Newmarket Era, 20 Mar 1903, p. 8

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J THE MARCH Generally the dont fcrl half welJ though sometimes people say I feel half rick But there is do thing as being half ck who feels half rick ill sick As rule the cause of the Treat tired half sick feel ing is disease of the stom ach resulting in loss of I nutrition a physical Doctor Pierces Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other or gans of digestion and nutrition It restores strength by enabling the perfect digestion and as similation of food It makes half sick people all well for four years with pain in ray to that at limes I work nor est writes Mr of Chaffee Co wrote to you stout ray tickets sud wis to your which I did with results J bottle of Medical aid My that I am entirely cured ltd feet like a new mm and lean high jar medicine to any sufferer Golden Medical Discovery contains no alcohol and entirely free opium cocaine and all other narcotics It a temperance medicine Accept no substitute for Golden Med ical Discovery There is nothing just as good for diseases of the stomach The Common Sense Medical one thousand and eight large pages in paper covers is on receipt of onecent stamps to pay expense of CTJitomi and mailing only Address Dr Pierce Buffalo Y around the Hub wtdxawase and JT20 TO Sir and Mrs J Davis line spent Sunday with the Matters Mr Newmarket Mr Grant has returned from a trip to England and Ireland and of course has some exciting yarns to fell Miss Thompson entertained the choir of the English Church on Thurs day evening and all enjoyed themselves A very pleasant affair was the so cial held at the home Mr Mrs A Lloyd on Friday evening of last week En joy able games and amuse ments were indulged in and all speak very highly of the pleasure afforded KESWICK Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer REFITTED AND PAINTED ALSO Dick Decker monarch or Peerless belt Your choice Full Rig for On four years time Cheap at A THOMPSON Special Colonist One Way Excursion Tickets From Newmarket to Billings Montana Colorado Springs Denver Helena Butte Salt Lake City Pueblo Spokane Wash North Pacific Coast and Kookaay Points Ban Francisco 4506 Special Settlers trains to Cana dian will leave Toronto every Tuesday during March and April at pm and the express will leave Toronto at pm Passengers travelling without Live Stock should take the train leaving Toronto at pm For further particulars apply to of Grand Trunk Railway A Agent NOW Meyers Poultry Spice The Maccabees are having a regular boom Last Monday new members were added to the roll and the week before Miss of Newmarket sang at the Maccabees Concert on Thursday night and everybody was delighted with her selections Mrs is in Toronto undergoing an operation at the pital There was a- delightful gathering of Methodists one night last week when the congregation showed their appre ciation the labors of Rev J Simpson by presenting him with a Eur coat and Mrs Simpson with a purse of pin money Mr John VanNorman entertained his of young men one night last week and a very enjoyable time is reported We might mention that the presentations to Mr and Mrs Simpson with this class A couple of our young men left for the- NorthWest last week and we wish them much success They were Hoy Rose son of John Rose and Glen son of Mr also Mr and Mrs J If Willoughby who were wintering here have also returned to the North West BRADFORD The model school was closed for a week owing to of scar let fever and the of a bright boy David Stephens years old Mr Station Agent on last Thursday succumbed to an attack of appendicitis Only one week elapsed from the time of the operation till death occurred The reopening services in the Methodist church north will be held on Sabbath March 22 Mr Fred Stoddard lost valuable horse in the Holland River one day week He was hauling hay at the time when his team of broke through the ice and one of them was drowned Chas has this week taken possession of the James farm of acres and for which he paid the sum of farm is looked upon as being one of the best in West township The Methodist Church in town is about to undergo a process of reno vation and decoration on an exten sive scale The contemplated im provements consist partly of remov ing the side galleries grading the floor and putting in new windows of modern style It is also intended we believe to introduce the circle seat J you want to early winter For Sab at STORE Opposite Forty enjoyed lists followed by a Toast List Mr J Dennis acting as toast master Each gentlemen received great for the able manner in which he replied to his allotted The assembly broke up by the singing of Lang At Home will be remembered by all present as- a most pleasing event and was without doubt the most successful social ever taking place in Sentinel qo- The Pork Factory was shut down on Wednesday There has been an unusual number of deaths in this vicinity recently and many are suffering from grip and bad colds hit J- Smith of Newmarket vis