Newmarket Era, 24 Apr 1903, p. 8

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY APRIL A wornout who never to lift a hand for herself- who does not the meaning of the word worry How can it be possible That it is possi ble is proved by the experience of many a woman who because of sleeplessness nervousness backache and other wom anly ills becomes an utter physical wreck Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription gives new life and new strength to weak worn- out rundown women It establishes regularity dries unhealthy drains heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness It makes weak women and sick women well for five years with Inflammation which violent pain and often torture so bad lime that I could not be about to attend to my daily duties writes Mrs a Bell of Bsthroid Kingston simply to me and I did not know which way to turn for relief tried doctor but found they did cot help me Mr advised me to try Dr Pierces it in glowing term I decided to give it trial and brought a bottle home I happy to say that after the use of the first bottle I ftll omuch improved I decided to take another that a third bottle I have good reasons to be tot I am today a well woman work Is east the world looks bright I have per- feet tbaots to your Sick women are invited to consult Dr Pierce by letter free Address Dr Pierce Buffalo Y Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong sick women well Ac cept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets should be used with Favorite Prescription when ever a laxative is required KIV I PROMPTLY SECURED Write for oar interesting looks or Help How you swindled Send us a rough ketch or model of your or prove eat we will tell you free our opinion as to it improbably Rejected applications have often en fccccesfully prosecuted by We conduct fully offices in Montreal and Washington to prompt ly dispatch work and quickly secure Patents AS the invention Highest references furnished Patent procured through Marion Ma rion receive notice without charge id over distributed throughout the minion Patent business Manufac turers ana Engineers I MARION MARION Patent Expert and Solicitors J New York Lite foe pub TO KING CITY Mr and Mrs J- Precious left for their new home in Hamilton last Saturday Mr successor as teacher here will be Miss Kelty of Newmarket who takes up the work until midsummer holidays Rev I A- R was senteit with a wellfilled purse by the wardens of AH Saints Church King City in behalf of the members on Sunday last after the sermon Mr in a few re marks expressed his thanks to the congregation and regrets at severing his connection with All Saints King AURORA Judge Morgan gave his decision last- week upholding the will of the late Henry of this place In giv ing his judgment the judge herd that the will was made in accordance with the Wills Act and that at the time of execution he was of sane mind and understanding and was fully compe tent to make his will Last Sabbath was a special day among the Methodists of our Town Three years ago there was a debt of twelve hundred dollars upon their church today the church is not en cumbered to the extent of a single dollar The services of the Sabbath were of a special character The Rev Thos Dun lop a former pastor preached morning and evening The ladies of thecnureh sudtanly decorat ed the sacred Special music was furnished by the choir agisted Mrs of Toronto and Miss King Monday evening a Congregational Tea was given by the Ladies Aid of the church when the following former pastors were present Rcvjs Rankin Chap man Sanderson Matthews and Dewey Mrs Luke took a faint ing spell in church on Sunday ing and died on Monday The sud denness of her death sent a shock all over Town PINE ORCHARD Hal I well the Toronto Training School will preach next Sunday April at Tent Corners and Pine Orchard churches on Sa tan his person AH are invited work and place 1 Best Hard Coal pi Stove Nut or Egg at 760 Delivered Lukes Family and Pa try Flours Also Manitoba Hungarian Flour J I STREET Telephone 22 NOTICE Orders for Cleaning OutHouses in Newmarket should be left at my residence 1st door north of Squires Pump Shop on the road to the Cem etery Contracts made for monthly removals during the summer For Sale 2 Sett Light Sleighs Cutter Light Wagon 1 Heavy Democrat Wagon Apply H Winnipeg April 17 A portion the large wholesale warehouse occu pied by Stephens Co paint oils was early this morn ing Owing to the combustible na ture of the stock the fire spread ra pidly and was only checked by the roost desperate by the fire men The building car be repaired by the experditufe of a thous ands Hie total loo be about The insurance on building on stock Hi I J Heave Urn ill UrMiioa Blood Sold by Dan ford Roche v Jlr and Mrs S A mi t age of New market were guests in town this week Miss Skinner of and Mr Herb Skinner