Newmarket Era, 3 Apr 1903, p. 8

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iTr THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY APRIL j The recent marriage of a couple of cripples b having on ly half tin com pi proper meat of arms and legs was noted by the press as a n curios ity But who notes the mar riages which occur daily in which both par ties are cripples in health Crippled health mean as a rule in sufficient nutrition and lack of nutrition points to disease of the stomach and di gestive and nutritive tract Doctor Pierces Golden Medical Dis covery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition the perfect nourishment of the body and so builds It up in sound health and strength had been a great sufferer from indigestion for he nine years writes Margaret of Owing Mills Baltimore Co Mi I ins such a wreck it seemed death was near bat today can say feet like another woman I hare received ranch and lasting good from Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery and I have taken twentyfive bottles in alt and followed the adrtce of Dr R V- Pierce and am happy to say that life is worth living now A thousand thanks for your treatment Do not be cajoled Into trading a sub- stance for a shadow Any substitute offered as just as good as Golden Medical Discovery is a shadow of that medicine There are cures behind every claim made for the Discovery The Common Sense Medical Adviser in paper covers is sent free on receipt of onecent stamps to pay expense of customs and mailing only Address Dr R V- Pierce Buffalo IdfearoandtheHab AND FIND TO i f Write for cur Invent or Help an I How you are swindled us a rough sketch or model of your la- yea If on Of Improve nve nt and we will tell you free our opinion as to whether it patentable- Rejected application successfully by We conduct fully quipped offices in Montreal and qualifies us to prompt ly and quick cure Patents as the invent references furnished Patents procured through Marion Ma rion receive notice without charge over ico distributed throughout the Dominion- Specialty Patent business of an MARION MARION Patent Expert- and Solicitors New York Bid Atlantic Mr Root Sawyer has sold his acre farm the old place to J of Whitchurch for the sum of lyi The Templars of Temperance held a box social m their ball on Wed- evening which was well at tended About twenty were present from Newmarkets A very pleasant evening spent A deputation of- Royal Templars waited on the Council on Tuesday evening and asked the privilege of planting a row of trees in the town park to be called the Royal Templars Row The Council granted the re quest A BLOOM1NGTON Mr Walker is not go in to Oril- but has hired for the summer with Burnett for a month his horse kept and one acre of potatoes Horse buyers were here this week Mr Donald refused for his driver A gathering of about- fifty of the members and friends of the Christian Endeavor Society met at the home of Mr last Thursday evening in the honor of their pastor Rev Mr Hathaway who was about to take bis departure- from them for his home in Binghamton The even ing was spent in games and singing anil after the ladies provided a daint ily prepared lunch they presented the pastor with a beautiful gold and locket as a token of their esteem and love towards him After expressing his gratitude and many thanks to them the gathering finally broke up by singing God be with you till we meet aain Our Toronto better The Toronto hunt had the first meet an Saturday afternoon They met at SI and went rough High Park out the Iamhon fiolfClub About thirty turned out for the run Dr one of the bestknown practising physicians in Toronto and professor on staff of Trinity Medicine died New York Atlantic Best Hard Coal Stove Nut or Egg at 750 Delivered Lukes Faintly and Paltry Flours Also Manitoba Hungarian Flour J HURON STREET Telephone I I NOTICE Orders or Cleaning OutHouses in Newmarket should be left at my residence 1st door north of Squires Pump Shop on the road to the Cem etery Contracts made for monthly removals during the summer For Sale 2 Setts Light Sleighs Cutter Light Wagon Heavy Democrat Wagon Apply HOLLER The Mood carried away the dam at Lowell order in has been pas ted the of New This is the bustling set- wIjjiIi has grown up largely the past four or five years at the of Lake ig where there is a growing agricultural com muiitty application for the Provin cial Secretary ago and the hi the muni has appointed to tae the necessary under the statute The jury panels for the May si tings of the General Sessions were drawn on Saturday by SHerilT field J A and May in the office of the Clerk of the Peace While young lady students were attending a lecture in Victoria Col lege last Friday night sneak thieves entered the lobby and rified their cloaks and coats of sums of money some losing or Parliament Street Baptist Church which was so seriously damaged by fire some months ago has com pletely repaired and will be on Sunday next During the first week of July when the city is celebrating the old boys home week the new buildings of the Fair will be dedicated and the visitors given an idea what Toronto proposes to do with the Dominion Fair IT Things That Cant he Done You for five minutes without moving i You cant stand at the side of a room with both feet lengthwise touching wainscoting You cant lengthwise between that is if the egg is sound has can out fcendin 1th- k ting on the Chair squared a if the match lakl across of the middle and jiiuid He It The prairies of the West arc great places for wind said a wild west telegraph operator- used to have a station out- in Nebraska right out on the open prairie and the way the windblew was a caution was a wind lor me At a fcion about thirteen lived as no Sunday trains business of any kiind utfViVu9Uhea Dr Kidney and Cough j f mm vl It I if to Ma M Or til 4 1 rfi f i am by The His Condition School No 2 NORTH r Cook Alice Jr Wesley Cook