THE NEWMARKET Gutters Repairing and thing Prices moderate J COOK Agent Mount Albert for Peter Hamilton Implcmtatt Fresh Jersey Cows SAIbo Three Jersey Heifers due about STOKES Mount Albert FARMS FOR lit y a Good 10 each In of Albert of JI6 acres with pood barn end lojr e DAVIDSON Conveyancer Ac Mount Albert to Loan at Lowest Rates Dr DENTIN Newmarket vIMta Mount Albert Tuesday of each ttOfflceln Office hours am You can save money by buying your Furniture at the it flifiert store A EVER OF and Perlor Suites Extension We are alo for Pillow Sham the celebrated Carpet Stretcher and Picture a Goods delivered free of charge ordered in quantity ALLAN THEAKER Spring Suitings Entirely New Stock of Worsteds Serges AND Tweeds Just arrived Dont fail to see before placing your order We buy close and can give spe cial value We have employed ipi firstclass Tailor and guaran- tee all our work Geo Haigh Sons MOUNT ALBERT Cook Stoves Queen Heaters Etc Etc Etc Call and MANAGER THIS In spite of the muddy roads there was a good turnout at the Market on Tuesday Prices as follows butter lie i to chickens to turkeys to It was quite a common thing here this election for a Toiy and a Grit to pair off and say the Tory did the COLDS ARE DANGEROUS How often do you hear it remarked Its only a cold and a few days later learn that the man is on bis back with pneumonia This is of such common occurrence that a cold however slight should not disre garded Cough Kenne dy counteracts any tendency towards pneumonia It always cures and is pleasant to take For sate by Llovd A GOOD Dr of Per sia save a very interesting lecture in the Presbyterian church on Monday evening Dr is ihe son of a native Persian missionary who been educated in Canada and intends returning to Persia shortly where he will act as a medical missionary The lecture dealt largely with Per sian manners customs and costumes and was very highly appreciated by the children LETS HAVE IT An agitation is being set on foot to appoint a day as a general arbor day for the cleaning up of the back yards front yards and streets of pur village The proposed plan is for everyone to do their work on the same day and engage the carters to haul the rub bish away at once before the winds have time to spread it over the street again It has been suggested that if all the rubbish be dumped up the eighth concession in that portion of it that runs through the swamp it would be an improvement to the roadbed FREEZES Quite unsettled Once more Mis Morton has changed her mind She trick Hed slip in and has decided to remain in Baldwin vote like a man after pledging The very high water prevents all himself to stay at home- They tried endeavors to repair the dam alt a scheme with me but Im not due preparation is made The sus- green as I look pition of foul play is not entertained Morton was here last week by many Most persons attribute it showing an immense wad of bills to muskrats sUce Pringle took a bundle of READ IT- THROUGH Twquld Spoil this Story to Tell It In the Headlines out of it for a heavy colt furs to the city last week including Mr Arnold sold three head of horses the lynx-wildcat- caught by week at handsome prices The buyer like myself Our Free Methodist Preacher a cross between covering that be is riot residing in a two animals I m not easily J paradise for training little ones in to natural history especially that of the of morality He has been North America obliged to say to the kids You owing to the high market cant play in our yard anymore as value of their fur axe getting thinned some of them have taught his children out by our local trappers some profane language Im sorry A charitably disposed person name to say it WELL AGAIN The many friends of John will he pleased to learn that he has entirely recovered from his attack of rheumatism Chamberlains Pain Halm cured him after the best doc tors in the town bad failed to give relief The prompt re lief from pain which this liniment af fords is alone worth many times its cost Sold by T Lloyd A GOOD SENDOFF The home of Mr Geo Stokes was the scene of a very pleasant gather ing on Friday night Mr Stokes in tends removing shortly with his tarn- ily to the farm lately occupied Mr J as Gould near and a number of his friends assembled for a farewell visit- After doing full justice to an oyster supper a very pleasant and social time was spent with etc J ROWLAND Mount Albert ALBERT DRUG STORE USE BALM OF SYRUP FOR COLDS C TRY OUR IMPROVED POWDER FOR HORSES 0 a of Patent Cure Puftoxtpttona day WT LLOYD There was a little trouble all about a dog on Tuesday morning Our office is now illuminated with acetylene gas which makes a great improvement The charges were the sub ject of considerable