Glen Hur on were home the Easter holi days Miss Flossie and Miss Martha of Newmarket High School are at their respective homes here I The sucker fishing season is now on but only a few good catches been made as our sportsmen state that the fish arc very scarce this sea son i -j- social held at Mr It J tons on Friday evening was a suc cess both socially and financially Everybody spent a most enjoyable evening and the Ladies Aid of the Church added something more than nine dollars to the treasury account The members of the congregation at St Mary Magdalenes church of Lloyd town were disappointed in not having their new bell in position for Sunday but hope to it placed before next Sabbath morning Sunday evening last the service in the Methodist church took- the form of a song service The choir gave several anthems and choruses and it was with great the congregation listened to the solo given by Miss Ada Davis our talent ed young singer and pianist Mr Brown delivered a short sermon on thoughts A shooting match was held at Schomberg on Good Friday between the Clubs of and Sohombcrg and after a very interesting contest the local marksmen won by a score of to The weather was very good for shooting and a number of spectators watched the match Mt Clarke of made the befit score of the day getting twen ty out of twentyone birds Mr Hunt coming next with nineteen birds On Wednesday afternoon at 1 oclock at the Home of Miss Walton- sister the bride Mrs Annie Viola was united in marriage Mr Bert of Thqbrjde looked charming In a handsome gown of silk crepe daint ily trimmed and was attended by Miss who becomingly in silk crepe dc Mr Ira Clark of perform ed the duties best man The house which was prettily decorated the occasion was filled with the most in timate friends and relatives the bride and groom After the cere mony which was performed by Rev A Brown the bridal party and down to an elaborate de jeuner After the inner man had been satisfied and the respond ed to the bride and groom departed showers of rice for their future home JnJkcton The brides going- away costume was of broad- cloth The many useful and Jul presents received by the bride tost the she was held by her many friends who join in wishing Mr arid Mrs Mills a and journey thru life We regret to see that the shoe Factory is out busi ness The introduction of the cream separators is no doubt responsible for this The splendid boil er and engine and the buildings are to be sold under mortgage at Newmarket on Saturday the 2nd of May This will be a chance for somebody to make a good spec The buildings are in good condition and could be easily converted into a dwelling house 8O0 magistrates in Session The Board of County Magistrates met in the City Hall Toronto- on Saturday Judge Winchester presid ing Mr H Irwin Clerk of the Peace acting as clerk of this court Only of the justices of peace in the County of York were present High Constable J A read his annual report If referred in fit ting terms to the death Judge and said of his successor Judge Winchester It is gratifying alike to the public and those more directly concerned in the of that- in his successor we have a gent lenian whose reputation and character than his eminent legal attainments give assurance that tltc dignity of toe bench of the countiy of York will be sustained The report says that crime in the county is decreasing that there is an increasing tendency among the le gal gentlemen to use the criminal court for the trial of civil cases The county constables as a body are in creasing in at least one good man being in every town and village in the county there isnt so much horse stealing as formerly Chief and his policemen have always been and ready to assist county constables resolution congratulating Judge Winchester upon his promotion was moved by Mr Jackson of Newmarket and unanimously passed by a rising vote It paid a fine tribute to his Honor who rising expressed his ap preciation in graceful and grateful words He thought the resolution For the Era the Eternal BY A BANKER It to a L It is the easiest thing in the world to be a hat is essary is to do or like the boy who when questioned by bis father as to why he had resigned his position as a cleck in a tore re- The js too hard I looking for something easy snap get up In until you feel like it to work until you are put yourself meetengagemenjs Never mind i- you miss a train or if you axe half an hour late at your work If you are at school dont trouble to prepare your lessons Crib whenever you can cheat- as often s possible and get the best of your teacher whenever you see a chance and your progress in the desired di rection will be assured If you are in college never mind about a scholarship main thing is to slide You can employ was too kind he referred to the late Judge as an illustrious who went down to an honored grave be pledged