Newmarket Era, 17 Apr 1903, p. 4

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I I THE NE ERA FRIDAY APRIL Joints In fin gem toes arms and other parts of the body are that at Inflamed and by rheumatism acid condition of the blood affects the also dread to move titer flitting or lying long and too Condition commonly to we weather from bat hare been completely cured by Hoods for which I am deeply grate ful Hist had an ftltict of the which me Weak and and guttering from rfteu- began taking and baa entirely cured axes I ban no hesitation In Raying ft sated lire J Hoods Sarsaparilta Remote the cause of rheumatism no application can Take it J Public a Street Newmarket to Loan on good Farm t nloyd Barrister Solicitor Notary Public etc Mosey to at Lowest Division Court Building Newmar ket Lennox fit Conveyancer o South of Poet Of fice Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will aJso Newmarket on Saturdays and Court Sollcttorafor J Bow A Co Bank Aurora Pamela In Loan a Barrister Reformer Block Money to Loan DENTAL A DENTIST Over Toronto Jobbing House Kir Satisfaction Guaranteed INSURANCE J A Agent for Fire nd Lire Companies Money to Loan inttreet at Current Kates At the Newmarket A R Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent on Farm and Isolated Town Property Hodges Tin Shop Newmarket Metropolitan Co TORONTO AKD NEWMARKET 10 to tl j v t to a j i cat Lis o Jg H J as 4 to as S o o CD CO OS a r w Senate The Redistribution bill has been in troduced in Parliament the iniquit ous Tory Gerrymander of other days is about being remedied Grit biros will soon be a thing of the all this the country- and especially the Liberal Party will be grateful Now the step will be the ful fillment of another important pledge the Reform or abolition of the Sen ate This country has no use lor an institution that costs thousands upon thousands of dollars annually simply to revise what the peoples elected and responsible representa tives do in the Commons While Toryism was dominant Liberals as sured the country that whenever the electorate ol the country transferred their allegiance to Liberal leaders the Senate incubus should be ed The party platform was pro- and unmistakable and now that Liberalism is in ascendant we should like very much to see the promise fulfilled The money spent in indemnity and cost of maintain ing this Canadian House Lords can very profitably be utilized in public works and the development of trade and Commerce When the next appeal is made to the country it is to be hoped that Senate Re form or Senate Abolition will have a prominent place in the issues before the electors BpwlalExDuraioti Rate every and S Afternoon GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY NORTHERN DIV TABLE Gamblers and Gambling It now looks as if the anti gambling in Toronto will reach such proportions as to lead to desirable amendments being enacted by our law makers That public indignation has been to considerable tension against the gambling evil is evident from the strong comments of both press and pulpit Religions and so cial circles express indignation that such a cancerous evil should have gained so large a foothold as to be come a menace not only to young men but also to the middle aged and even some well advanced in years without police interference Refer ring to the Street gambling resort known as the Cornwall club the Mayor writes the Chief of Police as follows I am advised by persons who claim to have a lull knowledge of the facts that the place in question has been run for years as a gambling resort with full knowledge if not with the consent ot the police I am fur ther informed that the police have from time to time visited the place but have sought to obtain a conviction am ple evidence to enable then to do so could easily have been se cured This is a painful and Chief should see to it that an honest attempt is made to root out the evil If the law is too weak to reach these Club House gamblers representations should be made to our law makers now in session and in view of the fact that the lax pay ers are looking to salaried such as Chiefs of Police County At torneys and policemen to out these festering evils if they find the law ineffective instead quietly al lowing the contagion to spread should have reported the to the AttorneyGeneral Police Commis sioner Mayor of the City recognized authority go that these sinkholes of moral corruption could be dealt with and stamped out No doubt had these officials taken up this question in earnest when the evil assumed an organized shape the gambling evil now complained of would long since have disappeared By all means If the existing statute is not sufficient to reach these duns iniquity and punish the operators let it be amended at once and then