Newmarket Era, 24 Apr 1903, p. 7

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1- THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY APRIL iQ03v CHINA HALL ladies Fine Shoes for Spring have had most perfect selling and from the large of Ladies enquiring for Toe tteeks Hems Ola band Removed AU that was left of the old Mars- den Storehouse on the corner of Main and Huron Street after the fire last winter is being torn down this week and carted away Mr Archie Good win purchased building from Messrs Cook Bros and is finding some choice sticks of Umber The corner will soon be cleared up and it will make an excellent build ing lot property is now for sale Fine We know they give every satisfac tion to the wearer They Fit Perfectly They Look Neat and Stylish They Wear Well They are just what the Ladies want Price JUST OPENED The best value in Ladies Oxford shoes at and worth it least more per pair GROCERY DE COMB HONEY choice quality 10c and 15c a section STRAINED HONEY fine quality lb or in paSls CHINA DEPART MENT This season we are importing our Dinner and Toilet Sets direct from manufacturers and will give you fir better quality at no more cost OPENED OUR NEW TOILET SETS Pieces for worth DINNER OUR NEW COMBINATION OP USEFUL PIECES at Only Would be good value at Come and for yourself We carry largest stock outside city and at close prices There was a good attendance at the meeting on Monday night and trie program was provided by the The president Mrs occupied the chair and- dur ing the evening gave an outline of the Societys work A bible read ing was given Mrs Cane Mrs Geo read an article on Japan and Mrs Jackson gave a selected reading bearing on mis sionary work Miss Gray arid Miss Lush contributed a duett At conclusion of the program Rev J moved a vote of thanks and expressed tbe hope that the ladies would give another pro gram shortly Next Monday the League will have An Evening with Canadian Poets Mr Neil Dyke will take the lesson and Mr A Coombs will introduce subject I 100 Lamps at Job Prices to clear out we want the roomfrom to worth double The Leading Reliable A Telephone ATKINSON Optician NEWMARKET YEAR Try Them The Canada Feather Washing Co have located in town and arc now prepared to handle any amount of orders guaranteeing satisfaction to one and all Old Folks Secure your tickets at Drug Store for the Concert next Fri day night in aid of the Public Drink ing Fountain on the Market Square The program should attract a house Encourage home talent your presence and at tbe same time show your interest in local enter prises The costumes worn on t occasion by the odd people take part will be the talk of t Town for many a long day The mu sic is specially selected and embraces the choicest favorites ball a cen tury ago and will bring to remem brance many happy occasions in the boyhood and girlhood days of the oldest people in Town The concert will be enjoyed alike by young and old from two different standpoint young for its oddity and the old for its memories of other days Be sure to read the posters are very attractive being printed on brown paper They announce that Patience Doro thy and Susan will be assisted by Wright Short Van Allan and Father Wait Dame Faithful Lighttouch will play upon ye harpsichord Timeraiser will lead ye singing Ye not ed Maid Mason will give some spoke Ye door will be unbarred at of ye clock at of ye clock ye singers will begin KeepallstHl will see that ye youths keep quiet and there is no going on Tickets are York shillings Ye can ketch ye newfangled stage coach for ye neighboring of Aurora after ye Under management It is stated that the Metropolitan Street Railway has been purchased by the Toronto Street Railway Co Alluding to the current report the Telegram of Tuesday has this to say From an authentic source Is learned that the arrangements have now been completed by which the Metropolitan Railway passes in to the possession of the Toronto Street Railway Company The Met ropolitan has been operated by the Street Railway Company for some time but transaction by which it became the property of the latter was only recently settled When seen today by the Telegram Manag er Keating refused to give any infor mation One of the four new passenger cars has been running since Monday morn ing and is a dandy It is built with a smoker and baggage at one end and the car runs as smooth as a Grant Trunk Coach The seats are placed with an aisle down tbe centre seat accommodate two persons are covered with basket work and are very comfortable The backs are re versible so tbat a group of four- per sons can converse very nicely A commodious parcel rack Is provided the entire length of the car on both Everybody that has had a ride in the car is well pleaded The pilot light is so strong that it is almost like a search light at night larger and heavier than the other cars it is slower in gaining speed liter a stop consequently the has all he can do to make fcchedute time Passengers should remember and not cause unneces sary delays In getting on and of the cars It Is to be hoped that the other new cars will soon be put in to service There la another advantage pas sengers can get on and on the car at side at both ends I am an architect and a few