Newmarket Era, 20 Mar 1903, p. 7

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tV- V MARCH jOT- CHINA HALL i SPECIALS Hems Gospel There was no meeting last Sunday afternoon on account the funeral in the Christian church The Royal Templars will provide program Sunday J The Tea at toe residence Mayor Cane last Tuesday after noon fairly well attended and much enjoyed by those present TheW propose to get tip an Old Folks Concert in near future for the benefit of the Drinking Fountain fund and Quart Heavy Straight Milk Pails regular and for and at A BOOTS SHOES This is bargain time with us La- lies Warm Lined Bale tin line now Indies Goodyear Welt heavy sole Fine a line now to Also a lot of odd lines in Misses Boys Childrens at very inter esting prices for the purchaser GROCERY DE PARTMENT Now is your time to lay in your for the summer It is very low In price we do not keep any but the best Ask us for price by the barrel COMB HONEY choice quality and a section STRAINED HONEY fine quality lb or in pails CHINA DEPART MENT This season we are importing our Dinner and Toilet Sets direct from manufacturers and will give you better quality at no more cost OPENED b OUR NEW TOILET SETS Pieces for 5200 worth DINNER SETS OUR NEW COMBINATION OF USEFUL PIECES Special at Only Would be good value at Come and see for yourself We carry tee largest stock outside the city and tell at close prices Lamps at Job Prices to clear out we want the room from to worth double The Leading Reliable R A SMITH Telephone AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS Increase the usefulness of camera by getting a let of our Improved Alum inum Multiplying Makes diflerent pictures sa plate Can be used any focussing camera photo and price list willed request V Toronto The of Ireland was rather a dismal morning- Mr Eves shipped a car load of hogs to on Monday The garden rake is on the move in tbe back yards The Office Specialty is still work ing overtime Who stole Boots on Saturday night China Hall would like to know Annunciation Day will be observed next Wednesday in St Johns church What beautiful Spring weather we are having Day At the close of the service in St Johns Church last Tuesday morning a very interesting event took place The Separate School pupils were formed line in front of the school house when flag rep resenting the emblem and colors the Emerald which was present ed to the school by Mr Roche was raised for the first time on the flagstall Speeches were made by Mr Roche McKay and Father Whitney interspersed with Irish songs by the school children It was quite a Red Letter Day with the scholars Carney Changes SWEEPING POWER the commission terras of the Commission to the Judges who will investigate the charges- and tie names of tire Judges announced by Premier Ross on Wednesday the Legisla ture Sir John Boyd and Chief Jus tice have been selected the inquiry There is no mistaking powers to Commis sion they arc full There is no attempt to shirk or cover tip and the very submission is broad enough to satisfy all but the most embittered partisan The following is the -rl- Commission of Inquiry In tbe matter of an inquiry into certain charges made by Robert a member of tbe Legis lative Assembly of the Province of Ontario against James Robert a member of the Executive Coun cil of Ontario and also a of said Legislative Assembly Sir Province of Ontario Edward the Seventh by Grace God of the United King dom of Great Britain and Ireland King Defender of the Faith etc etc To Whereas certain charges were on the day of March made by Robert a member of the Legislative Assembly of tbe Pro vince of Ontario for the Electoral District of Manitoulin affecting the good government of the Province whereby the said Robert Garoey from his place in the said Legislative Assembly and whilst the Legislative Assembly was in session charged and declared that James Rob ert another member of the said legislative Assembly and a member of the Executive Council of the said Province did certain corrupt and unlawful acts by attempting to bribe the said Robert by the payment to him of certain moneys to wit the sum of on Wednesday the day of Septem ber at the Parliament buildings in the City of Toronto in said Pro vince- and by the further payment to at instance of either of said parties to said charges and to evidence given before you- to- be taken in shorthand and to ad minister or cause be administered clerk of be appointed by you all necessary oaths to witnesses criers constables stenographers and others to whom an oath may be administered to the same extent and as may now be administered court of law Powers to High Court Judges we do hereby confer on you all the powers rights and privileges concerning the hearing and investiga tion