enforced In the Spring Nature Teaches a Lesson That Tired Exhausted Men and Women should Follow The spring is the season when na ture prepares for summer AH the trees and plants arc filled with new sap to build and brace them up to withstand coming hot season Without new sap in the spring a plant would wither and die beneath the midsummer sun It is the same with men and women All physicians are agreed that everyone needs a fresh supply of new blood in the spring Without the new blood you would be as helpless in the summer as a tree without new sap What you need at this season is a tonic to give you new blood and the very best tonic medical science discovered is Dr Williams Pick Pills Every pill makes new rich red blood braces tbe nerves and overcomes all weakness headaches backaches in digestion loss of appetite skin erup tions and other troubles so common in spring This is an established fact proved by thousands in every part of the world Miss A says I do not know what would have become of me had it- not been for Dr Williams Pink Pills My blood seemed to have turned to wa ter and I was troubled with dizziness headaches and nervous prostration I got so weak that I hardly go about and notwithstanding that I was constantly doctoring I got no re lief until I began using Dr Williams Pink Pills They completely cured me and have given me back all oldtime and strength What these pills have done for Miss and thousands of others they will do for you They will make you bright vigorous and strong Dont take a substitute or any of the just as good as medicines which some dealers push because of a larger pro fit See that the full name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People is found on the wrapper around every box If in doubt send direct to the Dr Williams Medicine Co Brockvillc and the pills will be mailed at a box or six boxes for Robert Bat em an a sixteen-year- old youth of Woodstock was shot in the neck while practising at the rifle ranges George J a blacksmith of the township of Whitchurch died a few weeks ago leaving property val ued at His executors ap plied for probate in the Surrogate Court in tbe interest of his widow and son who have been left the heirs WHY SNIFFLE AND SNEEZE Dont sutler any more with a cold in the head just carry a Inhaler In your vest pocket use it now and again and you wont have colds knocks out a cold in ten minutes kills a headache in five minntes and bard racking coughs in half an hour Inhale the pleasant vapor five minutes four times daily and it will cure Bronchitis Lung Trouble Deaf ness Asthma and Catarrh in any part of the system is the most direct modern and scien tific method and is guaranteed to give satisfaction Complete two months treatment costs trial size Druggists of Poison Co Kingston Hamiltons Pills cure Constipation Agent Donovan of the it freight office at Hamilton on re turning from dinner Friday found a man in the cellar He locked the door and sent for the police who arrested Vincent Atkinson a yard man The agents desk had contain ed which had been removed earlier The desk was broken open with a pickaxe f A cable from the London Special of the Toronto Star dated April th says BrJHsh critics heartily applauded Sir William Mulocks refusal to exclude from Can ada artizaos The Chronicle says be time enough to legislate against the of contract immi grants when the employers in the Dominion seek to emulate the exam ple of the United States by importing huge drafts of cheap continental la borers to supplant local workmen In the meantime Canada wants alt the labor it can get skilled or other wise- Another party of young English farmers Liverpool yester day for Canada and a farther will leave London in a fortnight A American Bishop Writes for the Benefit of Canadian For the Era m Tornado of BY A BANKER It is about- time the railway bonus business in this country was played out- Why should the community gen erally be taxed for the private ad vancement of an individual or syndi cate When the inhabitants were very limited and but little produce was the result of farm operations the country was told that con ditions made it a necessity to bonus the This state of things is now reversed There is a large and growing production of millions of bushels grain tor export and a fair passenger and freight traffic but these changed conditions the cry for another line is be ing heard in the land This thing is not done across the border and it is high time Canada followed suit a In connection with tbe Old Home Gathering to be held in the City of Toronto from July 1st to next the Board of Trade of this City has three prizes of 100 for the first for the second and for the third for the three best poems on the Old Home sentiment in its re lation to the proposed gathering The