i gives more home news every week than say too other papers in North York combined and is acknowledged to be the Leading it INTELLIGENCES AND ADVERTISER ibe liberty to know to utter and to freely according to above all other liberty c rtii utiy No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance a HI No gl cento each Newmarket Friday April 24 1903 per annum If paid In advance and a Stove or Range are quite alike The handsomest may not be best but when you do find these qualities to- as in Moffats National Stoves and Its an Awful Nice Combination I y v J GENERAL HARDWARE AND Agency for Moffats Ranges NEWMARKET A Fresh Supply of the Best Garden and Field Seeds AT- Pure White Pink and White Lavender Mauve and the best mixed varieties BEETS Half Intermediate Flat Egyptian Ren- Turnip C R Ronnies Extra Early White Cory Early Minnesota- Country Gentleman per pound LETTUCE Nonpareil Cabbage Toronto Gem etc per PEAS Extra Early American Wonder McLeans Little Gem Excelsior Improved Stratagem per lb A Mammoth Long Red Giant Yellow Intermediate per lb SUGAR BEET Royal Giant and Danish per pound Five pounds at per pound BROUGHTONS D Parkers Dye Works Agent Canadian Express Co Light Cartage and baggage despatch Telephone No Pago Acme Poultry Netting A MM flf through It MA crawl through Poultry Netting at bottomed top aril Tat Pace Co Limited Montreal and 8 For the Era The Gloaming I eventide sweet hour of rest When daylight fades and darkness grows We fold our across our breast And in the quiet seek repose The firelight flickering on the wail Its grotesque shadows throws blessed hour musing thought When the days weary tasks are done V To think has been wrought From rising the- setting sun Reviewing all in Waning light failures made and victories woo m To sit and watch the stars come out Like twinkling eyes to watch l world Lest men forget their God and doubt That He the stars of heaven un furled as a banner Into space Which from infinity he hurled An interim of restful peace To hold our heart And contemplate the future place Where we shall dwell when wo To join the great majority the Word of God our chart To bend our ear and catch the sound nature uttering her speech Above and all around Harmoniously their lessons teach That God is in power A few of the many owners of lfLll The uptodate Separators made Benjamin Howard fiaraii Gilbert Johnson James Kennedy Thomas Brown and jjrade Oil always on hand for Hale Powers and Fixtures Bring a sample of your doubtful cows and have accurately Jfcojyiave you J- Sharon HOME FOR W4W Subscribe ism y and get all Pedestrians hurrying apace Returning homeward it may be To his or her home restingplace From weary toil and cares released Whom loved ones greet with smit ing face The lighted lamps along the That glimmer through curtain drawn r w- A substitute for solar To be extinguished at the dawn When garish day awakes the To vigorous toil of brain and Our life is but a fleeting day merges noon The glowing hours will not delay And night appears- in shadows soon Old age the gloaming death the rest 1 And heaven the souls eternal boon P Richmond Hill April The will build about of new railway west this summer Rev Father lost his life in a flrc that destroyed the presby tery at St Paul do Que Joseph Man lost his life in attempting to rescue his horse from a burning stable Through failing into a vessel of dough or sponge a child at ears- ley near Bolton was suffocated The Daily Telegraph estimates British national debt at compared with in Owing to the Increased traffic on the a daily steamship service will soon he established between Owen Sound and Fort William Western Liberal representatives watted upon and urged the uction of a State- owned railway in Western Canada The Harvester Company have let contracts for worth of new buildings at Hamilton and may spend a quarter of a mil lion more for the same purpose An agreement has been concluded between a syndicate and a Chinese corporation whereby all ri valry the work of railway con struction companies in China has been ended An Ottawa grocer returning from a party found his hired girl lying oh the floor with a bul let wound in her neck fhc had been handling his revolver and it was accidentally discharged E Davis Inspector of Factor ies and workshops for Illinois says in the Nestor Works in St Louis he has found i years doing work ttot should be given to men and that other factor ies are transgressing similarly In on Friday a num ber of yountf input went shooting with rifles and air son of shot thru the back with a rifle bullet pen etrating the right The doc- have bones of Dealt of Sir Mo Wat j Ontarios Governor R STATE At Government House Toronto about 10 oclock on Sunday morning last Ontarios honored Sir Oliver passed peace fully away to that bourne from whence no traveller returns From intimations given in the daily press of the city for two or three days previous respecting his critical condition the general public were or less prepared for the an nouncement of his demise in Mondays papers hut notwithstanding this the news of his death was received with became evident that he could not recover Since that time he has been growing gradually weaker 11 Sir Oliver was born at- Kingston on July He came of good Scotch stock being one of the ats of Caithnessshire Scotland the restorers and owners of the ancient castle of the Vikings in Scotland His father John was a soldier who had seen service under Wellington In the Peninsular wars with France His mother was Mary also or Caithness The elder lived at