Newmarket Era, 8 May 1903, p. 2

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ft k i A THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MAY v T- To Farmers improved English Berkshire with registered pedigree will be kept for service on kit in the Con East Geo She r m Never UjfJ Brighter and Better Each Issue All Printing Done at Home An Boar Pollock oWlo JOT LOST A bill has been presented and dis cussed in the Senate at Ottawa to amend the Criminal Code so as to A Pearl and Gold Brooch on Bote- prohibit obscene and immoral plays ford Church or Streets be- ra and public falls If the residences of VS A Copied as appears to be likely ex- ton and J A Finder will and performances which please leave at Post Office sometimes shock the moral sensibil ities of audiences will not be alfqw- of Thanks I am instructed by the to convey their most smcere thanks to the young people Newmarket lor their hearty cooperation and as sistance in connection with the Folks Concert which netted the nice sum towards the Drinking Fountain Fund- MISS WALSH WANT One Good Smart Boy For Grocery Department to act as Salesman Also One Good Boy For delivering parcels APPLY AT ONCE A BRUNTON RAILWAY SYSTEM GRAND TR Navigation now Open on Lakes North West Transportation Co Steamer leaves Mondays Wednesdays arid Fridays 300 Marie Port Arthur Fort William aod Wednesday steamer runs to Ft William only Northern Navigation Company Steamer leaves p Owen Sound pm Tues- Vdays Thursdays and Saturdays for Marie points SP Navigation Company Steamer leaves Muskoka pm daily except Sunday lor Bala Port and interme diate points and on Tuesdays Thurs days and Saturdays to Port and porte on Lake Joseph Hunteville Lake of Bays Navigation Company Steamer leaves am and pm Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays for Dorset and inter mediate points TROUT FISHING Season tor Trout Fishing is now open For tickets information illus trated literature of summer resorts in Highlands Ontario apply to A Newmarket to mar the power of the stage becoming an educator instead of of public morals Quite complimentary of the Administration is the following com ment of the Telegram in regard to recent appointments to the Bench It says The Liberalism which makes John Winchester Senior Coun ty Judge and Hon William Mortimer Clark LieutenantGovernor of Onta rio is worthy of the best traditions of the party The elements in the party which demand such appoint ments should be supported by assur ance of public approval The Telegram intimates that it has been decided that all important Gov ernment measures except money grants will be withdrawn for a year if they meet vigorous opposition in the Legislature The same journal adds Various reasons will be given but it is believed that the Opposition members owing to the lateness of the session will drop in the ar rangement Future events will disclose how well our cotem is by the sudden adjournment or otherwise of the Legislature after the supplies are grunted 40 Dominion Parliament Senator has a bill in the Upper House to amend the criminal code with respect to offences connected with trade and breaches of contract It aims at preventing American labor agitators from order ing strikes in Canada and influencing or directing labor unions in this Do minion In tie Commons Mr has introduced a bill to prohibit the im portation manufacture and sale of cigarettes awl in so doing he ex plained that there was nothing in the bill that was not contained in the resolution which passed the House by a large majority The Grand Trunk Railway bill pro viding for a new issue of guaranteed stock has passed the Railway Com mittee the Company to furnish a schedule of the works proposed In the Commons a few days ago a member from P- Island asked whether the Prime Minister intended to recommend to His Excellency the propriety of proclaiming the March St Patricks Day a public holiday Sir Wilfrid replied that the advisers of His thought that we have a sufficient number of holidays already and therefore it was not the intention to add another to them Oaf Society POINTS PLEASANTLY leaves this week for New Ontario Miss Toronto is spending a tew days at home Mrs Lawyer Robertson gave a large party on Monday evening Mr and Mrs A were At Home on Wednesday evening l Mr Leslie leaves this week foe the NorthWest to accept a situ ation Rev A attend ed the Presbytery meeting in Toron to on Tuesday Rev Bray of Hanover bro ther of Mrs T J is here a visit this week KING- TOWNSHIP COUNCIL IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD ITS RIGHT Buy Your on Mrs Cook has returned from her visit down East which says she enjoyed most thoroughly Miss P Ketty has taken the charge of the senior division of King City school until holidays Mr John of Toronto came here on Monday with the remains of his uncle