ited at home over Sunday Miss of Newmarket was the guest of Miss- Hannah for a couple of days this week Mr Pew one of thcold resi dents Whitchurch Township passed away on Saturday in bis year Rev F takes charge of the Christian churches vacated by the Rev air until July when the new pastor Rev will take charge On Friday last Mrs Harriet Car penter mother of James and passed quietly away aged years months and days Deceased had been very feeble for some time but not helpless She was a consistent- member of the Metho dist church for many years Mrs of Whitchurch petitions for Administration of the estate of her late mother Mrs An thony Hamilton The estate con sists of a property in in mortgages in cash in notes and debts in stocks and in Canada Perma nent Mrs Elizabeth Ann Adams who passed away on March Jth was a resident there for about years She married Mr John Adams years ago her husband followed the lakes all his life until they came to to take care of her fa ther the late Mr Geo Sharp who at his death left the daughter the house and acres of land which she occupied during her life acres being added to- the small farm She leaves a husband and two daughters The citizens of were ex ceedingly shocked when a despatch from Toronto stated that Mrs Dr A had very unexpectedly passed away at St Johns Hospital Deceased who had not been in good health for some time had a surgical operation performed on Saturday last and to all appearances was getting along nicely However a sudden change took place and in a very short time her condition was beyond human aid Deceased was in her vear and her early demise is deeply regretted by a large circle o relatives and friends Besides her sorrowing husband there survives an only son Frederick The remains were interred at last Friday Hen Religion A minister was holding a series meetings in Grand and one evening when the topic had been the new Fessen- den said to her husband as ihey walk ed briskly down the lighted street wish you had decided Christ to night dear I thought you would the speaker made it so plain and so many responded to the invitation Would my to my feet there have made any with me in any way Mr William of Hamilton was fatally injured his carriage be ing struck by a street car Misses Pinkerton and M Mo- who are attending school in Newmarket visited their homes here over Sunday The social held under the auspices of the League on Tuesday at the Methodist parsonage was a very enjoyable event Mr Wilson to town this week from the con King- He was very unfortunate in losing two valuable colts since coming here the cause of their death being pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr Pearson berg on Tuesday when Miss Annie Cooper daughter of J Coo per was united to Stokes of King City The ceremony was performed in the presence of a number of friends the evening the happy took the train at Aurora on an extended wedding On their return will reside in King City The Innovators Club RoUrt a young Irish- were entertained on man was killed by a falling tree Friday Mar- Bib by The while working In the woods near to a delightful At Home The Hall whioji was suit- At Belleville James artistically decorated for ver was sentenced to one year In the wasthe scene of Central Prison lor shooting wh J consisted of progressive games for which suitable prizes were awarded The Games was J which r and Cough ladies A an It 1 pa foiu L3 rf A I by The Roche Ok lit Condition where a delicious repast had been prepared by mine host Mr Harris About twenty coupled down to the tables which were decorat ed for the occasion and with the mot tempting dishes and the which all The walking sick what a crowd of them there are Persons who are thin and weak but not sick enough to go to bed Chronic cases thats what the doctors call them which in common English means long sickness stop the continued flesh they heed Scotts Emulsion For the feeling of weakness they heed Scotts Emulsion It makes new flesh arid gives new life to the weak system Scotts Emulsion gets thin and weak persons out of the rut It makes new rich blood strengthens the nerves and gives appetite for ordinary food Scotts E rriylsion can be taken as long as sickness lasts and do good all the time Theres new strength and flesh in every dose Wo will be glad send you a few doses free ihtt Ik torn of A try SCOTT BOWNE Chemists Toronto Ontario all It would have put you and your in fluence decidedly on thc side of the right But is not my influence already on the right side he interrupted What do I do that you do not do You are a professing Christian and I am not remember lliu illustration he gave she interrupted The moralist and toe Christian are now on the same street but one is headed toward Kingdom of God and the other goes in an opposite direction Yes but I am not able o see why you and I are not headed the same way will try to state the matter more clearly to you later Here we are now at home Presently as they sat before the library grate with a bit of hot sup per on the round