years ago was charged with the erection of a building in Boston in the construc tion of which I used a considerable quantity granite I bought some of the stone of a down east woman whom I knew as Widow One day I called my assistant Mr Ben jamin Barker into my room and said Look here Barker youve got to go down to Widow Haleys She sent word there is some stone ready for us and 1 want it all looked over before it is shipped espe cially those pillars Cor the entrance Very well sir replied Barker Ill take first train tomorrow and be back tomorrow night No said I dont do anything of the sort Sit and write tie old youll be down to trie place Saturday and then shell meet you at train Besides that she will kill a yellowlegged chicken for your dinner It was about oclock when Barker reached A mentions and when the train had gone he was like the world renowned Robinson Crusoe Monarch of all he surveyed and he felt to a slight extent as Mr Cru soe felt when he found himself all and a long ways removed from anywhere But he was noli a great to his meditations It was than five minutes before his attention attracted to a of dust rising through the trees in the direction in which highway leading by the statfmeerh- to run The cloud of nearer very rapidly and suddenly powerful bay horse hitched to a Concord wagon bounded into view and when Barker saw that a woman held the lines be conjectured that the woman was Widow Haley and she was The horse approached the station at a smart pace and was brought to a standstill with a suddenness that must have given a shock to his ner vous system Good morning madam said Bar ker luting bis bat and at the time moving toward the wagon He had been standing in such a position tbat the woman had not obtained a fair look at and as she mover out into full view she seemed to see something in him which bad at first escaped her attention Barker no ticed that she gave a little start and she had to pause a little before she spoke But when she did speak it was with directness and with ho embarrassment Tin Haley she said Be you the man from Architect was to meet me el Barker no sooner set eyes on this picture than he was ready to share with the widow and the two their astonishment at his resemblance to the man who had been years dead When dinner was served Barker found the yellowleg ged chicken- which had been promised him and sundry other things good to eat He enjoyed his dinner im mensely until a servant spille4 quart bowl of hot pudding down his back and neck When that happened he uncomfortable for a minute which was perfectly natur al of course Youd better take the coatoBan have it cleaned before the stuff dries in said the widow But objected Barker cant go around in my shirt sleeves Would you be asked the widow to wear one of coats Certainly madam said Barker The widow bustled up stairs and was soon back again holding out a longtailed shiny black coat Bar ker took the coat and after regard ing it for a little while as it hung suspended from his thumb tore- finger by the back of its heck he put it on and finished his dinner He was still wearing the coat later when the widows daughter arrived home from North Berwick Now it happened that this coat was the very one which the late lamented wore when the photograph was taken of- which mention has been made and clad in it Barker looked more like bis prototype in the picture than before When the widow presented him to her daughter the young wo man caught the as quick ly as her mother had although she had ho recollection of her abhex only how he looked by ha familiarized herself with Wf the bis photograph fail to J a similar- 1 Yes Im your man Barker swered Shall I climb in Mrs Haley gave her assent and when Barker was seated by her side she hit the horse a vigorous slap with the end the lines and he was soon pulling his load briskly over the road which he had recently trav elled in an opposite direction It was about four miles to the quarries and though Barker made several tempts to engage the widow in con versation he got very little out her more than yes and no until the ride was almost completed But he was conscious that the widow was greatly interested in him for he could see that She was all the while as openly as she dared engaged in looking him over They were well along in the last mile of the road when Barker turning sharply around caught the widows eye while she was gazing earnestly upon his face Well he said good natu redly what is it The woman blushed and turned her head away suppose I was rude she said when she had thought out her reply but I couldnt help it You look so much like him Whos him demanded Barker My husband The late Mr Haley Yes Hes been dead an gone for these years but when I see him last he was as much like you as peas is like peas At the quarries Barker heard corro borative evidence as to his resem blance to the defunct Mr Haley Two old men stopped hammering and look ed at him and he heard one of them say to his mate Did you ever see a man look ho much like another as that feller looks like Haley It was understood when Barker and Mrs Haley left the quarries that the former should not return to Boston until Monday for there was a certain stone which would not be ready for examination