Newmarket Era, 13 Mar 1903, p. 6

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J v i- Fresh Jersey Cows Also Three Jersey Heifers due about June STOKES Mount Albert THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDA MARCH i j MANAGES r FOR SALE I order for Evans the heav DAVIDSON set of harness in part Conveyancer I the country The tugs are inches Mount Albert fe proportion Priv to weighing pounds Evans claims his team is strong I THE MARKET There was a fairly good turnout on Tuesday in of the mud Prices as BALDWIN BREEZES On Monday of last week during tee Dr dentist enough- to break any ordinary harness but this will hold them Main St Newmarket Albert the 2nd and Tuesday of each Office Hopkins Block CORRECTION graphical error last week in night- time fully onethird the was- away supposedly by it It was supposed to practically having FOUR OF A KIND stood firm for twentysix years hours am to pm WW- SHIELDS Grain Merchant Highest price paid for all kind of grain teed Salt era Binder Twine always on MOUNT ALBERT FURNITURE You can fiive money by buying your Furniture at the A AN EVEU OF Bedroom Iarlor Parlor and Fancy Chairs- We are for Pillow Sham the and Picture Framing a flpeeiaHy Goods delivered of charge when ordered in ALLAN THEAKER we were made to say that Miss Leek Waa ill with diphtheria at the home of Mrs Peter It should have been Miss Emily of Frank lin who had recently been engaged to assist Miss Annie Sinclair Miss Leet is progressing favorably Mrs Sinclair who has been ill for some time also on the roadto recovery Workmen were busy this week in stalling an acetylene gas plant in the Sovereign Bank Messrs Geo and Sons have their new store in trie Miller Block now open for business They have a good stock of cloth and gents furn ishings already on hand Mr John Spalding of Toronto a former resi dent will have charge of the tailoring department Several tenders for the erection of the proposed new skating rink have been received but not yet been let A necktie social was field at the home of Mr Thomas Wafts evening Rain and muddy roads interfered with the attendance i J Spring Suitings Entirely New Stock of Worsteds Serges AND Tweeds Just arrived Dont fail to see them before placing your order We buy close and can give spe cial value We have employed a firstclass Tailor and guaran tee all our work Geo Sons MOUNT ALBERT ALBERT PUBLIC SCHOOL Sr Miller Wallace George Grose Roy Porter Edward 3G7 Clara Walton Roy Cook Gertie Walton 319 Herb Sibley 265 Wesley Jr Alice Case Alta French Mary Morgan Gertie- Moore Reginald Watts Austin Jewell Two of our youthful were built by John Thompson New- out hunting recently and accidentally Steps are being- taken unearthed four skunks- Johnnie said rebuild quickly as is consistent the smell almost knocked him down with workmanship his did not mind structure will be but said that it hurt bis eyes It retaining wall the is needless to say that the highly Its destruction entails a toss of n- scented quadrupeds were left in warxte of as the disturbed possession of that part- of the shrubbery to shut down the very busiest season No doubt some may chuckle as there was the keenest business ri valry between the Sutton and Bald- WELL fitms Generally speafeingi The many friends ot John Blount fever the public sympathize with the will be pleased to learn that he has sufferer entirely recovered from his attack of rheumatism Chamberlains Pain Balm cured him after the fcfst doc tors in the town had failed to give relief The prompt from pain which this liniment af fords is alone worth times Us cost Sold by Lloyd PERSONAL Mrs W Davidson is enjoying a weeks visit with friends in Toronto and Headford Mr Keller left on to attend the meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Canadian Home Circle at Stratford Mr and family move into their new residence in the Sovereign Bank Building in a few days Mr Curt returned on Saturday Mr- Williams an aged man residing recently with his nephew Win Wright man was stricken by an apoplectic fit on Saturxlay Mr and Mrs Phillips lost their five weeks old infant last weik A petition was circulated we un derstand amongst the and neighboring citizens praying the pow ers that be at Ottawa prevent the rebuilding of the here I dont imagine it will have a very weighty influence dont look badly scared Mr John Oldham employed with Messrs Yates here was married to Miss Eugenia Yates last week wish em much joy Theyre a mo del young couple Morton is better Nathan Thomas ditto Tine Free Methodists have stuck loyally by their brother Nathan from a visit to his Aurora his Mr Win of Franklin in- deserving of note tends selling out and moving to To ronto Mr of Zephyr was in town on Monday and favored us with a call Master Ross Shields is seriously ill with pneumonia SCHOOL COMPETITION As an exercise in school III Roy Gertie teacher of the second de partment Miss Leek gave her pu pils the poem in the Fourth Reader Watts Wesley Brooks Her man Barrett Millard Sleeper J entitled Pictures of Memory with instructions to write in the same style on any subject they might choose the editor