ft In laws in the Back of a weak torpid or p Stagnant condition of the or Oliver and are a warning it is extremely to neglect so important ft healthy action of these organs They are commonly attended by loss energy lack of courage and pome- times by gloomy foreboding and de spondency taken 111 kidney rouble and became to weak I could scarcely get aronnd took medicine without benefit and finally decided to try Hoods After flm I felt bo much better that I Ha axe and ill bottles me a new woman- When my little girl a baby aba coold not anything on and we rare her which her Ha Hoods Dominion Parliament v l J On Thursday of last week the Do minion Parliament Canada was opened at Ottawa under exceptional ly brilliant circumstances It is stated that never be fore has there been such a demand for tickets to the Senate Chamber and rarely indeed has so large a ga thering occupied floor of that Chamber garbed in the most elabor ate costumes these combined with the ermine the Judges purple J the church dignitaries and gold lace of Cabinet Ministers and diplomatic trouble corps presented a scene of the live- back and whole LEGAL Robertson Public Main Street Newmarket at COO to Loan on good Farm t nioyd Solicitor Notary Public etc Money Load Division Court Building Ontario Co a Ac fl of Peat Of fice Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will be at Newmarket on Saturday and Court for J Row A Co and Ontario Bank Aurora Loan fttt Reformer Block Money to Loan DENTAL DENTIST Over Toronto Jobbing House Satisfaction Guaranteed INSURANCE J A A iron for Insurance Money to Loan icreat at Current Newmarket ft R Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent Kate on and To Property Over Tin Newmarket i Metropolitan Co I TORONTO AND NCTTKARKBT w a W CO aA ib CI CO 0 r a a i in w 3SS t S3 in SO M as I I I I i in ill fr ft every aad Saturday GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY TIME TABLE fl i rt i l 5 a a S a 1 I I I OTVrOZ animation His Excellency the Governor Gen eral entered Senate Chamber a few minutes after Lady had ar rived and was accompanied by a brilliant including Major Gen eral Lord Taking his seat on the Throne Black Rod was sent to summon the faithful Com mons When Mr Speaker and the members of the Lower House arrived His Excellency read the Speech from the Throne in which be congratulated Parliament on the continued prosperity of the country referred to the coronation or King Edward and to the joy of the nation at his restoration to health The Speech next foreshadowed the ap pointment of a transportation com mission alludes to the Alaskan Treaty with the United States promises a redistribution bill also a measure relating to marine and fish eries and for the settlement of rail way disputes to avoid strikes conclusion the prayer is expressed that in the consideration of these matters and in performance of their duties their deliberations under the Divine guidance will result still further increasing the prosperity and of the people His Excellency then retired and a vast majority of those present pro ceeded to pay their respects to the Speakers of the two Houses the chances are that this will be the last time Lord will officiate at the opening of Parliament A Fishy Gome showed his hand and also a very nasty disposition on Thursday last when the Premier asked suppose I am right Mr Speak- in assuming I hope that the statement made by the member lor was made on his respon sibility as a member of the House not merely as hearsay Am I right in assuming lat Mr I have nothing to say Hon Mr the Hon Gentleman say if I am as suming that Mr Let me tell my Hon friend I made my statement yester day and when I have anything fur ther to- say I will say it Mr Ross The Hon gentleman cannot escape in that way If lie made a statement and does not accept the responsibility for that we say that m some other way he will be obliged to accept the responsibility The House jeered Gamed for his cowardice and cheered Premier for his determination to make the member from responsible for his statements THE SAVINGS BANK OF HEALTH Is lots of red and vitalizing blood to nourish and invigorate the bony If your blood is thin and watery use It supplies the necessary elements such as phosphorus and iron and quickly restores lost strength and spirits Kerrozone an- un equalled restorative for the tired sick and the run down it stimulates appetite aids digestion soothes the nerves and makes the system too healthy for disease to exist No tonic does so much good in a short time as Get it today from any druggist for per box or Poison Av Co Kingston Dr Hamiltons Pills cure Eight persons were killed by the Signs of Spring It Is A Season When Most People Feel Miserable Easily Tired and Fagged out Consmatiw Meeting y The P for East York is after the TelephoneCorwd He has introduced