4 Aching Joints ibi rm and t j Jam body are joint that by that acid condition of the blood affect the muscles also dreft3 move after ittini or lying Ion atn condition commonly weather I dreadfully from bare comr eared for am 5e Out attack of which If and from Hood and toll fa entirety I fc3Tf BO hesitation Sarin By Ufa J of Take tt- j J Robertson Barrister Public Ac Main Street Newmarket on good Farm t Solicitor Notary Honey Lean at Owe Division Court Building Ontario IiGfmox Barrister Bouth of ftc T Herbert Bouth fice Newmarket Of- on Saturday be at and Court J Bob Co Banker and Ontario Bank Aurora fa IVaan at Baxter Reformer Block DENTAL A I BENTIOT Over Toronto Jobbing House re- Guaranteed I i J A r for Money Loan interest at Current Rate Or rice At Ontario 9fA rtaVcoiiri Mintt of agueat loor Ontario a he SchooV and curficila certain change the annual of the Teach ers Association Judging from it is the be between BrockMJIe Department to check the growing will do this and will more and Present towards spoliation Sll i iTi t fc ir suits any other- medicine Historic events mark distinctly the which Hon yr James Patterson changing scenes of time Only three has reached too far B the Senators appointed at while- of a j and her S are now alive one is 9i years g Birehv at QanaH- was WariimW a It is everyday- ills that distress fire weiitofflv Birch mostthose which seize ceived ayriiaoiyte- faultfinding these lies the blood and nerves and The is made thatthe in a Government and ful ly endorsed parties in stand Government Opposition and independent are if in Devon and Somerset Eng land that special efforts are tobe made to reduce their numbers so says an paper What chance the affords for our who have to- be law from Th6 Farmers sent to EnglAiM to advocate the vantages offered tiers in Canada are their mark An English HEAD Q Total if I those humanizing processes which de velop true manhood In this connection it is stated that an endeavor will also be raise the standard in essential requiring 0 per cent- to pass instead of per cent- while the candidate for Junior Leaving is to be relieved of in Latin Greek French and German In regard to Public Schools atten tion is given to nature study domes tic science and manual and technical training Before the approaching session of the Legislature is brought to a close it is quite within the range of probability that the Minis ter Education may propose legis lation to give affect to his views as above suggestedthat is provided the Ontario Teachers Association with the Education Depart ment L NOTES Front the Crown Lands Depart ment we learn tbat advices have been received from the Government agent in the District to the effect that there were locations in the district during the month of January New Ontario will be look ing for another electoral district re presentative by the timfi thd next jimeraJ election comes that is judging from the way the settlers are now moving into the territory Ramsay Fire Afeat Farm anJ lioJate r Shoo Newmarket Either Full or Part Tin Are you your la your time fully you month on or tract a you odd times We employ rule female The next three very beat me to goods No required outfit is absolutely free We largest in over acres a large range if valuably new and all our stock is re presented It you want to re- present the largest most best nursery us It worth while Canadas Toronto We arc pleased to notice that the Provincial Department of Fisheries has decided to recommend that the legislation restricting the sale of bass speckled trout and be renewed for another three years An act to this effect has been in force for three years and has been found to be most effective and valuable By the end of another three it Is that in Lake Sim- roe will become sufficiently numerous to again allow fishermen to sell their catch on the market doubt the loan of Victorias Jubilee gifts to the man agement of an American will tend to create a good and enhance the Kings popu larity in- the neighboring States In this connection we notice the puts in a plea to have these gifts ex hibited at the Industrial in Toron to next September It would prove a drawing card for the Industrial and Canadians would duly appreciate the opportunity of seeing objects of marked interest Let us North York management would create a boom if they could aljjo secure these gifts for their next Kali Show using six boxes she is a strong New Brunswick healthy girl gladly recommend the pills in similar A special cable to the Toronto Tele gram says Load Stanley eldest son the Earl of Derby former Govern or Generat of Canada denies the re cently published statement that he to succeed Lord as of the Dominion Just as we Intimated last week We hot at the time the story was of doubt ful origin These pills cure all blood and nerve troubles- such as anaemia neuralgia indigestion heart trouble Vitus dance partial kidney- troubles and the weak nesses which afflict women Be sure you gel the genuine pills with the full name Dr Williams for People printed on the wrapper around the box If doubt send direct to the Dr Williams Medi cine Co and the pills will be mailed postpaid at per box or six boxes for 1 I 9 Are Homeless Cape Feb despatch received here from day announces the complete destruction of Port Pair by fife last night Only the vessels belonging to the Company were saved Port is a maritime town of on the strait