Newmarket Era, 3 Apr 1903, p. 1

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v- The Era gives home ever than ny two other papers in North York combined and io acknowledged to Ik tne Leading County Paper AND f Give me the liberty to know to utter and to argue freely according to conscience above all liberty- No paper outside of North York unless paid In advance No copies 3 cents each Newmarket Ont Friday April TERMS per annum Si If paid in advance THE HAPPY PAINTER MAN is my business Not a hall bad sort of trade And the little all that I possess By paint and brush was made Yet always use one kind of paint Its the kind I like you sec For the SherwinWilliams Paint pre pared Is good enough for me I could not paint your portrait Not for ten times what its worth Nor could I draw a landscape you oiler me the earth But I can paint a house or barn Or a ship that sails the sea With The SherwinWilliams Paint prepared And its good enough or me Ive experimented widely As a man must in biz And I think Ive finally settled On the best paint that there is Now my road lies straight before me And in years that are to be The SherwinWilliams Paint pre pared Will smooth that path you see Ive tried it out in every way By water frosts and fires Its got the staying qualities That the Painter Man admires Now Ill stay always by this paint Thats always staid by For The SherwinWilliams Paint pre pared Is good enough for me GET COLOR CARDS AT GENERAL HARDWAR Read this Testimonial Newmarket July For the last five years I have been troubled with Salt Rheum on my hands on one hand so bad that I could not close it breaking the skin at the knuckles and at times unable to bend my fingers at all About a month ago I procured one box Ointment and can say that within two weeks could close my hands as well as ever and now they are almost completely cured KITCHEN March It Is now nearly three years since I used Ointment and I have not been troubled since with Salt Rheum KITCHEN Town Electrician Newmarket NEWMARKET for Parkers Dye Works awl Canadian Express Co Baggage for or Metropolitan called for or delivered Phone No Page Metal Ornamental Fence Jurat or rid forrout vision In town orchard etc for CENTS PER RUNNING FOOT about cheapest you can put up Writ for fall Pago and Poultry Netting Tec wire Pecos Co Limited Walkerrill Ontario fii John KB SIT ON YOUR CHAIR f Thatll what made for It wasnt made to Aland on while you pour milk into can of a cream There iy just one separator yritli supply can down where you can pour milk into it without lifting it over your head and that is TUBULAR SEPARATOR aell it and I want to show it to you when you have time to look at it WJ Sharon ALWAYS HOME FOR BUSINESS for the Era and get all the Home News Oof Toronto Letter Judge is on tho jury bench at the Assizes this week The nominees of the heirs of Mr Pollard who died intestate in North Township have applied to administer her estate She owned 150 acres lot sixth conces sion worth but mortgaged for is perhaps just as well for peo ple to know that if they are quaran tined by the Health Board they must respect the order who roomed at a house on Ave was under quarantine for email pox He broke out and wandered about he was summoned before the Police Court and had to pay for bis offence Domestic infelicity caused an order to be issued in the Police Court last week forbidding a husband to inter fere with his wife Brides with fair prospects of happiness and plenty have often been reduced to such straits as to need the rice thrown at at tha time of marriage George Williams who was stabbed in breast by Chris Grain died at St Michaels Hospital last Arrangements have been completed by which Mr Bailey of go will assume the management of the new King Edward Hotel on the 1st of May next A Presbyterian and a Methodist church were robbed on Thursday March Before the week closed thieves were cased The Harness Co are fillint up the places of the leather working strikers with outsiders and now say they are in a position to defy the union The strikers will have to hunt work elsewhere On the another child was run down and killed by a trolley car near Queen and streets The child stumbled and fell in front of the street car while trying to get out of way of an express waggon Edith aged 18 em ployed at the Co factory had her left hand drawn into a machine and was so badly crushed that it had to be amputated In the of Roe the druggist who also keeps a billiard room charg ed with keeping a gambling house the police discovered nearly a dozen playing a crap game He was fined and costs Frank admit ted being one of the frequenters of the place and was assessed and costs Some of the others got off but most of them wero fined During a brief interview with a reporter Judge Morgan said day last week I have a great familiarity with the characters of my district and my memory never fails Wonder if has seen this remark City Commissioner who has been somewhat seriously ill has returned to office though still feeble A Good Friday Convention will take place at College St Baptist Church on April and The union carpenters are trying to stampede contractors by having their