Newmarket Era, 1 May 1903, p. 8

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V THE NE E J 4 I had scrofula Id erysipelas for eight- years until heard I Of Dr Pierces Medical Discov ery writes Mr of Queens Va When I commenced to take this I weighed bee hundred and thirty pounds I have taken six of Dr Pierces Golden Medical Hon Toronto a truck containing and TO On Thursday last at the Union snd three vials of his Pleas ant Pellet am glad to say I feel like a new num I now weigh one hun dred and seventyfive pounds When I hid used one bottle of the medicine I could feel it was helping me I realize Dr Golden Medical Discovery is the best medicine on Dr Pierces Golden Medical Dis covery purifies the blood and en tirely eradicates the poisons that breed and feed disease It cures scrofula eczema erysipelas boils pimples and other eruptions that mar and scar the skin- Pure blood is essential to good health The weak rundown debilitated which so many people ex perience is commonly the effect of impure blood Dr Golden Medical Discovery not only cleanses the blood of impurities but it in creases the activity of the blood- making glands and it enriches the body with an abundant supply of pure rich blood Dr Pierces Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent on receipt of stamps to pay expense of customs and mailing only Send onecent stamps for the book in paper covers or stamps for the clothbound volume Address Dr V Pierce Buffalo fifty cases butter and eggs be longing to Messrs Cook Son while being pushed along ran off the platform and became butter The loss was heavy but we presume the Express Co will have to foot the Some person entered the store of Messrs Co on Saturday night last and carried on a quantity of tobacco and candies The laundry of Man Wat was aJso entered the same evening and a small amount of money taken There has also been some petty thieving meat and on for some weeks past at the west market of this place has proved for her own that hens pay a right She wintered hens in and in the early spring 3 died She started to sell eggs in February and from that time up to December last she received from their sale from the bens besides using 22 dozen- They were only fed grain about five weeks and all the rest of the year they scratched for their own food ZEPHYR Hop War American in Out Canada Says He Knows of Remarkable Cares Wrought by for interesting How you Are ui rough or of year and we our opinion lo whether it probably patentable Reacted hire often been successfully by us We conduct fully equipped office in Montreal and Washington to prompt and secure a the invention Highest referent procured through Marion Ms- rion receive notice without charge la over throughout the Dominion Specialty of ana MARION MARION Patent Expert and Solicitors New York Life Atlantic BRATJFORD Both the Tennis Club and the Gun Club have organized for the coming season The Matrassmaking business is fast becoming quite an industry in town for Bradford has now three such establishments The Decorator has almost complet ed his work at the Methodist Church which when finished will quite pretty The Church is also to be lighted with Acetylene Gas the piping for which is now be ing installed On Thursday last just at the noon a small fire occurred at Holland River Sparks from a south bound freight bad set to a pile of Marsh Hay alongside the thonging Geo Mulli gan Plenty of men and water how ever soon checked the flames the wind being in a favorable direction On Tuesday afternoon the nerves of Compound The Great Spring Medicine Mrs M and Mrs Wilson have returned from Cleveland where they have been visiting for the past month They say they took in all the sights at Buffalo Loekport Cleveland and Niagara Falls and bad a most enjoyable time Mr J J and family visited his parents at over Sunday- visit was almost vetoed on Saturday before starting Bert years old went into the stable to look for his papa when a young colt kicked and just happened to strike Bert hard enough to land him to the back of the Stabler Had he been a foot nearer to the animal bo would probably have been killed Mrs Wilmot president of the gave an account to a crowd ed church of hearers of the grand work being done by the Society in the Methodist church Sunday after noon Her address was very in structive and her appeal to the ladies urging them to unite with the Socie ty and assist in helping to their sisters in heathen lands should bear much fruit The ladies of this branch auxiliary gave tea and tertainmezjt in the ehurch on Wednes day What might have proved a veiylfiis Tire was averted by the prompt action of the bucket