poems should be sent in- to the Secretary Mr Stewart Houston 183 Victoria St not later than May The judges are Prof Maurice Hutton of Toronto University Rev Clark of Trinity University Prof Edgar Victoria Universi ty and Prof of Unireristy The maximum length of the poems is lines but it is not necessary at all that any poem should approach the maximum length to be eligible These valuable prizes should interest- a very wide field of poets The Secretary would be pleased to receive the of all Canadians living in the United States HE STRONGLY RECOMMENDS PainesCeleryCoiponnd The HealthGiving Spring Medicine Thousands of prominent clergymen in Canada and other lands through the use of Celery Compound are pursuing their pastoral duties and ministering with success to their congregations- Heart trou ble sleeplessness nervousness slug gish and impure blood weak diges tion constipation and headache are troubles that drag clergymen down to deeper suRerings and perils Today Celery Compound is the chosen home medicine of all wise and ministers and priests A vast number of them owe their lives and present good to Dr Phelps prescription that makes sick people well Rev Bishop of Burlington Vt writes as follows I have been asked why I recom mended Celery Compound and I desire to put on record frankly my reasons for this endorsement hoping that my words may inspire those readers who need health and strength with faith to try Celery Com pound and prove to themselves its worth- At the Fanny Allen Hospital an institute in which I am deeply in terested Paines Celery Compound has been used successfully The Sis ters of Mercy at Mount St Marys Academy on Mansfield Ave rely upon Paines Celery Compound as a tonic and strengthened In my own house hold one of the domestics has taken Celery Compound for liver trouble of long standing and says It has done more good than any oth er medicine Several priests have spoken to me of this remedy and I believe it has the confidence my associates did not know from personal observation of the wort of Celery Compound I should feel like praising it for the simple reason that it is prepared by the Wells Richardson Co a firm whose members I have known for nearly a quarter of a century and in whom I have perfect confidence J -i- 4 OLD SALE AT THE WEARY BRAIN All fagged out Ideas flow slowly as molasses snap and energy all gone The that made work a plea- aure that gone A doctor would say you are rundown enervat ed neither eating nor digesting enough Its you need to brace up that appetite arid im prove fcsfilmilatfon and digestion so that lots of pure strong blood will be formed to nourish the broken- down system will drive away the tired feeling restore your spirits and energy revive your am bition and strength tot work No tonic or rebulWer like try It Price per box six boxes for at Druggist or Poison Co Kingston Hamiltons cure Constipation A cloth dipped in arncmla will re move the greasy look from a coat collar that has done good service GOT LAME BACK OR LUMBAGO No need of that now That sort of pafn can be knocked out in short order for Poisons which Is five times stronger than any other penetrates at once through the tis sues reaches the source suffering drives it out and thus gives relief aW most instantly Not magic but strength that gives Poisons this power You will think it magic however if you try it pain goes so quickly Sold by dealers everywhere In large bottles Portage la Prairie Man bits population Immigration returns for March make It the largest March influx on record The total of ar rivals in the Canadian North West was 12267- as against In the same month last year For the first three months of the total num ber registered was as against in The total for the focal year will be twentyfive thous and greater than In the last fiscal year TO CUBE A IK DAT Take Laxative Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund the money If It fails to cure Groves signature la on each This is what the Globe has to say in regard to the newly appointed York County Judge John Win Chester will be a fitting successor to the late Mr in the Coun ty judgeship of York and Toronto For ten years past he held the judic ial office of Master in Chambers at Hall the duties of which he performed to the satisfaction of both the Bench and the Bar Prior to that he held for a like interval the inspectorship of legal offices which incidentally affords a valuable train ing for both the Mastership he resigns and the Judgeship he assumes With every phase of legal practice and every department of judicial work he is familiar before entering- an office as onerous and responsible as that of a Superior Court Judge Judge Win chester will be a police com missioner and the management of the police force could hardly be trusted