THE NEWMARKET ONTARIO BAN REST Total HUD a CHAJB NEWMARKET BRANCH A General TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits At DRAFTS ISSUED At ALL fitarlln toujbto lira and prank AUCTIONEER Collected Street Newmarket Bolton Practical and street Lane tod BYES J SMITH SPECIAL DOUGLAS CO Stocks paying and Original and Office Reformer Block Jag Bills Architect Boom Manning Chambers said Estimates nude foe all kinds building Weeks Brisk Mrs Geo Greensides purchased a vacant lot Niagara Street and intends building a solid brick house for herself and family this summer The contract was let to Mr Andrew Hunter last week and the house is to be ready lor occupation by first week in October from Home for fl Good news for campers The Economist says The Metropolitan Railway is being extended Newmarket on to the lake They will bate to get a little more a move cm than they have had for the past year or will never get to the North end of Main Street I Brought to Time Last Friday Constable Savage went to Junction and brought a man named Smith to Newmarket- who formerly resided near to answer to the charge of entered Mr Woodcock by his wife The matter was ar ranged before going to and the case was dismissed on payment of costs amounting to over Would You Banish Dangerous Spring TRY NATURES CURE I R the caretaker Newmarket Cemetery suffered last week- with a sprained arm For three nights he could not even sleep We are pleased to report that he is better this week and hopes to he able Cemetery grounds Id their usual good order shortly The tulips are coming on nicely and will likely fa bloom earlier than tiffin Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES 1 the Office Newmarket issued At private residence if NEWMARKET LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones Allan Out Door Now la the time to have your home everything Is and green and the foliage is not too thick SMITH Andrew Hunter Builder Contractor Estimates Given On Short Notice Boiler Setting Granolithic Valk Granolithic porches arid Front Door Steps Before going elsewhere consult ANDREW St P big crowd last V There were a great many visitors at Newmarket both Sunday and the Sunday before Mr Ronan sports a fine new V TOe Town Assessor has the new roil nearly completed Flags were flying at all over Town the first three days of this week owing to the death of Ji r Next Friday is Arbor Day The Council should order trees plant ed on the Corporation flats Candidates who intend to write at the approaching Entrance should nbtlty the before next Friday There is a general scurry around Town by the young ladies for wedding dresses of and years ago to wear at the Concert next Friday night Its going to he a grand af fair A lot of nursery trees were dis tributed here last Saturday Sunday Collection The Executive of the North York Sunday School Association has fixed the first Sunday in May as the day for all schools in the Riding to take up the annual collection for Provin cial Work The announcement should be made next Sunday so that the children may be prepared The officers of the Provincial Asso ciation request that each school gives for every member on the roll and if this is done they will have suffi cient funds to carry on tbe work with satisfaction The Sunday Schools of ttiis Prov ince owe a debt of gratitude to the Provincial Association and they nev er should feci that this small obliga tion is a burden The International series of lessons with all the cheap helps that teachers have today arc the outcome the Provincial Asso ciation which has helped in the past and is helping now in every county Besides this it has planted schools to and Algotna where there are no churches and an organisation tour thru New On tario very shortly to keep work abreast with the immigration movement It needs all the encour agement it can get and parents should see that the children are provided with the necessary collection AND YOU WILL QUICKLY RE JOICE IN NEW LIFE While headaches are varied in char acter and are produced by a variety of causes the majority of victims suffer either from nervous or bilious headache When neglected form will quickly cause serious suffer ing and will assuredly prostrate the system Nervous headaches to which women are specially subjected arise from weak and inflamed nerves heavy and dull brain poor circulation and debility Bilious are usually accompanied by sickness and vomiting They result from inac tive liver- digestive disturbances or sore and constipated bowels In the springtime able and experi ences physicians urge upon those who are subject to headaches the use of Celery Compound In tens of thousands of cases this wonderful remedy has produced happy and per manent results after all other modes of Unlike other medicines claiming popular attention Celery Compound gives prompt and effective results It gives to weak and sick people an im mediate supply of- nerve pure Mood active liver and perfect digestive vigor The Celery Compound is not simple reliev ing of pain it reaches the root and causes of disease and per manently banishes the trouble- Mrs Garland Crawford St Toronto says Paints Celery Compound has most wonderfully improved my health Before using it my appetite was poor Was weak and debilitat ed and sufTered much from headache Your compound has made me a new woman and I