a i T J THE General Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH Business A interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED AT and i promptly to 1st an a on ROBS Simpson Wain St and Goods AUCTIONEER fitraoo Bolton Practical Fainter and House Church Street and EVES J SMITH DOUGLAS CO and 12 per cent Original investment secured and guarantee Office Reformer BlockNermrkei ABllis Architect and Sanitary Engineer Room Manning Toronto ljia and Estimates kinds of buildings made all liycoao Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era Newmarket Papers at private If reaoEE op CARRIAGE LICENSES BUTTON WEST NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Allan an ever new Corner Main and streets Newmarket Weeks There will be a social held in the basement of Presbyterian Church on Friday evening March Amuse ments will be provided and every body wilt be cordially welcomed Ad mission 10 cents Correction i Since the Priie List was printed for flower Show a slight error has been discovered in Class should be instead those wbo are ac quainted with technical will know the difference on Although the lecture in the Town Hall last Friday night was entirely free there was not a very large at tendance Mr Race Mitchell editor of the Advocate of that Town gave a very interesting ta on the cultivation plants and flowers He does not pretend to be a profes sional but simply a lover flowers and is pleased to give any that will people to beautify their homes His rosary comprises bushes and last year he cultivated tulips His address was very interesting and encouraging to the Directors of the Horticultural Soci ety as well as the members general The funeral of late was very largely attended last Sun day afternoon the church being filled to overflowing Trie funeral sermon was preached by Elder grosser and the remains taken to the New- market Cemetery for interment The deceased leaves a widow and live chil dren for whom much sympathy is expressed in their sudden bereave ment 7 Deceased was a member in good Standing In AOUW and carried insurance A pol icy of was also carried by the Foresters to protect some real estate covered by mortgage and a portion of this will no doubt go to the family to Rest funeral the late was largely attended last Satur day afternoon the services being con ducted by Rev A The casket was covered with beauti ful flowers the sending a handsome shield and the workers in the Metal Tool and Stock Room ol the Office Specialty sending a beautiful wreath besides exquisite flowers from private indi viduals The Office Specialty Co shut down on Saturday afternoon to allow the employees to attend the funeral The A attended in a and conducted service at the Cemetery The bereaved fam ily have the sympathy of the Town in their affliction lieoture on Persia On Thursday evening of last week the Rev a native of Persia delivered an address to a large audience in the basement the Presbyterian Church He spoke of the different religious classes of his native land and the difficulties that Foreign Missionaries have to contend With in trying to teach heathen pebple the Gospel of Christ He then dwelt at some length on the great difference between the cultiva tion of land in Canada and in Persia Continuing the lecturer related sev eral incident in regard to the social life of the Persians and of his mis sionary work among them The lec ture throughout was very interesting and greatly appreciated by those present At the suggestion of the Pastor MacGillivray a collec tion was taken up for the lecturer at the conclusion of his address Do You Up in tbe MorniDg Tired and Mis iame Ho Unlawful Assembly i WILL RESTORE LOST AND GIVE YOU THAT- VIM SNAP AND STRENGTH THAT SHOULD POSSESS IN SPRINGTIMES it you wake up in the morning feel ing tired and miserable let us assure you that nature is warning of dangers you have commenced to drift on the rocks and shoals of dis ease Overwork worry harassing cares or it may be excesses ate their dire effects Your nerves feel the and strain fust You should thank heaven that you have nerves to warn you of approach ing dangers in the glorious spring time who rise up each morninc tired wearied and miserable- stand need of Celery Compound the mar vellous medicine that frees the body from acid blood and morbid waste material Celery Compound at same strengthens the three great organs the stomach the liver and kidneys When this work is accomplished the nerve fibers are made strong and the whole sys tern reinforced A few bottles of Celery used this month will save much suffering and anxiety later on The results given by Compound are assuring and happy Your reward will beVa per fect and unhampered action of a clear and brain nervous tern blood will course through the body you will have sweet and refreshing and permanent food health u Alliance j The following letter was written by Rev Dr Spencer of on the day after the byeelections to the secretary of the Dominion Alli ance Dear Mr Centre Bruce is another example for the unwisdom of the Alliance methods resulting in one more for the liquor men It is time to cry halt in this Alli anceMcKay Buchanan a combination and it is vain for to ask my cooperation in the insane policy of extremism which obtains Ail third candidates have received their just reward and a host of li quor advocates have been returned by the