h f- ft Weeks Meal OX IS AEO0T Seed free seed for distribution among the School Children who want to compete at the Flower Show has ar rived and can be had on application at the S office parsonage The Methodist Parsonage on Pros- r t- Ave was sold last Saturday to Town It A large deputation of- the business vol waited on the Council to urge upon th advisability Hon J Davis to his tan nery in yicWty this Town Mr Roche being called up on regretted the loss that Mr Davis bad suffered and strongly- advised the Council to such as would secure the location of here Much of the labor em ployed was skilled labor commanding good wages and the tannery would be a great benefit to the business the Methodist Pastors subject next Sunday even ing Before what Tribunal This weather is catching the dealers where the famine caught people coal the HOT Donald Ferguson of Tor He takes possession on the of Ju Investment Realized Last Tuesday Mr A Collins received a cheque tor from an company being the pro- of an endowment policy which fortunate enough to see ma tured Big improvement The trees on tbe west bank of Fairy Lake have been neatly trimmed add ing greatly to the appearance of this beautiful little sheet of water when the shore is properly cleaned ay on both sides this little beauty will be a surprise to many of our own citizens Big Snap Gloves and Mitts the thing for spring cleaning Only pair at V Presbyterian Church At the Prayer Service last night the pastor commenced a series of Studies In the life of the Prophet o Hope The subject for Thursday night of next week is The Permanence of Gods Word There are subjects in the series which will no doubt prove very interesting and profitable Quarterly Tea The most successful tea yet held by the Ladies Aid of the Methodist church took place on Wednesday even ing at the residence ol Mayor Cane Every bod v was made to feel at home by the genial welcome of Mr and Mrs Cane The evening was spent in music social chat and games The presence of Rev IT Matthews and Mrs Matthews added to the pleasure of the company The proceeds were over 520 The Concert There was a fair audience at the Town Hall last Tuesday night and the Kinernetograph company gave a splendid program They are the most company of travelling entertainers that we have ever seen in this town The illustrated song Angus McDonald was exceptionally fine and the moving pictures were the best ever shown here The Foresters just bad left out their percentage after expenses were paid Mr A sure that the Public would back up the Council in any reasonable indncement We have an excellent system of fire pro tection which should reduce the in surance premiums J and a Reputation should be appointed to wait upon Mr Davis I Mr observed that the Shoe Factory which boomed Au rora has enhanced the value of all the property in the Town and given the place new life Another institu tion employing bands the year round would he a valuable addition and the Council should not delay in offering some substantia inducement- Mr M thought former remarks were place but i hit the Council should be cautious and remember that the Town is pretty well loaded up Messrs Suther land Ross Bruce A and J McKay all endorsed the move The Mayor admired the spirit of enterprise manifested by the citizens and suggested that a Committee be named to act in conjunction with the Council The following were then appointed Messrs Roche A J A Allan B Hunter Jas Sutherland A J Crippen J McKay and Jackson The Committee met on Tuesday af ternoon considered two or three available sites what inducements the Town might offer and the question of providing homes for the employees The Mayor Major Allan and Mr McKay were appointed to interview the Hon J- Davis on the subject SanToy Sad irons Should be in every house Three sizes A Hardware About the Nicest Thing in a Cooking Stove is that frown Huron Range with tank inch oven only at set Profits The Berlin Sugar Refinery has wound up their business for the and issued a very interesting statement showing the returns which growers beets wilt- receive next season based on the purity and of sugar in the last crop are certainly rnoneyTinaking fig ures for the farmers A number of copies of the report have been circu lated among farmers in this vicinity Prof was in Town on Tuesday and informed us that many contracts have been made with farm ers around Whitby to grow beets this summer for the Berlin Factory and asked what the prospects were around Newmarket We thought he could get about acres here in of from to acres by return ing the pulp for feed Froih what ho knew of North York soil and experi ments already made that the farm ers here could obtain on an average per too after deducting all freight charges The Prof promised to try and ar range a meeting in Newmarket short ly and meet the fanners that are in easy distance of railway shipping to lay the matter before them Such an experience certainly be a valuable introduction to growing beets on a larger scale for the New market Factory another year We hope our farmers will improve the op portunity Toronto Star Hon J Davis tannery may be burned but he has enough material left to tan Herb Lennoxs political hide over again if it should be necessary Judgment was handed out on Tues day dismissing the petition against Mr