wish it the success so richly deserves- Ontario Tories also feel un easy at the mandate the electorate on the Starch last and have filed a protest against the election of Mr George Grant at the bye- elect which turned down Hon Foster Guess this is true in the Toronto Star suggests is barely possible that the reason a ma jority of Conservative is not put oh the Redistribution bill com mittee is that the Government de sire a redistribution and not a gerry mander The Telegram makes the announce ment in Hack type that it and the are the only city papers publish verbatim reports of the pro ceedings before the Royal Commis sion and declares the reports in the other Toronto papers are merely more or less one sided condensations of the proceedings- 7r At the Spring Assizes with Mr Justice Meredith presiding the President and Directors of the Ontario Coal Dealers Association were found guilty of illegally conspir ing to lessen competition in the sale and purchase of coal This estab lishes a fact Criminal Code is sufficiently strong- in its powers to make combines come to time Tribute to a i Our Sunday Lesson Faculty it is a admiration tells us of an 3 Regular meeting last Monday even ing Present Coo Robert son Lloyd Hughes and Smith Mr Geo Williams was heard before the Council with reference to having one ewe killed and two injured with dogs Referred to Corn Following bills passed Packard Co Bell Telephone Co rent and messages Met freight to lie paid by Co K Maiming supplies T United Factories rep Pay Sheet A to be paid if found correct Communication of John Currey re garding electric light referred to Com Communication ol Arthur Cook Chicago offering a boiler compound referred to Com Or Richardson arrived and took bis seat Col Lloyd complained about the delay in the audited accounts also about a light on St that has been greatly neglected The Col was also anxious that the cheque of the Metropolitan Co he confiscated if the cars arc not running by- the 1st ot May Council adjourned glanders call generally exacts Washington Post colored man who recognized it even in the beauty of a windowgarden The window was a mass ot sweet peas in bloom The mistress of the house was looking carefully at the boxes and snipping a tew dead leaves The old man evidently per ceived that she knew how but per haps he wondered how so much love liness could come from simple flowers like sweet peas My he exclaimed as be turned away efsome was to plant a Jewsharp come up a The Folly Pays to PAULS JOURNEY TO JERUSALEM Golden Text The will tbe Lord be done Acts 312 April INTRODUCTION This lesson presents an interesting glimpse of oriental travel in classic days There Is much pictorial element in it and it should not be difficult to claim and keep the best attention But we will lose its mean ing if we drop from our mind for a moment olden Courage in daily duties however humble There is a leading of our lives We may see only the bunds and im prisonment hut God sees the most fruitful period our life It is still true that the way of the good man is ordered by Lord Great results for the world hang on events that seem unimportant Unlike some who become selfishly absorbed in the one work or one place to which they feel called Paul found many opportunities on the way to It is the purpose a mans life and the hope he cherishes which gives courage and inspiration for his work Blasts are the dew of the spirit mushy religion will not make men To conceal truth is to congeal the heart A firefly religion will never warm this cold world- Patience is a fruit plucked only in the gardens of pain Heights of consecration may follow depths of convictions The only way to exclude the evil is to entertain the good Only the insignificant man counts anything as insignificant Watching others is often an attempt to hide our own weakness Dlessed is the man who does not draw his ideals from his idols When a man is in the right he is not afraid of being misrepresented- The seats in heaven will not be as signed by the size of pur heads The hand will feel cold to man the heart is not in touch with God jr GIVE US A CHANGE TO YOU HARDWARE COMPLETE EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE fit JI i The Pharmacy Next door to Post Office O 9 0 I A J A speculator came home recently where he had a new wife just from a town waiting to receive him He had been caught that day and was not happy love she wailed what has gone wrong with you Everything he answered deject edly No not everything darling for I am still true and loving Yes you are all right but its that stock exchange The stock exchange Yes What is a stock exchange love Its a place dear where any fool can his stock of cash for some other mans stock of experi ence Why dear have you met a fool today O no lovethe other man met the fool but lets talk something else v you have to wait until next winter for your sealskin THOMPSONS REPAIR SHOP Pitapat Ave am IRON WORK REPAIRED ON Lawn A TfiOMPSOH Machinist It is again asserted that Lord Roberts has decided to tour America InHhcfaU Miss Alice who fell down an shaft at Loudon died from he injuries Winnipeg April The at Areola was entered by bur glars last night The Winnipeg mail bag was cut open and two thousand dollars taken from registered letters also other papers to the value of about There Is no clue to the as yet