discussion on the market on Tuesday Mr A Miller of IJxbrldgc has been appointed general agent of the Great West Life Assurance Co for York and Ontario counties Mr Mill is well- known in vicinity and is thoroughly reliable Mr John w I in who will have charge of the tailoring department for Messrs Geo Halgb Sons ar rived on Tuesday evening Mr A Miller District Agent of the Great West Life Assurance Co for Northern Ontario was home over Sunday and Monday- Miss I lodging has returned to Mt Albert where she will remain during the summer A Miss Annie fetorry of is visiting at the home oi Tate Miss Harrison of Zephyr Is visiting friends In Town Wlss VioiaWa4tottpeotSunday in Mr M Porter is visiting in Whi Thompson is visfting the home of Mr Tios Watts Davidson has returned from a visit with friends In Mark- Jnf Miss Mar Well man fe Visiting it the home of Mr A Tate Messrs John Graham and John Moore were among those who officiat ed as pall bearer at the the late W on Sunday a L I FOR A DISORDERED STOMACH I have been troubled for some time with indigestion and sour says Mrs Curtis of Lee Mass and have been taking Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets have helped me very much so that now I can eat many things that before could If you have any trouble with your why not take Tablets and get well For sale by Lloyd unknown is reported to have left an order for fifty loaves of bread to The Thomas family kind deed is attributed to Brae by those of a speculative mood Defeat usually makes one naturally of a snarling snapping temperament more irritable stilt This no doubt accounts for John Smiths grumblings about New Ontario and Hon its prime factor New Onta rio notwithstanding all that John may say to the contrary is booming OK and will ere long be the home of thousands of happy settlers All settlers in new districts however have to put up with many discom forts same as- our forefathers did Waller Thompson of BrownhiH has got out timber for the erect ion of a new barn this season Since remov ing from two years ago Walter has done an enormous amount of improvement on bis farm The News claim to independence doesnt amount to much If Im a judge its Tory in everything hut name has a bonus of an en larged portrait for purchasers of goods at his store The boys are rushing house to completion The millinery opening will be next or the following week CUB has filled an order for furniture for two men amounting to four hundred and fifty dollars He furnishes a boarding house at Lake If my relatives in Oireland would send me some sprigs of sham rock Id celebrate Wtti The occupants seem to rejoice that spring is at hand The geese are gabbling the turkeys show off their attractiveness and the hens cackle and laugh In a number of households here the show their common sense by sticking up for the Grit candidate while their lords and masters arc Tories This course was the source of a little unpleasantness that caught my ear Happily all is peace now A number of our ladies have gone to considerable expenditure of time and work framing their pictures of Hon J Davis Well I can assure them he Is worthy of all respect The Gamey disclosures make the Tories laugh so they do me for right well Im satisfied theyre big frauds- It will be quite another thing to prove tbem tons no simpleton that I know Ive known him years It is to be hoped the idea will become general Some such Incentive is necessary to Improve or thographical knowledge Way back In the and sixties QuecmrvHle School spelling matches would close weeks work at school In those days I feared no foe and deemed my self second to none tho occasionally had the gumption taken out of me by an elder brother of Mayor Cane A penny for your thoughts Her bert for them John Smith It is said that the have on exhibition at their offices cor King and Yonge St a stufled lunge tbat weighed pounds There used to be some monsters in Lake John at one time resident on Queen St captured one by spearing that weighed lbs Those have handled a lb fish can understand the fun experienced at the capture of one four times that weight NEW STORE Just Arrived a good fresh stock of Monday theyre at the dam with a large gang You can see what theyve done even it be a tedious job The pond is teeming with duck now Somebody gets one now and then but tbe law says you mustnt Farmers are resting on their oars patient or impatiently as the case may be awaiting spring Would that had a patron saint to banish all the theiyes and from our country The Owl To use an eighteenth century phrase this is an oer true tale Having happened in a small Virginia town in the winter of it is a story very much of the pres ent Up to a short time ago Mrs John Harmon