Newmarket Era, 1 May 1903, p. 6

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THE NEWMARKET EftA MAY 1903 I Buggies Pafatfeg Repairing and Genera moderate J P COOK Agent Mount Peter Hamilton Implement Fresh Jersey Cows Also Three Jersey Heifers due about June STOKES ITount Albert FOR SALE Good Farms of acres each la Mount Albert Each with Also one of acres vita barn and bouse Mount Albert iirrivftte Funds to Lowest Rates Dp- DENTIST Wain Newmarket visits Mount Albert Tuesday of moptb- Office to Hopkins Block S3 Office hours to You can save money by buying your Furniture at the 5 inert Far A STOCK THAN OF Bedroom and Extension sad Parlor Tables Lounges Co ache- and Fancy Chairs We are also for Pillow Holders and celebrated Carpet Stretcher and Picture Framing a Specialty Goods delivered free of charge when ordered quantity ALLAN THEAKER J k Mount Albert fV svv MANAGER MARK 1ST An unusually large crowd attended he market on Tuesday Prices as follows butter to eggs to lie chickens 55 to HOUSE TO RENT A good brick house to rent is- Alt Albert a month Apply to ROOF BURNT N On Thursday of last week the roof of Mr Simon Thompsons house on King St occupied by Mr James caught fire A bucket brigade was promptly formed and the fire was sooh extinguished Only a small paten of sningks was BALDWIN BREEZES Quite a number farmers in had finished seeding last Dolly and Lilly are hereby given to week- understand that of the flirting young Aunt Sophia Pringles wo men here one is married and exceedingly low last week other has a strong Inclination They but this week a decided improvement may bless the Era man for his misl ALLEGED A warrant was issued for the arrest of Alfred Strickland and 1 Alex Tra ns of charging them breaking into house of Mr David and stealing a crosscut saw They were brought before H J Ramsden Esq- on Tuesday night and remanded until Wednesday for- further evidence i en We are busy opening Spring Goods DAILY Call and inspect our new range of GOODS S HATS i GAPS ROOTS SHOES K KMBHOIDERIRS -i- INSERTIONS jWALL PAPERS Values Never Better ROSS BROS ALBERT DRUGSTORE a A CHOICE STOCK OF and Garden Seeds Arrived Carroty Sugar licet Mangel Turnip sold at right prices A ol MATERIALS on Hand also carry a full Hue Patent Medicines among Itemed and Cure Prescriptions Pp mil cipea receive or night T LLOYD JUST WHAT YOU NEED Tablets are n6jppetUfe p eat and wake a your mouth They will improve your ap petite cleanse and invigorate your stomach give you a relish for your food For sale by Lloyd Dont fail KeJl- ers new nd this week It will terest you Why cannot some kind of fire pro tection be put in our town The only protection so far is insurance There should be some scheme for sprinkling the streets this dry and dusty weather Will some person take hold of the matter Mr A Davidson paid official visit to our school on Friday of last week The band gave another open air con cert on Thursday evening Their music was highly appreciated- T LLOYD WARRANTS Every bottle If troubled with Rheumatism give Chamberlains Pain Balm a trial It will not cost you a cent if it does no good One apr plication will relieve the pain It also cures sprains and bruises in one- third he time required by any other treatment Cute burns frostbitee quinsy pains in the side and chest glandular and other swellings are cured by applying it bottle warranted Price and cents For sale by T Lloyd KIRK On Tuesday forenoon Ihe little four- yearold son of- Mr Johnston got possession of some matches and went out to the stable in the rear of toe house He succeeded in setting fire to sonic straw in the building and in a few minutes it was wrapped in flames A crowd soon gathered but the fire had made too much headway arid it Was impossible to do more than prevent it spreading to the neigh boring buildings- In addition to the stable a quantity of lumber and some implements were also destroyed To make matters Worse there was no surancVi 1 I Ready Mixed Shades i Heaver Brand Can it Brushes Scrubbing for Time Mr left for the city ore evening When he re turns he will not return alone Fur ther particulars next week A v ilJMtr in in trow it a few days- ih Card were in town on Tuesday Mr is anxious ly awaiting or the speckled trout sea son to open to go on a trout fishing expedition fcgo and sistermdWweie paying a visit to her Mtt A who on sick list Miss Starr of Newmarket a guest Mr J I Mr and Mrs of wtru gvVt of son Mr on Sunday M Campbell of Oxbridge in Town on Thursday man It J ROWLAND Mount Albert A Rheum at ism on a faun near here came in v short time completely doubled up rfieutnatiiim I handed him Pain Balm him to use it freely If not using it not pay a for it says P of PatUnt A few later- he walked into the straight as a string a dollar saying 1 bottle of Pain it in the house all the time for it cured me For Hale by taken in amusing dialogue in last weeks Breezes re orange pie and cigarettes As no doubt many of you have seen per Che public press Cliff stock will be sold by auction at today There are considerable legal complications la fie ciso which will be settled in the courts this week has again renewed oper ations at