ONTARIO CAPITAL NEWMARKET BRANCH A Interest Allowed ori Deposits I DRAFTS ISSUE AT ILL aid gold Collection fiscal Mm psrrri Produce Not much of a market here last Saturday Butter and eggs were principal Butter sold from to New laid eggs took quite a drop down to- Apples potatoes at per bag- Spring is Coming It is t nie that the greater part of winter is past but that reminds us that the time Is near when the neigh bors will begin their carpets in back yard and frighten the microbes from them to the wash on neighboring clotheslines Hopeless and Almost Sri A The Only Spring Medicine That Can Positively Guarantee Health and New Life to Weak Diseased and Men and Women Lesson long accepted and often quoted fails to stand investigation How Simpson Sundries and Fancy Duncan auctioneer Heats collected Street i Bolton practical Painter Decorator Church tit ret lane and WHEVE3 WJ SMITH EVES SCQITH special CO paring and per cent Original laTeetmeota gecured and guaranteed Block Newmarket fa- Architect and Sanitary Eagtaeer Recta MS Chamber and fislimatea made tot all kinds building- Issuer MARRIAGE At the Bra Newmarket Issued at If MARRIAGE LICENSES 1 BOTTOM LATEST pi J Monuments and Head Before Ordering ere I flg Society At a meeting of the Directors on Saturday evening the following offic ers were appointed Secretary Keitli Treasurer Jackson It was decided to hold the Fall Fair on Sept and Telephone Extension Half a dozen tekpbone men have been around Town the past week or two putting in a Distance tele phone wire between here and Brad- j Mr A J residence has also been added to the Central Tele- phone Valuable Addition In reply to the application of Prin cipal Coombs to one of the Departs merits of the Dominion Government at Ottawa there was delivered at the High School last week an Oak Cabinet containing a complete set of apparatus for teaching Metric Weights also Cubical and Lineal Measurements accompanied by ah explanatory Chart The Cabinet is a very valuable addf- to the annnratus of the school and will no appre ciated both teachers and pupils Promoted Lloyd who has proved himself a popular manager of the Sovereign Bank here has been moved to- Montreal with an increase in His many friends here will bo pleased to add their congratulations Mr Lloyd on Monday for bis new position Mr Bruce of Toronto is the new manager here licre was a crowd at the Rink last Friday night and everybody was glad to hear some band music The first match for the Davis Cup resulted in a tie to notwith standing the boasts of the boys that they would sweep the ice A little rough play was indulged in butit was a very good match Re feree iluir gave good satisfaction It is to be hoped that these games will not cause the ill feeling in Town among the players that resulted two years ago in a similar series After the match the biggest skat ing crowd of the season occupied shape altho weather was very soft Another marked and positive vlc- for Celery Compound Another marvellous example of life- laying Mrs a lady well- known in Woodstock reduced by disease to a mere skeleton is made well and strong by natures health restorer after many failures of phy sicians This victory and the scores of Wonderful cures wrought from week torweek by Celery Compound confidence great spring that reathing At this season Compound fescues and per manently cures young and who are weakened and brokendown by disease never fails its virtues are even at the eleventh hour Lampman writes as fol lows No living imagine the suScrings I months brought on by Grippe I became nervous and so prostrated that I could not sleep Life became a was reduced to a mere skeleton I heard of Celery Compound use got instant relief I continued the of the compound know the medicine is good but you seldom wish the dos were lar ger you generally it were smaller TABLETS are exceedingly small hut they are alto exceedingly effective They are a gentle laxative They are a nerve tonic They care indigestion Fifty Tiny go to J fl Thrilling Journey Three Young Women and Four Men Leave the imprisoned and Reach St John St John Feb Thrilling in the extreme was the experience of three young women and four men who reached here tonight after a perilous trip over- the ice floes from the im prisoned steamer thirteen miles off Island The suns words to express mv gratitude for your great medicine aud the wonder ful cure it has wrought J Are finer and better ever Call tee at Studio Studio Corner streets Newmarket The annual report of the Bureau of industries and Municipal Statistics came to had in due course but we were too busy at the time to scan Its pages The Tables furnishing at use or compouna ana can now well at night and feel rested morning cornes My appetite is I am gaining in flesh and feel almost- blinding great like a new pe I cannot find PnKi4ie strongest climbers streaksibf open water threatening them nearly frozen as night fell and darkness added to their terrors