A- McKay as Liberal repre sentative for North Grey This makes another doubtful constituency solid for the Government in the On- House for the current term Judgment was given on Wednesday in Court of Appeal dismissing the protest against Dr Liberal for East Middlesex which settles another charge of corruption and confirms another supporter of Ross Government in his seat Only last week Mr Whitney was clamor ing for a decision in this case he- has now got it The petit ion was dismissed with costs A Liberal caucus was held in the Parliament Buildings on Tuesday The Telegram says it was one har monious whole and a veritable love feast The News says it was not altogether harmonious You pay your money and take your choice but as the caucus was a se cret one it is more than likely the members kept their own counsel and the statements by the reporters were surmises Just wait till the division is announced that will tell whos who On Monday last Mr Bennhtt for East a Conservative of the of July persuasion got to thinking over the promotion of Chief Justice Moss over Mr Justice Osier and it made him feel terribly Pretty soon after rising to his feet be apparently forgot that he was a member of a deliberative Assembly instead of on the stump Alter characterizing the nonpromo tion of Mr Justice Osier as an out rage and was beginning to interpel late the Minister of Justice he was brought up with a short turn by Mr Speaker who told him but not in so many words says in Toronto Star that he was as much out of order as an eight day clock with a rat in the works At this point the curtan fell on the man from East Since the above was put in type the Ontario Sugar Co of Berlin and the Newmarket Sugar Co have ar ranged a series of meetings taking In Maple- King- Aurora Newmarket Bradford and par ticulars of which are announced by posters by two or more the A Chemistry OAC and now Agricultural Superintendent of the Ontario Sugar Company James McKee of Honolulu and formerly of Aurora representing the Newmarket Sugar Co Asking for a Grant A deputation from the Public Li brary Board made their annual ap peal to The Council last Monday night and asked for an increased grant The President Mr Coombs that personally the Library was of very little value to the Board and that they labored almost entirely in the interest those who cannot buy for themselves The funds from the sale of tickets is not sufficient to pay the working expenses was made last year- to make ends meet by entertainments that was a failure They asked the Coun cil this for a grant This was riot considered unreasonable in comparison with municipal grants in other places such as In George town in Drampton in ami In Richmond Hill especially when it is considered that the Reading Room in Newmarket Is entirely free to everybody and open alx nights in the week Mr Coombs was supported by Messrs McKay and Jackson The question was also introduced of making the Library free to the loe w citizen of Newmarket by special tax Herbert Wright an extensive rase the Mayor would be Grower Sugar Beets and Feeder a member of the Hoard of Manage- I meat together with three persons a well- known prize farmer and root grow er who for 3 yeara has acted as Government instructor on the Cul tivation of Sugar Beets A meeting will be held In the Town Hall Newmarket at oclock next Tuesday evening- On Saturday March 28 at am a demonstration of Sugar Pulp Feeding be given on the Square At oclock the same day another meeting will lie held in the Town Hall and at the same af ternoon a demonstration el feeding pulp will be given on the Market Square Every farmer In the vicinity of New market should take hold of mat ter and give it a substantial puh Your Point For every purpose or Inside can be supplied Even friends of Mr Whit ney now admit he made a bad break- when he charges that the Government in choosing a tribunal of Supreme Court judges to try the charges were loading the dice Had the Premier proposed to refer said charges to the Committee on Privileges and lections Mr Whitney would probably have hurled the same statement across the floor of the House as said Committee would have had a majority ol Liber als on it His manner impugning the integrity of the Supreme Court Judges reminds us of a certain politi cal admirer who recently was a can didate for the representation North York and who made some observa tions about a County Court Judge which afterwards gave him much un comfortable reflection respecting his own veracity From the number of deputations continually waiting upon the Ross Government to regard to various matters of more or less public inter est a dominant conviction appears to obtain that Mr Whitney hot in it for another four years In the Bell Telephone case the Grand Jury at the Sessions brought in a true bill last Tuesday charging the company with conspiracy and re stricting trade in having entered in to a contract with the by which the latter pledged itself not to allow the telephones of any other company to be placed in its offices An Ottawa press despatch says that Hon Clifford British Agent the Alaskan Boundary case will leave for England next accompanied by his private secretary also Mr King Dominion astronomer arid Mr- Joseph Pope Qfhe State is also announced that Chief Justice Louis LieutGovernor of