brigade on Monday April 13th A spark from the sawmill smoke stack ig nited the roof of Mrs The claim that Celery Com pound is the only honest medicine in the world for the cure of rheumatism An invitation has received by the Department of Agriculture from the secretary of the Greater Cork In ternational Exhibition for an Onta- exhibit of John Alfred recently appointed as Registrar of tneSu- Court fit Judicature for Onta rio and of the Cout of Appeal and as an Official Referee took the oaths of office and allegiance on Thursday of last week r City Commissioner Coats worth is again very ill with little hope of recovery The Annual dinner of the St Georges Society on the neuralgia nervous and blood diseases thfi most enjoyable character is borne out by the strong and the- Societys convineing letters of testimony re- Mr president caved constantly by proprietors of the popular medicine Nothing John who had just spent a else has ever possessed anything Central prison was up the power of Celery Com- hrakmg pound to restore a healthy nervous tone to the entire body and to cleanse the blood making it im possible for rheumatism neuralgia and other troubles to find a Lodge ment in the system Ministers pro fessional men generally newspaper men public officials and all brain workers men whose daily outlay of vitality because ol hard trying an xious work is excessive find renewed nerve strength and vitality in Celery Compound General Win Henry American Consul in the City of Quebec says It gives me great pleasure to in dorse Celery Compound both on account of the results obtained from personal use of the remedy knowledge of the remarkable cures it has performed I believe It- has no in curing diseases of and building up who are weak put of It has cured several friends of rheu matism in its sent down for no hesitancy forms and I recommending residence adjoining our citizens were disturbed by thcj general store and got nicely ringing of the firebell No serious outbreak however had occurred A small Ore had in Mr James driving shed but was put out with a few pails of water The cause of fhe fire is a mystery going before discovery but be fore it had burned through the roof and was eating its way along the rafters With axes and good work with the buckets the brigade it under control just in time A very it to all with that disease Breath of the Gloaming BY A BANKER est Hard Goal Stove or Egg at Delivered 1 IKP Also and Flour HURON STREET Telephone 22 NOTICE Orders for Cleaning OutHouses Newmarket should be left at jny 1st door north of Shop on the road to the Cem etery made for monthly removals during summer SCHOMBKiG The Misses Norman of Cherry entertained a few friends on Monday evening in honor of their guest Miss Mr Fred Leonard is adding to the appearance of his handsome residence by sodding the prettily tor- raced lawn We notice a few of our young men have secured a football and have be gun practising We hope they may be successful in organizing a team and bespeak for them the support of our citizens Another game that could he successfully managed in Schom- is baseball We understand that an early clov ing scheme for the summer months is being by our merchants This is a movement in the right di rection and bespeaks for the of our business men Nearly every place of any size or importance has early closing of some nature or other Mr James Pearson met with a serious accident last week by which he will he confined to the house for some time to come He was Working in the hush cutting wood and while using an axe in some man ner it struck his foot nearly cutting thru it- The wound was very pain ful hut we arc pleased to know the patient is doing well AURORA foundry and again four months In connection with the Toronto Home Comers festival to he held from July 1st to the Ve netian fete fireworks display on the bay will be one of the most in teresting and brilliant episodes- of occasion Next Wednesday May will be heard in Toronto what isin its way one of the most perfect artistic or ganisations of this continent the of formed as it iSof four of the best artists of the Boston Symphony Orchestra tribute to Sir Oliver sent by the Liberal members of the House Commons was a very lovely scroll of fame composed of white Roses lilies of Valley ainl heather The words He wrought his country good were set in immortelle The whole made a most beautiful design The of Air George Henry Wilson aged years occurred on Friday morning Deceased was a brother of the late Justice Sir Adam Wilson who in toe Parliament of old Canada represented North York Deceased has been an accountant in the Bank of Montreal here for 55 years