of Station had no personal knowledge of the rare curative properties of Cham- Cough Remedy Last Jan she says my baby took- a dreadful cold and at one time 1 fear ed pneumonia but one of my neigh bors told me how this remedy had cured her little boy and I began giv ing it to my baby at once and it soon cured her I heartily the manufacturers of Chamberlains Cough for placing so great a cure within my reach I cannot re commend it too highly or say too much in its favor I hope all who read this will try it and be convinced as I was For sale by Lloyd J Dry New Clothing Boots and Shoes Wall Papers New Hats H For lit a SUTTON The League on next Mon day night will have a debate on the topic Resolved that the city is more attractive and ennobling that country life The affirmative will be argued by Mr J and Mr Fred Silver and the negative by Mr and Miss Minnie The Rev J of Cold- water paid his mother Mrs Debbie a visit here last week Miss Gertie has been quite ill with bronchitis but is much im proved now The Rev O occupied the Presbyterian pulpit here last Sunday morning also at and Egypt at afternoon and evening ap pointments Rev held service last Sunday at Mr Peter went to Ux- bridgc last Wednesday to sec his daughter Mr John Brooks of Keswick is busy painting the interior of the Bank Building here Mr Duncan has remov ed to the house recently vacated by Dr Greenwood who left last week for the North West Mrs Cross is in the city undergo ing treatment for her eyes Miss Susan is keeping shop until she returns Mr John spent last week on the farm near Jersey assisting his father Still they come Another protest North York would appear that Conservatives are bound to destroy if possible the political life of the Hon K J Davis Nothing apparently will satisfy the fury of their wrath but his moral and politi cal assassination Mr- has moved his family into the village The Tea Meeting on he Island was very successful as well as very in teresting were realized Mr Leonard Kemp of Kemp Bros has taken a situation in the The 1 Two P employees were kill ed In a freight collision near Isling ton on Tuesday morning owing to a fife- ii- GROCERIES HARDWARE of Spring SKATES SPORTING GOO FANCY CHINA FURNITURE Tin Repairing Neatly Done SALT BARREL Central Telephone Ontario Grand Lodge opened in To ronto on Wednesday morning officers reports for show a very satisfactory growth In membership and a feeling of confidence prevails The total number of applications for membership during was in good attending and temporarily suspended at December 31at number of deaths re ported for average age years months and days aver age age of new members years months and 17 days number bene ficiary certificates issued to tal cash received from all sources average age of members who died during the year 2C days number of lodges in exist ence at end of year Sixteen new lodges were organized The number of death claims paid since the order was established In Ontario was being in round numbers over and one hall- million dol lars A motion for a per cent increase in rates was voted down Shamrock III the new challeng er for the Americas Cup was launch ed at Dumbarton Scotland on Tues day banker Amongst the most noteworthy spec- tacies which the present generation has had the opportunity of witness ing the great comet of takes almost the first place Those who are old enough to remember the bril liant wanderer can well recall to mind its marvelous beauty and mag nificence At first but a thin scarce visible pencil of light far away amongst the stars it rapidly in creased in size and splendour each night appearing larger and brighter as it approached nearer and nearer In the course of a few weeks the mighty errant orb with its train nearly two hundred million miles in length rushing towards the earth at a rate approaching a million miles an hour threatened to collide with and overwhelm our little planet But though it continued to wax bright and still brighter it could be seen now that all danger of collision had passed away and that its course was directed far outside the orbit of the earth And now arrived at of its beauty the bright wandering star presented a spectacle of superb and gorgeous sublimity The great bril liant nucleus shone a light some what resembling a full moon while the stupendous train extending half way across the western hemisphere glowed with a strange refulgent lu minosity near the head intense and lustrous but gradually becoming more and more attenuated so that it was difficult to exactly define its extreme limit The scene was now one of extreme grandeur and solemnity Close to the nucleus that mighty sun amongst the most brilliant in all this universe shone in all his slpendour