Newmarket Era, 3 Apr 1903, p. 6

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I THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY APRIL 1903 Cutters 1 Repairs find Prices moderate J COOK Agent Mount Albert AgeatioT Pet Hamilton Implement 2 Fresh Jersey Cows Also Three Jersey Heifers due about June gvaiiVvV TINS DALE MANAGER STOKES Mount Albert 1 THE There was a large crowd in attend ance at the market on Tuesday and bidding was lively Prices as fol lows butter to eggs to chickens to FOR SALE Good Farm of acres each In of Albert Rich with good of acres good barn and Jo DAVIDSON Conveyancer Mount Allien to lowest STATION The following statement of live AJo one barn and Jo stock shipments for February and March has been furnished us by Mr Vandewater weigh ship ped Shields cattle sheep hogs by Hayes cat tle sheep 145 hogs Dp R DENTIST Main Mount Albert Tuesday of each raoon Office la Hopkins Block Office to pm You can save money by buying your at the PL Furniture A STOCK THAN EVER Of Bedroom and Iarlor Suited Parlor Tables Lounges and Fancy We are also for Pillow Holders and the celebrated Carpet Stretcher and Framing a Specially delivered tree of charge when ordered in quantity ALLAN THEAKER Spring Suitings MM Entirely New UpToDate Stock of Worsteds Serges AND Tweeds Just arrived Dont them before placing your order We buy close and can give speJ value- We have employed a firstclass Tailor and guaran tee all our work Geo Sons MOUNT ALBERT Just What You Need STOVES A MOTHERS RECOMMENDATION I have used Chamberlains Cougb Remedy for a number of years and have no hesitancy in saying that it is the best remedy for coughs colds and croup have ever used in my family I have not words to express my confidence in this remedy Mrs J A Moore North Star Mich For sale by Lloyd ENTERTAINMENT A grand concert will be given in the Presbyterian Church on the even ing of Good Friday at which three of Torontos favorite artists will ap pear viz Mrs Anna teacher of artistic singing in Toron to College of Music Miss Marguerite Dunn reader and entertainer and Arthur Bewell Basso teacher of voice culture A treat is in store for all who come Tickets A GOOD WORD FOR CHAMBER LAINS COUGH REMEDY In December I had a severe cold and was so hoarse that I could not speak above a whisper says Allen Davis of Freestone 1 tried several remedies but- got no re lief until used Chamberlains Cough Remedy one bottle of which cured me I will always speak a good word for that medicine For sale by Lloyd PERSONAL Miss LiJIie Harrison of Zephyr is visiting friends in town this week Mr John Blizzard Newmarket was in own on Tuesday Mr Pine Or chard was in town Tuesday and fa vored us with a call Mr and Mrs attended the funeral of his aunt Mrs at on Wednesday Mr David of was town last week Miss May Ifaigh returned home on Saturday from Toronto where she has been taking in painting Mr John is seriously ill with pneumonia Mrs arrived on Tuesday evening and will move to her farm here Miss Annie Sinclair has gone to Toronto to reside for the future with her sister Mrs Mr has gone to Toron to to work He left Mon day Mrs Wallace has returned from a visit with friends in the country Mr George Huntley o the Ridge has moved into town and will work on Dr Forrests farm this summer Mrs Long and Mrs J Ross ac visiting friends in Goodwood- Mrs of Holt spent a few days in Toronto last week- Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets When you feet dull after When you have no appetite J When you have a bad taste in it mouth ijv When your When your bowels are constipated When you have a headache When you feel They will improve your appetite cleanse and invigorate your stomach and regulate your liver and bowels Price cents per box For sale by T v No Allan I Guy Soules Leslie Young Smith HI Rosa Walter Rose Rose John Smithy Lome Burrows- Jr Young Lulu Martha Burrows I Angus Nellie Rose Smith Mildred Ross Deavitt Present every day Rose Rose A A Irwin Teacher fa SUTTON BALDWIN BREEZES Morton has returned to after a brief absence and weeks material op had all waV by powerful of gravel a boy 1 cost I tho late aix in dam buildingJieruiiiy years ago A Mr has concluded to be wise and rf is still exercising him self at hie big wood probably with an eye to economy and also let the public he deek yet The Whitney Governments Com of Lands put his foot in ihen at bis Sutton he galled down Judge Morgan for jo the protest settlement Being a the Judge if would favor Hero But he exercised Morton agent separator was explaining the merits New Qry Wow and Shoes Mew Papers Hats H WIT ridge was the of Miss Mary on ydnday He carries a big club and looks pleasant The Owl Cook Stoves Queen Heaters Etc Etc Etc Call and J ROWLAND Mount Albert ALBERT DRUG STORE f A CHOICE STOCK OF Seeds Arrived Carrot Beet Mangel Turnip Seed told at right prices A full slock of fJPHAYlNO on Hand We aUo carry a full line Patent Medicines Cute Prtectlptloua aid receive day or bight The of the hour Will prospective new hotelkeeper get his license Many people seem to think be will lie up against it as tem perance ftentiment is pretty strong in this locality Mr Frank has started a general la In Mr John old stand Mr Geo Stokes and family moved lo arm near on Tues day Dr Wesleys team ran away cm Monday and broke the tongue bis Ciwlllfmbury Council meets today Friday at JO am on Mr David Bedford has moved Into the dwelling known as Anderson house on King Mr the property this village and moved in this week Mr I i or not to beer thai