbard in the March Cosmopolitan that two young men with whom I am personally ac quainted are now in lunatic asylums as a result of football and their rav ings are the cries and signals of this game If you still think that root- ball is manly sport vou might inter view the parents of these young men The independence of the News is already becoming somewhat jughand led While admitting on the one hand that Sir Wilfrid has ne ver received from Ontario the sup port he deserves on the other it contends that North Ontario should contribute towards intensifying that wrong by sending Hon Geo Fos ter to the Dominion Parliament Yes the News asks the electors in its fit of independence to embrace the dis carded of New Brunswick one of Hon Mackenzie nest of trai tors while declaring the leader of the Government has not been suffi ciently supported by this Province The wind is blowing high our had better take in a reef The Hamilton Spectator has been known as a Conservative journal ever since we can remember Referring to the Centre Bruce election last week it says There are not enough prohibitionist Tories in On tario to elect a township poundkeep er Is this true This means that ihe great bulk of the prohibition ists of Ontario belong to the Grit party and yet the Bu chanans and tbeir Lucas House nomdeplume are ready to work overtime in an endeavor to wrest power from the Liberals and place the antiprohibitionist leader Mr Whitney at the head of the Provin cial Government in place of Hon Mr Ross a known temperance man and all this time claiming to be prohibi tionists Since the painful and humiliating events that have been made public through the juvenile robbery of the Acton the people of that town arc thoroughly aroused to the need of a more rigid supervision of the morals f the community agitation is started to close the ho tel bars at pm and increase the license for the sale of cigarettes to the prohibitive point Since the investigation into the postoffice robbery barber has been fined 10 for selling cigarettes to under years age and two hotelkeep ers have been fined These violations generally go on till something occurs that causes- shame and disgrace Better to keep a good moral influence by strong municipal restrictions than to leave the door ajar for evils to slip in easy lwm hy the electors of North York and the enthusiasm and decisiveness of Elmer Johnson Aurora Can tils election Is their answer to Ms op allegations J A short time ago the manufacturers held high carnival at the of The Toronto Stars re port furnishes ample evidence that the handwriting on does not Indicate a desire for a higher tar iff in rural districts The re port reads All went merry as a marriage bell at the Manufacturers banquet at until chair man on Mr Brooks a farmer to respond to the toast of The Ag ricultural Interests Then uprose this fanner man arid not in the lease blinded by the blazing lights and shirt fronts nor awed by the assembled wealth nor intimidated by the high opinions of the protected manufac turers around him be told them In plain words that he was a farmer that the farmers of the country did not want a higher tariff but a lower that the manufacturers had received favors enough that ought to be ashamed to ask more at the country hands and much more along the same line farmer Raw his chance and took it He re sisted the temptation to make him self pleasant at the expense of prin ciple so he expressed the faith that was in him and served notice on the assembled manufacturers that there were lions In the patt they proposed to take f Mr Geo Partridge went the Tuesday on Jury Miss Anna was home from the city over Sunday Mr A Terry of was in Town for a few days Miss Louise Clark of is at Mrs Hunters Mrs is visiting her sister Mrs Grab ber Mrs Geo Richardson entertained a number of young ladies last even ing Miss Kate of Toronto is visiting her parents arid friends in Town I VV Mrs Calvert Toronto is here on a visit with her sister Mrs Hewitt The Misses Richardson on Pros Ave- were At Home on Tuesday evening The Misses entertained a number of young people last Satur day evening Mr Toronto form erly of the here was in Town over Sunday Siiss Gertie of the Central Business College Toronto was home over Sunday Miss Lucy Brock is attending the Spring Millinery Openings in the City this week Mrs Silver has gone to for a owing to the of her sister i Mrs entertained sever al of at oclock tea last Saturday afternoon Miss Rachel Bolton of Toronto is visiting at her grandfathers Bolton Timothy Mr and Mrs Robt Manning had a family gathering on Monday even ing to celebrate their wedding anni versary Mr of ffc- ronto is spending a couple of weeks holidays relatives in Town and vicinity Mr and Mrs J Elliott of Richmond Hill Friday and Sat urday with Mr and Mrs A fc Coombs One day last weekMrs entertained a number of lady companions of her mother to a five oclock tea Mr formerly a school teacher at Juecnsville was in Town a couple of days this week looking up life insurance The Rev J P Tracy or Toronto and the Rev P of