Newmarket Era, 17 Apr 1903, p. 6

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THE NEWMARKE E FRIDAY Buggies Repairing and General Prices moderate J COOK Agent Mount Albert Peter Hamilt Implements Fresh Jersey Cows Three Jersey Heifers due about June STOKES Mount Albert FARMS FOR SALE 3 Good Parma of of Mount Albert pood buildings Also one of acres with rood barn and house DAVIDSON Conveyancer Arc Mount Albert yate n at Lowest Bates A rv R MANAGES Dr Clark DENTIST Main Newmarket visits Mount Albert Tuesday of each Block upstairs Office a cm to FURNITURE You can save by buying your Furniture at the pit Furniture store A LARGER STOCK THAN EVER OF Bedroom Iarlor Extension Parlor Tables Lounges and Fancy We are amenta for Pillow Sham the celebrated Carpet Stretcher and Picture Framing a Specialty Goods delivered free of charge when ordered to quantity ALLAN THE MARKET Owing to the rain the v as not very well attended on Tuesday Prices as follows butter IS let eggs to We chickens to A MOTHERS I have used Chamberlains Cough Kerned for a number years and have no hesitancy in saying that it is the best remedy for coughs colds and croup I have ever used in my family have not words to express my confidence in this remedy Mrs J A Moore North Star Mich For sale by Lloyd OBITUARY Word has been received of the of Mr McCarthy son Mr McCarthy for a number years a resident of Sharon and Holt where be worked at Shocmalting re moving to Detroit some eats ago with his family His son Thomas was city electrician of Wyandotte A remarkable feature in with the young mans death was that as the spark of life expired all the electric lights in the city were ex tinguished and remained out for some moments Just What You Need Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets When you feel dull after eating When you have no appetite When you have a bad taste in the When your liver is torpid When your bowels are constipated When you have a headache When you feel bilious They will improve your appetite cleanse and invigorate your stomach and regulate your liver And bowels Price 25 cents per hoi For sale by Lloyd A GOOD WORD FOR CHAMBER LAINS COUGH REMEDY In December I had a severe cold and was so hoarse that I could not speak above a whisper says Allen Davis of Freestone tried several remedies but- got no re lief until I used Chamberlains Cough Remedy one bottle of which me will always speak a good word for that medicine- For sale Lloyd Spring Suitings Entirely New Stock of Worsteds Serges AND Tweeds Just arrived Dont fail to see them before placing your order We buy close and can give spe cial value We have employed a firstclass Tailor and guaran tee all our work Geo Haigh Sons MOUNT ALBERT Mount Albert Hew Wo are opening Spring Goods DAILY Call and inspect our new range of PRESS GOODS OAFS EMBROIDERIES INSERTIONS WALL Tallies Never Better ROSS BROS I ST ALBERT DRUGSTORE A CHOfCE STOCK OF Field and Garden Seeds Just Arrived Carrot Sugar Beet Mangel Turnip Seed sold at right prices A full stock of MATERIALS Constantly on Hand We alao carry a full line of Patent Medicine among Cure and clot receive day or night LLOYD TEMPERANCE MEETING When it became Mr Gorman had obtained the necessary number of names to his petition for the transfer of the hotel license her- a meeting was hurriedly called en Saturday afternoon in the roorn of the Presbyterian In addition to the local Messrs John Steeper Wm and about a dozen prominent temperance workers assembled Rev Cameron occupied the J Morgan moved and Mr seconded a resolution a committee to draw up a peti tion to do away with the al together The petition is being cir culated but there are only slight hones of being successful i Mr Walter Evans of the Central Business College Toronto spent Easter at his home here Mr and daughter of Mark- ham were visitors at the homo of Mr John Watts last week Miss Maggie Thirst of London was home for a few Says visit Miss spent Sunday at her home in Mr and Mrs spent Friday with friends Messrs French and Starry were to spend the Mas ter vacation Mr of was in town week on a Visit to his brother Mr Miss of BerrtiM College St was home tor the Master holidays Mr IVwi KeHer of Midland was in town on a visit to his brother last week Misses Florence Lloyd and Brooks were the city last week Mr Morgan of Vfctorfa University Toronto spent a few days at the borne or his brother Rev J Mor Mr Jos Tate of was home for his Easter holidays Mrs J Miss Shields and Mrs were tic city last week