the- dam- It now looks hopeful victory tip will iJy Apples are plentiful still 1 saw a toting them real fine out by the feeding to bis stock On Tuesday of last week Grylls was in On Saturday be was plodding his way to seven miles distant I Saturday our rifle shots club known as the Association A Keen the S3 prize- If Rev would nip departure from his usual routine at Egypt on Sunday evenings and de liver a topical discourse on love courtship and marriage Ill guaran tee hed have a church crowded to suffocation with a throng of anxious listeners A little information on i a topic of such vital importance would not come amiss to the many young couples from the surrounding districts to hear him and no doubt feel amply repaid for their trouble Amongst those I have observed are maybe had not better give their names Blessings on their heads Uncle John Hamilton has been bless with five fine sons but nary a daughter whilst Cousin John has five fine daughters and a prouder daddy Ive never seen They always look as trim and tidy as if they had just stepped from a band box It is wrong to indulge in vain re grets vanished youth It is our duty to enjoy life as it comes but who dare chide one they catch them sighing for the springtime of life when all is free from care My friend Mrs Mar Its plea for the extension of the franchise to wo men was ably written and if all her sex were equally intelligent and cap able Ive no doubt about the ulti mate issue of her contention- But in view of the recent wild demonstra tion of the devotion of the Sutton dames and damsels to deem it hardly advisable yet a while to gran their demands What friend By the assistance of Hicks Al manac I have gained considerable in sight into the origin of storms etc but the study of dream hooks give no solution of why dreams of flying per sist in haunting my vis fop My lat ent exploits syjpass even the wildest fancies of Santos Two our sweetest young ladies Dora Riddel and Cora are learning the millinery business Most oi our farmers are blowin about their fine colts now Theyre having a streak of good luck The district elder at the Quarterly service here during a tirade at the liquor traffic made some very pointed remarks on those who by their- vote support an ad mitted whiskey lover in preference lo a lifelong temperance worker He hit some awfully Mr Morton says he is meet ing with great oelHng Cream separators Miss Maud has gone to lo assist the in their store Now doesnt that scandal begin to wear aspect our own John Smiths little scheme And its bearing the same fruit apple of Sodom too I feel Jubilant dont J in- ptealnt places young couple that- have affinity for each other and recently formed close reciprocal Sun day fit round feaiMUfi eyes on nature clothed- la her spring Their Sunday morning jaunt to a place hearing an evil name In the evening they footsteps a contrary which they declared A eyes were focus on but they word the font friends were itti around Hast like We invite our friend Will and bis cream separator up to make mer ry with Messrs McDonald and Mor ton on our market Please remember this column is not an advertizing medium for lost I would willingly oblige but that would be infringing on the Eras rights Trade in millinery is far advance of last years Yours sincerely -i- THE Greatly Alarmed V By a Persistent Cough but neatly Cured by Chamberlains Cough Remedy a student at law Greenville had been troubled for four or years with a continuous cough he says greatly alarmed rue causing me fear tiat I was in the first stage Mr Cough to try Now at says of it soon felt a after using two twentyJive cent size was cured Sold by real SUTTON a Division Court was held here last Friday Judge Morgan presiding Mr P spent last Friday in the City Mr of the Masses- Harris Co formerly of Sutton has received further promotion Large employing firms appreciate the char acter and stability of such men He is a young man who neither drinHs smokes nor swears Mr James Anderson left here last week fox British Columbia Mr Saunders of visited his Lake View Property last week It is certainly a charming place Mr J Lake of Toronto proprietor of hotel Pine Plaza at Jacksons is making preparations to receive the summer tourists Mr P McClclian visited Zephyr and Sunderland last Monday on busi ness Miss Annie is visiting at Peflerlaw the guest of Mr and Mrs Armstrong Mr and Mrs A Kemp of visited friends here over Sun day last Work on the new church at Virginia is being rapidly proceeded with Whatever may be the result of the investigation is at least furnishing fun for the million Tfce mention of his name provokes a smile or a joke A social was held at the Methodist parsonage last Tuesday evening There was a good attendance a good a good Mote spent WHITCHURCH COUNCIL Met at Hall on the of April members all pre- Bent from Miller permission to erect a tele phone line from hW farm north -y- From Mills claiming dam- ages for injury to horse alleged to have been sustained breaking through a culvert on 2nd Con line Petitions were presented by Christian and log for a grant to gravel Con north of Ring wood From Silas Toole and others ask ing for a