Newmarket Era, 8 May 1903, p. 4

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Ancient Fee To health and happiness is ugly as ever time I bunches id the neck fifnrte the skin inflames the membrane wastes the muscles weal em the bones reduces the power to disease and the recovery develops into of my bad scrotals sore kept growing deeper kept from going to school for Ointments and medicines did good pvtog Hoods Ssrs3i caused the to an the do of eia J Hoods tUI rid you of It radically and per it b rid J Robetitsotr Banister notary Public e to good Farm security Barrister Solicitor Notary Public etc Honey to Lean at Bate Orfox Division Court Ontario Barrister Conveyancers South of Of fice Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will alao beat Newmarket on Saturdays and Court J Co and Ontario Bank Aurora Funds Barrister Block Hooey to Loan DENTAL A I Over Toronto Jobbing House Satisfaction Guaranteed INSURANCE R cat for Fire od Life Am a ranee Money to Loan intercut at Current Rate R fl Ramsay Fire Insurance I on Farm and Isolated Town Property OHIO Oyer Tin Metropolitan Co TORONTO AND NEWMARKET as as a I S3 ft CD CO to ra CO 9 cd f CI CO CO to a as CO Co So CO CI H J 93 M rt o CO IS 5 I I Rates every Wed- attsday and Saturday GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY TABLE 141 2 to 3 u o a p- THE NEW MARK FRI MAY Bubble record concerning the Shannon Timber Limit of which toe tried to make a point in connection with be- tbe Royal Commission as favor able to bribery theory was thus answered in the House last week by Hon Mr A license was issued on May to Patrick Shannon This license was transferred by Patrick Shannon to the Traders Bank on July and was again transferred by Traders Bank to Bank April The total area was Shannon paid a bonus of and per thousand feet to be paid as the timber Was cut Tbe department does not know what Was paid for it by the pres ent transaction was a bona fide one on part of Shannon so far as department knows j Thus it is whenever the Opposition charges or insinuations are gated they turn out to be bubbles which disappear as soon as punched The Dyspeptic Is the Most Miserable of Mortals- Only Similar Sufferers Can Un derstand His Hours of Agony An ejection is not on wind The expenses of Hon J Davis in the recent byeelection were and those of Mr H Lennox A bet on a municipal election is always out sorts Every m cannot be collected by process of law Thats why impecunious politicians are ready to back up their assertions offering to bet it count There is no mortal more miserable than the poor dyspeptic He is nev er healthy never happy always HOW IS THE TIME To Replace by and More High- lj Vitalized Fluid mouthful food brings hours dis tress every moment the day is spoiled and soured If you are a dyspeptic you know- the signs the coated tongue the dull headaches heartburn the bilious ness persistent torment alter meals the hopeless despondency Any one of these signs points to The one sure cure for in digestion is Dr Williams Pink Pills They make new blood thats the whole Through the blood In the Commons on an amendment by Mr Borden favoring a Higher pro tective the Opposition found themselves up against an adverse vote Is the Only Medicine That Can Puri fy the Life Stream and Re pair Shattered Strength The sleeplessness nervous prostra tion general debility weakness tunc ABSTRAGT STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS EXPENDITURES FOR THE YEAR Report The report of the Crown Lands De partment for over which the member for North York Hon J Davis presides is full of interest to every devel Railway lands report the Crown Lands proper from which we learn that dur ing the past year there were sold for agricultural purposes acres- aggregating in value The collections on account of these safes and those of former years was There were also sold for mining purposes 3958- acres the ag gregate value of which was and there was received on account conversions of mining leases into pa tents The gross collec tions on account of mining sales and conversions of leases into patents was During the same period thefe were leased for mining purposes acres at a rental of The collections on account of these and former leases was There was leased of Crown Lands acres New rent Col lection on account of this and leases of former years amounted to The total area of land disposed of dur the year was acres the value of which was To tal collection on account of Crown Lands for was The report calls attention to the large influx of settlers into the newer districts of the Province especially the Rainy River and North Day