i It it more homo vik York combined c 9E3si Vwls J a AMD liberty to know to utter to argue- feebly to cossctace ail other liberty i l No paper gent outside North paid in advance No- fitaglft copies cents J Newmarket Friday YOU HAVE HEARD ABOUT Oof Toronto Letter Our Sales Gallons of winWilliams Our intention is to aints sell GALLON la were very close to N WATCH HOW WE WILL DO IT GENERAL HARDWAR NEWMARKET Read this Testimonial Newmarket July For the last five years I have been troubled with Salt Rheum on my handson one hand so bad that I could not close it- without breaking the skin at the knuckles and at times unable to bend my fingers at all About a month ago I procured one box of Ointment and can say that within two weeks I could close my hands as well as ever and now they are almost completely cured KITCHEN March 1903 It is now nearly three years since I used Ointment and I have not been troubled since with Salt Rheum KITCHEN Town Electrician Newmarket Young convicted of several burglaries in this city was sent to the Central Prison for months In the sheep ease against Chris the Sessions Judge Mor gan instructed the jury to bring in a verdict of not guilty and dismiss ed the prisoner without a stain on his character A criminal ease has grown of the recent decision on the Co suit in this city Mr John in a letter to the press charged that the case on behalf of the city had been bungled or some thing to that effect and Mr A of the city law department considers that he is the man was hitting at Intended festivities in social circle among favorable to both the Government and the Opposition have been called in consequence of the incident Both sides want to know where they are at before send ing out invitations A public demonstration of tern of wireless telegraphy between this city and Hamilton was given a few days ago presence of the Mayor and a number of prominent people S At The eleventh annual of- the Township East took place at on of last week and in spite of the had roads was attended with much success The sessions were held in the Meth odist church the President Mr J A Cole of in the chair Convention opened with devotional exercises followed by an encouraging address by Rev It J D Simpson Reports from Schools were then asked for and out of schools in the Township were reported On the whole the schools are well at tended and the work is progressing The best Literature for Young People was the subject of an ex cellent paper by J of Newmarket He only make choice for children years for those of more mature years he Would surround them- with the best books and let choose for selves All books having moral- taint must be excluded No is worth reading unless it contains iOtd moral Dont read poor novels and read only a few good ones Read history biography travels science and politics era he mentioned worth reading Dickens Geo Elliott Kiugs- J JfiM it paid in advance Permission has been given the Crockett Ralph w A a si ta in it r WWI ARK I Agent for Parkers Dye Works Express Co for or Metropolitan called for or delivered Phone i i SOLE AGENT FOR Ml I In Newmarket pring Main S1s- YEARS EXPERIENCE for Taw i Best Hard Goal Stove or Egg at Family Hungarian Floor Telephone Crown Attorney to prefer an dictment against the Bell Telephone Co to compel the to allow the latter company to their line in a railway station at Locust Hill The outcome will be watched with interest Josephine Marrow was killed be ing run down by a Broadview car on Thursday of last week she at tempted to cross in front an ap proaching car and got caught The twoyearold child of J- Hackney St thrust a wad of paper into the stove and af ter it ignited drew it forth In do ing so the child clothing took The mother was not far away and tore the burning but the head face and arms are so badly burned that it is feared that the child not recover Win Mitchell a printer was at the station to bid a friend good bye oh and in jumping from the moving train fell on bis head and was picked up unconscious al so from a severe scalp wound He was sent to hospital and is improving A considerably consignment of horses for Manitoba was brought to the city on Monday by W J Lin- stead and Walter Thompson from Among the animals are a number of Clydesdales The health of Sir Oliver LieutQovernor of Ontario is re ported to be improving Mr Chester has given 55- towards the Convocation Hall scheme of the University of Toron to There is now in sight about for the On Saturday afternoon Mrs D Murray was out wheeling her baby in a- a passed her on Robert Street and seized a chate laine containing about Which was lying in the carriage and made off A man was after wards arrested as answering to Mrs Murrays description of the robber Two of a kind the County En gineer and County Solicitor both celebrated their birthdays on the of March and both born in A raid was made on a licensed bil liard