the adventurous band were well nigh exhausted when they reach ed the mainland While their im prisonment was wearisome in the midst of the ice floes and the scar city of coal and provisions threaten ing it is not probable the party would have ventured to make the haz ardous trip over the ice had not two of the young women previously re ceived word members of their family were seriously ill in Boston The steamer which runs from Nova Scotia to Prince Edward Island be came fast in the heavy ice last Mon day Among the forty passengers on board were- the Misses McKay Per kins and of Boston The Chinese Soldiers Ambushed And The Situation in Kwangsi Province is causing Much Anxiety Feb Advices received here today show that Imperial troops were caught Feb in an ambush in Pass by Pass by the rebels of the Province of Kwangsi south China All the solr were killed and the rebels cap tured large supplies of arms which PAUL AT Golden Text The name of the Jesus was magnified Acts March INTRODUCTION General belief in demoniacal posses sion had led to the rise of profession al expel of demons some of whom travelled from place to place like the quack doctors of fifty years ago and made fortunes by preten sions PRACTICAL Christianity is from its very nature always in sharp conflict with error The evil imitate the ways of tbe good but for selfish purposes It is evidence of ignorance or wic kedness to crave and secretly indulge in the modern phases of the black art A public sinner should a public confession True repentance is followed by re formation Sacrifice proves sincerity The true of a child of to the future is patient trust in Gods care A bonfire of bad hooks would tiring out surprising volume from many homes Furious Sweep And Ireland Britain Church Lifted From its Foundation and Thrown to the Ground Train Blown Over London Feb A gale of almost unprecedented violence swept Great Britain throughout the night and did great damage caused several fatalit ies and injuries to numbers of persons Telegraphic communication north ward of Leeds was entirely interrupt ed The continental service was in terfered with and large numbers of ships were forded to seek shelter in the harbors Many minor wrecks occurred and the lifeboats and rocket apparatuses were busy all along the coasts There were several fatalities inland caused by falling chimneys and debris Many houses were unroofed The wind in the north of England with cyclonic force The Lancashire mills and churches suffered greatly as two latter had heard that their par- The grandstand of the Lancaster foot jball club was lifted bodily and de posited outside the grounds At Lancashire a passen ger train Was blown over a number the troops were taking to the be sieged garrison of Boston and The official report admits that the of freeing the Minto rebellion in Kwangsi is increasing and less their anxiety in and Ms spread over the border into if they determined the Province of Hunan The Vice- j or Island roy of Hunan has sent troops to the to the main- to check the rebels advance lram for Boston They were urged hot to attempt the but when they said they were it VS Make Home Dyeing Easy and land They trip bound to try it four young men from St John volunteered to accompany them Shortly after noon the party start ed with many misgivings from the other passengers and warnings from the officers of Wie They were i I v 4 a a KNOW aUiX fit A tt Evaporated Apple a M tor ti Wc pee can 1 H l I J Not joe Of Canada he Huron liwaj m4 Am etaary r in itrfTof tot or ail a of to particulars relating to assessments population taxes imposed receipts liabilities etc several Counties Townships Cities Towns and Villages of the entire Province arc full of interest to per sons having to do with municipal matters The assessed value the respective In the Coun ty given yearly our County Council reports but there Is one line of statistics not published in connection with in which pur readers will perhaps be interested viz the rate of taxation imposed per head of the population in the respective munici palities Here Is the record for this County York and mills mills mills WAS and mills Vaugban and 76 mills King and mills and mills mills mills and mills New market and 225 mills Aurora and mills Toronto June- Hon and 258 mills North mills and 242 mills and mills Weatbh Richmond Hill and mills HtouvtllevS4l and mills and inilte Holland Landing and mills Button arid an fcarabUCBflA of of rid mills Toronto City 23S a a roUhlYork f est rate per head of any of the arid the lowest Twns Newmarket pays a trifle over cents per head more than Au rora wWW Toronto Junction runt up lo over double the rate In New- Is toe Button the one mill lower than Holland- in3ln fe the re Tlie most in the home to economical dressing are the Diamond Dyes They are so easy to use that even a child can dye a rich and perfect color with them Dia mond Dyes make faded and dingy dresses skirts blouses