Miss has returned the city after spending a week at the home of her parents here Mr and Mrs of town were guests at the home of Mr Geo fast week Br and Mrs of Toronto spent a few days with friends Miss Chase and Miss McLennan of St Margarets Toronto were the guests of Miss Flossie Forrest last week Rev was in town on a visit to parents before starting for where he has been Mrs of spent a few days at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Terry Mr and Mrs of Roachs Were In town on a visit to her MrTand Mrs A good nineroomed house to rent Good Garden hard and softwater For particulars apply to Cookj Albert Mr Thos Rowland had the mis fortune to run a fork in his one day last week inflicting a painful wound The petition of Mr Gorman for tie transfer of the license of the Rosamond House received signa tures and has been presented to the license commissioners The ratepayers should remember by paying their statute labor tax before June 1st they get off with 0c per day It will cost per day if paid after that date The concert in the Presbyterian church on Good Friday evening out a large crowd Those who at tended were well pleased with the entertainment provided Some of the residents of Centre street are complaining about their lawns being occupied by young cou ples courting on Sunday evenings and on other evenings as well We fail to see what advantage is gained by going to church and round the streets talking nonsense af terwards Rev preached to a large in the Methodist church on Sunday evening Special Easter services were hed in the Presbyterian and Methodist churches on Sunday HOW TO WARD OFF AN ATTACK OF RHEUMATISM years when springtime came on and went into gardening I was to have an attack of rheumatism and every attack was more severe that the preceding one says Josie McDonald of Man Logan Co West Va I tried everything with no re lief whatever until I procured a bot tle of Chamberlains Pain Balm and the first application gave me ease and before the first bottle was used I felt like a new person Now I feel that I am cured but I always keep a bottle of Pain Balm in the house and when I feel any symptoms of a return I soon drive it away with one or two applications this liniment For sate by Lloyd par- For a bilious attack take Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick cure Is certain For sale by Lloyd Mr J Wright has purchased the Peter Belfry homestead and Is making very noticeable improvements Mr and Mrs P Stewart have been- spending Easier holidays with Or Pearson We all to see Mr who was from Granton for the holidays He is looking well ami seems to be enjoying his work there Miss and Mr Toronto spent Good Friday with Misses Mr Green who is attending school in Newmarket is homo for the Easter vacation Mr Joseph Turner Hamilton was home over Sunday Mr Norman was visiting at Mr Wights this week Mrs Terry and Miss Ida are visiting in Barrio and Mrs Wallace and Misa Thornton and Mr Simpson Toronto at the over Sunday Mr Sanders spent at Ids home- and Rev Mr Smith of Bradford took his work here The by the on Monday evening was a decided success base ment of the- Methodit Church was very prettily decorated and old Master refreshments of egg and buna crossed were daintily served in the claiisrooni Games and a program afforded for the guests many of whom came from and Keswick BREEZES Nathan Thomas returned from General Hospital on Saturday evening Very slight improvement noticeable Mr Rob has discarded his crutch a single cane assistance Root andRoy sons brood sows presented ttKfp wit4i large families of but Roy has and he is now quite an old granny Morton is again quite Falls iV CliS assignment was the source of surprise and public nothing to say thereof asTtfc9W what has been told taking has on for the past week under Charge of Messrs Arnold and f Mi Cameron Egypt after three years are Wess witb their mfetbabyTa daughter- She received a rousing Miss Sinclair is spending the Easter vacation visiting her for mer schoolmate aid neighbor Miss of In ye olden days the heathen Chinee used to put their enemies in warfare and expeditions to route by the use of stink pots containing vile compounds- more offensive to the than the essence of skunk which they threw amongst their assaiJants Per the charges the Tories arc trying the Chinese scheme to oust the Ross Gov ernment but so far no odor is per ceptible I guess the Grits are pure It must be the Tories that are rot ten after all The revelations re the Egyptian