Levi Morton Bessie III Isaac J Pur- dy Bessie Cole Jr HI Joy Norman Cook Co BY AN OLD BOY To the Editor of the Dear Sir Please find enclosed the sum of one dollar to pay my sub scription to the Era lor another year I appreciate the Era very much in fact could not get along very well without it as J still take an interest in the affairs of my old home We have had a trial at growing sugar beets this year and it has not been very satisfactory to a great many as in the first place help fc hard to get arid then very lew have got their money yet Some my neighbors that shipped in December have not been paid yet and lluy be gin to think they may never get it Except for the scarcity of help I be lieve in a good year they would be a very profitable crop as one of my neighbors made over one hundred dollars off an acre hut the average around here would be about sixty per acre I would advise no one to sow too many the year and sow I hem on good deep rich soil As there is a lot rjf fed here the farmers are feeling rather blue The drovers are offering only four cents per live weight tor the and as we had to pay that for Ihcui the fall there is not much money in them hut it is some consolation that if cattle are low hogs are a good price per owl We had a lovely winter About two months and a half sleighing Not very cold and very little rough weather The snow has all left and some have been trying to plow where the ground is high and dry Wishing the Era and its genial edi tor continued prosperity I am Yours very truly MILLER Fair view Kami Maple Hill March Managers of seven big cotton mills at Lowell Mass forestalled a strike by closing their establishments and employees are now idle It is reported that eighteen in surgents were killed in an engage ment with Turkish troops at Macedonia Fortythree clergymen in Finland were deprived their livings for re fusing to aid the Russian authorities to carry out military wrvice law A masked man with a revolver tried to hold up Operator Murphy of the station at Tweed Mr Murphy kicked the revolver out his hards and captured the intruder with the aid of Baggageman son The Industrial Exhibition directors being now absolutely certain of re ceiving from the Dominion Government have lost not a moment in preparing for the extra work it will involve It is known also that powerful influences are at work to secure the presence of Lord Roberts and the Hon Joseph in Canada about the date of the opening of the Fair and it is just probable one or even both of these gentlemen may lie present The visit of the member of the House oi Lords and the House of Commons now being arranged for by Lord will if at all be so timed that they will all be here at the opening ceremony so that the prospects are that the Toronto Industrial opening in will an historic event Bishop confirmed young people in the Anglican faith in St Johns Church last Sunday night and the same evening Rev J Starr Methodist received and into his church most of them new converts on profession of faith Grand Trunk Conductor named Johnson lost a foot at Toronto Junc tion on Monday while assisting in coupling cars Game Warden has made a number of seizures of Partridge in houses about the city The birds were sent to charitable institutions Word has been received here that the Summer Carnival Committee of Hamilton will probably invite some of the regiments of either Buffalo or Detroit to take part in the military demonstration While the steam barge St Joseph was being pulled to the wharf on Monday a deck hand named James Wilson somehow his arm caught between the and hawser and so badly crushed that ampu tation near iho shoulder was neces sary Mr Justice returned from the West Indies on Monday but will not be able to resume his official duties for some weeks yet a doubtless fresh the profes sor I wish you would pay some lit tle attention to your rhetoric A few moments later tie saioWi My dearl that picture would show to better advantage if you were to hang over the clock yAy she replied you doubtless mean if were to hang it above the clock If I were to hang it over the clock could not tell the time I wish you would be more careful with your rhetoric my dear And the learned professor became all at once very interested in his book Work but Someone has said It is not work- hut worry that wears men Worry prevents sleep impairs the ap petite for wholesome food exhausts the nerves oppresses the brain de presses the spirits predisposes the system to disease sours the temper renders its victim disagreeable to his companions and a plague to himself and shortens his life The man who worries constantly does not live at all in the highest sense He exists moves about and sometimes blusters furiously but never tastes the sweet ness of life Always looking out for some change which will introduce to a state of contentment and happi ness which he has never known lie is dead while he lives The man who en ters the contest against lifes emer gencies with steady nerves and de liberate thoiighWulness and confident expectation and manly courage is hound to win hut the soul that for ever worries is almost sure to be lost A good prayer for every Chris tian would be From all of worry and discontentment good Lord deliver us In the libel suit of against The Mercury the newspaper got the verdiot Every farmer knows that some plants grow better than others Soil may be the same and seed may seem the same but some plants are weak and others strong And the way with children are like young plants Same food same home same care but some grow big land strong while others stay I small and veak Scotts Emulsion offers an easy way out of the difficulty Child weakness often means starvation not because of lack of food but because the food does not feed Scotts Emulsion really feeds and gives the child growing strength Whatever the cause of weak ness and failure to grow Scotts Emulsion seems to find it and set the matter right Sea tor