room about midnight Sunday Seven men were found on the place together with poker cards and money The charges will be aired in the police Court City Commissioner is reported dangerously ill at his home Parliament Street John J Clarke is another referen dum personator found guilty this week and was fined The prisoners in jail in this city on Monday numbered Of these are men and women A lad of years named Frank Harris to the Childrens Shelter for a week for pointing a re volver at Henry Farmers in the neighborhood of the city are getting ready for spring work generally Frost Is reported almost entirely out of the ground In the vicinity of St Catharines the have commenced flowing West York will banquet Mr St John -this- Friday evening and Dr are to he present Harness Co employees went out on this week They Increased pay Rowing parties were out on the bay on Saturday for Navigation between Toronto and Catharines is expected to open next But the best book to read- first last and always is the Bible An interesting discussion followed by Messrs Turner son and Rev The President appointed the follow ing as a nominating committee Messrs Hiram J land and Rose Resolution Committee Atthur and Simpson It being oclock session closed with singing and benediction AHernoon Session opened by singing and prayer led by Rev J The first Subject for discussion was Jackson of Newmar ket How to interest the Careless He emphasized the importance of go ing to those and impress on them the value of their presence Seek to in terest parents as well as he Seek to make the session of the Sunday School interesting by woking methodically Do not let the Sunday- School should not be Has the Bible School a Divine author Bible Schools existed in the days of Abraham and by some au thorities thought to have existed a long time before this In the olden days the righteous man went from the synagogue to the Bible School The Talmud says The true defenders of the cities are the teachers The teaching the child is like the writ ing upon the clean page whilst the teaching of the aged is like writing upon the blotted page The Bible Schools of Judaism were adopted hy Christianity Rev Mr traced the work of the Bible School from the Dawn of Christianity thru the dark ages- The great leaders in the Reformation prepared cate chisms recognizing the fact that if the truth was to be brought to bear upon the minds of men the child must be taught After the Refor mation the religious life of became degenerated Schools for religious training there was none Our modern was organized in by Robert Family religion is found to be at its best where the Sabbath Schools are most efficient A contrast was drawn between the condition of religious teaching in the British Isles at the beginning of the nineteenth century and the pres ent time showing the great improve ment made In this improvement the Si has been an important fea ture Where the declines the religious life of the family declines J A Jackson addressed the convention on practical Christianity It is apparent the ideas of prac tical Christianity are changing The life is- the important thing You cannot get grapes off thorns or figs of thistles Jesus Christ touched men in the ordinary affairs of life that he might save them This world was not too bad for Him to come down to it Religion is test by its fitness to mingle in the af fairs of life and strengthen men to live righteously After singing the usual resolutions of thanks were carried and a most in teresting convention was brought to a close Fashion That fashions arc changes is shown the ma- things drag He explained the ays- toward verv full skirts tern of Honor Roll as sleeves and sashes of flowered Sunday School with reat ribbon Nearly all Hie new modes in the attendance Give careless in some way characterized by the pi Is something to do Make the stole effects and tucks in some form school attractive Good music is or other are introduced in many do- helpful Give them something to signs I think about Linen gowns are conspicuous among A very helpful discussion followed smartest modes and those who in which a number took part novelty in these costumes will Mr J A Jackson Provincial Sec- take advantage of what are termed relary addressed the convention on the Knickerbocker designs flssecrtbly Private Legislation in Ontario seems to grow in volume as years go by The present session opened with bills on the advertised notice paper It Is freely slated in the of the House and in political circles in the also in Club Rooms that the- leader of the Opposition made another tactical blunder in op posing the appointment of Judges to try the charges arid wanting a committee of the House instead Of course a freeborn citi zen has two inalienable privileges viz to growl at his breakfast and kick at the Government Whitney is exercising his rights in a blun dering way Mr Joynt has given