grant on Con along lots to Bills were presented George foot saw- ed cedar moving Health bills were presented re Scarlet and disinfecting the nooses of Samuel Snider and Mrs John cutting for Edward hauling straw for Alfred attending John If Pinners family John sofa and bedding burned Ira attending family Miss days nursing the families attending families CO Brandy furnished Wood furnished advanced for hec- I CAN GET YOU UP A SUIT CAN A BETTER ONE CAN YOU UP THE BEST ONE We Handle the Goods Suitable for Spring Clothing Our Past Speaks for Our Future albert The Fashionable Tailor i- Disaster in a Vfre the itit I toe they were One and one make two uoniny I yrert to you they made one The mar a tt pay to In the Era and handed me It is me ol wliicli hi the one the old John Jersey deliver filmelf thus Some never married they out when the out the light SeventyFive People Reported to he -j- KilTdd Winnipeg- Man 20 A despatch from BC says A volcanlq exfloalpn look place at- about am and in reported tti people were killed The wires are down east of aricl the line is reported to be for a mile and a half from ten to filly feet in depth Frank is oh the of the Canadian Pacific about midway between and Ferine fro in which latter place It distant i The above despatch speaks of a volcanic but what is more likely Is that there has an explosion in one the coal mines the Frank or a landslide from the mountains on to the track oao Retort found himself the cent re of a circle of new friends in a London yiuj There very tall present who evidently be lieving himself to shine ay a wit jicicd every to a at tncrotber peoples expense On to Lord thc wit bowed down patronizingly to and remarked have of ton heard of you hut shading eyes with one band as though the famous general being mail could only be scon with I have earn you To this promptly re plied i I have often seen you sir but have never heard you present was delighted with Roberts reply and the wit soon afterwards disappeared Br and Alfred accounts were paid Edward was allowed was allowed for goods burned Albert was The bills of Dr Ulna and were laid over for further consideration IilHelmkey watt for causing a dog to be killed that he worrying sheep Tim bills of Geo Fetch and were ordered paid Jones authorized to furnish John II with worth of provision The following grants were made on the Con of Jtlngwood Reeve oner Side lino bet iota and comnilssnr Side line bet lots and com Com to comrnissnr Councillor Clark wan liiutruotod to make arrangements with vl it for the Manufacture of worth of cement sewer pipe Councillor Leathers was Instructed to repair culvert lot to Investigate and rleal with claim of damages made by iljs Robert Miller gran ted perm fP io lino from to certain fVit Reeve and weroiJnntruotcd to pit on and report at ORE A SWEET SOUR Let butter eta the price we paid last delivered at your nearest station is your- while to give us a trial are not put to any cans and pay all express charges SAVE THE WORK And make more money We satis fy per cerit who sent million cream ery butter exported last year- Let the creameries make It Special inducements for those keep ing a number of cows and having Ice who can furnish us with cream delivered at the nearest station A trial elicited and satisfaction guar anteed In writing for particulars state number of cows kept whether separator or not TORONTO St Haulers wanted Toronto taWMv Try an Ad In Eta It ouse Furnishings Carpets Oil Cloths Wall Papers Etc D WIT Paints are the most durable Our Varnishes the most oey Our and the most beautiful Our Window Shades of the most handsome colors designs Our Brushes of best material most reasonable prices All MOUNT ALBERT of Thanks The undersigned expresses his thanks to the Liverpool London Globe Ins Co for their prompt set tlement done to my dwelling by fire on the payment being made on the LEWIS POWELL Pure Bred Stock For Sale Two Durham Bulls one a yearling and the other years old Register ed Apply on lot 23 3rd Con East JOHN Queenaville P A laro assortment of Red and Timothy Seed Alio Good Seed Peas and Black Oats All at Lowest Possible Prices v WW SHIELDS ALBERT The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Available Asset Capital Total BAD OFFICE CANADA MONTREAL Chttlroan Went- Androir worth J man Samuel KSCloua- ton Alox Accepted at Current DAVIDSON Mi Albert 86nT Chief Agent i to Order Fan6y Worsted A pu Serges Scotch Tweed iff i up A SPECIALTY Work in both ladies Gents TAILORING MOUNT ALBERT I Try Our Own of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Bark An Excellent Remedy Coughs Golds Lung trouble leading makes of Properly flt anil guar antee thorn Forrests Drag Store MOUNT- J OP MARRIAGE I PUBLIC NOTICE Notice Is given that it is the intention the Council of Township East nt its session to he held in Sharon on FRIDAY JUNE up the road as the coin ihe Conoeasjon the or -wely- Holland River said road being located on Lot 5 Con of said Of ithe above action ftll aecdraiiigly- A HUGHES Township Clerk Township Office East April- nil tfc for Service on lot Con Also Boar i J HUNTLEY jj

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