the late P Mrs FiedSaxton got word last week of the death of eldest sister Mrs King near Zephyr Mrs Root Meads has gone to to visit her youngest daughter Mrs Workman for or weeks was illuminated on Tuesday evening when Mr and Mrs Ross entertained numerous guests Mrs H Cane entertained a number of ladies on Wednesday after- noon in honor Mrs WmVvCanes fiirthday Mr Grant Hughes of Buffalo was in Town a couple days week visiting his parents Mr and Mrs Ellis Hughes Mr P Pearson who has been laid up with the grippe for some tame was sufficiently recovered to go to the city on Tuesday morning Mr P- and daughter Toronto visited Newmarket Cemetery last Saturday afternoon and took tea with his J 9 Mr Frank Glover formerly who spent the past two years in Halifax was in Town on Wednesday on his way to New On tario Mr A Spooner of Toronto who operated an extensive sawmill at Belle years ago was in Town on Wednesday calling on old friends Mrs and family also Miss Nellie have gone to the home near Oshawa this week to attend the wedding of her sister The twins are to be flower girls Mr Geo Driver returned on Tues day from in Western Onta rio where he resided for two years and intends to settle down in Shar on again which was his home for nearly half a century Mrs and Mrs Best of To who Intend occupying Col Lloyds cottages at Orchard Beach were here on Tuesday making ar rangements to move In on tho of May for the summer TRY OUR Council met at Hotel COOKED MEATS King on Saturday April at DELICIOUS f am All the members present Reeve presiding Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed Communications were received Town Clerk of King Council to recommend the use of 6inch tires on all vehicles sup posed to carry one too weight From Tiffin Superintendent Northern Division re Instal lation of alarm bells at King City crossing From Winger re concrete stone tile or pipes for cul verts or bridges The following accounts and resolu tions were then freight Joel Edwards shovelling snow repairing road AND BARRIE TRY US FOR THE CHEAPEST BOOTS IN TOWN J iy 700 Field Seeds Mangold Sugar Beet Turnip and Carrot SEED CORN Improved White Cap P Red Cob Yellow and North Dakota Flint AT I J HURON Telephone I beautiful purebred Clydesdale the proper ty of John Smith vill vilt Baldwin Holt Newmarket during the teaion colts have von prizes at all local fairs Farmers should before prorating oo At Kingston Locomotive Vorkh on Saturday Fred Matthew a machinist got his arm in a It was completely from the Herbert the ton of Major Cooke fell down the elevator fchaft at the Furniture Factory and was kilted Ontario Mr has introduced a bill to amend the Water Works Act and substituting a clause for the election of a Board Commissioners toman- age the whole waterworks business of the Corporation removing the same from the control of the Coun cilproviding however that the mayor or reeve as the case may be shall he a member and form one of three or five whichever the people decide as the total number the Board Half of the elected retire annually Mr has presented a hill in the Legislature to amend The Munici pal Light and Heat Act He pro poses so changing the Act as to pro vide that where the Corporation owns and controls its electric light art heat systems the management may hi relegated to a Board of Commission ers of not less than three nor more than five members as fixed by By- Law of Corporation the head of the Council being one the rest of the Board being elected by the ratepay ers Mr considers business men specially selected to manage corporation utilities is bet ter than leaving it to councillors who may be useful in general matters the municipality but not adapted to kind specific work ORCHARD BEACH ROACHS POINT has rebuilt his and is now ready tor traffic The Agnes corrrmenced running on Mo da but will not make regular trips about the of May Mr Hamilton Intends to rebuild his wharf shortly and will extend St feet further into the water covering the with plank Our summer visitors are beginning to return to us and we are very glad to see them Try an fa Era- It Br and family of Toronto moved into Mr Yates cottage last Saturday for the season and are- de lighted with the situation Mr Rosamond o Mt Albert has engaged Mr Yates other cottage and will occupy it next Monday Mr Yates has had so many appli cations for these two new buildings that he will probably build another cottage this summer He has put up a good class of buildings and others would no doubt rent readily Col Lloyd was up here on Tuesday cutting the grass on his lawn and fix ing up generally He says his cot tages will be occupied for the season from the May Most of cottages will be occupied this year by the loth of June Fifty thousand dollars was paid to a poor Berlin Watchmaker for a fuse for projectiles ha bad invented During the