a bill in the Com mons to amend the Railway Act stipulating that every company grants any facilities to any incor porated telephone or The spring season affect the health shall grant equal facilities or of everyone of course in ail- terms and conditions to any other in- ways With some it is a eel- telephone company or of weariness after slight exertion demanding such facilities others are afflicted with pimples and skin eruptions Fickle appetite sal- A despatch from Ottawa dated out of admirers of low cheeks and lacklustre eyes are March says Five new Lennox Neither of the speakers other signs that the Wood is clogged were appointed today This from a distance were impurities and must have assist- will give the Government a majority eat Col occupied the chair to gain its proper- in the Senate The new appointees and short addresses were given ties are as follows Wind- Messrs of This is the season above all others Jules Que Mayor of Aurora J when everyone young and old need Frost Smiths Falls Coffey Miller of Frank Roche a tonic lo brace them up and the London and J Kerr Toronto of Toronto and Herbert Lennox wellknown lawyer Another Protest to Although tie roads were very bad last Saturday there was quite a turn best tonic medical science has The is toil ered is Williams Pink Piite These pills tone the nerves and hit the veins with new pure rich red blood Tbats why they give a healthy appetite and cure all blood and nerve diseases anaemia skin diseases erysipelas- rheumatism neu ralgia palpi tat Ton of the heart and a score of other troubles caused by bad blood and bad blood alone Dr Williams Pink Pills will give you new blood new life new energyyou can not do better than start taking them today Mr Jos Grand says Both my wife and daughter have been greatly bene fitted by Dr Williams Pink Pills My daughter was in very poor health pale thin and apparently bloodless but through the use of the pills she has regained her health and is again able to enjoy I think Dr Wil liams Pink Pills is the best medicine when the blood is poor Substi tutes are sometimes offered but never cure If you cant get the gen uine pills from your dealer send di rect to the Dr Williams Medicine Co Brockvjlle Ont and they will be mailed at cents a box or six boxes for mm Ija reply to a request made to he Grocers Association claiming that the present bill is so indistinct that it is frequently taken for a Hon Mr Fielding promises that the Si bifi now in circulation shall be withdrawn and that the new render mistakes of the kind complained of j former years the surveying of from six to eight Townships in the Crown Land district was considered a very good years work but so great is the demand for this season that the con templates having at least forty town ships surveyed- The location of the veterans grants and the expect ed demand by colonization companies make this necessary It will be noted with satisfaction that more farmers have been elected to the Ontario House and fewer law yers than usual Farmers number lawyers 16 doctors mer chants editors manufacturers contractors lumbermen un dertakers 2 drovers Insurance agents the balance one each in the class of cheese dealer financial agent land surveyor merchant forwarder mechanical engineer general agent and an auctioneer As a whole the callings of the several members em brace a pretty wide range but they do not include the clergy or school teacher connected with the Toronto bar From observations made by Hon Mr Ontario Minister of Works in a recent interview it will be learned with satisfaction that the Provincial Government is guarding against land speculators land jumpers and land grabbers along the line of the new Railway running from North Ray Into New Ontario He said it was the Governments In- to retainall station and town sites for the benefit of the road the Government and tiers the latter of whom would be given an opportunity to- purchase homes at fair prices This fs a pol icy people of Ontario will endorse and gives assurance for the develop ment of a K of local centres calculated to meet the local trading necessities of the district When old North York is fully arous- Tory need apply the sign she always Since Con- federation only three Conservatives have ever sat either bouses of Par liament for that In A P Dodge bought himself into the House of Commons for North York but it cost from to to secure his then he sat until the Pacing Scandal Government The Alfred was later elected a member the reLKUature defeating the late Hon ported the thousand ton barge canal William McMurich- by a majority of of votes Next won the over for the Cottons by Robert Foster who was convicted M popularity and a division by Judge Bell of personation In the ranks the Liberals Since taking of the referendum vote lmc lhc has steadily fcentenced to one year in