which left in coming Hi sincere expressions of mournful re gret without regard to party During bis last hours the aged statesman was surrounded by his family all of whom had re mained within call since they were summoned to his bedside at midnight on Wednesday the a long vigil of eighty hours They were Sheriff and Mrs Mr Arthur and -Mowat- Mr and Mrs Mr Thos KC and Mrs and Miss Mowat For over two days to his demise the venerable statesman had been in a comatose condition and was quite unconscious to everything him when he passed away Indeed so quietly and peacefully did end come that anxious watch ers at his bedside did not fully real ize the fact until the attending- physi cians announced to them that the spirit had taken its flight As conflicting reports appeared in the press concerning the accident to deceased his medical attendants is sued the following official statement on Saturday morning last On the day of January last his Honor the Lieutenant- Governor was walking by himself up and down the hall at Govern- mcntiljouse watching his grand- children at play when he tripped and fell heavily sustaining a frac ture of the neck of tho right thigh He a great of pain and discomfort but ft gradually recovered was able to walk with some assistance and to support his weight upon the injured limb On Sunday night whilst be was being undressed for bed and whilst two of the the act lilting Mm from his chair the right thigh a short distance above the centra of the bone and some six inches below j the previous break Tho wau tel being admlnls- tered for the purpose and the no- ctsary splints were applied His honor stood tho effects the injury well and no Symptoms til Tuesday night when his heart action began to fall sand Canada and settling in Kingston The of the marriage was five children three sons and daugh ters Oliver was the first child He was educated at private schools in his native city one of his teachers being Rev John at that time held in high esteem as a teacher of youth After leaving school he chose the profession law for a future calling and was called to the bar in and removed to- Toron to He was created a in Later he entered public life and was chosen Alderman for consecutive terms In he was elected to old parliament of Upper and Lower Canada for South Ontario and continued to represent that IJiding till In ho entered the Cabinet as Provincial j Secretary those Were days rapid political changes Parties were pretty evenly divided in the Commons and while the new try were out of the House seeking election the par ity which had just been defeated advantage the situation and voted in the new Liber al Administration the situation known in political history as the double shuffle In he the Government and became PostmasterGeneral oc cupying that portfolio till Minis try was defeated In Just vious to rapid changes and al most political deadlock which finally eventuated in Confederation In that year Sir Oliver was appointed to tho bench as Vice Chancellor of Ontario ICight years later yielding to the call of the Liberals of his native Province he resigned his position on bench to reenter political as Premier ot Ontario and continued to with very large acceptance to- the people thru six general elections again yielding to the desire of his party Sir Oliver accepted the portfolio of Minister of Justice Wilfrid Adrntnlstration and assist ed Ih his patty in power at Ottawa Eighteen months liter viz November 18th l7htiws appointed -Cover- nor of Ontario in succession to the late Sir- John KirfepatricV whoso term theoj expired In 189a Sir Oliver was made KOMO and t of deceased as a public man fidelity to duty the observes career proves that however much the people may love the rhetorician the man of brilliant part they never fail to trust in the very highest degree that other who not infrequently reaches a far higher place by sheer force of useful achieve ment In him Liberalism was an intellectual faith superimpose upon instinctive conservatism Cautious in all he did his sagacity was almost unerring As an alderman of as a member of the old sembly of the as a Judge upon the Bench as Premier of for a generation as Minister of Justice in Sir Wilfrid Lauders Gov ernment and in the years of semiretirement in the Government House Sir Oliver never for got that a public office is a public trust and that the man in whom his fellow citizens place their confidence must not spare himself either in body or estate in the public service He died as we may- be sure he hoped to die revered all the representative no longer of a party Crown of which he had long tinguished scrvantsiTi full of years or honors of those who may seek to sit in the place so long- occupied by The Little Premier Two previous of Ontario have died in office viz Mr Crawford in and Sir Alex Campbell in Sir Geo Kirk- patrick has died since Sir Olivers occupancy of the office so that Hon exLietuGovernor of Ontario W P is the only surviving The Funeral The body of the late Lieutenant- Governor was kept lying in state at Government House from to on Tuesday and from to on Wednesday when prominent citizens from far and near took the opportun ity to view the remains and pay tribute of respect The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon to Mount Pleasant Cemetery The cor tege was the greatest Toronto citi zens ever witnessed Six members of tile Caithness Society acted as pall bearers Bachelors not Wanted One of the smalt States composing the Argentine Republic has no use for bachelors The law holds that a man is