MOTHER If your child comes in from play coughing or showing evidences an approaching la throat or sickness of arty kind flrst thin get out your bottle ftub the neck i6d ebeV give of of every two boors pte vtfit any trouble No meat or pain reliever equal poisons which la a necessity in ev ery household Large bottles coot only The house at Pretoria owned by Kruger was sold at auc tion for Mrs Jacob Cramp was probably fatally burned her clothes catching fire as she was cook ing dinner Kingston has forced to put in an overhead bridge at a cost of at the companys ex pense Two convicts at Kingston Peni tentiary while at work in the laundry had their arms broken by the burst ing of a large wheel A Montreal mail cart driver was fined for driving a horse in an un fit condition for work In passing sentence his expressed his opinion strongly that it was a dis grace that his Majestys malls should bo conveyed by such a miserable ani mal as the one In question More boats have bocn repaired and fitted out at Kingston this spring than in many previous years This has furnished considerable addition al work lot the plumbers etc The early formation of ice caused extra boats to tie up there Morris of Ottawa who en tered the coal business with the ob ject of breaking up the combine said yesterday that he Would not follow the other dealers and reduce his price to His will be ho claims public support on account his efforts break combine George one of the rang ers la Algonquin Park recently cap tured two poachers flowers and Bush The latter wore armed with rifles but conduct ed them single handed to the case was in chancery the call grew I lodge by whom they were to be a cow became a mother and to jail at Parry Sound for bad to change his case around days Their offence was illegal to meet the new capture of Halifax April the short space one hour from to last night fire did more than 000 on one the principal blocks of the city Baden Powell the Brit ish- army who is touring America- called on Secretary Root at Washing ton and inspected American cavalry and tactics Thp entrance to the on will be in a thousand troops will be brought over gradual Asia Minor Over two hundred cars of wheat have arrived last two days at the eieyator Arthur from and there is now over bushed in storage Health Reynolds of Chicago proposes that when anyone is fieca spitting In a street car the following card be handed to him You are Violating the law spitting You are subject to a fine or imprisonment or fbptb By or der of the Department of Health In the Into the on the Intercolonial at Wind- Junction the general belief Is that engine was all right engineer fell asleep owing to apt thai Was off duty between yjght hat of accident btaglstf ate- Belleville has given judgment in the farmers cow case that has caused such interest among the Indians on the Hell Brant charged Abraham Baptist with appropriating a calf While We have now a Pure Drugs Sundries comprising choice Stationery Toilet Piepar Soaps and Sponges AtomixerB Hot Water Bottles c Ml I I I fc Full of Patent Medicine at lowest reduced prices I I in I I If I pfc We pay special attention to our Prescription A Call Solicited He His Ouin speaking of America once said that the North cursed the ne gro and bade him be free and the South blessed him and bade be a slave His theory gives point to the story told In the Arkansas Thomas Cat One of the oldtime Southern ne groes went to Boston to make his fortune After a week of walking and down he found peimiess and no work in sight Then he went from house to housed EI yo please sah ho began when his ring at the front door was answered cant gib a culled man work do or eat And polite answer invariably was No Mister very sorry but have nothing for you All who answered his ring address ed him as Mr but shut their doors and their heart against him final ly he rang the bell at front A gentleman appeared and old man began is in Cant gimme some victu als black kinkyheaded rascal exclaimed the gentleman How dare you ring the bell at my front door Go round the backyard way to the kitchen and the- give you some thing you black But Just here the old man on his knees exclaiming Thank dc I hah man own white folks at las Thank I em em The NORMAN ROGERS CO J PATTERSON AGENTS FOR THE GREAT NORTH WESTERN TELEGRAPH COMPANY OF CANADA Phone No OUR Boot and Shoe Stock COMPLETE I Hats Gaps the I All at Dry Goods Prices AT THE- if I It is a great gift to be born with a hatred and contempt of all Injus tice and meannesaGcorge Eliot The merchant who falls to adver tise docs a small amount business as compared with his neighbor who advertises One who should know says To give a clean bright appearance to a linoleum floor surface wash it well with soapsuds and rinse with clear warm water until perfectly clean As soon as surface la dry apply a coating of equal parts raw linseed oil and turpentine using a wide paint brush for the application Sick Headaches try liese Pills remove the cause act Yoti will feel Kvcrywhcrti- In Your Candy Where it is Made Fresh Eyery Day Brown Mixtures per pound Maple Cream plain per pound Cream Wlnuta per pound Drops do Mixed do Humbugs do Salte do Peanut Crisp do Chocolate Dates do New Lemons Dates 20 20 FRESH Now Currants Peels Goods at Lowest Prices TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE I J