Newmarket Era, 3 Apr 1903, p. 7

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THE FRIDAY APRTL y HALL Ladies Fine for Spring We fc P ftrtlon selling and from large Juaber of Ladies enquiring for SHOE for so E The Empress Fine Shoes Weeks Next Monday eight is Roll Call and Election of Officers It is hoped that every member will make a special ef fort to be present ffe know give every satisfac tion to the wearer Kit Perfectly They Look Neat and Stylish Wear Well They are i Ladies want Price GROCERY DEPARTMENT Now is your time to lay in your or the summer It is very lor in price we do not Veep any but test Ask us tor price by the HONEY choice quality and a section HONEY foe quality lb or in pails CHINA DEPART MENT This season we are Importing our and Toilet Sets direct from lie manufacturers and will give you fit better quality at no more cost JUST OPENED OUR NEW TOILET SETS Pieces lor worth DINNER 8ET8 NEW COMBINATION OF USEFUL PIECES Special at Only Would be rood value at and see for yourself We carry tie largest outside city and ell at close prices pine Homes Mr Hill is getting ready to take a car of horses to the North- West in a few daya lie has bought including stallions Dismissed The magistrates of stealing lumber from Mr A which was heard in the Police Court here and was adjourned till last Satur day was dismissed on the opinion of tbe County Crown Attorney Briefless The way the dust flies on Main St this week shows the value of the street sprinkler Sovereign Bank windows were decorated by an artistic band last Saturday Sire A is getting sct- tied in his new store where his at tractive stocks show to advantage Stove Pipe Varnish is odorless Just the thing to prevent pipes from rusting thru toe summer Sold only at Bums Hardware Good Social the Maple Sugar Social in the Christian Church School Room last Wednesday night was fairly well at tended and everybody reports a very sweet time Hot syrup wast pro vided in abundance as well as other luxuries The program was furnish ed by a gramaphotie operated by Mr Goring which pleased both young and old Sessions An adjourned Sessions of the Peace will be hem in the new Court House Toronto on the 18th of April At meeting the list County Con stables is to be revised and new ap pointments made One or two more are wanted lor Newmarket who are not tied up with employers and have time at their disposal Applications may be made to any of the Justices of the Peace in Town Mr Stewart Draper commenced seeding on Tuesday last day March petition we referred to last week praying lor the granting of a license to sell family disturbance at was well signed there be ing one hundred and nineteen names on it when I last heard Some of same patties have signed the couu tec petition also and others are sor ry that signed either We feel satisfied the know their business and will not sacrifice the best interests of the community by granting a license for either Raven- shoe or Jersey We were rather sur prised that an exCouncillor would lend his services to advance the whis key element of our township We would advise him to steer clear of that kind of business if he ever again wishes to win a seat in the Council Miss of Sutton at present performing the duties of saleslady at Mortons department store Rev Roach Sutton was calling on friends here on Monday The Owl seems to hoot a lot about the the fair sex in his vi cinity He should attend the meetings here some Sunday evening if he would like to see genuine beauty Mr John Is getting in shape to go to the for other season- l Mrs Graves was visiting her mother here this week Mrs Louis Pollock will spent the sum mer months with Mr Walker Pros- sex- The are making arrange ments to have their meeting on Easter Monday evening instead of at the usual time in the month Press J Mr seri ously ill on Wednesday morning of last week and is still confined to his bed Mrs Wilson was taken very illon Monday morning requir ing medical attendance Mr Flanagans children are affected by the grip colds are affected with grip colds Proctor who has been confined to bet bed the past we are pleased to state is recovering slowly Mr and Mr Archibaldtwo neighbors on the 6th con have each increased their house hold population by one Among those visiting in vicin ity we call to mind Mr J Fox of Toronto with his parents at Elm- hurst Farm Mr Ed Blackburn from Mimico spent a week with his people on the line Mr who has spent the past six weeks with his friends here left cm Tuesday for Alberta to resume his former occupation ranch ing On Monday evening a pleasant evening was spent at the home of his brother Jas as a fare well by his old associates We deeply regret to report the death of Mrs Terry who was in the Cemetery Wednesday of last week The family have the sympathy of the- in their bereavement Miss Edwards of the 8th line as been spending a tew days with her brother Sir Herbert Edwards Mr Geo has concluded to