of this branch be ing the judge and the befit effort to he published in the Era Each pu pil was to sign the composition with Cook Stoves Queen Heaters Etc Etc Etc Call J ROWLAND Mount Albert ALBERT DRUG OF SYRUP FOR COLUS TRY OUR IMPROVED POWDER FOR HORSES Essie Jewell James McKelvev Myrtle Vandewater John Smart Bertha Ross 298 Jr HI Frank Vera Walton A r band Woodcock Nettie Miller O Sibley Donald Shields Har old Hayes Bert Erne Sumrijerfeldt Barrett Hunter John Morgan 371 Myrtle Rear M Leek Teacher J PUBLIC LIBRARY About 100 worth of new books have been added to the large collection in our public library and are now ready for circulation All who are fond of good reading should lose no time in becoming members The membership fee per annum Tickets can be purchased from the Librarian T Lloyd j A PRETTY WEDDING Si James Church Perth was the scene a very pretty wedding on March the contracting parties being Miss Marguerite Jackson and Mr A PeJg North Dakota The Rev Canon Mucklcs- united young couple in the holy bonds of matrimony the bride was given away by her brother Mr Win Only the immediate friends of the bride and groom were present She was assisted by her sister Miss Lena of Almonte while Mr W Strong cousin of the bride ably the duties of groomsman The bride was attired in a pretty grey travelling suit hat to match the bridesmaid being in a suit of blue wearing a picture hat trirnmeii with black- and plumes performed repaired to the home brides father where a sumptuous repast was and partaking of the delicacies of the table all present spent a very enjoyable playing Various games couple departed amidst the congra tulations and best wishes of friends and acquaintances on the midnight train for Toronto and other places when will afterwards leave for their home in St Thomas Tho bride was the recipient of many handsome and costly presents Mr was born near Albert and has resided In Dakota over years He has a farm of his own and is doing well Mrs Wellie Morton on the advice of friends has cancelled her auction sale She it is understood intends rejoining her husband better say- no more generally laugh at one of our local characters who invests con siderable capital in cheap Yankee nostrums and thinking it a little is good more must be better tafaes an overdose that nearly kills him Consequently hes pretty poorly and miserable a considerable deal of his time u Miss Francis who was of late a visitor in our burg had most magnificently brilliant and fascinating eyes ever seen about here Til bet a dime theyll charm more than one Shes anll never know I think so ice a plume that there might be lh has no cause lor complaint on the ground of partiality Many the poems reflected credit on the pupils but the following was rather ahead of the rest and is awarded a place honor in our columns THE LAND OF THE MAPLE Of all the beautiful countries That England doth control Is one the Land of the Maple That the long long roll Because the mighty rivers That roll out to meet the sea Because of the noble heroes Who have set our country free Because of the boundless prairies That extend where the eye cannot reach Because of Natures great caverns That we seek on the rocky beach Because of the dark still forests With trees that are large and old Because of the wonderful stories That the Indians have to us told Because when our neighboring country Revolted from Englands sway Our men to their sovereign stood loy al And so they are free men today When England to fight in the Trans- With her brave troops sailed away She sent tidings to our brave soldiers Who eagerly joined in the fray There once was a bloody battle- In which many brave ones were slain Where Wolfe in the hour of his glory Fell fighting on Abrahams Plain carry a fl Uae among- them tod Cure tad reoetve attentlo day or And now in the beautiful churchyard That lies on the top of the hill The heroes that fell In the battles Are lying there peaceful and still Therefore of all the countries That England doth control This one The Land of tho Maple the long roll GEO W GROSE LLOYD S ARE often dydu remarked only a cold and a few days later learn that the man is on his with pneumonia Thin Is of such occurrence that a cold liovever slight should hot be- disre garded any towards It urs and to take For sale by j trie bad roads School Convention on was fairly well attended and very interesting Full report for next weeks Issue For Sale A Shorthorn Durham Bull registered rising years at Lot concession Scott Apply to RISERROLOH Mount Albert Robins Emerald Lake is about clear of the earliest known here The boys have got tired riding behind the old gray horse and have got one that can raise the dust when occasion demands Besides old was very conspicuous when driving after dark dont you see One of young men is or has been quite ill The boys say he is suffering from the effects the Grand Bounce It certainly does produce an awfully sinking sensation There are a number who are convalescent after a of the same ailment Probably nearly if not quite- all adult persons know more or less about the reprehensible custom of hazing riding