of the said charges the making of the said inquiry the execution of this commission the examining witnesses the taking of evidence and production of documents and things which are possessed by or con ferred on a Judge in the trial of causes either by common law or by statute it being intended that you the said commissioners shall have the same rights powers and privileges as Judges of High Court have the trial of causes and in respect of all matters incidental thereto Thats the kind that we hear that Ladies may expect to see at the aforesaid to influence and Opening of the Roche Com pany Limited on April 1st 2nd 3rd and Police Court Must Answer all Questions And we direct that upon the said inquiry no witness shall be excused answering any question upon the ground that the answer may tend to ctimipate Mm but that no evidence Riven by any person or before you shall be receivable in evidence against him in any criminal trial or other criminal proceeding against hereafter taking place than a prosecution for perjury in giving such evidence -V- Anvw do further empower you to permit each pitif- iii the said in quiry to be represented by counsel who shall be to conduct the presentation of said charges and the answer thereto respectively in accord ance with the practice and law ap plicable to counsel in trials of causes And we do further empower you to djrect that the evidence taken by the stenographers shall be extended and certified to by them and the same when so extended and certified shall be returned with as the evidence taken before you And we do further empower you to appoint the places where and the times when the sittings of the said commissioners shall be held and to adjourn if necessary from day today him of the sum of on Thursday io the the day of January at the Presentation of the said charges and Regular meeting last Monday even ing Members all present except Councillor Hughes large deputation of businessmen was heard urging the Council to do everything reasonable to have Hon rebuild his tannery in Newmarket A deputation heard with reference to financial aid to Pub lic Library- and the feasibility of- making the Library as well as the Reading Room entirely free to the citizens Col Lloyd spoke strongly against the project declaring that the taxes were too high now The accounts were or dered to bo paid Norwich Union Insurance on Waterworks Walter i- Jlui Bninton Cane Sons v Packard Co Packard Elec Co Co a Packard Co Packard Elco Co Bell Co Buck David Tiios Hun tor i Pay No a i Pay No A 14 IBt1 til ft I duce corruptly and unlawfully the t said Robert who was at said times a member of the said Legislative Assembly as such mem ber to vote for and support the the answer thereto to be fully and completely made heard and investi gated May Hear Further Charges We further do empower you to inquire into investigate and report The forgery case from which the said James upon any charges arising out of or which was opened in Newmarket Robert is now and was at connected with the charges aforesaid was advanced a stage in Toronto on times a member against said James Robert Wednesday of last week and again ad- And whereas the said Robert Ros- contained in the said papers A journcd pending further evidence further charged that by which may be preferred in writing On Saturday a man named Hunter the offer of patronage he the said by any member of our Legislative As- Toronto Junction was summon- James Robert Stratton did endeavor against any member of our here on a charge of stealing lurn- bribe and corruptly induce and in- said Executive Council other than the her by Mr A the said Robert said James Robert and of Newmarket Certain evidence was as such member to vote for taken but an important witness- was support the said Government unable to be present through Illness and the case was adjourned for a week It seems that Mr under and with the like power and authority herein contained and sub ject to such notice and terms as may Evidence in the Newspapers And whereas the three several reasonable and proper accompanying this commission be given to the member so a quantity of lumber which was and marked respectively A and on the premises near to by the Clerk of the Legislative As- Before Hunter had the lum- taken from the issues of the her removed there was a quantity of Toronto Globe Mail and Empire and on the premises and this World respectively of date the having disappeared it Is alleged that day of March contain and full Hunter knows something about It forth the said charges so made Before coming to trial last by the said Robert Roswell day Uriah Marsh settled the charge against the said James Robert of assault in connection with the ton election racket by paying fine and costs He got off easy