The Era gives home every week any in North York and is leading J OKTH Give me to to utter and to freely to above a liberty AND ADVERTISER AG 71 1 No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance ML No copies ech Newmarket Out Friday March 13 TERMS per annum I if paid in advance locality more property is J or County assessment and tax ation SUPPLIES Plumbing Carriage Makers Supplies cOSe of W League meeting One of the Cental Prison guards Hall last Sunday alter nated has been j noon Rev Principal said penned Insubordination to his the politicians and the editors is the reported cause Pro- need praying for Maybe he had thought he owned the been reading ol John Smith the whole Institution House visitor to Mr It understood the Trustee l an Too bad that indiscreet and Boards of the High Public and Tech- overzealous editor should bring the Schools of the city will be whole craft under the same ban as and probably lessened in professional politicians who haveto I NEWMARKET Stationery Toilet Preparations and Rubber Goods INTERNATIONAL The Best STOCK Yet FOOD Another Cut on Patent Medicines Regular Price Our Price Hair Vigor Burdock Blood Bitters 65 Linseed and Turpentine Carters Pills Resolvent 1 Dodd Kidney Pills 50 35 for 00 Halts Catarrh Cure Randall Spavin Cure 1 00 Liniment NEWMARKE Agent for Parkers Dye Works and Canadian Express Co for or Metropolitan called for or delivered Phone No Heavy Rubbers and Overshoes Buckle Snag Proof Rubbers regular Snag Proof Rubbers High Leather Top Rubbers Snow Excluder Overshoes Felt Lined Boots Fleece Lined Underwear 00 2 for 1 for 50 for Cor Main ttafflijj Sis j i BO YEARS EXPERIENCE Best Hard Goal Nut or Egg at delivered a I Co Hew Family Manitoba Hungarian Flour A MUROM numbers Mr p chief of City Engineers office will shortly retire after a good many years of service in the employ of in connection with the works depart ment v On Saturday last Knighton an employee in Taylors sale works was struck on the head by a piece emery wheel which exploded and was instantly killed He was lor feet away from the location ol the ed wheel and although there were nearly men at work in room at the time of this accident no one else was hurt The piece of the wheel that struck Knighton weighed nearly lbs The incorporation o the tie Forest Wireless Telegraph Co with a capi tal of 200O0O may be regarded as ensuring direct competition with the Marconi system for Canada- say the least Head office in this city The annual Carnation Show last week was a decided success Vis itors were present from Montreal and Ottawa in the east to Hamilton and London in the west- The Grand Challenge Cup presented by the Hor ticultural Society was won by J valued at The carnation was secured from a seed plant of the original carnation which was purchas ed by Ellis New lor The roses and violets were also beau tiful The City has won two cases against the Street- Railway Co the one Toronto will receive about and by the other nearly The annual meeting of Ontario Educational Association takes place in this city April to The program is out- Mr Walter Cain has been made a cterk in the Lands Branch up at the Parliament Buildings In the case the private telephone Co against the Telephone Co the Magistrates on the trial failed to agree in their decision It is now up to the Private Company to go be fore the grand jury or else make a new charge against the Bell Co The personal responsibility of the Presi dent appears to be a sort of sticking point with the When the decision was given in the Lennox and South Oxford election cases at Osgood Hall last Friday a lot of joyful Tories and disappointed Grits fyled out of the Once outside the court gibes and re partee were bandied back and forth in lively fashion to the amusement ol the legal gentry on both sides A large deputation from the Coun ty Councils of Ontario and waited upon Hon Mr last week and asked financial assistance to build a bridge over the Severn In which the two counties are interest ed Government pap alt along the line At the Sunday evening services of the Elm Street Methodist Church J pastor lime light views of religious subjects have been introduced and have proven most suc cessful The congregation was at somewhat skeptical at in novation but now speaks with posi tive favor Last Sunday evening the views included two magnificent paint ings one Christ Leaving the Prae tor in and the other The Vale of Tears Campbell late manager of the millinery department of The Robert Simpson Co died at Den ver Col on Thursday of last week Complaint was general last week during the mild weather of wet and dirty walks send crossings May is the date fixed for the to make her first trip this season Now look but for bogus maple syr up Mr J Small principal Wiarton High School in a letter to Hon Mr states that a dis covery has