Quebec and Lord of London Lord Chief Justice of England have appointed the Alaska Boundary Commission ORCHARD BEACH Col Lloyd of Newmarket was up on Tuesday and let the contract for another new building just north of the Post Office He has rented Ottoweko cottage to the manager of the Piano Co Toron to whose family will come on the 1st of June Mr Boyd has build a new dining room capable of seating or people at the rear of his boarding house with fine bedrooms on the se- storey Mr John VahNornian is raising the roof of his boardinghouse to give more sleeping accommodation Miss Fisher intends building on her vacant lot this summer Col Lloyd had the painter give the Minto a new coat of paint on Tuesday He has a new en gine of greater capacity than the one he ran last summer and will be in the race for speed this season It be tested next month Mr Thos of has ordered a new boat 30 long with capacity to carry a large party very comfortably It will have better speed than the boat he ran last year The Farmers Hotel at Alvinston was destroyed by fire The revolution in has assumed serious proportions Three stores were burned at Learn on Wednesday night causing a loss of Four Montreal boys were drown ed while toboganning on the Lachine Canal on Wednesday Stock The Globe of Monday lion to the way in which the Con servative papers in Toronto and other cities of Ontario arc manufac turing public opinion and keeping heir readers Ignorant of vital facts poinds but that Mr and damaging statement was published in full and large space was given to Mr Whitneys speech but three and a half of the M- torneyQenerals rejoinder the ablest piece of argument as yet presented in the House Was given a bare hall column in chief Conservative newspaper And in it and in others Conservative and Independent the reports the debate in the legisla ture been so colored preju dice and that those of their readers who were not Jin House can have no just of what is essential to honest judges in lf Cattle In Toronto are on the de cline Export- bulls are selling this week at from to Feeders weighing lbs up at from to Choice butchering cattle from lbs down from to Inferior butchering cattle as low as S3 Dry cows to Milch Cows to Calves from to Co per lb and wethers i to bucks 3 to yearlings to Advance in hogs Selects lights and fats Horses are high Workers sold on Tuesday from to each appointed by the Council three by Public School Hoard and two the Separate School Board It an of a on the dollar and the irii householder with an W50 would pay 15c a- year this into a vote of required and the to prepare a ByLaw that purpose it Xi at the earliest March Flour per barrel a White Wheat bush W Red Wheat flS a Goose Wheat et Spring Wheat per bush Buckwheat Barley per rusni a Oats per bush Peas per 00 a Rye per 45 Wool per 0 Hay per torn 8 a per ton Shorts per ton turkeys- i To I fa The Free Library Is a progressive move in Ontario Since the was pawed concerning this matter than have into line The value of the public Library as an educative arid moral force Is recognized everywhere and a progressive Town like let does not want to be behind in race Finance of the The Dominion Senate has during the years under gone a complete change In its It now stands Liberals to Conservatives In this connection a despatch from Ottawa states that Senators Dickie- OBrien Alkins and are too ill to be in attendance During their absence the Liberal majority there fore will be eleven and Sir Macken zie Bowel the Conservative leader in the Senate will now have the ex perience his political opponents foe many past by enjoying the pleasure of working In Opposition There will be no danger of tire Governments Redistribution Bill foregoing language in an insinuating that Liberals Butter roll per ft a per a Butter roll per lb a Chickens pair A Ducks a Geese per ft 08 Toronto Toronto March Fall Wheat per bush a Spring Wheat per bush a Dooms Wheat per bush 0 Oats per a Barley a Peas per bush a Eggs per do a Butter roll per ft a S3 per bag a Hay per ton i a Wool per ft 0018 Hogs per cwt a 8 a the Price J The farmer who already knows the market price for grain and produce need fear no combination of buyers when he goes to market How often the buyers il get together on prices every farmer knows How often has a farmer sold his grain in one town for a couple of cents less than the buyers were paying in a neigh boring market It pays to keep posted on the markets The Toronto Daily Star has the best market reports of any city paper It has men who do nothing else but study the markets who give it all their time and attention and you can M II I I M get all this information in the Star sent through the mails every weekday for a year for If you save a cent a bushel on only two loads of grain by knowing the prices it will about pay the price wont it Besides think of being in touch with the- worlds every day pays for the Toronto Daily Star one year Sent through the mails When received on the same evening of publication from your local newsdealer 25 cents a month Give a trial month order to your newsdealer and now a in the Upper Chamber we lore do hope steps will be taken In the Beet hind near future to so change the const- of that body as to make it Ducks more directly 7F to change the Chickens per pair fcy T Laxative fe Two ir