notice of a bill in the Assembly to provide that canned goods shah be stamped with the name of the person and date of putting up the same The following resolution clearly sets forth how the Premier intends to deal with the charges They are either true or false and the Premier is determined to know where criminality comes in Moved by Mr Ross seconded by Mr Gibson That an humble address be presented to his Honor the praying that he will be graciously pleased to issue a commission to in quire into and investigate the charges of bribery set forth in the statement made to this honorable House by Mr Robert Gamey member for the electoral district of on Wednesday the day of March inst and all matters and things which in the judgment of the commissioners relate thereto or affect the same such commission to be directed to two commissioners to who shall be two of the Chief Jus tices of the Supreme Court of Judi cature or the President of the High Court of Justice and one of the Jus tices of Supreme Court of Judi cature and the said commission shall confer upon the said commissioners all the power contained or given in or by chapter of the Revised Statutes of Ontario being an act in tituled An act respecting concerning public matters or in or by any act amending the same Boiler Explosion Party Government a wide view of Sunday School He emphasized the value of having a effects are a feature not only of the new linens but of almost the en- program Have a variety order of tire array of Summer fabrics the school Take an interest In what j Foulard tussore silks and is interesting the young people pongees are more in evidence than Sunday school work as we have it the new shirt waist mater- today dates back about years surpass anything previous seasons He dealt at some length withhe or- have produced of the work to this Prov- Very is the shirt waist cos- What is the value of which is fashioned in silk light tlon Better work- is being done woollen and wash goods the decora- System in work Lesson helps are depending largely upon th Indi- to the knowledge of the vidual taste Waists and skirts of teacher A common lesson is being lne material are more fashion- taught throughout the whole than when made of different on the name day organ- stimulates International pub- The dainty dresses of sheer fabrics of great value to the teach- for summer wear will be characteriz es has also tended to greater lingerie tucks and lace among the various denomina- tions of the Christian church i i is now embellished with Jackson explained the other decoration or lined witih chiffon work of the Provincial As- soft silk or satin to make it more la New Ontario wltcre as The popularity of antique yet there are no churches Also the laces is remarkably work performed by the Secretary and I Braids Were never so attractive as Assistant Secretary i they are this season the fibre or A Davidson very taught vegetable braid Is especially From Delineator for April The Committee presented the following report which was ratepayers carried the adopted bylaw to the electric light for the- incoming year President- A Secretary Hiram Treasurer R Peregrine Committee IntehdVntBof Schools dent ministers ISvenlng The Choir occupied the time from to oclock rendering a num ber of beautiful musical selections In the absence of the President Mr J A Hopkins was moved to the chair Rev I McKerroU road an interest ing paper on The the Sunday School to the Family The family is the most important Insti tution of Which we know It has sometimes been contended that the interferes with he relation and work of the home this be true plant Ottawa March the cleric who was arrest ed some weeks ago on a charge of stealing money amounting to over from the Militia Department was this morning sentenced to seven vcars In penitentiary by Police Ma gistrate MarfrincaU pleaded guilty to six of the charges laid him and two others were withdrawn Marfeineau signed a release of the money found on him SI to Col Sherwood and also cheoucs to the balances to credit In the Quebec Royal and Sovereign Banks also signed over some securities in the form of notes The total restitution Crown Attorney Ritchie says Toledo- March In a boiler explosion which wrecked a large por tion of the Toledo mills of the Republic Iron Company to day John Thompson water tender was killed and two persons burned so badly that they may die The top of the boiler weighing a ton was blown through the air for half a mile hurtling just over the tops of twenty houses and finally gouging a hole twenty feet deep in the ground Dozens of flues were driven deep into the earth One entire end of the mill was blown out causing a property damage of Babies Some babies appear always ugly tempered It cant be all original sin either not In your baby anyway Your baby is not a cross baby for no thing He is cross because he is un comfortable A difference