friends in the Council demand that the exhibition buildings be ready by the first of July when they are not wanted till August Rev A and Rev A with others to address Sabbath School workers next Monday evening in Knox Church immediate ly preceeding the regular meeting of the of Toronto At a meeting of the York County Commissioners Friday afternoon Mr Moves manager of the Met Electric Road- was asked Why ho company has not been running the new cars which were built for the line and he stated that the reason was that tho new brakes which installed in the cars not in working condition especially on the steep grades and that the company has had several experts over from Detroit to put them in shape for ser vice j Joseph John of Aurora left an estate valued at of which for real estate in the town ship of Whitchurch for a lot in Aurora He died Intestate and his widow is applying for letters of administration At the last week a jury Geo damages against the Street Rail Co for a collision be tween his wagon and a car In which plaintiff hurt About immigrants reached the depot on Friday morning from Eng land as farm hands- They were ail placed in an hour in good positions and wages higher than year The City has issued a writ against the Street Railway to recover an old claim for money due under an dated Sept tin application to have the of the late Henry Matehell of Aurora declared in solemn form Judge Mor gan reserved judgment on Saturday afternoon Mr died in leaving his property valued at to his second wifes children with the exception of which he divided between two children by his first The children of the first wife contend that their father when a he mad the will was not competent physically The Private Secretary of the Gov ernor General Arthur Guise was here this week making arrangements for the coming of Earl of and Lady and suite who are to arrive here in time for the Easter musical festivities which will place April 17th and It is now asserted that physicians of the city claiming a per from on prescriptions that they send to be filled the drug gists simply add this percentage to the medicine In some cases as high as per cent is said tobe the rake off It is than likely en quiry will follow this discovery Druggists are talking of holding a meeting to protest against the rake- off The now organ to be placed in the Metropolitan Methodist Church will cost about It will bo the complete and powerful organ in Canada Mr A J Small has decided to build forthwith a new theatre to replace the one last week It is expected to be ready by August next and will cost about Two arrests were made on Satur day in connection with the systematic theft of money from slot machines fixed on tho buildings at corners of the streets About altogether have been abstracted from these ma chines during the past six months Twelve persons were baptized by immersion in tho Street Bap tist Church last Sunday evening The steamer lakeside readied harbor hero from St Catharines on Saturday the first excursion steamer of the season She is making daily trips At popular concert in Masscy Hall last Saturday evening tho audi ence numbered over Cache Bay in Dis trict has been incorporated as a town After having spent two days of solid enjoyment in Toronto tho De troit kindergarten teacher returned home on the flyer on Satur day afternoon wero given fast ride by the Canadian Pa cific Railway Company Other Worlds Than was the subject of an exceedingly interest ing lecture by John A at the Central YMCA on Sat urday night The lecture was the last of a free popular course of lantern lectures At the conclusion of tho lecture lantern views were the sun planets the moon the prin cipal constellations star clusters comets meteors Speaking of some of the large planets which occu py thirty years in making a journey round- the suit Mr said On these planets seasons seven and a half years long Imagine seven years of continuous skating or seven years of summer excursions I Then again think of the effect of a remark younglady had seen sixteen make her about years What a change years have wrought the Globe of March average rate of Postage from England to every British ione on colonial letters was Is 2d Tolay year The Queens Own Rifles Sergeants Mess took place at on Friday- and best anniversary gathering In the history of the regiment Sir Frederick dexfi Minister of Militia was among tho notable guests In a bicycle collision last Monday a printer Ed How sustained a fracture of his right teg flfipave Test Oh dear I wonder if foolish tim idity- is a sin cried Marsh as came in took her place a little late at the breakfast table Whats troubling my girl now asked her father smilingly An other mouse No papa not a mouse this time only a rustling under the bed that kept me awake from three oclock un til daylight because I hadnt the courage to get up and light the gas and see what made it And what dp you suppose it proved to be when morning came a great beetle bug that got in some how in spite of thie screen and was sprawling on its back ail night And just because I to get but of bed in the dark and investigate lost lour good hours of sleep vis this foolish