work his own farm again this son Mr Melville Stephens will move in to the house recently occupied by Mr Frank bands of Albanians later surrounded and serious fighting en sued with the Turkish garrison con sisting of troops The fighting continued until March when the Albanians finally were repulsed with great loss Heavy reinforcements have been ordered from the Vilayet- 1 of Asia Minor and other places to suppress the rebellion Rising Has Panic A has occurred at in consequence of the growing fanaticism of Albanians against the Christians The latter have closed their shops and schools and are preparing to seek refuge at Numbers of Christians have been murdered in the district during the past- few days The outbreak made a great impres sion at the palace The Sultan was Intensely exercised and measures were immediately taken to watch the two Albanian battalions to the Imperial guard on duty at the In order to prevent disorder at the palace Bitter Marmalade Oranges per Onions per peck Id lbs White Beans lb Pail Table Syrup i Lard KBTTLEBx GRAND TRUNK Easter Return tickets wiU be Issued be tween all stations in Canada at SINGLE CLA8S FARE Maple Syrup quart Cans 25c Wine gallon Imperial gallon 125 10c to 20c per it Something Good Some of the Young People ol the give a An Lamps at Job Prices to clear out we want room from to worth double The Leading Reliable Telephone r Fashionable Glasses tvtfj trl of rd or cUnf Town have decided to Time in about three weeks in aid the Drinking Fountain Fund It is a source of satisfaction to the older citizens of Newmarket that there are young people in our midst that take such interest in the advancement the Town and we are sure that their will be appreciated on the evening their concert Date and particulars next week The performers meet tonight for practice at the home Mrs Ed Richardson Prospect Ave for the Display Of Fine FootWear at Fos ters Reformer Block millinery Openings Two of our millinery establish ments opened on Wednesday and the other yesterday- Newmarket never had such a magnificent display and we can say without tear of that we have show In Newmarket dressed equal to any thing in the city of Toronto The crowd at Roches on af ternoon and evening was just like a fair and proceedings wore enliven ed by Instrumental music Mrs Allen is in charge at Roches Miss Kayanagh at Hughes and of couise Miss being a practical milliner superintended her dis play The openings will continue till Saturday L ATKINSON Optician NEWMARKET Sweetens all dirty places the thing for Spring cleaning at Hardware Just AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS of getting of our Improved Multiplying picture ued camera photo aid price lurt nulled upon VISE Death About oclock on Thursday even ing of last week Mrs Richard Way- ling expired quite suddenly from heart failure Deceased has been ill ever since last January and was gradually growing weaker On the above evening she had her tea as was In conversation with friends who had dropped in to see her but expired a few minutes after retiring to bed was a daughter of the late James Moore of Toronto and had been married for years the whole of which time eho resided near until the removal the fam ily to Newmarket about months ago She leaves an attentive hus band who will greatly her presence and counsel four Eons arid two daughters but one daughter remains at home The funeral took place last Satur day afternoon and was largely tended Rev conducting the service Interment at Newmar ket Cemetery Silk The at Owing to sickness in our home we have much neglected our space in your paper Mr Editor Speaking of sickness it seems so prevalent in our section that to begin to enumer ate the afflicted would almost fill a whole column Among those of of whom we have heard as being un der medical treatment are Mrs Wilson Mr Waltons little boy Charlie Mrs Proctor who is slowly recovering Mrs Archi bald Since writing last Mr Sena Veers home has been made sad by the loss of their infant of about months Interred in Kettleby Cem etery on Friday last Mr Jos Rogers just returned from a trip to Ottawa which he re ported having much enjoyed He went as a member of the party who waited on the Government in the in terests of the Sugar Industry We failed to report or rather have not reported since the pleasing event at Major Stephensons when their only daugliter was united marriage to Mr Oscar in the presence of something over three score invited guests They will re side in this vicinity On Wednesday of last week Mr Alex Davis brought home his win some bride in the person of Miss Jen- Tew and had a reception for his many friends and in the evening he was given an outside reception by the boys which was responded to most liberally by the bridegroom in viting the boys Inside and giving them lots of good music The boys tily enjoyed themselves and carried away enough of the needful to treat themselves handsomely Rut sir