like magic is effected by Babys Own They do immediate and permanent good they cannot possibly do any harm No trouble no spilling no difficulty getting Into babys mouth for very young Infanta they can be crumbled and given In water They are sweet and the children like thenu No mother has ever used Ba bys Own Tablets without finding that they do good to children of all ages Mrs Que says used many med icines tor little ones but never found anything equal to Babys Own Tab lets I simply would not be with out them in the house and strongly recommend to all other moth ers Babys Own Tablets cure all the minor ailments of little ones and you have a positive guarantee that they contain no opiate or harmful drug Sold by all druggists or mailed postpaid at per box writing direct to the Dr Williams Medicine Co A of Buffalo who has been prominently mentioned In connec tion with the murder mys tery was killed and wife fatally injured In an automobile accident Thomas Duffy dropped dead In a Catholic church at St Catharines William Burgess and Agnes are in Woodstock Jail none were for a party Then all were for State Then the great- man helped poor man And the poor man loved the great Then lands were fairly portioned The spoils were fairly sold The Romans were like brothers In the brave days of old Perpetual vigilance is the price we have to pay for our freedom We have neglected our duty to our coun try and children and are becoming the slaves of slaves We no longer ask what men we elect will do for thcountry It is what will they do for us or the party Are wo not binding ourselves to the vilest serfdom by pandering to the most depraved passion of the human race that of personal gain by stealing from our country We see men ev ery day who would scorn to tell a tie or rob an individual who think it no sin to steal from their country Such the force of education by ha bitual wrongdoing for which our pub lie men and laws are responsible which make it a crime to spend pri vate money in corrupting individuals but the misappropriations of pub lic funds for party purposes as no of fence whatever The only sure way to purify politics is to remove from the executive the power to let con tracts or make appointments to public offices When this goal is reached no country will have a bet ter government- than Canada AliFRBD Gladys Alberta Feb Tain be bashed Five prisoners who have either pleaded guilty or been convicted by jury during the present sittings of the sessions for different offences- came before Judge Morgan for sentence on Saturday Rupert Tain the welldressed be spectacled man who pleaded guilty to indecently assaulting a slxyearofd in Village was given a stinging lecture If a criminal deserved a whipping it is you said the judge 1 shall sentence you to two yeats less a day in the Central Prised with hard labor At the expiration of the first six months you are to receive ten lashes of the catrouinetolls oh your bare back and perhaps that will teach you to protect women and not insult them A pathetic feature of the case was the death of the childs mother a couple of weeks ago due to the shame brought on the family by Tains crime Amos Howe a middleaged married man stood up next to have sentence passed upon him Ho was Indicted for indecent assault but the Jury brought in a verdict of common as sault Howe felt his position keen ly and said that whiskey was the cause of it all His Honor thought this was a case where a fine could be imposed As prisoner had already been ten in jail he was fined J out for a pay it but the court declined to wait Then two of Howes friends jumped un and the prisoner was re leased George Clarke said that when be assaulted Eliza he thought she was a man He was so drunk that he did not know the difference Ho was sent to the Central for five months Central for five months As Herbert Glover had pleaded guil ty to appropriating some of Harvey Dicks money and had spent twenty- lour days in jail he was let go with a lecture Maurice Moor a lad of seventeen stole a rafor and a pair of gauntlets from Garnet of Weston and ft watch of The Crown Attorney had some doubts about the lads mental capa city and his Honor thought he look ed like an Imbecile The lad was until he could be examined I as to his sanity Bert Taylor farmer of East acquitted on a charge of stealing some cattle from Mrs Travis of the same township Mall will not exceed The loss to with bigamy It is alleged they the Department will there- are man and wife and after be over lug each married a new mate Nearly men In Indiana were forced into idleness by the closing of the factories of the American Win dow Glass Company A further attempt will be made to cut out the train which has been snowbound interior of New foundland for thirty days An Icelander perished with two of his children while trying to rescue them from his burning residence at miles north of Winnipeg