marriageable when he is twen ty The exchequer gives point to the opinion by taxing all bachelors of between twenty and thirty five dol lars a month After thirty and up to thirtyfive the lax is increased per cent Between thirtyfive and fifty single blessedness costs twenty dollars a month From his fiftieth to his seventyfifth year a bachelor may follow his own wild road by paying thirty dollars a month After that comes relief The vicious ex ample of an unmarried man of be tween seventyfive and eighty is con sidered neutralized by a payment only twenty dollars a year and when the eightieth birthday is passed the treasury finally ceases from wor rying I A widower is given three years in which to mourn and choose a succes sor but a man who can prove that he has proposed and been rejected three times in one year considered to have earned immunity the Baby I can truly say that had it not been for Babys Own Tablets I do not believe my would have been alive today So writes Mrs Al bert Luddington of St Marys Riv er and she adds He is now growing nicely Is good matured and is getting fat It is gratifying te all parts of a real blessing to children and a boon to mothers ihesc Tablets are a speedy relief and prompt cure for constipation stomach wind colic diarrhoea worms and simple lovers They break up cold prevent croup and allay the Irritation ac companying the cutting of teeth Babys Own Tablets are good for chil dren of all ages from birth upwards and are guaranteed to contain no opi ate or harmful drug Sold by dealers or sent by mail postpaid box by writing direct to the Dr Williams Medicine Co I London April Hundreds of Lancashire cloth weavers are pre paring to emigrate to Canada where they have been promised work la mills- American competition is an nihilating certain kinds of weaving in Oar Toronto better The punster in the Telegram puts the question this way If a rakeoff constitutes a gambling the question this way taking a book on the Kings Plate in which the bookie takes all the money It is now up Torontos Morality Department to answer the question Owls are commonly supposed not to in the day time but the large horned- owls which have been let loose in the St Lawrence Market for the purpose or removing the sparrows ap pear to contradict idea A movement is on foot among land ed proprietors to have Queen Street extended through High Park to River Old maps show a road allowance laid out thereon The cement is a new to be established here acres of land have been purchased as th6- site near the River newly arrived Londoner learned that Canadian justice in this bloom ing country has the same force to wards Englishmen as He indulged in beer he thought he owned Canada and then finding his way to the street found a horse and wagon which was riot doing anything so he went for a drive In the Po lice Court he was taxed for his escapade or days in quod The line of ami Oak- Electric Railway will follow the Lake Shore south of the skirmishing close to the lake through Lome Park and coming out at Point Florence J Wilkinson late of Toronto one of the Canadian teachers in the Transvaal writes that she and Miss Mabel for- merly of have been re-en- gaged at for three years- During the past week Rev Dr Potts presided at a meeting in New York of the Lesson Commit tee He was appointed by the In ternational Sunday School Conven tion in Denver last Summer The Young Mens Conservative Club with quarters at the Arcade defaulted in rent The case came be fore Judge in the Division Court recently and he gave judgment against all the parties whose names were on the agreement for The Pork Packing Co J of has issued a writ payment of calls on the Companys stock against A of Ux- for Robert Young of Brock for and J Hart of Lindsay for The Governor General and suite are in tin city and will remain till af ter the May meet at the Woodbine Judge Winchester began his official duties as County Court Judge on the It is said he will con- duct the work of his court along im proved lines Regular days ainl reg ular hours have already been named for business County Court Cham bers will be held Mondays Wednes days and Fridays James Scott a bartender at the Stag Hotel was arrested on a charge of keeping a disorderly house where betting is carried on The arrest arose out of a wager on the Lincoln shire race Scott was bailed in to appear today for trial A runaway team on the from Yongo St wharf knocked down and instantly killed John Walker years of age who was crossing the railway tracks at the time The driver of the team was dragged some distance before letting thenV The Corinthian so it is announced will be the first mail steamer via the St Lawrence leaving Montreal on Saturday May 2nd A superannuated Methodist clergy man named Rev Geo Richardson died at his residence here on Thurs day night of last Week Heart trou ble y The difficulty between the striking painters and decorators and their ployers been arranged and the men aro at work In the Cour of Appeal at Hall Friday the appeal of the do- in the- case of Summers against the of York from judgment County Court of York in favor ot the Railway Company as to tho liability of the latter in respect a Judgment recovered- by the plaintiff for injur- ies received thru the nonrepair of a was dismissed In words the County cade f Late on Thursday night while crosa the bay in a who had been ehgagedV laying sidewalk oh the Island when about forty feet from the shore be- came frightened at the boisterous sprang overboard turning the boat and sank in about eight or ten feet water