Era gives more home news every week any two other gapers in North York fWifSMsJ i J fl AND ADVERTISER me liberty to know to utter and to freely according to above all other A No paper sent outside of North York unless paidin a ML No copies 3 cents each Newmark Friday May 1903 per if annum paid in advance Everybody knows about SWP Its success Is in the air It gains fame for Itself with every on a house Uniform good quality has given it a popularity greater than any other paint on the market When you want to paint a build ing inside or side THE will do it better and more econom ically than any other It will wear longer look better and cover more surface Its a paint with a reputation found ed on merit Ask us for color cards SOLD BY Worked off an Old Campaign Speech and is Quickly Brought to Task Advocates rjuhieh have been the Settled Policy of Administration Davis Oaf Toroijto Letter A man named Albert Crown at tempted to drive his horse and rig in front of an approaching train across Esplanade track on Monday The horse was kitted the smashed and the driver himself so terribly frightened as to be rendered helpless He was taken to the Hospital and is row getting over his scare An employee of the Gas Co had his collar bone broken through a col lision with street ear while riding a bicycle On Sunday evening ten Chinamen were baptized Street Methodist Church Word has reached this Mr A- who once represented North York in the Commons dying condition at number of years he has held the posi tion of principal of the Institute for the at The harnessmaking establishment of Adams Bros King St East was j gutted by fire on Friday last- Dam ages estimated at King St East Methodist Church was dedicated last Sunday The services of the day wore crowded jtheu proceedings in the Local House on Thursday oi last week were enliv ened by a debate between Mr St of West York and Hon J Davis of North York upon the con duct the Crown Lands department Mr St John repeated at length many of the rather wild statements he made at the Conservative meeting matter and the Commissioner Crown Lands said he would reserve his reply until that occasion and then go into it thoroughly and com pletely He was sure that when the matter had and in the BUILDERS BLACKSMITHS AGEMAKERS jbiintoould agree that the trans it Aurora jjLuring the late hyeeiP department was campaigned aftejVitV Davis concerned had been proper and above had replied he that j board it was much maHc rash tiie statements on than on surplus spoken oi by the Premier was growing wood crops lor profit Five years ago the department of Crown Lands had seen the necessity of action of this kind and had passed The- Forest Reserves Act- which had been classed by The Canadian Lumberman the organ of the trade as the most important act passed by the Legislature for many years As to obtaining the same revenue from the forests as is obtained in the thickly settled of Germany the conditions were en tirely different- in Germany product of the forest was the roots of trees the bark the leaves and the even the pasturage was added Would not Provide for Settlement Mr St John had in his highly peroration asserted that from this time forth no forest area of the Province should depleted that case Mr Davis asked coming settlers locate ft PAINTS Furnace Work OIL and GLASS r Our Specialty Dr Carman preached in the morning l warranted assertions can be so quick- Davis endorsed the statement that and a platform meeting was held in and effectually shown up Mr jibe- surplus was as old as the Gov- the evening at which Senator Cox Davis was able to demonstrate self It -mam- presided that Mr St John was has- for a great many years and he The Horse and Military com- his criticism Crown Land was proud of the fact petition closed this year the most matters upon an entire ignorance of Would Spend More Money successful in history Sociatly it the conditions as they actually exist one statement member took thehighest rank land to point out to the York must have alacmed his County Old Boys i for West York that a number colleagues as well as perhaps some grand reunion in Assembly Halt this reforms which he cried out for in the Government side of the House Friday evening speech bad for some years been pten he laid down than The of the settled policy of r than less money ought of the capture of York in the St John saw to be spent in the conduct of the campaign By permission j golden opportunity to work off an of the Province Mr Davis the Chairman of the Public- School j old campaign speech and did not think glad that thebon gentleman Board the Principal of Gladstone- ft necessary to even bring down to taking a right view of the pub- School Mr Alex author of date by consulting the latest avail- affairs of the Province Arid his which the was a happy eminent was pursuing that of pro tecting the interests of the farmer u the disposition of the hereof the prominent Liberals bought limits The Government paid half cost of ranging on this licensed territory and the limit holders paid the other half Mr St John rose to state that he had- in his speech said that the fire- ranging was limited to areas and that there- was little or no ranging outside of area the Government did very well so far as the ranging system employed with the limits was concerned v St John Wrong Once More Mr Davis expressed himself as de lighted with the approval of his friend but he was entirely wrong when he said there was no ranging on territory not under license A sys tem had been inaugurated within the last two or three years and reserve was set the Department had formed a perma nent staff of rangers with an inspec tor to superintend them This visited several times in son by the Inspector Forestry and they would all be glad to learn that last year there had been no loss lire over that large area although I many Ares had taken place iu Quebec since the apart in permanent Crown reserve Province They had today none pointed out that the land for the settler and were railway went right through making provision as would- be seen a portion of this new reserve and from thq estimates of the present through an area of valuable pine and year to survey over townships in they had placed upon this road fire- the newer districts Mr then rangers in sufficient number to guard took the opportunity to explain detail the policy of the department with regard to forest reserves Land which had been cut over by the li censee and