i- the question lor earnest arl Immediate consideration r All accounts owing Mrs M Wal lace must be settled before May 1st or will be given out for collec tion barred Plymouth Rock eggs for Milting may be had from Par Steeper Mount Albert For a bilious attack take and Tablets and afiulck ftcertafri- rFotsale Ky X The ladies of the church here have organized a Mission ary Society Mrs Thos Atkinson continues very an friends are feeling anxious about her recovery Miss McDonald and her brother John assisted their brother Rev McDonald at last week Dr Noble Sr underwent an oper ation in city for what he feared was a cancer on his face The Metropolitan Bank has put up an Attractive sign and the interior is now tastefully fitted up Master Hugh is learning the business Mr Ernest Hayes and wife of Can- visited friends here over Sun day The following persons spent Sunday last with friends here Walter Os borne of Newmarket Miss Nellie Crocker of Keswick and Willie Mc Donald of Miss Alice Scott is home on a visit from the Art School Toronto Ross of High School visited at home Mr John has accepted a situ ation in the city Mr Rice recently started a barber shop here Miss Karlc milliner had a fine display of work at opening on the 1st of April Mr spent Monday and Tuesday in the city Mr and Mrs have been for a week with friends in and vicinity Miss Nellie Harrison who has been with her Mrs Dr Noble the winter returned home last Tuesday to Brock Mr James Anderson is prosecuting a in city in connection with property sold Jacksons Point Messrs A Crosier Geo Cuttle Ceo and Henry Park are witnesses on the case Latest reports here would seem to indicate that tho North York aspirant has become a quack dispenser of med icine of asrulativeood are trying for the enlarged portrait offered by well worth trying for Taylors is a Miss milliner has rived and with open arms and sweet by the many warm friends she has amongst our ladies Gentleman friends bad to stand afar off and observe the pretty process with a smile of envy Millinery opening at on Monday next display this season surpasses all previous ones Her parlors will be a bower of beauty to ladies of an taste The Messrs Murray of are visiting their brother Archie here Fox and Goose is a game dear to many a school boys heart One morning recently Mr Fox with a good keen appetite strolled up to Tommy Grahams barnyard and see ing some geese there no doubt de termined to have a hand in the game that he was the originator of so lie began a series that drove the geese far from barn Then he pounced upon a goose and had a good square blowout Our good friend and ally the Sutton Scribe must indeed be the possessor of the meekness of Moses as well as the patience of Job to sit out Lennoxs late meeting at Sutton and listen to all the vile abuse heaped upon our Hon Commissioner of Crown Lands Prosperity makes friends but ad versity tries them and often finds them wanting too you bet Consid er it over and see if thats not true A HOLT Our are the most durable Our Varnishes the most glossy Our and most beautiful tints Our Window Shades of the most handsome colore and designs Our Brushes of the best material All at the most reasonable prices J Tho young people of the Methodist Church are getting up something novel a Measuring Party Watch for particular HOW TO WARD OFF AN ATTACK OF RHEUMATISM For years when springtime came I on and I went into gardening was sure to have an attack and every attack was more severe that the preceding one says McDonald Man Logan Co West Va X tried everything with no re lief whatever until I procured a bot tle Chamberlains Pain Halm and the first application gave me case and lcfore the first bottle was used I felt like a new person Now I feel that I am cured but I always keep a bottle of Chamberlains Pain Balm In the house and when I feel any symptoms of a return I soon- It away with or two applications of this liniment For by Lloyd There are many demands for farm laborers They easily obtainable if the wages are forthcoming but farmers want to grind their laborer to rock bottom rates therefore theyre turning their attention to work Smallwood has been lame for some weeks from an injury to his knee It is slowly recovering Rugging bees and social visits the pastimes of our matronly- dames these days There are some really elegant- product of their handicraft Amongst tho experts Geo Wm Arnold and others From personal acquaintance we can cheerfully recommend Frank to the Holt resident as an honorable man Youll find him Horn there are who still insist that the dam was blown up by dynamite Thats only an old granny conjecture Just because Father Win is rather outspoken on politics they assume somebody has taken revenge What nonsense He has no enemies that bitter A little lady guest arrived at the Free Moth Parsonage on It was given a cordial welcome It is alleged that a Baldwin lassie is so charming that her even ing company fell dead asleep while being entertained by her A vigor ous use of a good long pin a kill or cure remedy would have been a prompt eyeopener i We glad to see Mr Douglas able to be out again after a few days confinement to his bed The wood bee held at Mr John Jilea on Tuesday afternoon was large ly attended After the bee a num ber of the young people tripped the light fantastic till the small hours of the morning Miss Emma Percy spent Sunday at home with her parents Mr Law of Zephyr was on of his friends in this vicinity Mr Wilmot Thompson sports a Driving Cart which is a dandy Mr Marvin spent