the more coy and beautiful in the constella tion the Virgin around which so many eastern myths and legends have clustered scintillated with less ag gressive fire while scattered about the starspangled heavens sparkled in all their glory those resplendent brighter orbs as Vega and great and marvelous ever varying Algol in the midst of all the mighty threatening comet head downwards plunging into the black ness and darkness of space far away into the unfathomable depths of the vast abyss perhaps to penetrate to toe domains of those other universes which the eagle eye of our telescop ic cameras reveal to us far outside the range of all our serried array of constellations far away from any of the myriads of those burning suns which glitter in our midnight sky Or perhaps and more probably the bright wanderer after pursuing its arrow course straight into the depths will once more own its allegiance and acknowledging the influence of the ruler of our system will after many years of ranging In the ether return to delight us with its magni ficence and glory But there are other wandering stars wc arc told is reserved blackness of darkness souls who have wandered away from the paths of rectitude and of righteousness But Iff before it is too late and He will not hear these wanderers will lay their transgressions upon who died for them and with his aid and by the power of Ills holy spirit will live a godly life then even they shall shine as tho stars in the king dom of everlasting glory Cleaning Our Paints are the most durable Our Varnishes the most Our Alabastine and Indellcblq the moat beautiful tints Our Window Shades of the most handsome colors and Our Brushes of beat material All at the most reasonable prices ff if MOUNT ALBERT A largo of Red Clover and Timothy Seed Alio Oat Pea- and All at Prices W Sale MONDAY March Mr of Franklin will dispose his horses cattle pigs etc by auction Sums of 5500 and under cash over that amount credit Sate at pm Smith Auct ft Winnipeg March A heavy snow storm started In this forenoon- and has continued steadily for about hours VIVIAN m Mr and Mrs James Andrews of Toronto Junction visited at Pine View on Sunday James is with the Wilkinson Co He says be likes it better than farming Mr Skinner of was a visitor at our Sunday School on Sunday last as was Mr John Grose Robert Brooks of the Franklin Oat Meal Mills spent Sunday at home of his parents Miss Florence Brooks is visiting relatives in Weston and the Junction Mr Samuel captured a live fox last week Look out for a fox chase soon The Scott Brothers have moved their chopper to WClarks boys are hustlers and have more work than they can do Berkshire Boar For service dam Melody 19th sire Kitchener 5863 Also eggs for Hatching Barred Rocks exclusively bred from A Hawk ins Royal Blue Strain per setting of J COWIESON Lot 32 Con Our Spring Goods have arrived They consist of Imported English Tweeds Worsteds Serges An Stock to Select From KELLER Well Dressed Mens Tailor Albert Albert We are busy opening Spring Goods DAILY Call and inspect new range of DRESS GOODS- HATS CAPS BOOTS SHOES EMBROIDERIES INSERTIONS WALL PAPERS V Values Better ROSS BROS I Registered Stock for Sale A number of young ShortHorn Bulls and Heifers from Imported sire Also a number of cows In calf to Im ported bull FORREST Mount Albert To Farmers Try Our Own Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Bark An Excellent Remedy FOR Coughs Colds AND Lung Trouble Wo keep the leading makes of Trusses Properly fit and guar- anteo them Forrests Drug Store MOUNT ALBERT Liverpool London INSURANCE COMPANY- Balance of Subscribed Capital CANADA MONTREAL BOARD Or Andrew Km Chairman Deputy man Samuel ton Alex at Current Haiti DAVIDSON SMITH Chief Agent for Notice to Creditors Earliest Potato Burpee Eureka and Burpee Great Di vide Seed lor Sale at Market next Saturday and also at my place Con P O LOST An American FoxHound Ditch black tan baa away and a Reward will be given lor its re turn to Dr Graham FOR Mile Cows Apply to vt- All creditors having claims against the Instate of James late of the Township of Bast In the County of York gentleman deceased who died on the day of January A are required pursuance of the Statutes In that behalf to tile lull particulars claim duly verified with Da vidson Albert PO Agent for on or before the day of April after which date as- sets will be distributed among Riving notice as aforesaid and the Executors will not bo for any claims not so filed ELI WM HARRISON DAVIDSON Executors Agent or Albert Albert March Paras for Sale Lot Con Township Whit church also SI Good Frame and good Out- Land in good cultivation For further particulars apply to J OLDHAM Proprietor Mount Albert