the goat or initiating ceremonies so common in various dcrs Can there bo anything silly perpetrated by persons posing as sensible folks Under its guise the grossest indecencies and most disgusting humiliations arc compul- undergone The recent scan dals In The Guards a crack Regiment has awakened the thinking public to the fact that its time to stamp out such indignities This is real oldfashioned weather Notwithstanding the exceptionally favorable winter for getting out wood many arc bemoaning their fate and praying for more sleighing to finish up their wood hauling Easter supplies promise to be cheap as the hens have settled down to business for The Owl Owing to renewed outbreaks cattle disease a quarantine has been declared in New Hampshire The Sun office was de stroyed Saturday by lire HEISES NEW STORE IT THROUGH Twould Spoil thlsStory to Tell It In the Headlines To use- an eighteenth century phrase this is an oer tale Having happened in a small Virginia town in the winter it is a story very of the pres ent Up to a short time ago Mrs John Harmon Station had do personal knowledge of the rare curative properties of Cham berlains Cough Remedy Last Jan she baby took a dreadful cold and at one time I fear ed bat one of my how this remedy had Cured boy and I began at once and it soon I heartily thank the manufacturers of Cough lor placing so great a cure within my reach I cannot re commend it too highly or say too much in its favor I hope all who read this will try it and be as I was For sale by Lloyd 0 SUTTON In the item of last week relative to the sale of the bull calf at the sale by Mr Scott the price obtained was not as appeared in the paper Mr Percy Smith who came home from British Columbia a few months ago to visit parents and left here last Saturday on his return journey taking his sister Ida with him Mr Geo Hawkins went to the city last Saturday on business Mr Peter McClellan went to Ze phyr last Saturday and returned on Monday evening Mr has taken a situation with his in Chicago Mrs has resumed bak ing again and invites customers both old and new Miss Ethel Greenwood has returned home visited in Toronto and several towns west Mr has resumed work on railway Mr Brooks we are pleased to say is improving The Ladies Aid each of the four appointments of this circuit held a union meeting at the Methodist par sonage here in the afternoon and evening There was a good atten dance and after tea games and music away the hours pleasantly Dr has been appointed med ical health officer in place of Dr Greenwood resigned a native of Persia will deliver a lecture In the Presbyterian church this Wednesday evening He will also lecture in Thursday and Egypt Fri day evenings He to return lo his- native tzA as a medical mia- sionary Continued on Page Just Arrived a good fresh stock of GROCERIES flfAHDWAHE Spring Hockey A a 1 GO FANCY CHINA St ifiLERWARfc Tin Repairing Neatly SALT BY BARREL Central Telephone A I have been troubled- for some time with indigestion stom ach says Mrs Sarah of Mass and been taking Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets which have helped me very much so that now I can eat many things that before I could not If vou any trouble with your stom ach why not take these Tablets and get well For sale by Lloyd gilutcmcntfi Notice to Creditors All creditors having claims against the Estate of James late of the Township of East in the County of York gentleman deceased who died on the day of January 1003 are required in pursuance of the Statutes in that behalf to file full particulars of claim duly verified Da vidson Albert PO Agent for Executors on or before the 10th day of April after which date as sets will bo distributed among cred itors giving notice as aforesaid and the Executors will not be liable tor any claims not so filed ELI HARRISON W DAVIDSON J Executors Agent lor Executors Mt Albert Albert March Registered Stock for Sale A number of young ShortHorn Bulls and Heifers from imported sire Also a number of cows In call to im ported bull Ml FORREST Mount Albert farm for Sale Lot Con Township of Whit church also lot 31 Con Good Frame and good Out- Land good cultivation For further particulars apply to J OLDHAM Proprietor Mount Albert id New Dry Goods New Clothing New Boots and Shoes New Wall Papers New Hats I LYE WARE Cooking Stoves Lamps Skates MOUNT ALBERT The London filobo INSURANCE COMPANY Available Capital HEAD CANADA MONTHKAb Or Andrew Km Chairman Went- Deputy Chair man Cloua- Blr Alox Accepted at laioat Current P Agent Albert Agent sro Mount Albert aro busy opening Spring Goods I Call and inspect our new rano of DRESS GOODS BOOTS SHOES l EMBROIDIiUIES WALL PAPERS Values ever Better ROBS Cutters Special Prices In order to carry over as few Winter Suitings possible wo will ofibr I Excellent Call and for vouielf KELLER The Tailor Try Our Own of Liver Oil with An Excellent Remedj -XIt- Repairing and General J Mount Albert Ageatfor Implements Coughs Colds AND Lung Wo leading Properly fit and jdU- an too thorn Forrests Drug MOUNT tfbSALB Apply to Mount Albert-

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