fret atape oroalo and all The Point of Vantage Colonel said a war correspondent previous to the Cuban War to present commander of the United States forces In the Philippines what is the best place for a when the lead Is flying I A bard question returned Col I remember during the Battle of Missionary in the Civil War a correspondent stood out on stump of a tree on a- hillside pencil and paper in hand and shot and shell flying around him He stood there for several hours and saw hundreds of men fall before the fire hut lie remained uninjured arid had a good story of the fight in his paper and more of the names of the dead and any oth er correspondent About half a mile away in an old stone house on the opposite an other correspondent was viewing the fight out of a window A bullet hit him in the forehead and he dropped- dead The best place for a corres pondent is In the middle of the trou ble The obvious moral of remarks is not merely that for tunc favors the brave but that- a man hanging out of a window Is an easier mark than one in the thick of the fight In other words that the bulls eye is to escape shot than the on the target It Is reportwed that orders have been issued with a view to checking the spread of the Socialistic propa ganda in the Austrian army The trouble over the refusal to grant a credit of for war material culminated in the resigna tion of the Bulgarian Cabinet Where does the electricity come from hat fights our houses asked the teacher It comes from the wall answered the little girl who resided In an apartment house- A janitor goes and unbuttons it March A acci dent occurred on the Brook farm on Road near to day where Joseph of op was instantly killed by kick from a colt while in the act stepping up to examine cost money so main my means every Saturday night by tat sail car Pretty flicks mean to say that the wi Tdont how did you manage on the fifteen miles A Day of Opportunity On every band there are open doors for men of every class who are will ing to take part in the great world movement The world is moving a tremendous impulse an impulse which has in it the accumulated forces of a century The movement is felt in every line of human and in every part the world The most advanced nations are in a foment the remote and dead are coming into life No realm of thought has been vaded no department work unaf fected There are no recognized lim its to the changes that may take place no dream is regarded as be yond possibility No hope is held to he too visionary There is restless ness everywhere the restlessness of discontent with the past and of striv ing for better things in the future All this means opportunity In the great secular world there are oppor tunities for inventions and mechanical devices which increase power and so modify the industrial conditions for the attainment prominent positions and the accumulation wealth In the intellectual world there arc vast fields undiscovered and untrodden waiting for the feet of the bold ex plorer But the great opportunities are in the moral and spiritual world the world of life and truth and right that lies immediately about us Here we may take our place among the of men and so- be workers with God To many the lower arc the most attractive but the higher are the better in themselves and in their results These opportunities arc for the in telligent and thoughtful A and a Millet Every reigning member of lire enzoljcrn dynasty has been noted for his sense of fair play in dealing with his subjects It is said that the Emperor Fred erick the Great was greatly annoyed by the presence of a flour mill that stood close by one of his palaces in Berlin The miller refused to sell his mill and insisted that he should retain possession of It as long as he lived The emperor stormed at him with- out avail and Anally threatened to drive the miller out by force and confiscate Ills property The milter replied to his threat by saying There arc still judges in Berlin your Majesty This reply which has since become famous throughout Germany impress ed the so forcibly that he withdrew both his threat and request and the flour mill is standing to this day The House of Lords passed the prevention of corruption bill which makes it a offence to or accept gifts or bribes with a view of Pews of Whitchurch left worth of land in the con cession ho willed to his imme diate SO VERY DIFFERENT Some people condemn our advertising because It la very different from Other advertising J Many people Medicine- ft aio very different from other The difference In each intentional IRONOX TABLETS AMD A BUT Try Them health will be so very different ilV SO No other Medical Firm la be world ha the for A Their New ftlctbod Treat- Bad perfected by these Eminent Specialist comfort to thousands of homes With years la the treatment of these diseases they can guarantee to Cure or No Enili- Varicocele Gleet Secret Kid any Their are backed by Bank Yob may a secret drain through the that the you feel tired out la Yon are rested ache feel despondent let your be drained away A K no Pay may It to allow It to let Like father of Mercury care worst cases or no Pay It the It may not be a crime to It a crime to allow a The New Method cara these no Buffer lair risk and rain organs stricture never Wo yoar guarantee tale let Doctors jou K can you not aid They to Care or No Pay CURES NO CCRE HO PAY Consultation Kent for or ISTorytblntf Confldontlal KENNEDY KERGAN 4 aUA UPgRBM CABLE I II I I Patented 1st May ARE GUARANTEED ASK YOUR DEALER para for Each lho2icilclubcriia train new each la all alw a Certificate of of in York City J or from MX cbaacaOjnlfniUoiolnatooeoYooMilU mora ttn jour worth Dtps ISO i Dont Trust To Luck ADVERTISE IN i era 1 fr nan who to a cent And With little gain must bo content take prizes No what your wares may bo Nor how much worth tho soiling world will cone tho be Except tis by the tolling

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