A remarkable discovery has been made in High Park It has been found the from spring in the Ravine possesses some valu able medicinal qualities having con stituents of carbonate of lithium and chloride of magnesia A sample of the water has been sent to an anal ysts There is said to be foundation for the rumor that the private residence of J in Queens Park is to be purchased for the resi dence of Ontario It contains fifty rooms and the style of architecture is uptodate His Excellency the Gov General and suite are occupying the premises at present and will remain there dur ing the next six weeks A coroners jury censured a Of Tunes and Worldlie Songs certain of were sunge in Lord j ARE GUARANTEED ARK toe barge Mary arrived in Midland harbor on Saturday week bush els of corn and oats from Chicago f his Is the largest cargo ever to that port the first week of the eatn over one million bufih- grain into that port or on other half as or got all year Dr and Cough Powder Mr Towns has purchased the lot on Wellington and Victoria and will commence the erection a handsome brick as soon as Hie weather be comes settled As soon as the weather becomes settled Mr will commence of a ce ment smoke slack for his flour mill here the first that has been built in this tart of the country It will be feet high about feet In at lie base and tapering to about feet at the toj Me James Knowles has the contract The mill has been shut down for some days to make repairs to machinery i The deatli of Mr a few days ago is deeply regretted About years ago he en tered tho employ of Messrs J Sons and after learning the trade of finisher was appointed fore man of the finishing shop which po sition he held until his death politics he was a Reformer and J ways took a keen interest In poli tical and was noted for his accurate prediction of the results es pecially in this In re ligion was a member of He leave a wife and one daughter rnOUHi his The orb of day has sunk in the few minutes more and could west the hades of the have sa are The carmine the orange and the which 200O suffused the occidental skies in a i blazing flood of manyhucd glory have w by an transition given flrW place to an ever deepening mauve or London April has been empurpled against received here that General Manning the trees the forest stand out in on hearing of the slaughter of Col sharpest silhouette That loveliest forces on April in Somali- of all that fairy wood the silver land by the Mad Mullahs followers j birch hangs its drooping boughs a started at once to relieve with very vision of grace and beauty men He sent Major Kenna with softly lighted western sky glinting mounted infantrymen in advance through the gently moving Major Kenna reached Col Cobbe pendent leaves and catkins The the afternoon of April without poplar stalely and creel meeting any opposition Gen Man- towers upwards towardstbe skies on the route encountered the the sturdy oak dark and sombre forces and killed 2000 of mite no gleam of- evening light to tractor for not flooring a building The British losses are not penetrate through Us dense leafage fore roofingit If these wiseacres given and the aspen quivers as only knew how silly they sometimes Further details have been received though struck with mortal fear Intake themselves appear to the the lighting between the British And now one by one the stars of public they would be less andthe forces of Mad Mullah in heaven begin to shine forth though Somali laud before the action in which not until the nearer neighbors of our tire British suffered so severely system are blazing in their glory Those show that on April en- Hesperus fairy of the night rides who were completely concealed brightest of them all her soft yet Daughters of the last attacked Col Cobbes forces En the brilliant lustre more and week- It was a most successful func tion Today April the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Companys steam er will make her first trip this season from this port to Mont real His Papal Ablegate to Canada arriv ed in this city on Saturday and took part in the ceremonies connected with the celebration of the Golden jubilee of St Michaels College lie And pieces will be once more played and sunge ON NJGHT OF FRIDAY Y OF KJOFJTH OF MAY arte All ye and His Honor Clark made his first public appearance since his appointment at the afternoon tea of thick bush The guide had led the more transplendent Mars too his forces sixteen miles out of bloodred splendour waxing yet the way The British camel battery went into action and tha enemy re tired m Col however was without water and was compelled to retreat toward On April 16 the