Newmarket Era, 3 Apr 1903, p. 2

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1 THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY APRIL For Sale A Good Farm Newmarket to WANTED 1 Good General Man to drive team also to work at Garden Work wten team Is not busy Apply at once to HUNTER St Newmarket NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Messrs Christopher Kennedy Uriah Marsh and William Proctor have pre sented a petition to the Court of Ap peal for Ontario under the Ontario Controverted Elections Act against the return Hon J Paris as member of the Provincial Legislative Assembly for the district of North York J PEARSON Returning Officer Dated at Newmarket the day of July Good Friday MORNING I- 5c Dozen from to oclock only Studio open for regular work- in afternoon W J SMITH Photographer Lets Up I Brighter and Better Each All Printing Dose at Home The Carney Investigation The first meeting of the Royal Com mission to inquire into the charges of bribery and conspiracy against the Provincial Secretary and some other members of the Ontario Government will be today Friday in the new Court House To ronto At this meeting it is expect ed the Commission viz Chancellor Boyd and Chief Justice will make all necessary preliminary arrangements for the investigation and counsel for the prosecution and defense will put in an appearance Possibly some discussion may- be had in regard to procedure and then an adjournment till Monday or Tuesday when the taking of evidence will com- Mr Johnston will conduct the defence for Hon Mr Strait on and the other ministers and report has it that Mr still occupies his room at the Walker House and he and other principals in prosecution are hard at work pie- paring their for presenta tion in due course Political circles are very much ex ercised respecting the probable out come of the inquiry Most people are saying wait and bear both sides then judge shall be deemed to bo a charge coming under the last clause of the said commission dont look like shirking the investigation by any means NOTES Oaf Society personal m Mr Frank moved to toe city yesterday Dr Clark spent Sunday at his Try Us For a Good Fitting Suit or Overcoat AND Try Us for Reliable Footwear at the Lowest Prices IF YOU SEE I AD ITS RIGHT DISTRICT OF THE North Riding of York NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Board of Li cense Commissioners the above District will be held at the office in the Village of Sharon on Friday April 24thjl903 at the hour of am for the pur pose of considering applications and granting Licenses for the License year 10344 All deposit receipts must be in the hands of the Inspec ts tor on or before the above date A J HUGHES Inspectors Office License Inspector Sharon April 1st The annual boat race event between Cambridge and Oxford crews took place this week and was won by the former by about lengths Almost from the beginning Cambridge too the lead and maintained their posi tion to tne close Time minutes seconds Hon John resolution in favor erf Home Rule for Ireland and commending the British Government for its land purchase bill passed tie Canadian House of Commons on Tues day on a vote of yeas to nays The nays objected to the Canadian Parliament interfering with the ques tion A petition has been filed against the return of Hugh Clark for Centre Bruce on account of irregular ities at the recent byeelection in that Riding- In this case the neces sary deposit has been made and the petitioners say they mean business General charges of bribery and cor ruption figure in the protest When the proposition of the Govern ment to refer the charges to a commission was first made the Op position found fault with the terms of the instructions on the plea that the Judges had not power to report to the House the result of their find ings but on the day of the adjourn ment the Opposition expressed the fear that the Judges should lay their views before the House on the taken completely reversing their contention The following named persons have applied for Licenses in the above District for the year commencing May 1st KING Tavern J Harris John Sut ton A Phillips Robert Watson Frank Treat Isaac MiBride Francis and Lennox new applicant and new premises WHITCHURCH Tavern A J Lewis and new applicant and new prem ises EAST Tavern J Tunny Nich ols Rosamond J Deacon NORTH Tavern McDonald A Hamilton beer and Edward new appli cant and new premises Stephen new applicant and new prem ises L Crittenden Darius SUTTON WEST Tavern A McDonald nix months HOLLAND LANDING Tavern Jane Tavern Miller J Martin Tavern Margaret Evans John Elizabeth Flanagan IM ward Jackson Luke Doyle AURORA Tavero Richard George Lemon Licenses for year Taverns Shop I for year Taverns Shop I Any petitions against the granting of a to any or premises must be filed with the tour days before the day for Board meeting ijm will govern themselves A J HUGHES Talking the fat The decent element In the Liberal party of Ontario is being sickened by the obvious attempts of the Ross Administration to burke enquiry into the charges- made by Mr Gamey It is an old saying Go from home to hear news and the above ex tract