a few days with friends in Newmarket last week Tho Horse Clippers of this burg seem to be kept busy at work Old Iron must be in big demand as the re have been two local dealers canvassing this town Mr Harper Mathewgon of Toron to is spending a few days with friends here Mr Robert Kay spent Sunday with his parents Gamey A few farmers have started plough ing in this vicinity If things do not take a change Baldwin will loose one of its swamp angels soon as a young man from the burg seems to bo quite well pleased with his Sunday afternoon drives A very enjoyable evening was spent by about twentyfive young people at Mr Pressors when Mr- and Mrs Robert Smith were and presented with a handsome clock and the following address We a few of your many friends are gathered here this evening to extend to you congratulations and hope that each in your new positions may prove a blessing to other As yourBocial positions in life are changed also will its effects upon those nearest you bo changed but our wish for you both is that what ever positions you may bo called upon to fill your for all that is good and pure and noble may be prevalent and that a happy and pros porous future may ever be yours We know this mortal earth is not abiding place that care and trials mar our short lives that Life has more or less More or less of grief and woo Shadows always check our pathway But sunbeams come and go W6 would not mar pleasure of this evening by presenting to you gloomy side of life yet to wish MOUNT is an am under the weather old saying meaning I am not well A good many people at present can use the saying sadly and truthfully for there is an epidemic in these parts at present of colds Now say a cold is a disease and surely these colds are as bad as old grippe It begins with a cold in the head like catarrh creates great deafness and has a persistent cough from tho chest and lungs In some cases tho patient is confined to the bed for weeks los ing flesh strength and appetite The cough is not cured by any ordinary remedies nor is the disease any ordi nary cold Soma of those who have suffered from this nameless are Mr John Miss Wight Mrs Pollock Mr Ben Bache etc Mr Bobert Smith son of Mr John Smith of was recently united in marriage to Miss Nancy Pressor second daughter of Mr Fletcher Pressor Last Tuesday Mr McDonald and of the Catering Road Raven- shoe Mr Joe and family Mrs sister Louise and Mr Sam Thompson son of Mr Geo Thompson all started for the Great North West- their destination being Assa We wish them all a safe journey and much prosperity and happiness in theirnew homes Mrs Mary Peterson of Toronto is visiting at Mr Richard Pollocks Keswick this week The remains of Mr Geo Glover formerly of and a brother of Mr Harry Glover were recently brought home for interment tho fun eral taking place a week ago lost Sat urday The ice went off Cooks Bay a week ago this Wednesday with tho high winds of that day and now can look upon blue rolling waves of the Bay once more ount Albert We are busy opening DAILY Call and inspect our new range of dress goods hats a caps boots shoes embroideries insertions wall papers Values Never Better m f ROBS BROS The Latest a ruanoffgbt to make tain allowance lor bis wife fe Any woman who regards beauty as fcupcrfiuoUH has never tried it DURHAM BULL for Service on lot Con Also Boar J NEW STORE Just Arrived i a good fresh stock of GROCERIES HARDWARE of discription Spring Hockey SKATES GOODS FANCY CHINA FURNITURE Tin Repairing Neatly Dodo SALT BY BARREL Central Telephone you continued pleasure is vain as well as unprofitable Wo hope that you may have strength to overcome these trials and press toward mark of high calling in Christ In conclusion wo beg of you to accept this small token of our hod for Intrinsic value but as a remembrance of the young people- of the community P Louie grosser- has returned to the City after spending couple of weeks with her patents NORTH On Thursday last week Mr Wil lie of John Esq of while taking a fouryearold colt out of tho stable to water was badly kicked in face by colt in play The doctor found bridge of the- nose broken and the cheek badly hurl Willie knocked insensible time by force of the kick and vomited blood occasionally for several days but is doing finely now WHEN GOT AT M KELLERS WE ARE Reliable in Our Work Responsible for Our Work Reasonable In Our Charge KELLER THE FASHIONABLE TAILOR Mount Albert Try Own Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Bark An Excellent Remedy FOR Coughs Colds AND Lung Trouble We keep leading makes of Trusses Properly fit and guar antee them Forrests Drug Store MOUNT ALBERT The Liverpool London Hobo INSURANCE COMPANY Available Capital CANADA Or Andrew jj J Deputy Chair man Iq- Clous- ton Alex Hides Accepted at Lowest Current DAVIDSON P SMITH Agent Albert Farms for Sale Lot Con Township Whit church also tot 8 Coo Good Frame House and good Land In good cultivation- further particulars apply to J OLDHAM Proprietor Mount Albert SEEDS i J A Jargessortoiont of Red Timothy Seed Good Seed and Black All at lowest Prices j SHIELDS MOUNT ALBERT To Farmers The Earliest BurpeeB Eureka and Di vide Seed for Sale at the Market next Saturday and also at my place lot Con WM i Sharon- P O FOE Apply to WAGO Mount Berkshire Boar J For service dam Melody flaWLCeixe- Kitchener Also eggs Hatching Barred Rocks exclusively bred from A Haw Royal Blue Strain per setting of J Lot 4 RHH OK LICENSES I WEST i now 4w7 Sharon- P fe

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