been made by which a de licious syrup can be manufactured from sugar beets closely resembling in appearance and the ordinary maple syrup They are now talking of having specially for the Era to Winter The reign of old winter is over His term ol frigidity oer And few will regret his departure His leaving a moment deplore He ruled with the rod a tyrant His whimsical unrestrained His pleasant and brightest were threatening And scarcely from storming refrain ed R Paper upon Mr George BA of the Provincial Board read a paper before the Na tional Science Association of Toron to University on bread from For Era Rn Idyll of the North BY A BANKER Tib full noon But though en The kiss the book to their platform ut terances While A Hill of Mercer Re formatory was taking Ethel Macken zie down to the dungeon where she had been ordered to be confined for misbehavior she kicked Hill in the abdomen so seriously as to render him unconscious for a time Un der the care of Dr King Hill was removed to his home where he has been gradually recovering A detachment from the iSth High landers formed the guard of honor in connection with the opening of the Ontario Legislature last Tuesday A little scene occurred at the Home for Incurables on when Col Elliott was quietly eject ed from the premises It appears the was the cause of the inves tigation which proved abortive The body of George was floating in the bay Sunday He was a Merchant in Queen St Financial trouble is supposed to be the cause for committing suicide He has been missing ever since No vember last Two young lads tan away from home last Friday the intention of making their way to the New Orleans race track Their friends had them arrested at Buffalo and they were brought back to this city on Saturday night Mr J P Whitney will take rooms at Queens during the session North delegations to know where to find him Justice Ferguson lor the first waters engulfing poor mortals His breath fills the world with much sorrow As he roams here and there in his rounds His unwary succumbing To the blight where his rigor abounds in persecuting The and halfclad whom he meets Pursues them in basement and attic And homeless abroad in the streets r Our homes with a stealthy tread en ters And laughs at mans locks bolts and bars Unseen like a burglar approaches And gloats the treasures he mars No vessel too small for his prying water perchance may Deleft He glories to hear explosions Exulting oer articles cleft Old Boreas aroused from bis slum ber Comes out of his caves in the North Like a rampaging beast in his He belches his hurricanes forth In temper he uproots the With bluster and blizzard and blast The debris in frenzy bestrewing Which hither and thither is cast which the following extracts are hour when the orb of day is on the meridian he is not within the range of vision though lor a snort time the extremity of his pale faint rays are dimly seen projected above the south ern horizon yet the great luminary shines not it is not really dark For the stars of the are scin tillating iii all their lustrous glory various cereals are much the same composition but wheat flour makes a much better quality bread than flour from any other cereal be cause it possesses a substance gluten upon which its breadmaking qualities depend and one obtainable from other cereal Oats maize or rye none rising none setting but ST Telephone fclihgrfiileheein the City- Public Schools required in Marsh tho Toronto Steel Co has secured the neighborhood of the This will be TdrontoVlW land a gain York for developing the growth of the Hum- time in eight months held court at Hall on Monday A deputation waited upon the Pro vincial Secretary this week respect ing appointment of a License In spector for West York to fill a va cant occasioned by the resignation of Inspector A city paper having reported that there was dissatisfaction between Warden and his staff at the Central Prison the staff held a meet ing passed a resolu tion denying the of administration have been applied for in the estate the late Mary Ann Hamilton widow of who the petitioner states died without a will The real and personal property total Mary Whitchurch County of York is next of Kin Or J manager of the To ronto Exhibition stated this week that he received abetter from novel manufacturers in Birmingham England asking lor space In the Main Building Ureal ore and his celebrated Italian band of New York is to give a pro gram in Hall on the night the John Dunbar of 40 Oak Street was struck by a street car on Satur day night receiving a fracture of the collar bone and a dislocation of the left arm the shoulder joint The annual meeting of the Toronto Board of Fire will be held on Tlrursday April in the Board Rooms Lancashire Building It to be hoped some few grains common sense will guide the new board in fixing