last four months Irish immigrants per cent them females landed at New Work against In the same period last year- A TRUE NERVE TONIC Will act not so much directly upon the nerves as upon the digestive ap paratus and the abundant formation of red vitalising blood Nerves can not be fed on medicine Tbey can however be restored and strengthened by assimilated food The marvelous action of from its action over digestive and processes When you take the blood is purified strength and grows rich and red Tljeo you grow vigorous healthy and beau tiful ready for work because you have the strength to it No ton ic for the brain blood or nerves com pares with Price Druggists or Poison Co Kingston Ontario Hamiltons Pills are John Fry bridge repairs 3 repairing road scraper shovel Good Roads Machinery Co repairs to road machine J Stevenson accom panying and attending Wards child Childrens Hospital per order Reeve Rogers a convey lug Rob ert Simpson to General Hospital per order of Simeon Lemon hemlock plank James Gillies teaming sewer pipe to Yonge St James removing safe SO n- ij fence bonus claims under by law roc tog Sheep Claims David Lapp George Cutting That F be paid as sheep valuator That the loan of to 8 No on the note of the Trustees be sanc tioned and confirmed That the Clerk write re removing of fence to the line assessor be paid the sum of on account That the Clerk report to David Lloyd Clerk of Newmarket that this Council declines to pass a By law regarding a Deed or Lease of Water power on the Severn River to raise the waters of Lake as this Council claims It would dam age some of the lands of this Town ship That the salary of the Clerk be increased from 9800 to per an num advance In salary to commence July That the time of Black as sessor be extended for making his return ten That the resolution paying the sum of to any person destroying any sheep worrying dog bo and Is hereby rescinded That this cannot entertain the proposition of the in es tablishing Alarm bells at King City crossing on tho terms proposed Reeve Treasurer and Coun cillor Phillips were appointed a com mittee to Invest school funds In first class debentures Clerk was Instructed to en dorse the resolution of the Council of Marys by Inserting in stead of as sufficient for the aforesaid On motion of Phillips Coun- Cradle At Bowling Mis souri on May 2nd to Mr and Mrs Hugh a son Angle WORKMAN At on May to Mr and Mrs Workman nee Miss Meads thf a town a daughter THE LEADING Furniture Undertaking ams IN Extension Tables and Couches For Fifteen Days A BFECIMJTY to John Millard and You know they need New Suits iys I- You know you fiave to buy them somewhere Why not look over our line of Boys aridlChildrens Suits We have them in every J conceivable style and quality from the Strong Canadian Tweeds to the Imported Worsteds ma Is a Specialty with us We know the needs of the boys and have selected a class of garments that are just the thing for real hard honest wear the Canadian boys All our Boys Suits are the AT THE RIO And the right time to buy them is while the Stock is New Fresh and Complete BOYS 2 PIECE SUITS TO BOYS PIECE SUITS TOJW BOYS ODD KNICKERS TO PAIR We Carry a Complete Line of Boys Furnishings only Mens and Youths Suits sizes to bought at a big bargain while they last 4 worth more Grocery Specials Cooked Meats ready for the taJJle Cooked Ham Veal Corn Beef Jellied Hocks sliced to suit you Crosse Malt Vinegar l Imported Vegetable Butter Paper 20c lb Newmarket Prime Cheese 15c Ih HUlSTTER BROS PHONE NO THE HAND to ell adjourned to meet at Temperance Hall Kettloby on the day of May as a Court of Revision of Assessment Roll of the Township of King for year In Bradford at the Roman Catholic Church on morning April by Father Whitney Mr P to Miss Ethel Keaney all of Bradford At St Judes TV on the of April by Rev Goo MA Alexander Till to Agnes both of Sutton West HILLOCK ADDISONOn April by Rev P Addi- son Sander- eon Hi daughter of John Hil lock to Addison The Tomb Bradford on Saturday 2nd of May Alma Thorpe aged years Sharon on May Rachel Hughes widow Graham aged almost Tuesday May Dr Samuel formerly of Newmarket at his residence aged 66 years Barrio on April 18th 1903 Phoebe Randall beloved wife of Mr Brown and slater of Mrs Brown Pine Orchard j ST NORTH All Orders will receive Cartful and Prompt I903WAII WilLL The Leading Designs 1903 Wall Papers Complete tions to match Wall Border and Ceiling REMNANTS BARGAIN Express Wagons Wheelbarrows Doll Cabs Toy Carts Rock Horses Baseballs Mitts Moves Bats Balls Masks i- Complete Outfit Croquet and 8 Balls GROCERIES PROVISIONS FRUIT Dried Peaches Apricots Prunes Extra Quality Dutch Sets 10c per Quart Oranges Lemons Bananas Comb Honey Strained Honey Potatoes and Cooking Apples by Peek 4 p Central telephone

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