earlier than Monday morning I guess youll get along all right over Sunday the widow said You kin climb mountain and go and perhaps will take you out aridfn in the arter- Kfiie thats a girts name It not Yes is my darter an If I do say It nobody aint got no bet ter girl than she Of course not She was Jest a year old when her father died an Ive had to bring her up all by myaeU but I aint ashamed of her I think shes a pretty likely girl I dont know what youll think of her Oh Im sure I shall like her said Barker laughingly Upon the wall of the room into which Barker was shown on arrival at widows house was a Urge photograph of the late lamented Hal- side did between features and his own that the widow was at him inquiring ly and expectantly it occurred to him to ask her if she still considered him a reproduction of her departed hus band More than ever said the widow And when I look on you and Kflie there together I kin scarcely believe that vou aint brother an sister When bedtime came Barker was conducted to a chamber leading on from the room where the widow kept her safe and account books- He went off to sleep very easily in spite of the fact that he was incased in a strange nightshirt one of the late and if he had not been disturbed wouif have continued sleep ing until morning As it was he was awakened a little after midnight by the noise in the next room List ening he heard what seemed to be blows on some hard substance In stantly he thought of the safe The next instant he slid quietly out of bed and started upon a tour of in vestigation He moved noiselessly toward the door connecting his room with the outer chamber and stood upon the threshold a number of seconds watch ing what was transpiring in the out er room before the persons who were working there were aware of his pres ence He saw two men one of whom was gray whiskered and apparently years old engaged with a hammer and chisel upon the safe The gray- whiskered man was the first to take cognizance of Barker arid no soon er saw him than with a loud shriek he threw down lis tools and started on the run for the door leading out into the hail Quick Joe I he called to his younger mate Quick Joe dont you sec Haleys ghost there in the doorway The younger man ran after the old er one and after the two ran Barker still in his borrowed nightshirt and nothing eke carrying one of the bur glars hammers in one hand and lihelr lamp in the other He followed the men down stairs and into the sitting room but he did not leap after them out of the window Probably he would not have done that under any circumstances clad as he was hut there was one overpowering circum stance in the case which made him understand that the sphere of his du ty was inside the house Something which he saw after he had entered the sitting room stopped him short in pursuit of the burglars and for a second or two him motion less to the floor II saw three bedgowned baretoed women sitting in a row of chairs placed against the side the room bound hand and foot and made mutes of by something crammed into their mouths each glaring at him with widely distended eyes Barker re cognized in the three women the wid ow the widows daughter and the- woman who had scalded Mm with her pudding gravy His first Impulse was to immediately set the women loose and acting under ho placed hammer and lamp upon the floor and moved toward the bandaged group But he quickly changed his mind the thought suddenly occurring to him that he was not confronted by a life or death condition and that the call on him was not so imperative that he would be Justified In answer ing it while he was so scantily cloth ed Pardon me ladles he said was hot aware that you were to this room or 1 should not have followed those in here If you will excuse me for a moment will see you later He whisked out of the room rushed up the stairs three at a time dived into his bedchamber grabbed Ma trousers got into them fireman fa shion on the way down stairs and within a minute the time his departure from the room where the women were he had returned toit and was ready to begin the work of emancipation When he had finish ed it he retired to complete his toi let promising to return Very soon I When he reappeared he found the widow alone no not alone for she was sitting with a double barreled gun over her shoulder gazing- fixedly at the windows through which the burglars had made their exits didnt but what they might come site said guess not Barker But give me the gun and go to bed your self- Ill lie here on the lounge and keep guard arid if any burglar tries to enter here Til blow bis head if I can get near enough to hit him he added voice casing- to mind the fact that he had never fired a gun in his life But where were the hired men he asked after a did they kill the men out right The hired men answered the wid ow The hired men be over to El- Hot to a Thats why we women was left alone Weddings are bad things said Barker impressively But pi course he spoke jokingly for 10 knew thaVrjefiimself was to be week to my daughter He t6H the widow the fallowing approaching edingriSh had suggested to hint a union with in deliberate up my mind off I want to go and I git there as quick as I kin I only my husband hours before I