er and brighter while more beauti ful than all the pale thin crescent of light scarce pencilled on the hidden orb of the Queen of Night adds yet more to the soft beauty of waning while one by emy surrounded a patrol ol fifteen one the mighty distant suns riflemen under command of glitter and scintillate in the ever A lieutenant was killed darkening vault of heaven and three men were wounded The And not we only are lost in testacy enemy a loss of fifteen i at the evening shades For Mass in St Michaels dervishes who wipod out the of the choristers of the woods little force of Col and on April numbered horsemen and spearmen whose pouring songs are of night ring forth their of ha tit els of grain were wVuurti from port HI If am Two million eighty thousand hush- shipped by boat lor the oast week an Mites cites many of atrocities In the Philippines by the Sold by The Danford Roche Co Troops Vs ft u melody The blackbird loth to nestle down until WfO last gleams of the waning have died- away is still piping his- amorous lays the thrush too with bis richer voice Is making the welkin ring with his rythmical measures while here and there a lesser songs Wr is carolling cents a pound IS his last warbling notes what a young woman paid for voices gloaming M ii Philomel of the twelve pounds feph night most Us No In She was thin and weak and if out a very Hood of mel- One dollar for a bottle Of now In an- intoxication of Joy Scotts Emulsion- and by tak hursts out in aa overwhelming 1 paroxysm of faarmqnK now regular doses gained MM twelve pounds in weight before be herj t e J self for glee and now bottle was finished a measures cents a moh mcItng w cheap for valuable ma break forth In a fulltoned fantasia ferial Sortie pay more some this of ours Is Indeed less some get nothing for and deplete bevond express money You get your ft Well might moneys worth when you buy sing for oywhen fifst Scotts Emulsion Yet bo attractive our Howe in the great We vill send you a little hereafter will surpass It In glory and in lTt Unc4fMMced Jo accordflnte with tors and rejecting the We are refused admittance turned hack Into Darkness by and all druggists the angel who wit drawn guards the gates of Paradise on Sunday moming and stowed the papal benediction on the congregation the GovernorGen eral and the Countess of and suite arrived here on Monday and have taken up their home at the resi dence of Mr J In the Queens Park for the next five or six weeks A colored woman named Sarah was arrested Monday on charge of child desertion- The child died at Infants Home not long ago God Save Ye King ANTHEM Strike ye Cymbal AH ye and A AND CHORUS Cousin Susan SPOKE PIECE By Noted Maid Mason A Anvil Chorus All yc and Rocked in ye of yc Deep Went hall TWO PARTE Dost Thou Love Me Sister Ruth Susan SPOKE PIECE By Maide Sobriety Richards FOUR PARTE SONG Old Koikes at Home Dorothy blossom There will now be a res tin spell lor ye to and all ye younge who wish to buy sweetmeats yo maidens may get em now Sobriety Peach- Little their breath and goodies gavtc A SONG it The Yank co Ezekial and ye Menne and 2 SPOKE PIECE A When George and ilia fflSBS 1 r ABSOLUTE SECURITY Iff SAVINGS SAFE I VktlAtdc And J CANADAS PftCMICR COMPANY Maid Third was King Father Waite A TUNE ON YE HARPSICHORD Melody TUNE- Red White and Blue All- ye and A WORLDLIE Father and Sobriety Peach Blossom AN OLD Advice Dorothy Siiigwell A FOUR PARTE Home Sweet Home Susan Mercy Summers OF YE OLDEN Lang Sync All and That ye Olden Time may he trulio pictured AH Will be in ye garbs of ye and Centuries will be assisted on ye Harpsichord by Dame Faithful and Maide Melody will announce the tunes and will keep a sharpe lookout and see to it that no or court In going on Ye can come in and ye can bring their knitting and get before ye begins Ye frivolous damsels who ye skyscraping bonnets are to leave them at Neighbor as men and wo men In ye Hall can neither see over nor through thuil Neighbor vill provide becoming hoods for ye evening af rational qf approval are seemly when ye of ye call it forth will all hilarity and especially and stamping of feet by yo rude f Yo can yc newfangled StageCouch for Aurora after ye at of Clock i- Ye Concerto will begin at earlie candle oclock pm Ye Tickets will be York Shillings and people who wish ye scats kept for thorn can them for York Shillings at Apothecary of Neighbor Brought on on ye Maine Road Yd Moneys will go towards erecting yc Drinking Fountain on ye Mar ket House Square in Harpsichord used upon occasion is kindly furnished by Neighbor TunefulSellfcrnfaot FRIEND KEEPALLSTILL

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