Newmarket Era, 13 Mar 1903, p. 8

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a MEWMARKEY ERA FRIDAY MARCH When P health and happiness The father doesnt realize he romps the child what rear of wifely suffering must be set against the laughter Chronic Invalidism is a high for the painful jo of maternity yet at aucfi a cost that many a woman become a mother Such a price is too much because it is more than nature asks By the use of Doctor Favorite Pre scription ma ternity is made practically painless and a quick is assured in almost cry case am pleaded to fire my lesU- aed wish I couta find word enough to induce other ruf fe to use Favorite Prescription Wesley Guy after my little boy tora I suffered with weakness alio wre cks on my right sice and win In back v- aocielinies did not know what I join doctor benefit until I begin Dr only four bottle tome of Dr Pierce Healing when I tike another Dr all friend If anyoae write Be will gladly Dr Pierce Favorite Prescription con- no alcohol and is entirely free from opium cocaine and all other narcotics The dealer who offers substitute for Favorite Prescription does so to gain the little mote paid on the sale of less meritorious medicines His profit your loss therefore accept no sub stitute Dr Piercea Pleasant Pellets regulate the Idle around the Hub COE- Geo is back from Ux or id Miss J Murray was married to Mr March 4th Geo has sold the cheese factory house to Tillman Bros The saw mill starts in a few days Henry and sons are going to New Ontario to Ada Walton of Mount Albert has been visiting friends here AURORA A number of young girls have or ganized a club for the purpose of working for the benefit of the In fants Ward in the Sick Hospital The Junior League of the Methodist church will hold a bazaar on the 3rd of April in the basement of the church also tea and entertainment at night Telephone communication with will soon be established A private Company has been formed and a line will be built as soon as the spring opens This will be convenience to people in that vicinity a HOLT Farmers in this putting in their ice vicinity summer We may be sure of having of icecream socials in the hot are busy supply Two Cornells Two Whites A One Sawyer REFITTED AND PAINTED ALSO Dick Deekef or Peerless And belt Your choice of Full Rig for 40000 On four years time Cheap at fl THOMPSON Health and Vigor depends upon the Quality and Quantity of Blood HUMITARIAM The liver is the great secreting organ of body and whea it to perform office bile tod the blood poisons many symptoms dull heavy filling Indisposition to attend to pain hi back or shoulders tour Btorntob constipation idry- of ffkis at etc If are not dealt with they become aggravated to as to induce severe To relieve at once and DR CARSONS TONIC Stomach and Constipation Blttore been as the These are made rrom of an who used the prescription In his practice tor many years with the satisfactory results A Purely Vegetable and Blood Purifier Price cents per Bottle you can the of your local druggist Vat if unable to obtain In toot we will to one or more bottles receipt rA price per bot tle prepaid Pamphlet sent Free on Application on receipt of to cover postage The Corson Company TORONTO foe ilan hotel and were burned The hotel occupants escaped in their night clothes The Ontario fine new steamer Montreal burn ed at Montreal on Saturday night During the fire a crowded with collapsed One man killed two fatally hurt and about a hundred more or Injured summer months We understand that Mr Boyd Cun ningham and Mr Herbert Shields in tend leaving for the West- to go into ranching We wish them success Miss Jennie of was the guest Of Mrs Samuel for a few days last week Miss Mary of Toronto is spending a week with her parents Mrs Samuel left for Da kota after spending a couple of months with her mother and brother Mrs Samuel presented her husband with a dandy baby girl Congratulations Our scribe said we were going to have a new store in the near future he has got hold of a yarn this time School Report No 2 NORTH Cook Alice Jr Wesley Cook Levi Morton Russell III Isaac J Bessie Cole Jr Ill- Norman Cook Joy Marjorie Ernes on Spot Special interest will centre in the session the Legislature which op ens next week at Toronto The gen- era elections which resulted in so much for a time have left some bitterness in the minds of the politicians and the proceedings the new Legislature will be by it- The Government have now a working majority but they have opposed to them an aroused Opposi tion The reports of the sittings will therefore be more than ordin arily exciting The Toronto Stars reports day by day will be without bias and will do full justice to both sides of the House Every thing in The Star is brightly writ ten and its parliamentary reports are free from the routine which some times cumbers newspaper reports They will also be illustrated by The Stars own sketch artist whose pic- lures will show the prominent figures of the House exactly as they appear in their most interesting moments Everything the Toronto Star- does is done in a bright and uptodate way It is the best evening paper published in the Province and has earned its large circulation in this town and locality 0 Rex at Orleans To the Sir The festivities this year were unusually brilliant Rex made his triumphal entry into New Orleans and the of Proteus presented their gorgeous pa geant in the evening in the