which we copy from the Mont real Gazette gives point to the adage What does the Gazette know about the decent element in the rajifcs of Liberalism or Toryism for that mat ter down in Montreal Not- much more than in the Sandwich Islands The growing manifestations of in nocence on the part of the Cabinet and the hedging and apparent con scious uncertainly of the Opposition in the House give an ex pression of thought In direct contra diction to the baseless assertions the Montreal organ of Toryism and the- mouthpiece of the party of scandal in the realm of Dominion politics when the Langevins etc etc were in the On a vote of 103 to the House of Commons on Wednesday last pass ed the following resolution on the cigarette question That this House is ol the opinion for the reasons set forth that the right and most effects legislative remedy for the evil of- cigarette smoking is to be found in the enactment and enforcement of a law prohibiting the importation manufacture and sale of cigarettes As soon as this motion is into law it will be illegal to make or sell cigarettes Mr has tbe honor of introducing the above resolution in Parliament f swim at Ottawa and when the Ga zette held high carnival feeding at the public crib By the amendment of AttorneyGeneral Gibson as a third clause to his bill of instructions it is made evident that the is not disposed to limit the scope of the enquiry and the singu lar feature is that the wider the Government throws open ihe enquiry the more the Opposition hedge and squirm God Save the King was original ly an old Stuart song of unknown au thorship How it came to be adopts as the National Antficm is told in an article in the April number of the Canadian Good Housekeeping Oth er features of this number Re creation for Business Men Window Gardens Household Economy The Higher Life and a great va riety useful information for practi cal housekeepers This magazine which is published by Dominion Phelps Toronto is now recognized as the Standard womans magazine of Canada It is handsomely prints and well illustrated In the Commons last Tuesday Sir Wilfrid introduced the redis tribution bill It sets forth the of members allotted to each provides that the principle of county boundaries as far as possible shall be observed the division of con stituencies to be made in a schedule which shall be prepared by a committee the House composed of four Liberals and three Conserva tives and as previously foreshadow ed through these columns remove cer tain injustices forced upon Ontario more particularly by the gerrymander Acts of and 12 The Leader the Opposition Mr Borden declared that on the face of it the measure was a fair one and gave Sir Wilfrid credit for it home Barrie Mrs of Toronto was visiting in Town last Friday Miss Lin a Case entertained some of her friends cm Wednesday evening Rev J J of was the guest of the editor over Mr Frank A Belfry of left week to try farming in Alberta- Mr and Mrs Graham spent over Sunday witfa his sisters in Toronto Mr Sam Trent of Colorado was calling on old friends in Town Monday The editor and wife spent Mon day with the Misses in Toronto Col week making of ate engine Mrs Garrett of Bradford fe spending a Jackson ivry and WiiJStS At Home with numerous Friday evening Mr Joseph of left with gj Barrie Advance son is for a Mrs number of ladies to clock tea last Friday afternoon- Mr and Mrs were visiting at Joy near the beginning of this week Mrs of is home on account of the serious illness of her sister Miss Pretty Mr Frank who is at tending College in Toronto spent Friday night with his cousin Mrs J E Cane Mr Herbert Wright of vis ited with the Editor and at the Bow ery while in Town a couple of days last week Prof of Berlin was the guest of Mr Isaac Rose for tea last Saturday- They were school boys together in Mount Albert Mrs Metvin of Toronto Is in Town this week owing to the illness of her mother Mrs Irwin who is over years of age Mr and Mrs Foster of will move to town about May 1st reside on Victoria Ave Mrs Fosters mother Mrs Wilkin will also return to town Mr formerly with the Sovereign Bank has leased the editors summer cottage at the Lake for the coming season and also the residence now occupied by him on Church St on the return of the fam ily after the holidays Barrie Advance Rev J of Newmarket preached two excel lent sermons in the Collier St Mel odist church on Sunday so pleasing many of congregation that many expressed the wish to hear him again at some future time While in Town Mr Pall is was the guest of Mr Hunter Nov In our New Seasons Wall Papers freely selected from the lines of largest and most progressive factory that of The Watson Foster Montreal You fiill find a great range of beautifully colored patterns at popular prices every requirement from the cheapest grade to the latest decorative novelty We special tittoatiuu to the low prices at which we are now able to offer really highgrade effects The modern decorations of coats very little and does more to enrich and furnish the home than anything else The Hall We have fine patterns and conventional designs in warm shades of Beds Greens and Old Golds at once inviting and sug