to better hands Intelligent sym pathetic and courageous he may be trusted to arbitrate fairly and sensi bly between the police force and the public should friction in that quar ter ever arise Mr Winchester like his predecessor has always display ed an exceptional capacity for work Recent storms have washed out roads and swept away bridges you would know a your faults get chummy with her girl friend The strike was settled and all except the machinists have re turned to work Phonographs have no brains yet they talk fluently The same may be said about dudes Engineer Parsons and a 510ton locomotive went through a swing bridge at The engin eer was killed- who was injured in the runaway at In which Miss Annie Johnston was killed died his Injuries According to a judgment by Re corder Weir Montreal City cannot assess buildings in course of erec tion for the purpose of taxation Winnipeg April The Northern Elevator Companys building at Was burned at an early hour on Sunday with about bushels of wheat Loss about well in sured j Winnipeg April A severe thun derstorm passed over the Grand View district on Saturday Several horses the property Mr Dixon were killed by lightning and the farm house of Mr damaged April The boil er of the Charles sawmill at Ruby Ohio exploded today killing Charles Richard and two bona named and Gottxidge Several others were badly Injured Our Toronto hotter Fifty mechanics and from England who arrived at the Union station Monday were quickly hired by farmers at from to a month Few had any experience on farms Hall was crowded Monday night at the ninth annual Festival of the Lilies under the of the Methodist Social Union A feature was the singing a chorus of eight hundred children The flowers distributed to the sick by the children the Metropolitan church Sunday school this Caster were unusually fine and numerous The Chinese scholars gave particular ly flowers Divine service was held in a large per centage of this city churches on Good Friday and on the whole the attendance was unusually large not withstanding that very many citizens took advantage of the holiday excur sions to visit friends out of the city The excursions this year by both rail and boat exceeded all past records The Union Station resem bled exhibition crowds The little ferries in commission to the Island were taxed to their Utmost Albert of Brandon- who was found overcome by gas the begin ning of last week at the Globe Ho tel died at Uic Hospital Good Fri day night Mr John Richardson for East York who was quite ill at the opening of the Legislature was In the city this week He has recovered from his indisposition and able to tend to his ordinary farm work Long service medals were recently presented to seven members of the GovernorGenerals Body Guard presentation took place in the Ar mories The Bishop Toronto has appoint ed next Sunday as Lords Day Sun day in conformity with the request of the Synod Committee on the Ob servance of tho Lords Day Lord is to be dined by the officers the Toronto Garrison next Tuesday evening The Royal Grenadiers have decided to visit St Thomas on Victoria Day and remain over for a couple days Annual vestry meetings In Anglican Churches of this city were held on Monday offertory In most the churches was gratifying In the case of an appeal- In a recent gambling suit where the detftndarot was discharged oh the ground that the rakeoft not necessarily show more than what might be rea sonable for refreshments and cigars the court held that the defendant should been convicted Rake- dont count It is only neces sary to show that he kepi a house where gaming was carried on On a bright starlit night the tele- reveals plunged in the abys mal depths of numerous so- called Nebulae apparently misty clouds light either varied de finite i or somewhat the bo dycloud But though perhaps some of these spiral whirlwinds these dim mists fax the unfathomable depths of the are but constel lations in course yet the greater probability is that each is a separate universe a vast fcbai- course of suns and planets and satel lites some perhaps mature and in ttelr prime with their revolving planets or even inhabited for all that myriad host of worlds cannot have been formed for nought some like our own Jupiter or Saturn not yet fitted for but in course of ages set tling down to the present condition of our own earth or of Mara and others as our beautiful satellite dead and cold without air without water and without life charred worlds burnt up in some dreadful by gone conflagration And yet this tiny hazy va por is probably quadrillions of of miles in extent an assem blage of mighty burning suns per haps as numerous as the hundreds or thousands of millions in our own universe and presumably as bright and as beautiful Some a brilliant