Chronicles has raised much comment Calling on a friend recently the sit down and says cant guess and shes a professional too who the fair Egyptian damsel is Now who is she Now I almost believe she would have wheedled me into tell ing for like little she has a winning way and a pleasant smile hut hearing a rustling noise my suspicions were aroused and an investigation revealed a couple of Egyptian beauties hiding in a dark comer listening with all their cars The secret was not revealed Mrs Julius and Master Willie of are home for a vis it at Father Win Heises Master Willie is a very precocious youth for his age lie says he is a clear Grit am sports a Davis Button on the lapel of his coat to keep in the good graces of his I guess and a Whitney button in his pocket No doubt tho little arch de ceiver wears the latter when around his pa a Mr and Mrs Geo Arnold Holt spent Easter here with relatives Thcyro always very welcome Misses Adelaide and Georgia Crit tenden spent Easter with City rela tives The Mount Albert scribe sighs for the curfew bell He may well do that if kids are as numerous there as in this burg where one is in immi nent danger of trampling them under foot And theyre not learning Lessons when out at such an un seasonable hour either Some of our mothers have tried in Vain to ef fect some reformation They arc politely or impolitely told to shut their mouths by those pert bids Chief Anderson would he a useful ot- here especially when there is a scrap or a big drunk as there is quite frequently Our milliner is very obliging and good to an old chap like me her extremely handsome dis play of ladles which com prises the loveliest I have ever seen and having travelled considerably in day Ive seen some beauties Our Artie be does not Mow about It has considerable conceit of himself as a rifle Some city swells were up here and spoke of their skill as snap and fancy marksmen Artie got out his rifle to have a try with them He soon took the starch out of them Speaking bf expert rifle shots little lady- a ministers wife by the way name not to be rifle experts here heads winning a rnost decisive The target w4saivW9VMer score was nine shots The best of her competitors was three out We would be delighted to have the Mount Albert Band up give us a sample of their capabilities If were not a number of little the way theyd become a great Furnishing Carpets Oil Cloths Wall H DIN Many a girl how on she is until she gets a hus band ROACHS POINTS- Albert formerly of the left on Wednesday for the Great Lakes where he has a po sition as second mate on one of the NEW STORE Just Arrived a good fresh stock of GROCERIES HARDWARE of every Hockey K AT E8 GOODS FANCY CHINA fteJPrtPfS Neatly Done SALT BY BARREL Central Telephone Baldwin success no doubt There is not much financial remuneration to a band but there is a deal of solid and satisfaction withal Mr Sam has erected a tasty wire fence in front of Squire- Heises lawn Early last spring Silas the fifteen year old sohe of Valentine Jr went in bathing took a chill and went Into a decline lie got thin as a shadow Medical ad vice and tbe persistent use oi Cod Liver Oil has restored him so he is how fat and hearty Gained pounds iii exactly a month Lige Sherwood has gone to Falls to hew out a home in the Little Johnnje Taylor Gum Swamp has attained his majority and with all the enthusiasm of youth Is starting out to see the big big world He has his eye on New On tario but where that may be he has a very imperfect idea Medical authorities say tuberculosis or consumption is not hereditary I wish I could credit that but I have too many startling evidences to the contrary one amongst my very dear est friends a family in which the father and three daughters have suc cumbed to the fell destroyer now an only son two more daughters arc in the final stages Quarterly services at Free Metho dist church here next Sabbath All welcome Miss Lyons Virginia lost a purse containing a goodly sum while at the market here last week It was pick ed up by David Wight Mr Lyons called on him last Thurs day and recovered purse and contents intact the Directorate of Sutton Fair Gentlemen The Almanac of almanacs says look out for furious storms on Sept to including the days set apart for your- annual fair Now its none of my funeral and I dont propose to stick in my bill but this almanac never fails Remember 1 have tfaee now Beware For the special delectation of my lady friends Im preparing my firstj last and only novel to he issued