himself to a faithful and conscientious discharge of alt his duties A resolution of condolence touch ing the death of Judge McDougall was passed and ordered to be sent to his family The list justices coroners and constables was taken up and revised Telegram The carpenter shops and wood work building owned by Mayor Un derwood at Calgary were burned last week Loss The NorthWestern Miller says Every flour mill in Minneapolis and practically all of the merchant spring wheat mills in the North West and Minnesota have shut down entirely and for an indefinite period For some time owing to the price of cash wheat the high rates of freight and the depressed state of the flour mar ket mills have been operating at a loss but the drowning disadvantage was the act the line of boats op- crating between and Buffalo in moving wheat on a basis of 2c a bushel while the present rate on flour from to Buffalo is maintained at cents a hundred pounds equivalent to a bushel sengers Floating in the air is a flock of large birds resembling lop- wings which curvet and dive circle and almost without mov ing a wing or apparently exerting a muscle- But not always is the lake in placid mood For at times when the hurricanes gendered in the fastnesses of the mighty mountains descend with fury down the clefts and great of these upheaved monarchs of the snows then the angry waters are torn and agitated in a frenzy of rage and the foamcrested billows break along the shore appearing from these mountains like a thin line of molten silver bordering the infuriated tem pesttossed lake And so with many of ourselves Sometimes basking in the sun of con tentment sometimes torn with the storms and blasts of perplexity and of doubt But those who have chos en the good part and who by the aid of the Holy Spirit of God have ac cepted the call of the Saviour of the world to come unto Him for pardon and for life fear not these storms nor axe dismayed at their fury For they are certain with absolute con fidence that their names are written in heaven Timbers of oak the old homestead standing through the years It pays to use the right stuff Men of oak are men in rugged health men whose bodies are made of the sound est materials Childhood is the time to lay the foundation for a sturdy con stitution that will last for years Scotts Emulsion is the right stuE -A- Scotts Emulsion stimulates the growing powers of children helps them build a firm foundation for a sturdy consti tution Bond Tor free i and all Seventy Turkish troops were kill ed an engagement with Bulgarian Insurgents April Quito a painful accident happened in Gra hams planing mill by which Torrance lost his thumb and first linger of his left hand He was put- ting a boarl through a rip saw when at the end of it it was thrown over in some unaccountable manner and Ms hand passed against the saw tak ing off the thumb and Index finger and the other three fingers cram for the examination Have a good time and never bother about results they will take care of themselves Do not try to do things as well as you can j any way will do If you are sawing a board not exert yourself to saw it sfrtgKt If you start to sled or a bookcase never mirjdbout completing it or if put it together any how blotched work is just the tMhjrror nobodies put yourself to inconvenience to be orderly- in your room or Drop your shoes hat over coat and other wearing apparel just wherever you happen to be when you remove thorn Some other time you can put things where they Never bother about your papers or letters leave them scattered on your desk Dont file away anything for it takes too much time Dont hurry about answering letters for many of them will answer themselves if you leave them long enough Confusion and disorder are characteristic of nobodies i Do not be particular about your dress It does hot matter to a no body whether his linen is soiled or not whether his linger nails are clean or his clothing well brushed Do not trouble to blacken the heels of your boots very few people will see them and those who do are too par ticular for comfort Give yourself no concern about your manners If you are a clerk be as curt and gruff to customers as you please Do not try to control your temper or to restrain your ill humor Act naturally Do not tire yourself about your work Take things easy is too long to hurry about anything Do not try to decide things let them slide and they will finally decide themselves Do not rely on yourself lean on someone it will save you the trouble of thinking or acting Be a low well mated with everyone with everybody antagonize no one and you will make neither friends nor foes If you are doubtful in regard to the efficiency of or the wisdom of spending energy or time In to develop body or mind it is of no consequence but let nothing impair your faith in the saving of luck There are many paths leading