Churns Barrel Bash and Crock all sizes at Another Death Rotters The following is copied from the Friends Missionary Advocate print ed in Indianapolis 2nd The foreign Mission work of the Friends in Canada has lost one of its most devoted and efficient work ers in the person Ethel Rogers who fell asleep in Jesus at her home in Plumas Manitoba Canada on the of Bee She has been the president of the Plumas as sociation ever since its organization in August Many times the Friends there have been Friends there have been had it not been for the exam ple and influence of their president who in dependence on God and faith in the Christ who said Go ye pushed on calling the members to follow her in the work given them by their Lord and Master And not alone in this branch the Lords work was her influence felt and recognized but in the Sun day School the prayer meeting and the homes of community Her very name stood for purity temper ance and righteousness need not say that her death is mourned by the entire neighborhood and while it will doubtless be a hard j place to fill yet it can be done if the members of the association in response to Gods Call will step forward and say Here am I only fit me by Thy Spirit for the work the has laid down that may receive the welcome Well done ALMA DALE Manitoba Canada Mrs Rogers was a native New market and was married here to Mr Hex maiden And is deemed expedi- by the LieutenantGovernor in Council to cause inquiry to be made into and concerning the truth of the waid charges made as aforesaid And whereas the said Legislative Assembly presented to the Lieutenant Governor of our said Province an ad dress praying that he would issue a commission to investigate the said charges set forth in the said papers herewith and to inquire into and In vestigate all matters and things which the Judgment of the commissioners relate thereto or affect the that such commission should be di rected to two of the Chief Justices or to one of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of Judicature of On tario and the President of the High Court of Justice The Request granted And whereas our said Lieutenant- Governor in Council deems it expedi ent to accede to the request of the said Legislative Assembly now know you that we having and reposing full trust and confidence in you the said do hereby and wltfc the advice of our Executive Council of our said Province appoint you the to Inquire into and investigate the said charges and all matters and things which in your judgment are relevant thereto The Powers Conferred And we do hereby confer on yon our said commissioners full power and authority to proceed with all rea sonable despatch to hear inquire In to arid Investigate the said charges against the said James Robert ton contained in the said papers marked respectively A and and to report the result of such Investi gation within a reasonable time to gether with all evidence documents papery and things that may be given produced or laid before you touch ing the charges aforesaid And we do hereby empower you to hear and examine all witnesses on to on March IS Two infants are the victims of the Grand Trunk wreck which occurred at noon today a cou ple of miles north of Some forty passengers were more or less hurt Train No with Conduct- or Li His and Engineer left about 11 were running at- a fair rate of spued when one of the trucks it is believed on the rear coach jumped the track An ominous bumping alarmed the passengers and then over went coaches The passenger coach went off apparently over a trestle above a creek crossing under the track tak a drop of ten feet into the water which was swollen by the spring thaw and filled the car one or two feet deep when It turned on its side The back coach pulled the smoker and mail coach off after It The bag gage car was almost completely turn ed over but it held qnto the tender and did not go far the bank whereat went off The tender was not upset but Its wheels were off the rails The engine did not leave the track f The Train had about people on it The dead babies are Charles aged two years son of J J the old daughter of William Irwin Niagara Falls The Housten baby died In the farmhouse near the car The Irwin infant received such severe Injuries being almost drown ed and then resuscitated that it suc cumbed at Mrs Blacks residence in Fergus at oclock after the most care Joint meetings to inform Farmers about the Cultivation of Sugar Beets and the profits therefrom will be held by the undersigned as fol lows MONDAY MARCH Maple at pm King City at pm TUESDAY MARCH Aurora at pm Newmarket at 8 pm WEDNESDAY Match Bradford at pm at pm THURSDAY MARCH at Thornton at 730 pm SATURDAY MARCH Feeding Demonstration on tho Market Square Newmarket at a Meeting