azure as bright as the pair of twin stars in the constella tion of the Serpent some at vivid emerald as the double star An dromeda or a lovely rosepink as the greencompanioned star in the Ship or gold or amber or a burning Ver million like many a star in our dis tant constellations or even per haps like the group in the constellation of the Cross it may be a whole universe of many colored stars Bub what a tornado of worlds does the little misty- cloud appear in the powerful telescope a very cyclone of celestial orbs a hurricane blazing suns whirling around its mighty vor tex here a section apparently wild ly launched into space with all its hosts of great luminaries another segment of the star cluster forming a brilliant spiral of suns its gem med filaments sepaTatd front the general body of tlw glowing mass while and there dark spaces in tervene which throw into bolder re lief the brighter bands of this whirl ing stellar galaxy But altho knowledge continues to advance yet it is still more or less a matter of conjecture as to these far off universes Perhaps the time will come when our telescopes will magnify as many diameters as our microscopes Then should we be able to see the roaring furnace ever blazing forth from the sun and to Medietas i Nervous Disorders Sick Headache Constipation Wind and Pains in Sto i Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver and Female Ailments i BY Thomaj Beecham St by all Druggists la Canada and America In boxes 35 cents E Sovereign Paid up Capital Rest Head Office Toronto- RANCHES Montreal Montreal West End fir Mount Albert Newmarket Ottawa Peith Toronto StouffvlHe Catharines Stirling Sutton Waterloo P ADVANTAGES OF Sayings Bank Department Interest allowed from date of deposit Cheques may be Issued Interest paid a year You are not obliged to deposit or any draw money oh Brat or last of tbe month You may do either at time Call and et of our Booklets or Write and we will send you one W Wallace Bruce Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH W J Stark Manager ALBERT BRANCH I COLONIST EXCURSIONS wo One way tickets at low on peer down those black abysses which sale until June to points and anon are delved out his fiery surface and to solve many a mystery the spheres and many a conjectural hypothesis as to our neighbors in the sides But when the time comes when on angel wings we take our sky ward flight these mysteries be revealed by the bright spirits who witnessed the creation of the worlds Unless indeed by refusing to accept the mediation Re deemer who holds out scarred hand towards and invites us to come to Him we are shut out from glory The latest attachment to a sell- binder Is a machine that carries the bundles along until there ate enough for a shock then sets them up as nice ly as could be done by hand Soon farm labor will be all done by ma chinery The farmer need only sit on his veranda and press button and ItiiVfito tifomt tana Colorado Utah Oregon Wash ington BRITISH COLUMBIA and CALIFORNIA BIT CLEMENS MINERAL BATHS Thousands visit Clemens every year for treatment rheumatism digestive troubles and dis orders Situated near Detroit it quickly and comfortably reached by tie Grand Trunk The ST CATHARINES The waters ol this famous well are a great specific for rheumatism gout- neuralgia nervous prostration also serve as a tonic Situated on direct line of Grand Trunk eleven miles from Ni agara Falls Booklets giving information either of above resorts on applica tion to A Agent or J District Passenger Agent Toronto i contracted Blood eradicated from At timet yon fcutllTO In no atrloaa remit will follow you any of the symptom Bore la the month falr oat of akin the body red dyaMpUd weak Indication a of tbe Co lock Dont rulnyonreyatem with tbe old fogy treatment mercury and for a lime only when Happy domett life Dont let experiment on you Our NEW guaranteed to cure yoa Our by bonis that the will of pat lent already Cured by our NEW TREATMENT for no return of the No no not A patch up bat a The caaea 1 will care make a Influence brain blood Iplmplea btotchea and ulcer become aa at and despondency disappear the ate become bright a face full and dear energy return to the body and the moral and more from and manly You feel youreeli a man and know We Invite all amlcted to marriage cannot be a failure and rob you of hardearned and ju fl KIDNEY and QliEET VARICOCELE KIDNEY and BLADDER and all to men and to matter Are yoa Victim hope marriage blood been Hate tteaa Our Hew Method Treatment Will core yon faaa treated you of Chaxr Stricture and Gleet treated an opinion Ytw of Charge Cnargea Golden Monitor llUuaUatlonDlaejeeaof BUM men M ft Coil FREE for Homo Cure an Ad In the a It its SHELBY ST DETROIT MICH

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