presence of perhaps the largest multitude of people ever gathered in the streets during MardiGras It is estimated that strangers were visitors to the city A feature of the after noon parade was the popular demon stration in honor of Admiral Schley Gen Wheeler both of whom had been created dukes of the realm for the occasion They rode near the of the procession through the masses of shouting men and- past crowded galleries applauding wo men At the conclusion of the par ade the Schley Pleasure Club pre sented the Admiral with a beautiful loving club bearing an engraving of the flagship Brooklyn The weather last night was delight ful for the procession Proteus rode through the streets congested with people at the head of an unusually magnificent pageant The subject chosen this year was Rider Hag gards novel Cleopatra Follow ing the parade Proteus was host at a brilliant ball at the French opera house Nearly every State in the Union was represented in the at tendance and quite a number from Washingtons befit social circles added to the eclat of the occasion Mardi- festivities arc a yearly in this old French city A1D10 TO REX New Orleans Feb OP July and 1903 I Class Plants In Pots of Management Messrs Martin Smith Committee and Plants potted within two weeks of Exhibition will be disqualified from competition frlvaitAiPLANTS IN BLOOM Sec Amaryllis best specimen 1st African Lily best specimen Begonia Tuberous best specimen Begonia any other variety best specimen Begonia any kind best specimens Carnation best specimen Fuchsia best specimen 8 Geranium double bloom best specimen Geranium single bloom best specimen Geranium Ivy best specimen Geranium any kind Lest specimen Nicotian a Aflinis Tobacco best specimen 50 50 13 Oleander best specimen 14 Petunia double best specimen Rose best specimen 16 Zanzibar Balsam best specimen 17 Summer Flowering Bulbous Plant any kind not listed Extras PLANTS NOT NECESSARILY IN BLOOM 19 Umbrella Plant best specimen 20 Cactus best specimen Cacti best collection not less than Foliage Plant best 2 specimens Elephants Ear best specimen 24 Begonia Res best specimen Begonia any kind best specimen 26 Fern any kind best specimen Geranium best collection of fancy leaf not less than Hanging Baskets of Plants 29 Ivy any kind best specimen IfFIH I J 50 50 50 Specimen Plant best of any 31 Foliage Plants such as ferns palms shrubs etc best collection not less than House Plants general collection best display and most tastefully arranged to fill spaces ft by 0 House Plants general collection best specimens all It at House Plants general collection best specimens all different 00 2nd SO 2d 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 50 Extras Class 2 Cut Bouquets and Designs Hast meeting of East Council held this day of March Ail members present but Councillor J Woodcock Minutes of last meeting read confirmed Communications and Turner re bridge received From Toronto General Hospital From J If re lie Cemetery From street From Hart re registra tion and account books From Mayor of Newmarket re an indigent family in Township The Reeve introduced a ByLaw to appoint Road Overseers Pound Keep ers Fence Viewers and Sheep Valu ators Committee of Management Messrs Martin Smith and Lundy Sec 1st Asters best Collection 0 50 2 Balsam best collection on stocks best collection 50 Dahlias best collection 5 Hollyhocks best collection Marigolds best collection Nasturtiums without foliage also see Sections and best collection on stalks with foliage beat collection 9 Petunias single best collection Petunias double best collection special feature Phlox best collection Verbenas best collection Zinnias best collection Chinese Pinks best collection Annuals- best collection in vases one variety in each vase Perennials hardy best collection in vases one 17 Carnations collection not more than blooms 50 notable social event London Out March Grand Mas ter Harding of the Grand Lodge of Masons was presented with a J18 collection of not than spikes fully illuminated address here to- Gladiolus collection not than 10 spikes night The unction was made a Geraniums best collection in a vase loose Nasturtiums collection of not less blooms with I I I a kiap ifftif 22 Nasturtiums collection in bunches not more than blooms of each variety with foliage 23 Poppies collection of not less than blooms collection of not more than blooms Snap Dragon collection of not less than spikes 26 Slocks collection not less than spikes 3rd prize i J i ByLaw regularly passed and adopt- oh Reave VJ I ill I tl Lfe j by IUl Roche l Blood By a ByLaw regularly passed the statute labor for the year was reduced to one half of the statutory ratio Commutation was fixed at cents per day with a provision authorizing the Treasurer to accept CO cents per day on all statute labor and paid to him on or before the day of June but not after that date Mr Abert was heard Council re Timber on Al lowance referred to Councillor and Clerk to Investigate Councillor vas appointed to enquire as to condition of the In digent family referred to in communi cation of the Mayor Newmarket and to take such action as he may deem necessary Payments were ordered as follows Turner Yongc St bridge Toronto General Hospital re medical attendance upon Martin and Walter Hart tor registrar Hon and account books ft Taxes re Cemetery Lot were ordered to be erased Council adjourned to meet on the 1st Friday in April A despatch