temperance people and their me thods the existing organizations would drop their extremists and their extreme methods and combine in a sensible and educative policy gain would ensue Telegram DOS- Washing With Soap or Ex posure to Sunlight Cannot Fade Diamond Dye Colors Grocery and ft Ma I1M Hi The services last Sunday were largely attended both morning and evening Rev Pearson of Toronto preach ed In morning from the text Instead of the fathera shall come the The con tained references to the and Israel and was young anaoW- Diamond Dye Colors are absolute ly fast and unfading Washing With strong soap or exposure In sunlight cannot start or fade these brilliant and imperishable colore No other dyes in the world have established such a reputation for strength and beauty of colors Diamond Dyes are the most economical agents for coloring one package will color as much as three packages of other brand of dyes Send ad dress oh a Postal Card and the Welti Richardson Co Limited 2fW tain Street Montreal will send you free of cost new book on home dyeing samples of dyed cloth and the neweat designs for Hooked Mats and Rugs A Queens University student was arrested at In the act of robbing a grave in the cemetery AURORA INCIDKNT THRASHED out IN COURT Globe Report Aurora March preliminary investigation into the charges against Si Flicker Linton Wilson Thomas Norton Victor Bond and John of being rlienibers of an assembly on February last the when the distur bance occurred at the meeting of Mr who appeared as a Prohibition candidate in the recent byeelection in North York was held here today before Magistrate P Ellis appear ed for the prosecution and T C KC and A Taylor of Aurora for all the defendants except Bond and who- were represented Mr Lennox Mr Lennoxs clients were the only three- Conservatives accused All charges were dismissed The first witness called was Mr Lundy who acted as Chairman at the meeting He testified that he thought Mr had received a fair hearing better than he had on the previous night at market Mr gave a Ascription of the meeting- Upon the Chairman leaving the chair- he said there was a rush for the platform He was snov about and up against the talL Several shook their fists and threats were made He was shoved of the platform through the hall ami in the street where he was knocked down On the way to the hotel he was knocked down several tiroes When he reached the hotel someone jumped on him him down the steps and when he got same person had his back against the door to prevent his entering Some- also threw spmetnlng at the street In the hall he bad smelt a- skunk odor but he did not think anything with the odor on it was thrown at him until were out in the- street The disturbance In the hail seemed to increase after the ar rival of a load people from New market He could not swear as to the ringleaders Mr Wells the keep er of the hotel prevented them attacking him in the hotel Under cross examination by Mr Mr refused to state who had brought him out as a candidate Billings swore he saw Mr in the hall egging Mr Norton along when Norton out Tats He saw the crowd rush on niai- and Mr Flicker was one them He saw Flicker try lo hit Munns He also saw Flicker follow ing along the street Flicker jump on hade in front of the hotel and pull him clown the steps Alexander stated that Mr tripped up Mr Munns on the street just in front ol his gate and then stepped inside the gate lie al so swore that Flicker jumped on hack and threw him down Andrew mentioned Milton and Win Ralston as having been in the hall during the disturbance He also smelt a skunk odor said that he saw Mr Munns knocked down twice on the way to the hotel and pulled oft he hotel steps He had seen Linton come into the hall before the meeting and had smelt the odor when he passed by during the distur bance at the conclusion of the meet ing he saw thrown at Mr Munns Lou Marsh gave similar evidence and corroborated the previous witnesses except thai although he had seen Linton enter the hall he had not connected the skunk odor with him Norman said that he saw Mr and Mr J KnowJes kind ly assisting Mr off the plat form V said that the re porters were the first to jump on Ihp platform and he did not think the others would have gone up unless they had Richard Wells the proprietor of the Queens Hotel said that he saw n the crowd in tte hotel after Mr was allowed to speak at the conclusion and said that he had no desire to prosecute anyone for as sault He had wished only to dem onstrate in a British Country there should be British fair play He hart feeling against any of the people of Aurora and intended to come and see them again Lesson PAULS MESSAGE TO THE Golden Text By grace through fatth ye are saved March 22 INTRODUCTION Paul endeavors to drive home to the hearts and consciences of- men the fearful fact their sinful- state their need of salvation and the way of escape from eternal through Jesus Christ PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS Spiritual quickening without which there can be no eternal life of blessedness and peace is wrought for us by God The taint of sin is upon us all and penalty attaches to all It is by Gods grace that we are saved through faith in Christ The hope that fastens upon the age to come is- a delightful anticipation of the soul that has been washed of by the blood of Christ while daily