Districts and along territory bordering on Lake Huron Also in Parry Sound Renfrew etc It likewise points out that all kinds timber are becoming valuable and market able as the back country is pierced by railways and directs attention to the fact that settlers have been able to dispose of their timber other than pine to advantage and apply the pro ceeds- to assist in clearing their lands Allusion is next made to the mili tary land grants and then some in teresting information is given re specting the mining industry The output of nickel and copper for the past year was tons of nickel valued at arid tons of copper worth 6ol3 The pro duction iron ore exceeded that 1301 being tons worth The production of pig iron dur ing was tons valued at A other medicines fail Bad blood is mother fifty diseases and Dr Williams Pink Pills will cure them alt because they convert bad blood into good rich red blood without which there can be neither health nor strength Dont be persuaded to try something else take nothing but the genuine Dr Williams Pink Pills by all medicine dealers or sent post paid at cents a box or six boxes for by addressing Dr Jiams Medicine Co fl Timely Interference Winnipeg May A despatch from Ferry elbow of the Saskat chewan tonight says Thanks to the promptness of the officials of the Immigration Department what threat to be another was this afternoon nipped in the bud Three agitators from the York- ton colony pilgrims in the movement last have been for twenty days in the neighborhood agitating for another crusade They brought disciples from Troiske and other vil lages on the north of the Saskatche wan to the number of A sort of religious service was held at oclock this morning at which four men and four women were stripped naked This afternoon the three leaders crossed the river to their village and at oclock had a conference Agent broke into the gathering and made the three leaders march to Sas katoon and the others back to villages The Mounted Police are now walking them back to their and no further uprising is fear ed THE CAUSE OF Deafness and impaired hearing are duo almost entirely to catarrhal in flammation of the tubes Permanent cure is guaranteed to all who inhale as directed This vegetable antiseptic is inhaled at the mouth and alter traversing all the air passages of the respiratory or gans is exhaled through the nostrils it completely catarrh from any part of the system clears the tats nose and tinoat and allays in flammation congestion and soreness For deafness earache ringing in the ears head noises Catarrh asthma JMV and of steel tons and bronchitis medical science can valued at The total col- vise nothing as beneficial as Catarrh- lections for the department from was Si 51 32- manufacturers at the agriculturists expense of the Mr when Mr Johnson couldnt swallow Dr Bordens will brace up your strength i benefit of the waken your liver and set your stom ach right If you ask your neigh bors you will find proof of this right at your own home Mr Charles Wood Mars one of thousands of dyspeptics cured by the use these pills says For upwards of twelve years was a sufferer from indigestion and nervousness Every thing I ate tortured me I doctor ed almost continuously and used al most everything recommended lor this trouble but never got more than temporary relief until I began the use of Dr Williams Pip Pills Words cannot express the good these pills have done 1 am in better of That division settled the irregularities and despondency budget debate It even astonished from which thousands of women young and old suffer can be removed by properly feeding the RECEIPTS Balance on band from last year Resident Taxes Tax Arrears of Taxes Water Rates PAYMENTS fc Salaries Allowances Printing Advertising and tionery Insurance Water Light Law Costs I I Bridges Licenses v A telegram from on Sat- last states Mr Alex Dob- son of met a pecu liar accident While out on a trip with his gasoline launch a snake got caught caught in the and broke the shaft If snake be Lloyd will probably be able to duplicate It on some of his trips down to the mouth the Hol land River during the present summei The Toronto Globe sizes re cent attempt to get up a duct scandal at Buffalo in this way A been making he tii by the Liberals to do mrniofcwork in Norths A Jn nonun ion on very small capital Canadian courts are available that kind of evij The two big generators to be con- at Niagara- by Toronto and Niagara- Power Con which is to supply Capital with eleptric- energy of horse power each present the work is carried in the roughest waters of the rapid about 2000 feet falls and feet out from