in the Town Hall at pm Pulp Feeding Demonstration on Market Square Newmarket at Two or more speakers will lie present at each meeting For further Particulars see Posters A good Attendance of Farmers is Requested The return of the Electrician was referred to the Fire Light Com for checking and several communica tions re Beet Sugar Aid by Govern ment placed on tion of Public Library pre sentee by Mr Robertson and refer red to the Finance Committee Col Lloyd wanted to know who stopped the progress of the Metro politan to the North End The Mayor replied that the poles were too light and were objected to by the F Com and also that the arms that the Co proposed to use were not satisfactory This was last fall there is nothing to prevent them going on with the work now Col Lloyd thought that it is time also to object to freight being dump ed an the streets and sidewalks as at present The Fire Light Com reported on several matters including set of rules governing the men on duly at Water Works etc also ordering the clerk to offer a reward of for in formation leading to conviction o persons breaking lamps on streets following town officers were appointed Electrician Kitchen engi neer Win en gineer Walter assessor collector Inspector constable etc P J The Clerk was Instructed to to the Metropolitan Co and notify them will not allow any freight of any kind to be dumped company or He officials on the town or streets and loft On jnotlon the council adjourned Heaviest of Season London England March heaviest snowfalls of the present win ter were reported from various parts of England today Rain and hail fell elsewhere in Great Britain and Ireland accompanied by gales causing great damage by floods Between Londonderry and Colerainc havoc was caused by the breaching of the sea wall Thousands of acres farm lands were submerged and hundreds of families flijd from ruined home steads In the northeast part of Warwickshire several villages were in undated and cut oft from communica tion with the neighboring towns A recently discovered cure for leprosy has been applied with success in China ONTARIO SUGAR CO Berlin THE NEWMARKET BEET NEW SWEET New Maple 100 Wine Gals per lb a FRESH RADISHES RHUBARB CELERY California Blood Choice Navel Oranges 30c Bananas Nice Lemons 10c Pure Lard20 Pails 250 White Beans 9 lbs tor A SNAP Bitter Marmalade Oranges 20c J We are offering a snap in Black Tea a Black Tea for 28c This is a Genuine Bargain TRY OUR HOMEMADE J We are offering the remainder of our Stock of Hot Water Bottles AT COST Rogers Her name wax Ethel Thompson and her fa- joatb and them ther carr business yeara It is said that the audit of the Weston treasurers books will show defalcations to the amount of covering a period of four or five Mali March Fire started at here this morning in the Central Grocery store of J The buildings and contents were completely destroyed with Gra hams barber shop though the SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed Ten der tor Post Office Toronto Junc tion will be received at this office until Saturday 28th March inclusive ly for the erection of a Post Office at Toronto Junction Ont Plans and specifications can be seen and form of tender obtained at the Department and at the office of Curry Esq Toronto Persons tendering are notified that tenders will not be considered unless made on the form supplied anil sign ed with their actual signatures Each tender must be accompanied an accepted cheque on a charter ed bank made to the order of the Honorable the Minister of Pub lic Works equal to ten per cent of the amount ol tho tender which will he forfeited If the party de cline to enter into a contract when called upon to do or if he fall to complete the work contracted for It the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned By Order Secretary Department Public Works Ottawa March Newspapers Inserting this advertise- Household Ammonia bottle Perfect Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil bottle Blands Iron Pills 100 in bottle Stock Food three pounds for Particular Attention Given to Truss Fitting A A BRADLEY CO DRUGGISTS Newmarket TO LEHMAN con- give evU tents of the latter saved Brad- ttoSawSwktak P and racna store ami meat without thta Town 1 many thin and to Issue subpoenas for contents were damaged by fire and wilt not be paid for It ihU enforcing the attendance of such wit water to the extent of THE GIRLS lie Its easy to turn just good exercise and then there in not a whole lot of pieces in the bowl to bo washed Only one piece the bowl of a Tubular Sharpies Cream Separator Its very different from other probably more than you think and lot mo show you W J Sharon ALWAYS HOME FOR BUSINESS 1 a-

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