to the land of Nowhere but it is necessary to point out all of them If you send a snowball rolling down hill it will gather additional weight and momentum as it rolls faster and faster to the bottom so if a starts out in life with a few of the qualities necessary to make a no body others will quickly hasten to give momentum to his downward course No one reaches this goal more swiftly and easily ilian the youth who makes up his wind to be How superlatively beautiful and at tractive is Ibis earth of ours espe cially when viewed from the higher peaks of a lofty mountain chain Immediately opposite the spot where the writer is now sit ting several thousand feet level js a long chain of snowgiri mountains a wild confusion of irreg ularly pointed peaks and pyramids dark gloomy chasms and abysmal gorges To the right is a great riv er of ice and snow its source high up in a vast field of pure white driv en snow dazzling with a brilliant in the bright rays of the sun Its broad higher reaches descend a gentle acclivity for perhaps a mile or more then through a narrow rock- hewn gorge plunge down a steep curved incline of niany hundred feet It is then lost to view behind a dark tutor th iermand black spur of the mountain To the left is spread out like a map a broad fertile valley flecked chalets and scattered villages woods and treebordered white shining roads which appear like slender winding threads of silver As far as the eye can reach in each direction the serrated Alpine range thrusts up its numberless pointed peaks and roughhewn pinnacles to the skies a wild array rugged sheer beetling cliffs and jag- and steeps Far beneath stretches out a great lake its waters a glorious blue rivalling in intensity the wonder azure of the skies and if surface the mountains as glass interval along Us banks are a vil lages whose means communication outer world is by the steamers which ply to and fro throughout the year and which viewed this lofty point of view appear more like tiny toyships than vessels of considerable size capable of carrying several hundreds of on days notice t- J a ICTUS L No other Varicocele As It with the of organ the the id the loins the back flerrouEattU pofldeacj baaha1nes the and a combination these results Incomplete Lobs of Manhood are troubled Stricture you have reason to beueve ate afflicted with it dont It will yon Dont let doctors sxperlraenl on by Matching- or It Our Now Method the stricture tissue bence it disappears and can return- Wo cure Varicocele and Stricture operation or loss of time may be home Send for oar Boole on VmrlcOCQlOi to Cttre or No Pay to Cure or No affect the kidney are mat Of disease Hare or small of the to urinate frequently la o- feet Dont Our Wow is guaranteed to cure a of Ihcacbrgauoor Names Without of Jackson Mich I had the secondary mod two was opa rated 00 twice reat suffering but only got temporary relief I was finally advised to try the Method of K The enlarged value disappeared la 9ix weeks stricture was removed la eight weeks and my energy and vitality returned sol was a man every respect I recommend yon doctors with my whole heart CURES GUARANTEED 0 CUKE HO PAY After Treatment Treatment treat Ntrvoua Debility Lost Manhood Varicocele Stricture Syph ilis Gleet Weak Parts Gonorrhoea and Unnatural Discharges Consultation Fro Books Free Write for Question List for Home Treatment Dis Kennedy 46 a Success let ARE GUARANTEED Cents for Ihre months membership member club who every month- IncladlnjS piece scd now each 19 pieces In all alt Of which of in New York and of literature or mu sic Instruments of say description at price joufMta20YtooVoa your mere your worth MOWafclJia- J- ABSTRACT STATEMENT Of of the County of York for the year ending December RECEIPTS County Account Court House Account Land Account License Fund Account School Purposes Account Account and Bridges Account 503 A4mnlstratIon of Justice Account Magistrates Fines Account Debentures and Coupons Account 90279 Land Account Division Court Fund Account Miscellaneous Account 137 JO Industrial Homo Account- Rent Account gj Municipal Government Account Interest Account PAYMENTS By of over Jan 1st 78 Less Suspense Account Constables etc Administration of Justice Account Land Tax Account and Bridges Account Miscellaneous Grants Account Municipal GovernmentAccount School Purposes Account Registry Offices Account Gaol- Expense Account- Printing etc Account Lav Costa Account faebentures and Coupons Account Rent Account Interest Account Includes paid to City Toronto re Court House- Account County Property Includes paid to City Toronto Court Insurance etc Account Court Fund Account Miscellaneous Account Salary Account Industrial Home Account 18 dll 2D 35 COO J 35 I 1 I fe I I 1 a mi 1 3GC3 73 1490 SO Imperial in Cash on hand J I 5200773 04 Mi LfV iM

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