between that island and Tortuga Island miles from Cape Haytien and about miles north of Port au Prince the capital Vessels load and discharge at Port by means of lighters It has a population of about Coast to Cosst The Fame of Dr Clarkes Wonderful Pills Spreading Editor of the Era Sir At the request of the makers I cheerfully famish the following statement in the hope that others like myself may be cured I was a lifelong sufferer from rheumatism and stomach troubles and was a to tal wreck Nothing did me any good until I tried Clarkes Little Red Pills arid thank God I am now al most well after taking six BRAN0HI8 JJrviW MOUNT mkrlesttwn VaV Feb with all my belongings wrapped up in a red nandkerchief marshals report that armed crop alone brought me over dollars A while the ice that weighed nearly pounds Inits stomach was another that nearly pounds The belief that do not their own says an American exchange is put end to by this discovery Quite a number of- are taken during the winter up in LakeSim- but have not heard whether experience of the man recently fishing Lake has been the experience of Lake ftsher- men or not Political parties in the Ontario House now stand as Total number of seats vacant Gov ernment members Opposition total majority for the Government When North Renfrew is added f tine majority will grow to than Sir Oliver had the last time he appealed to the hut his and majority will likewise go last week with the Niagara power Hon Geo gave them to duringffhe approaching session of the the Government would introduce a for the appointment of a commission controlled by muni cipalities and empowered to develop buy transmit and distribute electric energy Now just wait and hear from Mr Whitney will likely the Premier has stolen his pol icy on this question speak it goes into jubilations at the It understood the Minister of defeat pi the man who was knifed Agriculture Hon John has by Conservative electors decided to important j The fact is when it conies an elee- at Agricultural Col- jtion with the vast majority politics lege this involving a division dominate temperance of the Work Two separate depart are to he created one to be called the Department of Field district has been broken as a result of the battle Five are dead and sixteen wounded- as the result of the battle details which were yesterday many prisoners the captured one hundred guns sixty patrols and a ton of- ammunition WITHOUT PAIN Putnams Painless Corn and Extractor never to Warts Corns or Bunions without Pain in hours Refuse a substi tute for its the best The in Centre Bruce on the ult resuHed in the return Air Hugh Clark Opposition- a of The candidate agreed to the Alliance rvspcctlng prphibHIori and then the Conservative temperance electors kmfedVhim the Riding the in Air Clark came out on the above majority- The Mail arid Empire was almost hysterical oyer the prospect of a temperance candidate the byeelection in North York but in the case of Centre Bruce where the boot was on the- other foot so v An uptodate feature in the Meth odist Magazine for March is an The new church at Midland a building was open ed Sunday Fifteen hundred the Montreal Street Railway employees have been into a union by internation al officers Castas of Cfca When was we gave When a Child cried or Astoria in which the student will be paper on Morocco and its more particularly taught matters re- describing the causes of to the soil and other the the recent revolt Department of Animal Husbandry Mexico with seventeen engravings Prof of the College Staff will describes the marked progress have charge of both of theni with that republic The paper on John several under him Mr Wesleys Journal by Principal Three landseekers asphyxi ated in a Winnipeg hotel The dor tors hope to save one life The Senate of WiscohsinPassed a measure declaring of gam bling resorts to be a the Montana House of Representatives if Iicense ambling aoo All Of I REPAIRED ON SHORT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED If 6ur Threehiag Machinery Mower or else breaks down bring it in and it fried f J in J boxes undoubtedly r my wi abMsianis mm nir i Avenue Halifax posed change will mean Henry Vancouver writes Clarkes Wondotfirl Little Red Pills have worked case an increased marked significance in connection with the Wesley Bicentenary Steves Is a strongly written Last Ride a paralysis and- rheumatism and I ThefiVrnkrVMlou Producing- skilled West Mil s means that he favor of a protective tariff policy I tratcs medicine could do if tip I TOROWTpAHr CO 03 IIP at to 3a S3 The Ottawa wails lugubri ously over giving away of Niagara franchises for a vear Vsperiding mooey Will it assuage the Citizens grief to be told that the companies now chartered tlons get to work fully they will pay into the coffers of the people of On tario a near not on ly spending money the people as people will burdened with interest on debt Up power while those who get the benefit of the power which the gift of nature to us all will pay to the common fund a rea sonable sum for using it Hamilton The London Free Press of Saturday story of life in the Rockiea Mil remark Premier In by the Rev A Browning The said policy of Romance and reality of the Norths by the Rev Gordon Ralph Connor in tt protective tariff policy tratcs the urgency of action to ovei- to Canadian workmen to- take pressing need A welt hold their employments