they didnt do that the boys thinking they had been so liberally treated by Mr Davis resolved to add some more to it and as a result again the Davis home on Monday evening last and presented him with a hand some China Tea Set three elegant Water Pitchers and a beautiful largo Cup and Saucer for the lord of the household We have hitherto been informed of our boys liberality at serenades of this kind but this has evidently shown largely their estimation Mr Davis We are pleased to report an im provement in the roads and trust that the new mode ot road making in King this section may be more successful than some people antici pate Quite a gloom was cast over our neighborhood on Saturday last when the sad intelligence was received of the sudden death of Mrs Alfred Ham ilton nee Sarah Lemon Mrs Hamilton was Bitting- nursing her young infant about days old but a few minutes previous and was in her usual spirits when the grim mes senger came and called her home Heart disease is saW to be the trou ble Much sympathy felt for the bereaved family The funeral took place from the family residence at pm on Tuesday last the services being conducted at the house and the interment being at the Kettleby cem etery The Ladies Aid of the King Chris tian Church intend giving a social at Mr home in this vil lage on Thursday evening next week We say come everybody and bring your dime Well vouch youMl get a quarters worth for It WHITCHURCH COUNClIi- Met at Hotel Street Match Members alt present bat Clark Bills were Jackson and J A rep culvert Con Lot Davidson apportion- tag Clergy rf Interest among schools w Hart A Assessment Bolls Assessment Blips and Collectors A yds gravel Township re Improvements In Stephens bet 16 and ie Con Jones provisions Tor quarantined with Scarlet 4 Earl attending John family quar antined Fever Ptpher attending Mrs quarantined with Fever Henry and attending H Simmer sons family querns- tloed Fever provisions and attending Samuel family with Fever The was instructed to pay Four Dollars for each Poll Booth used at election Clerk was the MetrujulUan It Co to rtace plank and rails of truck all Lota and outli Ho Councillor was to culvert between Hots and Con Councillor was to repair culvert on 2nd Con at 60 Councillor Clark was instructed to have pulled hot and Con Cadden appointed Armstrong KcDnwJy In lieu of Titos It Fairies In of lor and Pearson la Ilea of Pearson Council adjourned to moot at Jones Hall on 22nd day Going Monday April Valid Returning Until April SCHOOL VACATION8 To students and teachers schools and colleges on surrender of certifi cate signed by Principal return tick ets issued at ananas Lemons An Excellent Black Tea lbs for 100 300 lbs of Dutch Set Onions at lbs for a quarter Regular price per lb For Torpid Liver Flatulence Constipation Biliousness and Sick Headache TAKE Single Fare and Going April to April inclu sive Valid returning until AprTl Tickets and all information from Agents A McCLELLAN Agent Newmarket Sate Mild Painless do not weaken and always give satisfaction A rtlUMe Medicine be taken at any en Children All druggists sell BRISTOLS York County Municipal or King John John Alex Straight Wesley Donald Ego George Evans John J Davidson J 3 OFFICE Reeve Clerk Treasurer Clerk Virginia Treasurer- P Reeve Clerk Treasurer Keswick lleeve Clerk Treasurer Vaiighnu J Jenkins J Walton Clerk il Tempera nee I Treasurer Reeve Locust Hill Clerk Treasurer Young Crawford IT late for week Mr to Mr Albert Wilson lor a term of years will sell his stock and on April WM There- been much sickness In our during the past few weeks Whitchurch Jas McLean York Newmarket Aurora Village Lemon 3 Sylvester A Clark Armstrong Cane David Lloyd Lund J fy Wilson MWhite F A Holland Landing IfW I I FJ lOwer Richmond Hill Revolt in Albania Aspect Fanaticism Christians Caus ing Panic h Them Have Murdered Constantinople Aptil Details disturbances In North Albania that revolt which has brok en out there against the reform scheme the powers Is a very seri ous disturbance Several thousand armed Albanians surrounded the Town of Vucsteen on the Railroad March and demanded the surrender of eleven Servian gendarmes who bad been enlisted in accordance with tbe reform plans The Gover nor surrendered the Servians who were bound and taken to af ter having been maltreated A num ber ot the Servian Inhabitants and jane wen Lloyd Reeve Clerk Treasurer Clerk Treasurer Reeve Clerk Treasurer Reeve Clerk Treasurer Mayor Clerk Treasurer Mayor Clerk Treasurer Clerk Treasurer Reeve Clerk Treasurer A git court it Hill P Bavago Weston East Toronto Todel A Clerk Treasurer Maple Ring wood Newmarket Newmarket it Aurora 1 Lauding at Richmond Hill Reeve Clerk Treajjuror P Walter Clay Clerk Treasurer Reeve Clerk Treasurer Reeve George J K Bernard Richard Bturlridge Treasurer Clerk Trewurer Toronto Bultoo West S3 11 Signature on every rams iiSii

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