found to be for agricultural purposes was set apart for This principle had The Maple Leaf took the pupils of his school to see the places of inter- able reports In the course of his would indicate that he was speech he made a slighting reference with the Governments policy est on the theltothc Parry Sound and other dis- of increasing the expenditure Old Fort which was taken by Gen tricts of New Ontario and this the interests of the Pike on the date herein given Mr Mr Milton for the demanded tbc same addressed the pupils and teach- j Sound to his feet with an able A Fresh Supply of the Best Garden and Field Seeds -AT- on the respective incidents and of his constituency plac of about Stanley Bar- ricks Eight more for gambling His had been good enough to devote his special tion to the Crown Lands department Mr Davis had no fault to find with Mr Davis was greeted with pro- the- Crown Lands Depart the right of way And if his would look up the estimates of last year he would find for the first time in thy history of the Province a vote taken for forest rangers north of the height of land in rtiat territory which Mr been in operation for some years t John claimed the Government and they had two reserves of that knew nothing about He mention- description Then there was another this in order to give his class of reserve of which was friend the feeling of satisfaction that a type This reserve 2200 square he felt sure would come to him when miles in extent was Imown to he learned that all these suggestions fit for agricultural purposes and had he had been making with reference to been- set apart as a permanent crown the management the Crown forest reserve The method of Department One Reason for Congratulation were made on Saturday night in Government that fact ought to he known lie was prepared to have it examined arry bound in every branch aim in J department and to have the at his disposal to refute the unfair state- thc Opposition directed to mcats his district whcncvcc rtifl Davis referred to thc remarkable when he rose to speak In opening he said he was not surprised that the member for should take the earlies York Street Cigar Store Taos A administered car bolic acid for medicine to his year old son for a cough which suited in the childs death a few hours later Building permits for April amount v to as against for existing between Mr St the corresponding month of Pure White Pink and White Lavender Mauve and the mixed varieties BEETS DewarE Half Long Ronnies Intermediate Flat Egyptian Turnip Pkt Oz CORN LETT Ronnies Extra Early White Cory Early Minnesota Country Gentleman c per pound Nonpareil Cabbage Toronto Gem per Extra Early American Wonder McLeans Little Gem Improved Stratagem per pkt lb I nri Long Red Giant Yellow Intermediate 20c per SUGAR BEET Royal and Danish per pound per pound Five pounds at Some people confidently assert that striking carpenters and masons are re sponsible for a large per of this this year Rev J I Robertson MA of North Berwick Scotland has been appointed of Apologetics ami Practical Training in Knox College and is expected to en ter upon his duties next October Dr Emily J a pioneer in the cause of womens emancipation in Ontario and the first graduate medical practitioner of her sex in city died at he residence of her daughter Dr Augustus Ave on the last day April She was born at Norwich Quaker parentage and at the early age of began school teaching She was instrumental in securing tin privileges of Toronto University for women and her name is associated with many reforms instituted aided by this accomplished and pro gressive woman i Johns jimb and his Aurora St John did not Know With this length of preparation Mr Continuing Mr Davis took up Mr St John had somewhat the advan- St Johns statement that the de- tage of himself hut he would at the had no information as to short notice he had had endeavor to the conditions prevailing north reply to the leading features his the height of land excepting vague address at any rate He had lot- indefinite reports from the In- lowed the remarks of his friend traders He wondered carefully and one feature that had the gentleman had been irnpressd him favorably was that at- during the last four years that he least ho had discussed public was not aware that the department It was an example which he had made an extensive thought might well be followed to ad of this territory beyond the vantage by Opposition height of The southern baric generally Government applause that exploration had been the Ho had not indulged In personalitiefi and the northern limit was the and in that respect the speaker boundary the Province itself j sued to congratulate him I a wrong impression had been left up- Something New from Opposition Side the and country by the Of course thero were many things gentlemans remarks Mr Davis road in the speech Mr did not agree extracts from instructions given with ami he -thought- there would be these- survey parties to difficulty among thc members on they had been commissioned to other side of the House very soon carefully Apart Parkers Dye Works Agent Canadian Express Co Light Cartage and baggage handled with despatch Telephone No Invent How you we to whtthtr It polUy Ve Oilkly lhrwKtJi DO YOU Mart si revive without MARION and Solicitor i That in Our School we employ TWELVE teachers and use ONE type writing machines It Is that Is one reason why we produce the best cannot to supply the Tor our graduates Enter j any time Write for catalogue J Toronto SHAW Principal- Babys Best Friend The best friend baby can have is a medicine that will relieve and cure the minor that make his little life very miserable Such a friend is Babys Own Tab- Ms cure indigestion stomach constipation simple fevers diarrhoea and allay the the cutting of teeth All mothers who have used these Tablets praise them Mrs Bourgeois Eastern Harbor I have used Babys Own Tablets and look upon them as babys best friend I have found them excellent for colic and they have done our baby much good in many ways Jiittle ones take these Tablets as readily as candy and mother has a guarantee that contain no opi ate or used always where there are lit tle ones in the home Sold fcy drug- or by mall at25 writing direct to Dr Medicine Co Out vO is spending for granolithic walks this year fully examine fthd report upon the situation of the good lands tim ber Not only did a land and tim ber estimator accompany each party hut a skilled