gesting hospitality The Parlor For this we have made a moat generous selection of Gilts in shades of yellows Greens and Blues forming an ar tistic background for pictures and the varied furnishings of the apartment Rules for Measuring a Room I to find number of single rolls re- quired multiply round room by height taking out feet for opening and divide by number of square la a roll of paper which is SO square feet Ob find for colling mul tiply the length of room by the width and divide by For Inch Crepe or plain divide by result will bo the of rolls required Wall Papers always sold by the single roll but are put up by trie manufacturer In double rolls as to better Bor ders are always sold toy tho yard single strip or width at border The Sleeping previous offerings compare to the pretty papers now on view in our slock of delightfully colored Plurals Modern StripoS Silk Effects at once refreshing and Spring like producing charming results out of all proportion to the trifling cost The We have carefully selected a range of beautiful rich hangings in Now Shades adapted for tuis plae of enter tainment Wo have about odd bundles of paper consisting of from to rolls each of Wall Ceiling and Border We oiler them they last at Half Price Hunter Grocery Specials Good Cooking Apples 10c peck Sound Onions 16n peck Hams Bolls and Breakfast Bacon and -i- J MHf4lHl4lf I I AURORA MdQarr a stranger alter frequenting local hotels Tuesday resolved to have a little fun with tho fire brigade He rang alarm system and the employees of the factories and others left their in haste only to find a hoax had been perpetrated upon them Chief arrested and Magistrate Love gave him days as a caution to others The Leading Designs in 1903 Wall Papers Open to Assembly Notes On Tuesday an amendment of Attorney General Gibson was added to the evidence hill m follows That the statement in House on March 1903 by said shall be deemed to We are to lea charge coming under the last the following letter is a fair clause of the commission This was the last straw to the Opposition load It clearly showed that the Government did not intend to leave any loophole for shirking an tioond gave bis defenders to understand they must stand by their two weeks of debate or bear shame of playing a of bluff The Cradle In Town on March 1903 to Mr and Mrs Ed a son STEWART At Bradford on March to Mr and Mrs Stewart a daughter KAAK At on Wednes day March the wife of Mr Kaake of twin boys LLOYD In King on March to Mr and Mrs Ed Lloyd a son The House previous to adjourn ment on Tuesday voted for supplies until the estimates are brought down Chief Justice Moss as gave his assent to the Royal Commission bill the House adjourned till the of April Meanwhile the Royal Com mission will make its investigation commencing taking evidence next Monday On Monday last AttorneyGeneral Gibson completely closed the mouths of croakers on the Opposition side of the House by moving as clause to bis bill of instructions to the Royal Commission as follows The state ment made In the House on March 1903 by the Robert sample erf Written by moth- era throughout Canada praising own Tablets Ont March Several weeks o my baby wan very and 111 owing to troubles common to teething A correspondent recommended Banjos Own Tablets saying bus would use no fori baby I sent for a box used thorn according to directions and must that I have found them best medicine tor a child I have ever tried One very other day keep my well and I am sure of at I the of my friend say are splendid Mrs Babys Own euro a minor ailments W and bo with safety to even a now bom feaby Tab- lots only for child ren under to contain no opiate or harmful Bold by druggists or sent by mall poet paid at cent a box by writing direct to Williams ROSS In Mt Albert Sunday March to Mr and Mrs Ross a eon THE LEADING Furniture Undertaking Bargains -IN- Extension Tables and Couches f m For Fifteen Days and A calls to a4 John Millard IV end The Altar In Newmarket on the 1st April by Elder at residence Pear son St Mr J of ttie Township of East will Em bury to Mrs Hannah Lapeer of the Township of Holt on Wednesday March 25 at the residence of Mr Alex father of bride by the Rev- J W Morgan Henry of Whitchurch to Harriet The Tomb MURRAY In Town on March Lome son Mr Mur rayaged At on Mon day March after a longed Illness George In bis year on March Geo Glover for merly of aged yrs The remains were brought to New market Cemetery for interment In Newmarket on Thurs day March Jean belov ed wife Rd years 8 a J Complete Combina tions to match Wall Border and Ceiling REMNANTS BARGAIN Easter Gifts Easter Souvenir Plates Easter Cards Prayer Books and Hymns A full lino at Bargain Prices est Manitoba Flour A car just arrived in first class condition This flour is on sale over the It is highly recommended by all who have used it Have YOU tried it GROCERIES PROVISIONS FRUIT Special for Saturday Green Onions Lettuce Large Red Apples Oranges Lemons Bananas Comb Honey Strained Honey Potatoes and Cooking Apples by the Peek orses For Sale Central Telephone Office ST NORTH Ml will receive Cartful and Prompt

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