future rates Mean while Legislature should author ize municipal insurance One night last week near the Don Samuel Kills was sandbagged by thugs and robbed of Mr Geo well and favor ably known In the city aK for a time on the Public School Board passed away on Thursday of last week after a lingering illness Jlc was Treasurer of the arc about fifty for Kings Plate probable value the Woodbine on the May Messrs- Alex and ft Mackenzie paldMf In for two and four years old They are fast animals evening papers give currency to the report thai Judge Afbrgan is to get the late Judge Macdougallft place as Senior Judge and that Attorney will get the junior The Board of Control has the City solicitor to oppose the application of the Toronto and Ni agara power to Increase Its capital and hope to secure amendments to the companys charter Who helpless as feathers in air Are tossed by the oceans fierce And sink out of sight in despair He pierces with stinging Which lulls with an opiate force Deceiving with lethargy soothing The wayfarer lost in his course Oer prairies he rushes with venge ance Where snow blizzards shut out the day Bewildering the hapless Revealed when the snow melts away He seems to delight in defacing What costs so much labor to man His touch dynamic force blasts Destroying whatever he can He tarried too long hesitating The trees are still leafless and bare The buds in their sheaths are in hiding Who would not their tender lives spare The songbirds are patiently waiting Till Sol bids the frost king avaunt The air will resound with rejoicing And naught will their nestbuilding daunt I We bid him adieu almost hoping His face will appear nevermore He stay with his kindred the icebergs And rule on his own native shore His power is null in the tropics Where foliage flower and fruit Neer feel the chill blight of his And singing birds never arc mute P GRANT March 1003 1 rA general strike of all workmen in Holland Is threatened as a protest against the bill to prevent railway strikes Mrs A Simpson York Street London was shot in the neck by a bullet fired vicinity into her house through a window Alex Clarke of Culling- wood who was arrested some three weeks ago on a charge of poi soning and who was discharged was rearrested on Thursday on a charge of neglect endangering human life On he appeared before the po lice magistrate elected to be tried pleaded guilty and was released on suspended sentence no charge under this particular section of act having ever been laid in the Province before Inspector Rogers looked alter the case for the Provin cial authorities department for example do not possess gluten and therefore- do not make good bread If wheat flour is made into dough and this kneaded in a stream of wa ter starch granules ly washed away arid a mass is left the gum obtained by chewing wheat It is this elastic substance that entangles the gas bub bles given off by the yeast organism in bread making so that the whole zenith mass becomes light and spongy White flour is obtained by grinding all of the wheat grain left when the branny coats arid germ are milled out Whole wheat flour is white flour plus the inner branny coats Graham flour consists of the entire grain ground up j Wheat bread is more nearly a per fect ration and will maintain life longer than any other single food because tissueforming constitu ents the gluten and its energyyielding portion carbohy drates starch are nearly in the pro portions demanded by the system We have instinctively recognized the above facts by eating our bread with butter a fat or taking it with milk which contains a large amount and fat or eating it with cheese which is and fat BROWN BREADS Brown breads are inferior to while bread because they contain much less available nutriment weight for weight than it does Text books and medical mien religiously reiterale the statement disproved years ago that the best- part of the wheat grain is milled out and thrown away in the bran There is absolutely 110 foun dation for wild claims made by the whole wheat crank Obviously then anyone who says that white bread is poor food is sim ply ignorant of the subject in ques tion experimental evidence proves that white bread yields eight per cent more nourishment to the body than Graham bread which is made from the whole wheat not only so hut the branny particles by irritat ing the intestinal walls and thus promoting peristalsis hastens the other foods too rapidly through the intestine so that complete absorp tion cannot take place and consider able loss occurs Of course in cer tain affections of the alimentary tract this increased peristalsis Is of benefit and many people take the brown bread for this reason The working man demands and al ways has demanded white bread not as the great physiologist imagined from a perverted Instinct but be cause he found