the shore It h interesting to observe operations sur rounded by the surging waters of Mr 493 4000 Debentures Loans School Grant rV ad sft AX IBB of this was derived Iron sales and leases Crown Lands was derived from tim ber and sources Turning to Woods the total revenue collected on account this branch of the service was of this came from timber duefl Ironj from ground rent transfer fees The re venue collected on account Urn he dues is the largest in history of the Province j The Pulp Industry Fire Ranging Public Parks and Crown Surveys oj the year are all dwelt upon aril together the report dkftt evidence of development an growth Mine tie tome Idea of the labor connected with branch tire ozone Complete outfit for two months use price SI trial size Druggists or Poison Co Kmgcton Hamiltons Pills are While oiling machinery of the tug Alice at Thomas engineer lost a foot The Government have approved of Lord plan for the organ ization of a guides corps in connec tion militia School No NORTH Prefer Cook Jr Morton Wealey Br HI J Jr Cook Percy Cole Joy Procter as mercury will Airely destroy the fiinell and completely the ayMtem when entering it through mucous Such article should never be used except on prfciripUonB from reoutbble a the damage they wludo Is uftold good obtain from Cure manufactured J Toledo no and in Internally directly upon the blood and Halt a Cat Cute cure It taken and In Toledo by P J Cheney free Bold by pa bottle tie hart A press from dated May gives an account of th operations of a fraud in part of the country The despatch- says A new bunco gameis being on unwary- merchants throughout A man enters the sto a Government badge an that he is in the secret service and on lookout for counterfeit money He looks over the cash bo and invariably finds fouc or five bad money which he confiscates The whole thing is a fraud The scandal monger in some way or other ought to be exorcised that the country may have a The Nelson AffidavitatBualo the latest developed by the Opposi tion but it is no sooner made pub- lie that referred to in the affidavit viz Messrs James and Donald Campbell and J Colder of Stratford who were alleged to been bought by him tor each vote Liberal in North Perth not only deny seeing the money but also deny ever seeing Nelson the confessed operating briber The whole business is simply a Burial sensation and the parties thereto have been dared to cross the border and make the alleged charges in Car- A medical journal of repute makes the statement that anyone who eats fresh lettuce daily will be made im mune from smallpox Smallpox is a typical scorbutic disease like scurvy and rages in the winter season when poor people are deprived of fresh veg etable food Onions and celery arc as good perhaps but they are eaten some time alter being gathered and thus lose most of their antiscorbutic properties Lettuce on the other hand must be very soon alter leaving the and hence contains the properties which are claimed to prevent smallpox But while giving this paragraph to the public would be Interesting to know what of the Provincial Health Board or our own local medicos think of the suggested Immune 1 Another Opposition campaign story- has been published to the effect that large block of land on the line of Railway was being set aside by the Government lor the purpose of creating a campaign fund Mr Aubrey White Deputy Commis sioner of Crown Lands gave a correct version the matter last Monday The land has been Bet aside It Ijee to the north of and from sales Umber- upon it Government hopes to meet much of the expense of building Umber is very Valuable and the land cannot bo tied for agricultural purposes until timber cut Some people hop ing to grab up largo land and speculate upon began squatting but have been prompt J to evaluate From it is presumed that the cry bos the land was to form nucleus of a campaign fund nerves and replacing the unhealthy blood by a fresher and more highly vitalized fluid The happy change from illhealth and misery to true womanhood and happiness can only be effected by the use of PaineV Compound v The present spring demand for Celery Compound womans friend and life giver is enormous in every province of the Dominion This fact alone amply proves that he great compound possesses virtues and powers- unknown to other remedies Dear wife and mother do not crasfcfoate listen today to the voice of Season and the pleadings and of the thousands your sex who have been made well and strong Mrs J Chelmsford says I wish to let you know what Celery has done for me I was with ner vousness sleeplessness debility and general weakness tor five