from Naples fcuvfus has again become active volcano Is throwing up ashes and ex plosive Incandescent globes presents an imposing spectacle At was feeding wire into a machine when in some manner it got around neck unknown to As it tightened the wire cut his head off and fell on the table while his body sank to floor Ve- When you cant eat break fast take Scott Emulsion When J 27 Roses best collection In one vase mien Cam eat Urea a Sweet Peas collection of not more than spikes and butter take ScottS collection in not more than I j spikes of each variety emulsion When you nave 3rd prize been on a milk diet and 30 cst Want a little more Sweet Peas best bunch not more than spikes shades V i Sweet Peas best hunch not more than spikes shades 33 Sweet Peas best bunch not moro than spikes shades J I I A pas Sweet Peas best bunch not more than spikes shades tfreat fattener a tireat Peas beat hunch not more than spikes varlo- gated or striped 36 Hand Bouquet Table Bouquet Brides Bouquet 39 Wild Flowers bouquet Sweet Peas and Mignonette bouquet not more than spikes Floral Design for Table Funeral Design Basket of Cut Flowers best arranged Extras 50 50 oo nourishing take Scotts Emulsion To fat you must eat fat Scotts Emulsion is a strength giver Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues not only fat Scotts Emulsion increases them all bone flesh blood and nerve For invalids for con valescents for consumptives for weak children for all who flesh Scotts Emulsion is a rich and com fortable food and a natural for bone flesh blood and nerve i 4 9A I a 4 I 50 50 you We will send a freo sample plcturt In form of a lebtl of you buy SCOTT Toronto Ontario- all a J Class 3 Sehool Sweet Pea competition open to pupils of and Separate Schools Newmarket Entrance Free One packet the best strain Mixed Pea Seed will be given to every pupil nine years age and over attend ing the Public or Separate Schools who applies fori it at the Secretarys Office Mr Keith and who agrees bo grow flowers for competition at the Flower Show Prizes will bo awarded as follows Sec 1st 2nd pest bunch of not less than spikes grown by pupils nine years of age and under twelve bunch not Ica3 than spikes grown by pupil twelve years age and over 65 25 Class Garden Vegetables of Management Messrs Webb Cane and Hughes Sec Beans Wax In pod one plate to I Beans Green In pod one plate Beets half long best bunch of 4 Beets best bunch of Carrots Garden best bunch of Carrots Garden best bunch point rooted Cabbage boob 2 heads Cauliflower best lrcad lettuce beat Cabbage heads in in in J 50 SO 2ft 25 25 Lettuce test loose beads Peas in pod beat plate Peas best saucer Onions green from year bunch white Onions from this year best bunch of art- Hi bunch of from Dutch Sets Cucumbers for Tabic Use best Tomatoes nearest matured beet Rfsh best bunch of 10 with foliage Long with foliage beat hunch of 20 Rhubarb best hunch of stalks Potatoes any bind light skin best halt peck named if pi any kind Dark skin best half peck if possible 1 23 Potatoes largest named i 00 24 Table Turnip white bunch of 5 50 25 Collection of Garden Vegetables largest and beat not less of each kind Celery best heads 50 Extras Class 5 Committee of Management Messrs Webb Cane and Hughes Sec Fruit to be shown in ordinary white tea saucer 1st 1 Cherries on stems Rating Cherries on stems Preserving Raspberries Red Raspberries Black Cap Raspberries Yellow Raspberries any other kind Currants Red Currants White 9 Currants Black 10 Gooseberries any kind large go Gooseberries any kind small fc go Blackberries any kind Thimble Berries Collection of Small Fruits saucer of each 00 Extras Din i if i As Solid as the Iook at the Tubular Separator then loot a borne of the other rickety shaky affairs set on stilts and called separators Does asp need to tell you that the is beat machine built You can tell whether a separator look J right or not I want you to come and look Tubular Im not uneasy as to what youll about it W J Sharon Ont ALWAYS HOME FOR BUSINESS Mo ml mm w PECULIAR TO MEN AND WOMEN It sad to contemplate the unfortunate condition of so many men of our day and generation At they feel SO at they feel end at they should be in the very prime of life they are almost ready for the grave The fire of youth has gone out the fountain of vitality exhausted- Premature old age No matter what produced it whether evil habits in youth later excesses or business worries the one thing for to do is to get back the vim the vicor and viycity of manhood Dont lose on life There are yet many years for you if yououly get help We can and will not only help but cure you to stay cured Curing diseases and weaknesses of the nervous and sexual has been our exclusive business for the past years during which time we have cured enough fallen men to make an army OUR NRW METHOD TREATMENT will restore to you what you have lost It and enriches the BLOOD strengthens the vitalizes the sexual organs checks all unnatural drains and losses fits a man for the active duties of life tip Wesmihiteedl Ho Fay We treat and curt Blood Poison Varliocalc Kidney If to call write lor a Blank for Horn la Detroit Cured Bank AIR RIFLE i Writ a Ten pick tier Pencil AUru Clock itfj In itftM will All flrUlut will wrtU WUrihftftliatuirortUlFwMalav THEB CO I o 44rt4 AJ J THERE8 IN II do not believe It write to rj3 flood CHASE MOTHERS COMPANY J i

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