Thorn- hill were guests at St Johns Pres bytery on Tuesday Mr J Ironside returned from TemSsaritfngu last Friday morning Ha has been working on the railroad since last October Dr Clark has received a check from The News for for coming nearest to tho votes cast on the re ferendum in December His guess was Miss Smith is visiting in Town a few days this week She has re cently returned from a visit at Pe- and Southampton and expects to reside near shortly Mr K K of Alameda writes As this is the eve of the election I presume you are hav ing a hot time In the old town to night We arc quite anxious to hear the result Am pleased to you that we arc all good health Newmarket friends will be glad to have this Information IF YOU SEE Our is as we know how to make it the Best we cati buy as far as quality is concerned and if our judgement is worth anything positively safe in buying hero In faot safer we on making good to every customer any loss in their purchase not wearing as Inspection and comparison Noteworthy our Shoe Department Cradle I I I I AlfIKNIn Newmarket Feb the wire of Mr Islic Allen manager of the Clothing Factory a son Newmarket Feb to Mr and Mrs Ward a daughter Town Feb to Mr and Mrs Freeman Lloyd a daughter THE LEADING Undertaking House Bargains -IN- i Extension Tables and Couches For Fifteen calls to at Res John Millard Phot and I a 3 No Heavy Working Boots Extension Hole Chrome Tan rows steel slugged sewn throughout with waxed thread guaranteed solid leather sizes to 11 This is without doubt the best working boot made re gardless of price very i mens Boots No Bleacher Cut Ex tension solo rows of pegs plugged sewn with waxed thread all sizes perfectly soft in all kinds of weather of the best English Kip and the most waterproof of any am boot made per pair he Hew Peerless We have the control of this fam- Boot for Newmarket It is made in a number of different stylos lasts in Box Calf and Kid a perfect fit ting shoe at a moderate price It is equal of twothirds of the extensively advertised Shoes at and superior to the other onethird All at oneprico 5 5 and 325 two popular Spring Lines at popular prices No is a Vominii or Button Boot and a serviceable Box Calf with a heavy extension sole our price all per pair Boys Department We have endeavored to secure for the Spring Trade the best Boys Boots that money and experience can buy and have been successful in scouring several good serviceable lines that we can recommend to our patrons at 125 150 and ft and Childrens Department This is one section in which we We have made ample provision for tlie and little tots Our stock is com posed of all the Staple for every day wear Besides we have many other novelties Grocery Specials Choice Cooking Beans lcs for Good Cooking Apples peck Spanish Onions lbs for Fish Steaks in 1 lb cartons 10c Good Larue Onions peck Bottles Pickles Prunes and Cooking Pigs Blue Cross Health Food 10c package regular 15c Hams and Bacon Sausage and Weinors Pork Pies Phone Sign of the Big Hand NEWAPKIT T I Steamcf Sunk in Sea March A sailor of name survivor of the British steamer Cambrian Prince from November lor which was wreck ed in the North Sea on Feb was landed here today by the British steamer which rescued him from a boat last Saturday The res cue was effected with difficulty to the high sea which was run ning at the time says that Cambrian Prince was unable to make Middles- borough owing to the severe weather and was driven hither and thither at the mercy of the waves for six days On the morning of February when the wind was blowing with almost hurricane force an enormous sea hit the steamer and suddenly bore her down to such an angle that her car go iron ore shitted and prevented her righting herself Succeed ing seas completely overturned steamer and she sank In a few min utes and lour others scrambled into a Iron lifeboat and succeeded In casting of and getting away from the sinking vessel per Large Loaf at the store Usual price in case of Delivery that skilled High Grade Flour can produce Never before has our bread trade equalled the present output the counter The Orange Grand Lodge and the I O O Grand Lodge Manitoba met In Winnipeg on Wednesday Tomb At the residence of Mr Wright near Holland Land ing on Feb pneu monia Elizabeth twin sister the late Sarah years MlWmay on Sunday morning March James David aged Aurora on Feb J Davisaged 01 years A J MAIN ST NO All Orders will receive and Prompt Attention Cakes and Pastry Fresh Butu Jelly Rolls Sponice Cakes Tarts Drop Cakes Cream Roll Fried Cakes Ginger Snaps pv lb Christies Fancy Biscuits more than varieties Fresh est Manitoba Flour A car just arrived In first class condition This flour is now on sale counter It is highly recommended by all who used It Have YOU tried it I J A V GROCERIES PROVISIONS FRUIT I Special for Saturday Green Onions Lettuce Bleached Celery and Bright Bananas I Kvwtcd per lb and Lemons Bananas Comb Honey Strained Honey gag and Cooking by FRESH BULK OYanOta Central Telephone Office I I f irv

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