was married to him an I didnt make no mistake Now I want to ask you a question How would you like to marry my daughter The average man in Barkers place would have been stunned by a pro position like this answer ed it without the least Itemization Dutch Sett Onions lbs for v Potato Onions per lb Call and inquire the price Sugar Beet Seed Red Mangel Seed and our yellow Intermediate Mangel Seed We are the cheapest place in North York Big Tea Sale now on lbs Black Tea for Maple Syrup per Wine gal Table Syrup 60c Pails 100 l 10 lbs White Beans for lbs Figs for lbs Prunes for lbs Apricots for by the barrel LOO would Suit me better he said but I have been preempted by another woman and sire takes pos session of me next Friday Barker in all human probability will never see the again but he has certainly made an impression upon teir minds which is destined to last Neither mother nor daughter ever looks at the photograph of the late lamented Haley without recalling- that another man stood in front it who though so far as they knew he had nht a drop of Ha ley blood in him was Haley all over again BETHEL CORNERS Pairs Shoes to Clear This leek wa J Pairs Mens and- Box Calf Lace Boots Goodyear Welted John and J Kings make regular ami for king These will stand the racket to Get a pair at 1 Pair Boys Youths Good School Boots 8L25 These go at 100 Pairs Mens and Boys Lacrosse Shoes rexuW Pairs Women Button and Lace Boots patent toe cap These goods were made to sell at and Si Our Pairs Womens Oxfords turn and McKay sewn soles broken regular and clear at Pairs Womens Oxfords regular and broken lota at Womens Working Boots in plain and pebble leather broken lots regular SI for 95c Rain Coats for Seeding is general These north winds are not doing wheat and clover much good Miss who is at pres ent pedagoging or in the north country thinks it quite lonesome up there One of the largest gatherings for some time was at Bethel Sunday morning it being childrens day anni versary Rev Roach took as his subject Daniel and made it most interesting for young and old The services here wore- in deed good but childrens day was as profitable There was excellent mu sic A good number was from other parts the circuit School has but all the larger boys arc absent or nearly so because of the scarcity and high price of farm labor Some boys of and years are getting mens wages of five years ago All the pupils hereabout have returned to Newmarket High School Mrs is down on a vis it with her daughter Lena at Blootn- Bethel Ladies Aid have turned their attention towards beautifying tbd church grounds Mr has been commissioned to erect a new wire fence and other improvements arc to be made Miss who has been so HI is slowly getting better Mr John Mann and family were visiting at Bethel on Sunday Little Delia New burn who was so badly bitten at Belhaven is all right again Mrs Huntley came up on Sunday from Union Street to visit her son Thomas Mrs H one of the few survivors of the past generation a mother in Israel full of years All the of the countryside had gathered on Saturday to assist in raising Mr Huntleys new barn One by one the old farm buildings are giving place to more modorn struc tures Mr Huntleys barn and sta blings when completed will vie favor ably with the many beautiful build ings dotting our fair township In the evening mine hostess had tables arranged on the lawn loaded with toothsome viands at which all seem ed to do amid the chilly north wind blasts Unless a man Ib willing to meet Ms bills he trie to dodge his An exchange says that the rea son they call it blue Monrtijr that it is so far from pay cay Give a smart man a good cow wen tyflve hens and a ball an acre land and he will from them more than ball support himself and family WORTH SEEING Our new stock of Queen Quality Shoes Our new stock of ttlater Shoes Our new stock of Clothing Our new stock of Parisian And American Millinery Our new stock of EngS Hah and American Hats for men Our new stock of Collars and M Main Timothy Steady fork and Good Wages We want Twenty to TwentyFive Boys and Men to years of age active and steady for Factory work apply who are not willing Apply at the Office at once None need to stay on UNITED Limited NEWMARKET CANADA Settlers Saskatoon April Twentyfive wagons which left for the colony were mired five miles from camp The general movement begins tomorrow Forty transport teams with heavy supplies leave to night Fifty additional teams hired by the government have arrived from Duck Lake and Stations with good food supplies have been every twenty- miles Transport teams are offered constant Work by Rev Mr breaking thousand acres of land at W per acre horses are offering hut good motive power is lacking The colonists are becoming restless and three of them left tor England today One hundred belat ed members the colony arrived on tonights train fa Toronto has awarded thirtyfour contracts for cement walks the prices ranging from 3c per square foot Winnipeg Man April Thruout the whole of the agricultural area Manitoba farmers are busy with their seeding and never before In the his tory the province have the weath er conditions more favorable at pays to aacrti3 la Era-

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