years and during that time I was doctored and spent a good deal of money for med icines without any good results A friend advised me to use your pound and I am happy to say it com cured me I now eat well sleep well and am as strong as ever before I am sure I would have died had not Paines Celery Com pound come to my aid I wish every woman to know about your wonderful medicine It you are in need of free medical advice write to Consulting Physi cians Department The Wells Co Limited Montreal Que All correspondence is sacredly confidential Fines Market Electric Light Miscellaneous X I Burned in Bush Fife Ottawa May Abbie Perry aged years was burned to death yes while helping the family heat back the forest fires from their home in Hull Township about miles from Ottawa By means she be came separated from the others and was surrounded by tfio fire This morning her charred body was found The fires raged all through the yesterday the people in and Kazabuza having to turn out en masse to save their homes Sev eral farm buildings are reported to have been burned tlt Previous Reeord Broken Eight Thousand More People Reach ed Winnipeg in April Than in Preceding Month Winnipeg Man May 1 The of Immigrant arrivals in March broke all previous records and in turn has been Ousted from its posi tion of precelence by the month of April that closed yesterday The March record of this year arrivals was nearly greater than May of last year which had the largest number to Us credit up to that time and April has now overtopped March by some ar rivals It is expected when full ports arc In that it will show closo to souls to have conic In dur ing the mouth Of these about have entered by way Winnipeg THE- Sovereign Paid up Capital Rest Head Office Toronto Clinton Exeter Montreal Newmarket Ottawa Perth Toroolo Stoufrlhe Catharine fitlrllns Sutton Mount Albert ADVANTAGES OF Sating Interest allowed from iMued Interest I paid on Of the ifloalb cither I Call wid set one or Utile or Manner if 00 Water Works supply Capita account County Rates account Market Board of Health Miscellaneous Street Watering Balance- in band tl Stub 5543 CO mm W ASSETS fl OH t4 Arrears of Taxes Water Rates Arrears of Electric Light Fire Hall Bell Tower and Land w Apparatus in same to Hose Reel House Prospect Ave Apparatus in same w0 Building and Land at Power Station Artesian Wells Water Works Boilers and Pumps 0 Mains and Reservoirs Reservoir Lot Prospect Ave 0 Electric Light Plant and Machinery sow a Market Building and Lot Public School Buildings Grounds High School Buildings and Grounds Gravel Lot Prospect Aye Flats Barn Lockup Steel Bridges Water Cart Road Planer and Tools Water Pipe in Stock Electric Light Supplies in stock Band Instruments Lumber and Poles Broken Stone Water Lot Huron Street MW fti 1800 Cane Bonus Debenture Water Works Debenture Water Works Debenture Water Works Debenture Water Works Debenture Public School Debenture High School Debenture High School Debenture 1893 Bridge Debenture Electric Light Debenture Electric Light Debenture Office Specialty Debenture Water Works Debenture No County Rate for Levy for High School Maintenance of Levy for Public School Maintenance Note Lloyd Note Lloyd i i I I I fc- fc I I I Ill l i To the Mayor and Corporation of the Town of Newmarket Wo the Auditors beg herewith to submit the Detailed Statement Receipts and Disbursements and an Abstract of the same also a state ment of Assets and Liabilities of Town of Newmarket for the year ending Dec Wo have also examined the Correctors Roll for the year which the following is a synopsis To Amount on Collectors Roll Tax Collected Arrears Taxes collected 12693 By Amount paid Treasurer on account Levies 37 Poll Tax paid Trcas Arrears of Taxes Rebates by Order of Council 18 Rebates on Farm Lands Taxes returned nothing to distrain As required by the Municipal Act each voucher has been examined and stamped and the Minutes of Council searched as to authority for paying same Treasurers Bond in the hands of the Mayor for with tbe Sureties for sum of The Treasurers Books Vouchers and Accounts have been examined and annexed statements found to be correct Newmarket March J A Finally audited and allowed tbls day of May A DAVID LLOYD CANE Clerk Treasurer Mayor Statement Public School pit the RECEIPTS To In hand from last Audit of Rate from last Audit legislative- School Grant Municipal Assistance received NonResident Fees Model Fees a it Hi Model School County Grant for and Coal Sold 320 S3 1500 350 EXPENDITURES By Teachers Salaries Other School Omceta Other Balabce I 13 10 4201

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