jail and elected Liberals for both Houses not- four hundred dollar arrest- withstanding that It was in Thomas by the Sir John Government for the purple ra lock The of this paper sot S York nd he has oever forgotten the cure ate old riding and its peopIerNbrth Star Tite Opposition organ at Toronto referring to the Conservative lead ers observations in the debate on the address in reply to the Speech from the Throne said Leader tien scathingly arraigned the attitude of Government But that same Mr Leader Borden had a very un comfortable hour while Premier replied to his strictures it was like giving a second dose of North Ontario medicine During the debate in the Senate on the address in reply to the Speech from the Throne Hon Mr Scott Secretary of State too occasion to state to the Red Chamber and the Country that the redistribution bill passed by the late Government was most unjust and unfair and intended to hive the Grits The legislation submitted by this Government when submitted to Hie House here strictly to county boundaries This means goodbye to West Onta rio and replacing Newmarket Whit church and in North York It will also change the boundaries of elongated Ontario and East and chop portions of To ronto from East York and give the present MP of that Riding a po litical jar On Monday last the political nerve of Mr J St saint from West York received a shock that nearly upset his mental balance During his observations in the Leg islature Charges he laid stress on the spectacle of a Minister accused of a serious offence sitting in the House and deliberating upon the constitution of the court which was to try him Whereupon the Provincial Secretary hurled back the taunt indignantly and amid the cheers and thumping of desks on the Government side of the House an nounced that he handed in his immediately- after the the charges were made took the York Saint the whole of two minutes to recover from this He had been sawing the air voci ferously and this reply was so un expected that it broke him up one common cause of the most general cause of headache and pain across the eyes Is nasal catarrh The simplest cure is to inhale the medicated Vapor of tarrhozonc which traverses every- air cell and air passage of the throat lungs and nose It kills myriads germs at every breath mucous discharges preserves heals the membrane la just a remedy for head ache and its action certain and unfailing In diseases of the Throat and Lungs Deafness Bronchitis thma and Catarrh A trial will con vince sceptical- that tarrhozone Is all right Large size trial size Druggists or Co Kingston Dr If Pills cure Constipa tion Belleville March it- Cooper miller of this narrow cape from terrible Saturday m was in the of the was In ner caught in the shafting wjfiich runs by and bis coat was torn oh Into shreds Mr Cooper sustained several injuries and it wasfeare this afternoon that he would succumb to heart faflure he having been very low for sometime Mr Cooper one of Bellevilles most prominent a falls to Groves siaVxte is on each box M I WOO The this paper will be pleaded to Is it least dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its and that Catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure la thorily cure known to tie medical fraternity Catarrh a disease re quire a treaties Hall Catarrh taken titwm Wytiagdiriictlf surfaces of the system there- the foundation of the giving VkH ftatieal building up nature in doing work The proprietors have no much faith in its- curative potters that offer- One Hundred Dollars for ant that fails to cure Send for list of Address J CHENEY Co Toledo by Halls Family Pills are tho beat the late Conservative The following resolution carried unanimously TTiat the matter protesting the North York be left in the hands of a committee with full act if it is of the opinion that there is sufficient evidence to warrant pressing case The following were elected to act upon the committee Col Sharon Dr Steven son Aurora H New market J Stevenson Udofa Col Button StouHville John Moore East J A Wallace T- Simpson Roche A Lane A Sprafcue W Proctor The committee met at the close of the and concluded that there was evidence to warrant protesting the election The protest was drawn up and signed by Win Proctor of nornbeTg Uriah Marsh and Chris topher Kennedy of Whitchurch with the understanding that it would be entered on Monday morning School King City Public School The following are the highest per centages obtained by the following pupils February in Composi tion Arithmetic History Geogra phy Dictation and Spelling Composition Cairns J Norman McGill Ferguson 7 Austin Mag gie History Lena Cairns 75 Janet McCallum Norman Geography Map Drawing Battle Latter Leah Thompson Lily Davis Willie Latter Maggie Arithmetic Frank Kiteley 80 Jan et Clara JO George Bert Atkinson