and progress paper describes a March visit positive and certain cure for and not be driven out by to a summer island in the asthma paralysis coughs lame the billed workmanship of foreign mas The Worlds Fair of indigestion tall and countries Well if Premier Ross topics areT treated liver troubles complaints in favor of a policy which the Free- With numerous and the diseases been Press and Journals of that- con- toons all OK what are they kicking against the Ontario Government for go into the lamentation business the result of North Voile byeelection not be a huge sag standing for many years the most wiJI For by all local cents Dr Cure for and Dr Sure Cure for any case that it will In its report of the result of the election in North York the says fight has a warm one and the Liberals have employed throughout the uuestfonable tactics to representative Several electors have turn- over money which was The weekly Sun a and paper does not take to Hon Geo Posters platform Increased protection to manufacture It considers the situation Calls for redress not for the aggra vation of the evil by increases hi the Imposts ipnerallft it savs At no period in Canadian Industrial development has there been less justification lor a high tariff campaign than at nresent- Tjw country has never more ttiem to influence their Voles feus class for a so I We commend to the consideration Of both Provincial and federal Gov ernments the underlying principle In ye following extract from Fridays So far as this Province Is both railways and a 9 ways to the great advantage of the settlers located along the same we see no good rea sons why should not contribute more towards tbe expense of this 8383 development than a location not d d favorably situated Business is J neat the Globe item reads as j lows The Canadian 1 advanced the price of lands in and North la acre to five with the avowed object f checking mere- pi or compelling the unearned Incrcnent not Governments do he lame every Wed- It not necessary that same Ml wfcViy to the value have supported their allegations by Rut the Mall not tell the whole story The money referred to was sent thru the malls to Hon Mr- Davis supporters in turn sent to Mr Davis and made the r I amdavits to which Mall refer liberal the Hon Commissioner Crown de nounced the trick at public and warned the electors Antonio Texas Feb As the result of an unprecedented Antonio last night was tiallyHuhmerged and much loss of property has been sustajptd- Jir the rise of the San River So far there has been no loss Many houses along were swept away The water reached its highest point yesterday morning a stage about to that of the flood 0f ever recorded The Joss of the city and I count wilt- approach including the loss to railroads OF NOT- PAST A Toronto Star reporter Inves- It fcleikl of thn Mr Dkvts who attempted corruption Some weeks before announce- a again because cpdld Wot North York cause the that tinted the case of Mr Geo constituency Hi and found that after thirteen and deafness would not protest without reason cured by comment has reference to Mr proves that where Catrrho If Make- wrote Dear- rope la employ WrmpairerjlFoy but has deafness can be cured the Toronto Conservative or brings Aaamay feel like revising its opinion Kef and give lasting or possibly It may reach satisfaction All I elusion that the electorate of the this Deafness somehow- entertain theeon- the- Kftre that piaWeKad bcveral andeans for his protest At any derive benefit it is did win of affording Price and singing ic or JP Werby- you have Co Kingston limit Dr cure You may follow the wagon but you cant get it a more determined obstruction of trade is enjoying the largest share of the general good fortune Factories arc crowded with orders which they fill Overtime is a necessity No protection necessary inorder assure large dividends hut the manufacturers want ft and so are Itr Theirjj campaign woujbe more excusable were it not ttiat are profiting by a tariff This is the farmers view of the question This Wo otter One iiundreJi faollars Re ward for any of Catarrh thai by Cure J Cheney Co Props Tolri We tW Cheney fdrlKe laatlts AHlrvIhi tkwiaftt and tflucodsurfioca- perbottto Sold by ail teat A I an time vacations to fill huslneesi with J I or- graduates at SIXTY per month came to us during the last week in January ens pi places to Per week during the month at varying from per peek That Is why we have plenty of room at all times for new mem bers fc Write for catalogue Enter top ASTORIA Children Of A Principal Toronto I Belleville has reengaged nearly all the old city officials at reduced salaries The Hoard of Trade building at Port Arthur was almost entirely de stroyed by Are Saturday night The Woollen Mills at Co were burned Loss insurance lightning for cramps Some people have cramps pretty of ten others only now and again Rut when you do have them its mighty quick relief you Want- vlline is as as death to relieve cramps in five seconds its instan taneous just a lew drops In sweeten ed water and the pain is gone a of to4ay and keep it handy is a common necessity and only costs cents in i Br Builder Contractor tracts fox ail of Work BOILER you want in tie early PEED STORE Forsyth rs2 J Write for our ant ttw ftHlffctetA of i lo v will tell voa frour J We rion tibial wither chaff to caper distributed PaleflV bmlDcai or a jv lrt1 YEAR- A FOB SALE r