shortly Master Ross on Monday got out his cousins canoe on the sly and went on his Initial voyage of discovery Need I tell you what subsequently happened It- is as Ross suddenly discovered no mere childs play for a green hand to navi gate a cranky canoe Fortunately ho clung to the craft and landed on shore Some sweet things in hats What arc Well I declare Why our Baldwin beauties trigged up In our milliners finest productions to be sure Twould be the sight of their life for the scribe or any other for that matter New hats arc all the go these days Every body is interested A lively market characterized Bald win on Monday The Gordon Bros have quit having purchased a busi ness at Report says Mary Taylor is seri ously ill at The Owl HOLLAND LANDING Cool weather ami lota of rain lately fc Heeding order of the day dance at Taylors Hall on Monday was largely attended Mr Ernest West left for Michi gan on Tuesday where a lucrative position awaits him Ernie will bo greatly missed especially with the ladies The following spent Easter holi days Mr M Art and Miss Chapman Miss Miss J and several others Miss Little and Mrs Luck spent Easter holidays at To ronto Mr and family of Brace- bridge are spend ina a few days at her fathers Mr Mr Killough left on Wed nesday for Owen Sound where he will resume his position on tle steamer Manitoba for this season Mr is visiting friends at Leamington We under stand he will return with his bride We join in congratulations Lone may live in Blissful Harmony Mr MartinTaylor of Sutton has removed to his residence Wo are pleased to have him in our midst Q fcf IN Our Paints are the most durable Our Varnishes tin most glossy Our Alabastine and tho most beautiful tints Our Window Shades of the most handsome colors and designs Our Brushes of the best material All at most reasonable prices MOUNT Dont lose patience come what will patience ofttimes outruns skill One of our subscribers looked through the bible to find scripture to justify him in using tobacco and he found but one passage It is found in the last chapter of Revelations and is the second sentence of the eleventh verso Well bet that every one of the old sinners who use tobacco will read that verse within an hour alter reading this paragraph Try Own Emnlsion of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Bark An Excellent Remedy gUlvftttscmcM e -FOR- Colds AND Lung Trouble We keep the leading makes of Properly fit and them Forrests Drug Store MOUNT ALBERT Ready Mixed All Shades Beaver Brand Every Can Guaraiited Whitewash Brushes Scrubbing Brushes Everything for Housecleaning Time J ROWLAND Mount Albert Just Received Some Twenty Suit Lengths That we bought at SPECIAL PRICES r Wo will offer them to You Same A Blue Serge Suit only A Nice Tweed Suit only Si A Fancy Worsted Suit only We can recommend theso goods to you as values UptoDato S KELLER THE FASHIONABLE TAILOR Mount Pure Bred Stock For Sale Two Bulls one a yearling and the other years old Register ed Apply on lot S3 3rd Con East JOHN P O The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY CANADA board or oniECTons Andrew worth J Deputy Samuel Esq K 8 Clous- ton Sir Alex Accepted at Current It t tit DAVIDSON C SMITH Agent Albert Chief Air wit for f Dominion Notice is hereby given that it is the Intention ol the Council of the Township East at its session to be held in Sharon on FRIDAY JUNE to pass a BYLAW closing up the road known as thcLUNDY MILL ROAD from the Third Concession Line the Township of East to tbe westerly bank of the Holland River the said road being located on Lot Con 2 said Township the above proposed action all persons will take notice and govern themselves accordingly A J Township Clerk Township Office East April To Farmers A Improved Yorkshire Boar kept for service PO A large of Ped Timothy Seed Good Seed Peas and Black Oats All at Possible Prices SHIELDS MOUNT ALBERT DURHAM BULL North York License District Notice te hereby tbab appli cation baa been made to the License Board of above District lor a Trans fer of Tavern License from John Rosamond or Mount Albert to Nich olas Gorman the City of Toronto Dated this day of April A J License Inspector for Service on lot Also Tarn worth Boar J HUNTLEY MARRIAGE I fl0TTON do not aa a avail themselves the benefit to bo deriv ed In the papers This Is one of the most practical and easy methods of bringing buyer seller together and covers a large line of common wants on the farm

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