timidity of mine some thing wrong something ought to fight agatust as a moral blemish or isnt it my fault at all only a freak of temperament I wish I knew Well you appeal to me think it is a matter of over strain ed nerves said her father You have been getting more anil more that way for the past two years Your school work has been pretty exacting and then theres your committee work in the young peoples society anil your literary club and your social duties take them all together they make quite a drain on the nerves of a young girl I think you need a complete change and a good long rest What do you say to going out to and spending the summer vacation with Will It would be a jolly thing for him too You know how homesick he Is- Oh papa that would he lovely cried eagerly What do you say mamma may I go As the result several family in which Will joined by letter enthusiastic majority three finally carried the day and Marsh started on her threehundred mile journey to join her brother in a flourishing western town of Broad- wood where Will was night telegraph operator ami station agent in the railroad depot It was the young mans first plunge into the cold cold world as he expressed it though he enjoyed his work he could not help feeling pretty lonely and homesick at times It was a great relief and joy to him have his sister come to for the summer and in older that they might be together as much as possible and near each other all tlte lime he obtained permission to occupy and furnish two vacant rooms in the railroad station over the main waiting room Here and he took up their abode Will slept in the morning while Ikmice did what little housework was required in their cozy quarters and read and sewed till lunch time Then they had afternoon until six together and jolly times they were what with walks and rides and boating trips ami once awl a while a trip on a locomotive a friend ly engineer At six they dined and at seven Will went on duty for the night usually stayed In the office with him until nine chatting or learning to telegraph Then she went up stairs to bed but sometimes In the night she would playfully telegraph to Will by tapping on the floor with a cane and it he was not busy he would answer by raps on the wall was still timid about some things however and being firmly con vinced that her cowardice was a mor al weakness that she ought to over come she struggled constantly with her impulse to give way to sudden alarm from trivial causes and pray ed lor strength to overcome I almost wish that might He subject ed to some severe test she sighed one night with Clods help- I came successfully through it I think It would help mo ever afterward to throw oft these needless Utile flurries fear It was about two oclock of that same when was awak ened by slow muffled Japs on the wall She started u but a sound sleep and listened tremblingly The in regular series Yes It was Will trying to telegraph to her She caught up the cane that lay beside her feed and tapped the familiar call of the- oper ator right Go ahead The labored tapping on the wall again and held her breath to listen and interpret Comc down Yes that was what Will was telegraphing Come down What could be the matter Had anything happened to him was shaking like a leaf- But slid swiftly out of bed threw her train about her and stole to the head of the stairs Her limbs trem bled so that she could hardly stand but she breathed a prayer and seeing a light burning in office she went straight to the door which strangely enough was standing ajar As stole into the room she saw her brother lying bound and gagged on the floor almost fainted away at the sight but the thought flashed over her It is my test Then with the petition God help me to be brave she sprang forward knelt down unloosed her brothers and took the gag from his mouthy Oh Will she gasped Are you hurt Sis he replied but we quick before the gang comes back again Here take my knife and cut the cords around my ankles I so stiff Thats right now help me up lie staggered to the tele graph instrument and called up the operator at the next office hers here he telegraphed and officers by down sure AH right came the welcome ply Mow Sis cried the plucky young fellow brave little Sis tie me up again The jobbers have gone up to the bank and may he back at any minute They tied and gagged me so that I couldnt send out any alarm If they come back and find me tied just the same think its all right and hang around here till the officers come down from Winona and nab them Be a brave girl thats right Now gag me and go upstairs and get into bed again and lock the door You may hear something in teresting by and by did as her brother bade her She was not half so frightened now as at first she told herself The plan for capturing the robbers was a fine one and Will was so brave and con fident Ooodhyc dear she whis pered as she left him Dont do anything that will provoke them and malic them hurt you Then she crept locked the door and crept into bed It could not nave been more than five minutes later when the robbers returned from the one little hank of which the town boasted They had evidently made a good