Dictation and Spelling Janet Norman Clara Austin 90 J Precious Teacher Constipation ir- tl it- rll and Ameirlbao In wt or of fiend a or opinion vbelber conduct equipped office In arid us to prompt ly Invention reference Patent through Marion Ma rlon re eel notice without In over distributed throagbout Ibe Patent Patent Office New yorkUfBlcVfifiontreil House for Corbet of Huron Street and Ave J CANE Farm for Sale East hali of Lots and 30 rear of Con Whitchurch Good build ings good fences orchard and run ning water Pino Orchard Dr Frank was upset from a canoe near and died after being taken from the water Notice is hereby given that I was appointed Financial Agent lor the Hon J Davis in the recent Dye- Ejection North York in pursuance Section of the Ontario Elec tion Act Sal That House and Lot on the East Side of Queen Street in the Village of known as the ISAAC TRAVIS HOMESTEAD For sale apply to Frank S or to His Solicitor House for Sale I A Brick Janiea ail la coot Ft other F accounts contracted by or cm half of Mr Davis must be sent to me on or before the day of March A TAYLOR Aurora j-nV- District Notice Is hereby given that the An- for the granting of Li cense for the sale of Liquor In the above named for the License of W0H will be at theln- Office Sharon on Friday April at am All applications for License Must be Made on or before April 1st 10031 aj License Injrpectr Hr to MARY OLIVER St All Kinds REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE AND SATISFACTI0N GUARANTEED It your Machine Farm Machinery Mower or anything down it in and get it fixed A THOMPSON Practical Machinist Ave THREE REQUESTS to fill business positions with our students or graduates at SIXTY DOLLARS per month came to us during the last week in January Doz ens of places were supplt- varying from to 58 per week during the month at salaries varying from to per Reek That is why we have plenty of room at all times for new mem- hers Write for catalogue Enter any time No vacations Business SHAW Principal SALE Setts Light Sleighs Cutter Light Wagon I Heavy Democrat Wagon Apply Tenders Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to The DAY OF MARCH to supply the Industrial Home for the County of York one year with BREAD BEEF QRO06RIE8 Contracts to commence 1st of April Parties wishing to tender for any of the above supplies can obtain blank forms at the Home and get necessary Information In reference to what is required Parties with whom contracts are made to deliver supplies at the Home Sealed benders will also bo to the same tdgWe outside of Home stonework brickwork and roof not included two of paint during the months May and Parties to tender to do the work and material stating brand of pamta Also to tender to do the work only the County to furnish the material No tender necessarily accepted J Inspector of Resifgialginljig Pursuant to instructions from executor of the late John Lloyrf will he for sale on die premises on Saturday the 21st da of March at one oclock In afternoon part of tho front of lot No- in the Concession of the Township of King in the County York containing ten acres more or less Upon the property are a solid brick house containing ten rooms and commodious stables and sheds There Is a good orchard of choice fruit The property well located about half a mile north King City on the North bank of the and quartet- of a mile from an excellent school of Sale per cent at time of sale arid balance in one month- The property be put up subject to a reserve bid At the and place will be sold some good household furniture haircloth pallor chairs bed- steads washstiands bureau dishee catiiyts c Terms Canh For further particulars apply to J ROBERTSON Vendors Solicitor Dated Feb Pursuant to Instructions from tho Executor of the late JOHN there will be ode rod for sale by Pub lic Auction by Win At of Saturday of March at the hour of eleven oclock in forenoon following parcels of land v r The North halt No in the 2nd concession of the Township of in the County of York containing one hundred acres more or On this parcel are frame residence frame barn shed and stables in fair There Is good well on tho place and about acres of tamarack bush Lot No in the first con cession of the said Township of East east of Yonge Street containing acres of marsh land growing marsh hay and a consider able amount of good blue joint hay The two parcels will be sold subject to a lease in favor of William will expire on the first day o April The purchaser will the rent which is due- and payable on the 1st day of Januat loi Terms of Sale Ten per cent at time of sale and the balance of tho purchase money i to be paid in tvr6 months thereafter The Property Will be put up subject to a reserve ibid For further particulars apply to James PO or to J ROBERTSON Vendors Solicitor Newmarket Dated March 2sgSfcsS