geologist as woll whose duly it was to note prospects of min erals The Commissioner read also the general report the Je suit of this great exploration com men ting on the discovery of clay belt which was well adapted tor cultivation Another result was the discovery of enormous quantities timber The Government had always contended that there was plenty pine timber left on the Provincial domain and this verification of that position effectually disposed of Conservative contention of each timber sale that tho last in the Province had been dis posed Hi John Behind Times- One body of virgin in agnmi district consisting of three million feet board measurement had been set as a forest reserve of this exploration IhW Mr Davis showed of the measures advocated by to matter which I Mr St John in his speech had been St of in operation for several years and the Mr St John had an en tirely new policy Ministerial ap plause Many suggestions made by gentleman had already been proposed from the Government side of the House placed upon the Statute and were now in op eration as he would show later on It was not only a new policy coming of- the House but vas new for to have a policy coming from that hide at all Ministerial Applause lie was glad that a better day was dawn- and they would probably during the remainder the at least have public discussed some a policy from his friends opposite The miction in conhection policy is the leader on the other fi might have a leader now looming up in the person of the lion member to West and laughter Ready and Waiting olng dnwiUi his Mr Jib on the paper A position of thin reserve timber would also he different to that followed where the laud was adapted to agri culture Only such trees as might he selected by a competent forester be disposed of and it was possible when the for the reserve were completed that class of timber might be of by competition at so much per thousand feet on stump Another Fallacy Exploded Mr Davis next dealt with Mr St Johns animadversions upon set tlement of and Parry Sound districts and which had earlier Mr to his fcot The member for West York seemed to infer that as many settlors tramped out of those new districts as tramped in in which opposition case the population of that district would be stationary If Mr St John had examined matters carefully he might have found that the cancel lation of a location did not necessar ily indicate that a settler had come out of the country at all It was much more apt to indicate that he had secured what he thought to be a better location at some other point The Commissioner quoted from the re ports of the department to show a steady influx of settlers into the districts under discussion and it was significant that where there were people in there were al most in according to tbe Dominion census And he was in a position to say that the settlement Now Ontario during last year was more satisfactory than in any two of the previous thirty years Approval from Opposition Mr St John had quoted from the report Mr director Colonization and Forestry and had approved of that officials work and Mr Davis quoted from Journals the House to show that had Mr St John and his friends had their way Mr would never have been appointed nor office cre ated as the Opposition had repeated ly moved to strike the salary and expenses connected with that depart ment from the estimates Now that tho result had justified wisdom of the Governments course they were wflUng to accord a tardy approval Ministerial applause Hon gentle- i a rids already a part the settled policy of that department Ministerial applause Some Advice for the Hon Cent He was glad also Mr St John had seen fit to advocate the manufacture uHtioi into paper in our own country The Government been trying to accomplish that jfor some years and several years ago they had prohibited exportation of from the country in an unmanufactured condition to the de cided benefit Ontario workmen and Ontario commerce was away behind the times again Mr Davis entered a spirit of defence the pulpwood policy of the Gov ernment and the attitude of the ad ministration upon The had shouted for a long time that the granting of concessions was unfair to settlers and would retard development and now they had the River Pulp Company throwing up their contract because settlement had gone into the limits of their concession so rapidly that could not proceed and be- sure of sufficient to guar antee tho success ofthe undertaking Ho advised Mr St John incidental ly to read tho waterpower regula tions department- they would be a revelation to him and he woutd see that the Government did not dis pose of these valuablo franchises In fee simple but merely leased them for a term of years In conclusion Mr Davis intimated that he had merely attempted to deal with the salient points which had arisen in connection speech of the gentleman opposite and that perhaps later on he would have an opportunity to address House at length upon tho policy and management of his department- In conclusion he was heartily cheered and it was felt that reply to Mr John was one of the most effective that has bee heard in the House in recent years I dress and fairly and Mr Whitney had scientific iorctry the I work was being extended as rapidly is circumstances would permit lIJ had instanced the methods adopted by the German people men opposite had not been very far- sighted with regard to this imports ant question r Mr St John also laid a great deal of stress upon the loss timber by ftte and criticized Government fire ranging system Mr Davis pointed out that it was the concensus of opinion among the lumbermen and for estry experts that the ranging system of Ontario was superior to that any other Province in the DomWon Ministerial applause And Fawn chore Attractive prediction is made that in ten years there will be a rural free mail delivery and almost incomplete tele phone service throughout all the well- settled parts of Ontario and that these conveniences will revolutionize country life causing people to no longer crowd to cities Lite on thc farm will certainty become more pleasant when there is a daily mail service a prompt delivery of unex pected letters and daily and weekly papers The business end of farm ing can then be conducted on sound lines buying and selling will be fa- lumbermen were mixed politic as diluted The telephone will also leading Conservatives as well as be of great advaatageToronto