fulfillment of Gods promis es the souls sweet and satisfying refreshment salvation from sin is the full ana free God yet it is expect- ed tiiat those who become partakers this grace shall give evi dence of the change wrought in them by living the lite that shall meet with divine approval God has a definite plan for each of us It is well for us to have confidence in the Divine workman Do You Get a Fair Start Each r Day- i A mans ability and his capacity for work depend practically upon the kind of start he gets each day at his breakfast In professional office warehouse or factory work breakfast with its attendant satisfaction or its discomfort makes the character of the day and determines the qual ity of the work accomplished A breakfast based on Malt Breakfast Food is eaten with a zest and relish that guarantee a store of energy for the days work Physicians Malt Breakfast Food the ideal cere al to commence the day with It pleases the most critical the flavor is most delicious and the food value is extraordinary One package of Malt Breakfast Pood will make a meal for twentyfive people Grocers everywhere if J 1 www v pastor in theeyepiifg oh theyouVgiejras the church and his were also Very received He urged young people to unite with the church sustain its ordinances remark by QUotUtlons eminent persons and illustra tions adapted to the subject its Rip on The St Catharines Well In the Garden City of Canada eleven miles from Niagara Falls is situated the historical St Cathar ines Well The waters this fa mous well is saline and its proto type in Is the- celebrated KpeulzmacK Spring PruBsIa and are a great specific for such diseases as rheumatism gout neuralgia liver- troubles skin diseases and cases of nervous prostration or as a tonic pure and simple remodeled and en larged is the principal building in these waters ate used and most comfortable accommodation can he had there at rates For illustrated booklet and all In formation apply to J McDonald District Passenger Agent Toronto R Thinklets In Centre Bruce the- electors gave nearly one thousand six hundred of a majority in favor of the act submit ted in the referendum in protest Mr was- unseated account of -FOR- Best Quality MBats AT LOW choir and also fulsoio rT MANY ATTRACTIVE On TAYLOR cures Try it it is announced that on April new British warships will be under construction that were withdrawn In A good fiecvant Applv to V Ave a Decision The Interim Injunction issued on the of February restraining The Bell i Telephone Company erect ing any further poles or stringing telephone purposes in Fort came up for hearing before Judge Meredith at on the Mr acting for tlfe Town of Fort William asked to nave the case enlarged for two weeks to enable him to crossexamine those had made affidavits in the case Bell Telephone Company asked Jo have so as the itlngingof wires Is conccrn- stating that the Company had no present In tent on of erecting any fur ther poles on streets of the Town The Judge so amended the injunction so ttiat Its prohibition only the erection of new poles the Company to proceed with stringing wires on the existing poltfl case cornea to trial- tered Things smell said Mr Wells after and wi crowd entered George Clark of whiskey by an agent Long Harper and Mr Clarke also also to promise support to was thendismigsea w outlined by by Ills Honor as there no Mr Clarke was reelected in the dence against him He called as a witness and thatJie Wilson Norton and Alder by majority over Dr the charges upon the ground that there was no unlawful- that it anything had occurred that should be a subject for punishment would only be a matter of assault or disorderly conduct There was no doubt he thought that were proceeded against for common assault the evidence would- bear out the charge In Flickers case he there was evidence of a cowardly as sault and those cases would be sum marily proceeded with i 4i Fleury wtob a pledged hi support to at the meeting This concluded the Crowns Hot real sincerity wan there Mr argued that the hundred ma- was a lawful one Ijorlty mon purpose to act in a fiiotg manner If decidedly opposed to the made wy e f not vote against party one disorderly conduct or comes to such a test The Magistrate found no DO YOU If you have uneasy sensations In the stomach a bad taste in the mouth headaebe remember that ten drops of Poisons In sweet ened water a quick and certain cure aids digestion dis pels the gas mikes you feel comfort able and free from distress at once just splendid for cramps colic dysentery stomach and bowel troubles ana costs only Better try It Dr Hamiltons Pills cure Constipa tion The Latest AND HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE Next door to Post Office il iu Hi j We have now a complete line of Pure Druggists comprising Toilet Prepara tions and Brutnea Combs Atomisers Hot Wft lieiiUf r- A Full of Patent Medicine at lowest reduced V We pay special attention to our Prescription Department rLQii solicited 4 i The NORMAN J PATTERSON ROGERS i Limited i AGENTS FOR THE NORTH WESTERN OP CANADA Ho fir CsT I J il From to yard He Better Goods -IN- Individual Blouse Lengths A TV t A TORONTO li To Buy tops Gome Where it is Made fivery Dajr per pound per pound Maple Cream with per pound IB Baited Peanut Chocolate do do do do do Now Lemony 4 New Peel and Canned Prices yX-jdSA- NEXT TORONTO JOBBING