table between them he recurred to the matter as she poured the chocolate and laughed a little as she began reading the some what lengthy statement that he sub mitted for her inspection flow fearfully businesslike it looks she said I do hot use tobacco You do not I do not use profane language Neither do you I am a teetotaler So are you I go to the theater You go to the theater I play cards You play cards I attend the church irregularly You do same pay something for religious poses So do you 1 dance You dance I associate with unbelievers You do the same I read trashy novels- You read trash novels I do not attend devotional meet ings You do not I do not read the Bible Do you read the Bible I do not pray Do you pray Now what does your church mem bership add to your ways of living Why are our ways diflerent The young woman began reading the list with a laugh but ended in tears 0 my dear he cried I had no intention of paining you I am sor ry I am not sorry I thauk you You make me see how far wrong I have gone in my endeavor to show you that reiigion need not make one stu pid and poky It is not strange that you hesitate to take your stand as a Christian when you sec incon sistent am to my profession of having been born to newness of life Again their lives flowed onward side by side She was not the less bright sweet or companionable but when card clubs and the dancing clubs organized she Aid not join She did join the mission workers band and was faithful in attendance She no longer read her Bible in secret She took up workin the Sunday School Her time was no more taken than be fore but she was differently employ ed Soon the gay thoughtless people with whom she had associated were no longer in sympathy What has become Mrs was ask ed and reply came scornfully O shes running her church now Cant Imagine what has come oven her She has always been a church mem ber hut she was real decent about it Did everything the rest of did and didnt preach She is realty a bright sweet woman ana now she has al ways some church engagement to t- tond to when we need her to make up our parties and she does not hesi tate to say I have too long been re gardless of the admonition first the kingdom of God And her husband he is loyal to her I He is a real- lover He goes wherever she goes but the poor man must be hav ing a duiltlmo of lb- Mr meantime did not consider himself a subject for com miseration If his wifes new de parture was an experiment he found an interesting one He found now environment more refined more intellectual more congenial than old for earnestness took the place of frivolity and he found himself to a knowledge of spiritual life When at length he made his deci sion he said I have at last thru the influence of my wife found that the true meaning and purpose of life is to follow Christ and to do the vork in the world which he left for his followers And happy wife often says How near I came to making a fatal mistake I I tell my experience that it may bo a warning and a lesson for others Do not sink to the level of the world bring the world up to a knowledge of Christ Selected o Fifteen men were killed by an explosion in a mine at Cardiff 111 Albert and Aid Carroll were fined MOO each and to a years imprisonment at London for personation They did not appear King March 14At the noon today lire broke in the ex tensive tannery of Hon J David Commissioner of Crown Lands which was entirely destroyed The lire which was discovered on the third floor by some workmen who were eat ing their hour lunch -in- the building spread rapidly -and- in a short time was entirely beyond con trol Practically nothing of the and be saved such of the latter as happened to be in the curing vats The loss is 80000 is partly covered by insurance About years ago this tannery then a much small- concern was wiped but of exist by a similar catastrophe It was rebuilt and had since been until it had grown to be one of the largest in the Dominion employ ing from eighty to one hundred hands all the year round It was equipped with one of the most complete light leather plants obtainable and with all the latest improvements known to the trade calf was one of the specialties manufactured by Mr Da vis The adjust uisuranca and other matters incident to the lire will doubtless keep Mr Davis at King for some days The insurance will amount to The Davis tannery was situated on a branch the River about a mile and a quarter west of King City The tannery was purchased by Mr Andrew Davis lather of Hon J Davis in who apprehended that the water contained properties most admirably adapted to the tan ning business It was also in the midst of a thickly wooded district affording a supply of hark necessary for business operations The busi ness was a success from the first The elder Davis was a practical man and his son the present Commission er of Crown Lands served a full ap prenticeship after which he was tak en into partnership under the fim style of A Davis Sons In the number of men employed had reached and in that