haul and were well satisfied with themselves They paid no attention to Will except to drag him on one side while they ex plored the cash drawer in the office and carefully examined the small safe Presently heard the thunder of the early down train The rob bers heard it too hut they knew that that train was not scheduled to stop at and so kept on with their work But the train did stop and then there was a sound of scurry ing feet shouts struggling on the platform and one or two pistol shots Ten minutes later Will sprang up the stairs and knocked at the door Its I he cried The officers have got every one of them Ive told the sheriff the whole aiid hes asking alter you Says you are the pluckiest little girt east of the Rockies and if you live twenty- four hours older youll own a life pass over this system opened the door laughing and crying together You arc the brave one she said But Im thankful God made me equal to my test I dont believe I shall ever be foolishly timid again Our Young People April pool first of April chilly day And all the winds were out at play And round they came across A violet hid in thickest moss A violet young a violet blue there the winter through And alt at once around her bed naughty winds they danced and said Wake up wake up I spring is near And all but you her coming hear A violet young a violet blue Asleeping all the spring thru The violet heard and ere twas said She left her warm mosscovered bed The air was chilly and the ground was bare The wicked winds they caught her there A violet young a violet blue Ah what a wicked thing to do They caught her and they shook her too They tore her little gown of blue They her stiff as winds could do They shouted as away they flew A violet young a violet blue Ah what an April fool are you A si I 11 R Medium WAS ARRESTED DURING ONE OF HER SEANCES One Hundred and Fifty Roses Found Hidden in her Clothing i A ft Delicate Position a Wedding presents are frequently dis tinguished for their and giftmaking at any is always at tended with some danger hut there is a contractor near Albany who real izes that the most generous inten tions arc likely to turn out disas trously The Albany Journal tells how It came about A faithful Irish employe announced his to take a months vacation in order to visit his brother In West He had worked so well and steadily that his employer not only granted his request but made him a present 01 a new valise The night before Tim was to leave the gift accompanied ap preciative words Tim stared at the valise for a mo ment and then asked What am to do with Why put your clothes in It when vou go away of course answered the contractor Put clothes In it Is It said Tim An will wear If put me clothes in The London Ont rolling milks started operations last weox with men Berlin March Frau Anna Rot he spiritualist known as the Flow er Medium who has been on for trial for some time past charged with swindling many notable including Court Chaplain was sentenced today to eighteen months imprisonment The most striking features ot the trial were number and prominence of the wit nesses seventy of whom summoned for her defence and their strong faith in the genuineness revelations they had witnessed The witnesses included Baroness Von and George Sultzer President of tho Supreme Court of Switzerland who testified that he being accustom ed to weighing evidence was convinc ed that the medium could not have concealed about her clothing undam aged such quantities of roses as wero usually showered down at the close of a seance and he had watched her performance narrowly being disposed to skepticism She had he added told him things concerning his pri vate home life Other witnesses of excellent standing testified that dur ing a snowstorm roses with snow on them dropped through the ceiling About one hundred and roses were found in clothes by the detectives when she was arrested at the moment one of flower showers began A Philadelphia business man tells a story to one the papers of his own city which he thinks indicates a want of humor on the part of the people of Chicago He expected a money order letter in a day or two and to ayoid trouble about cation he went to the postoffice clerk and said to him I am expecting a money order to the amount of dollars and my name is Hero are a lot of let ters addressed to me from a good many places with all the postmarks on them so that you see if I am not the man I claim to be I must have murdered that man and my self of his letters and am now him As that is not likely you must admit that I am the man Ho went away a lew days tho moneyorder came and the came round to get it cashed Ho expected to find the clerk all ready for but at first the clerk did not recollect him Presently tho succeeded in recalling himself to the clerks memory Oh yes be said seriously youre the man that murdered the other v As he patd the money over WW Philadelphia man had no cause to complain a I i ft Most of the strikers in the Mc Laughlin Carriage Works at have returned to work Sir Wilfrid Lauders resolution raising the tax on Chinese to 5o was passed by the Commons I

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