capes jac kets scarfs laces curtains and drap eries look like new In the Diamond there are special colors for cotton and mixed and special dyes arc prepared for coloring all goods color of the Diamond Dyes is guaranteed to give full satisfaction when used according to directions Have you receive new Dye Hook sheets of designs for Mats ard and our dyed cloth If not send vouVaddress a postal Wells ic Richardson Co Limited 200 Mountain St and will get them of passengers were injured and ten cars were wrecked Scores of shop windows at Liver pool were blown in and the goods scattered about the streets Great damage is reported from the coast resorts A newlyerected church at was lifted from its foundations and fell in a heap of ruins A number of the supports of the suspension bridge over the anxiously watched with glasses by mm from innef Mi- flirrtrtree respective muni- take quite a wide range of France Feb The steam Otter Caps was driven the rocks at last night t and broke up and sank immediately It is that the crew luring thirty HOW TO BEAUTIFY TUB have a soft smooth skin free from eruptions and pimples the blood must be healthy and pure invigorates enfeebled blood and cleanses it of all impurities and poi sons it brings color to the lips aud cheeks brilliancy to the eyes teeth and thej la rapid neat Try at druggists id P Poison Co Kingston Dr Hamiltons Pills Cure Headache Alfred Jeffs was kilted at St Catharines while making a Coupling J druggists refund the money falls- to rflgnktUre oh each box those on shipboard as It was believ ed they would soon become that the feat was futile and would re turn to the steamer but they stum bled along scaling high ice islands with ragged and precipitous sides sometimes falling and each assisting each other like guides and their sight In the Alps Half way across the jam some the men were ready lo give but the women shamed them into continu ing They rested a while then along withinddniitable it The glare some of them but the others led them along and all pushed on as they could through the lanes of soft top snow avoiding the open lanes as much as possible It was oclock the evening when Island was cached They found some fishermens en to After getting and food and drink party rested for the of night Baity thenext morning the rest of the journey to the mainland in safety R flit Reeeipt In a recentcase of illness In which a trained nurse wan employed the pleasant air of the room was noticeable When corninent was made the explained how it was managed A few pieces of paper had been soaked in salt peter water and allowed to dry When occasion required a piece of this was aid In a tin pan kept for the the coalscuttle would d as well a of dried deril6wers laid upon it and a match The aroma was particular ly refreshing and agreeable In the sarnie plies- to lavender in A few drops of oil poured into a glaas of very hoi water will purify the air of the room almost instantly This bit of know ledge is useful the hostess whoso dinner must be served in a small dln- ro9m near kitchen JIf Is made Just dinner is amcmced by the J me the company enters room be Tilled with a faint Intangible but thoroughly ac ceptable odor of freshness and all disagreeable removed from the Welsh coast were car ried away and traffic over the bridge has been stopped The gale swept over Ireland from north to south At Cork a three- story building collapsed burying fif teen persons In the ruins One of was killed and one fatally injur ed Various coast points report ves sels ashore The rivers In the inter ior are a The- StiOaOOO at which operations last November Is already Idle for want of beets l The conclusion of the examination a In connection with the failure of Anderijon private bank at has brought with It the knowledge that there will not be any return to the depositors of bank About was A Wind ftila rtitaMdlwtttTiidSratidewaUIrig nd Tr4tdUaVCil3china tad all TrimbUrr sufferer try 1 and titty VIll to be WITHOUT A RIVAL as Iora Weak 8tomach Impaired Digestion Disordered work- upon lhe Vital lag the foil Complexion back edge of appetite and with lha eft Ufa lUo vEm la alt or deal energy of fmme art by of beat antcts to the and BBS PI Onto Patent World baU a nit try and tiro feJubn ticdUlc Villi la J F HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J iff- Til CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE i PCS If It Next door to Post Office WW hi XI We have now line of Pure comprising choice Stationery Toilet Preparer Soaps and Sponges Combs Atomizere Hot c A Full Steak of Patent at lowest prices- j We pay special attention to our Prescription A Call Solicited fill Tit ROGERS CO Iii ill Limited J PATTERSON a hi AGENTS FOR THE NORTH WESTERN TELEGRAPH ft r i to arc a- etter I oods l I 1 Individual Blouse Lengths i Come Where hi per pound Maple plain pound Maple Walnuts per pound Drops do 0 d6 Peanut j do Chocolate do a a a a a a a AH- 10 a Hi TORONTO JOBBING