year Mr An drew Davis sold out his interest to his Son who then became sole own er A month after Mr Davis sr retired the whole plant was destroy ed by fire entailing a heavy finan cial loss toi the new proprietor as only partial insurance was carried owing to thc heavy rate charged on tanneries At the time of that fire nearly thirty municipalities offered bonuses of various amounts exemp tions from taxation and other induce ments but Mr Davis who was then Warden of the County of York decid ed to rebuild on the old location al though a change could have made to the financial advantage of the business as wall ah bet ter shipping facilities In a few months a fully pod with double the of old was in running or and during iirn very additions were made to uid machinery and the capacity was more doubled- The tannery proper was a wooden structure feet in length CO feet wide and four stories high with a wing by feet two stories high the whole painted red with white trimmings The prem ises were heated by the hot air heating and ventilating sys tem and power was supplied from a separate building JO feet at rear the tannery A leach house feet long by feet wide was also situated in the rear of the power house and adjoining this was a 30 feet On the whole the equipment was one of the most complete and uptodate In the entire Dominion Thc fire is sup posed to have originated from a hot box in the upper storey w The Combe block at Clinton was destroyed fire on Monday night North Queensland was devastated by a cyclone and many people killed V Mr was sworn in as Governor of tire Yukon at Ottawa aid left for Dawson with Ma family The Czar has issued a decree pro viding for freedom of religion thru- out his dominions and making other concessions to the people Fort William Town Hall was destroyed by fire The municipal telephone system was installed in the building and Is total loss The total loss exceeds Although the medicine mould all be with the utmost and of mobility the unfortunate fact It that in no other is there so much hum bug and deception The anxieties of the sick and relatives are traded upon la the maimer Impossi ble cures promised many prepara tions are ahio worthless and Rome are positively dangerous to health As a consequence all proprietary remedies ore regarded with suspicion by many people and the good suffer for the bad these reasons we announce that our proprietors arc principal share holders a sons LIMITED which will we be on ample guarantee of the truth of every made concerning TABLET Ironox Remedy Co Ltd ill epayabl on 60 days notice contracted any Blood Disease yon are safe Unless the virus or has been eradicated from system At times you see alarming symptoms no regatta will follow of the following Sore throat ulcers on the tongue or in out acta- Itchiness of the skin cores or blotches on the bod red and smart stomach sexual weakness Indications of the secondary stage Dont trust to luck ruin jour with old fogy treatment mercury and suppresses tbe ajmptoms for a time to break out again happy domestic life Dont let quacks experiment on Our NEW METHOD TREATMENT to cure you oro backed by bank bonds that disease will Thousands of already cured by our NEW METHOD TREATMENT for over years ajid no return of the disease No experiment risk not a catch up but cure worst cases solicited j NEW METHOD will cure you and make a of you Under its influence the brain becomes active blood purified allplmples blotches and ulcers disappear become strong as steel so that ulnesa and despondency disappear eye become bright the face full and clear energy returns to tbe body and the moral and sex ual systems are all drains cease ho more Thai waste from the sjslem organs oecome natural and manly You feel yourself a man ana know marriage cannot be a failure We InTite all the a filleted to consult us and free of charge Dont let quacks and fakirs of hardearned dollars CUKE VOtJOK NO PAY We treat and cure NERVOUS SYPHILIS GLEET STRICTURE VARICOCELE KIDNEY and BLADDER and all diseases peculiar to men and woman CurtS guaran teed j I Are you a victim Hare yon lost hope Are you contemplating marriage Has your blood been diseased Bate you any weak- I cess Our New Method Treatment will No matter who has treated you write for an honest opinion of Charge Charges reasonable Golden men Women The Wages of Sin Varicocele Stricture add Gleet All sent Frs sealed l and Coil for Cure t- SHELBY ST DETROIT MICMfr 3 ARE YOU AN AGENT Are you earning per week If to CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY Nurserymen Established AIR RIFLE i I and lo Watch and acordson fcy rjw Bias or aclllof Mlehrated for noli rowlD a from earn All Air It is paiauos Liiitf Toilet 0 aod Ola with I n ft which nlHfpiiw to fcOnap or I Jih rfolt of Ions want boy fsH wo en fltBtola and will write for treats CO a Aft Toronto J fill 1T1I PAGE jam FENCED lBBmir too tight In own all Pago Fence Co Bt John Montreal Subscribe for the Ira and get all the Home 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