experience that he can work better on it Seden tary people are often benefitted by using brown bread but the active person will be yielded more energy from the white A great deal made the loss to system the Iron calcium and phosphorus salte which arc present In bran But- no one has as yet proved that we require abnormal quantities of these and since they are present in oatmeal breakfast foods in fact almost ev ery vegetable and animal food we eat the so called loss Is immaterial The science of nutrition fair to become something more than a name within the past fifteen years a great deal of work along the ine of metabolism and food Investigation has been done but we know very Ut ile about them yet Domestic sci ence is a direct result of laborious laboratory Investigations let us hope that it has come to stay and that such kindred ail ments directly due to lack of know ledge principles of cooking and nutrition fifty years from hence be things unknown round and round the vault of hea ven blood red A Idebaran with its companion Pleiades the upper portion of mighty flash ing aureate with that glittering array of splendid suns the Celestial polei all on an even line to the north to the to the south to the west while the pole star itself remains almost stationary in the But now the heavens are on fire a pillared canopy of shimmering flame overarches the snow- clad scene pillars of burnished gold Of amethyst of sapphire or of vivid emeralds some towards the outer edge of- the vast quivering dome de pending low towards the horizon some in the centre high up over head in the heavens now for a mo ment waning and paling their many- fires and now and a sudden throb pulsating into still more effulgent splendour bathing the niveous scene in a flood of evervary ing harmoniouslyblending light Arid now a sound of revelry is heard From all sides gaily dressed throngs are assembling some have skated thither from the further side of the have swiftly travelled over driven snbw from afar on skis and some on sledgcsbod carrioles After feasting to their hearts corn i tent they form a procession to tbo church in the centre the bashful bride crowned in an oldtime crown in which is twined a wreath of cy press her long flaxen hair streaming down her back garbed in a scarlet and chains At her side a stalwart quaintly apparelled youth and in the rear the village musicians and the throng of excited dancing guests The marriage rite having been cele brated more feasting ensues orations are delivered wooden howls old brown ale are passed round laughter and merriment hour alter hour reign supreme And now the dance begins led oil by the venerable priest who leads the gaily dressed bride in a solemn and graceful minuet the selfsame dance the selfsame procedure and the identical ceremo nies which from generation to gener ation far back into the past these simple Norwegian peasants have trea sured up Unaltered and unvaried And if that canopied dome of glit tering manyhued fires which hung over that bridal party were so beau tiful how much more magnificent more gorgeous must be that rainbow In sight like unto an emerald which arches over the august throne of heaven Ah I and we shall all stand before that Judg ment scat they that have done good and have answered to the Redeemers call to come unto Him for salvation inheriting glory they that have done evil and who have forgotten their Creator inheriting the resur rection of condemnation to Baby Sleep has another smallpox sus pect nine inmates Is quarantined say the rebellion In Shan tung Province China is making ra pid headway Two hotelkeepers In Acton paid and costs each last week for illegal selling Angus Macdonald aged thinks there is too much of this vcar instantly killed by a fall ing of poisons around carelessly and j tree near Rowland His they propose to put a stop to ft tlvcs reside at Lancaster You can make baby sleep- by giving his laudanum or the soothing stuffs which invariably contain opi ates But no sensible mother will do that The way to make baby sleep happily and in comfort is to take away the cause of his wakefulness This cause is located In his little in sidenowhere else Babies seldom anything the matter with them but their stomachs and It safe to say that the baby who cries is complaining of his stomach There Is no a babys stom ach that Babys Own Tablets will not cure right away They make baby cheerful and happy and give sound natural sleep not the drugged sleep produced by soothing stuffs Mrs says My baby used to bo very rest less and sleepless hut since giving him Babys Owrj Tablets he Is bet ter and Is bet ter in every way care all tho minor ailments of little ones and can bo given to the very youngest baby You can get them from any druggist or they will be sent paid at cents a box writing direct to the Dr Williams Co Out