Newmarket Era, 8 May 1903, p. 8

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY W around Hie flub WIDE- A AND TO AURORA Mrs Watson another old and respected resident this place passed away at her residence Church street on Monday evening had been ill for some time but not seriously On Saturday interning she had a paralytic stroke from which she failed to rally The many friends of Samuel King J Big Review in France Paris May 2 King Edward this morning witnessed the manoeuvres of- Ontario Mr Smith Peel has presented House is one of the duties that a weak woman looks forward to with dread As a rule she knows that she j must pay for the overstrain Holland of this place will regret to with days or weeks of learn that he has decided to leave womanly suffering and- move to JSSffS having the early part of next women strong and sick month During the years Mr women well It cures the Holland been here be has taken womanly diseases which an active interest in all for undermine the general improvement and advancement the town He has occupied the position of Public School- Trustee for some years and that position at the present time Mr Holland has disposed of his fire insurance business to A der the department of Crown Lane which license had been in existence for years These islands were by the department of Indian At bill to amend the Public School Act ag the property of the Indians J It proposes to substitute five years a Messrs Cane were deprived or a oo stXsiSLS sls school- sections shall be fixed They made a claim on Province Mr Smith also proposes to throw the compensation for the losses costs of arbitration of union school tained by them On December on the whole municipal- lS commission was issued ini- as parade ground at It was- a martial panorama of posing proportions resembling near as possible the conditions of war- assessments fare troops uniformed and instead of upon the union section i Into arreoorVaT to the accoutred for actual firid service SeViS The King drove to Vincennes in an I l losses vrnwiuic in an should bewailed entitled to condensation and to dispute SBK school sections which and they have no interest is a ordered nfl be health It establishes larity dries weakening drains heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness I toot two bottles of your Favorite Prescription and tiro of thcGotdfn Medical Discovery and wil write of iTaie Breton Co Nova baa alio pain in the Fide and head ache After taking your I cured Von may publish or it in way think best as I caunot speak too highly of Dr Pierce and his medicine Favorite Prescription has the testi mony of thousands of women to complete cure of womanly diseases Do not accept an unknown and unproved substitute in its place Dr Pierces Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of customs and mailing only Send onecent stamps for the in paper covers or stamps for the clothbound volume Ad dress Dr V Pierce Buffalo You can place full reliance In detachable pneumatic Tires they will never fejtray your hardest to punc ture to repair Years of excellent have made them of almost uni versal wheel a repu tation fitte1 with them rider of bicycle of minimize the is an Beared The Dunlop Tire Co Limited Toronto Ont Ihyi Si found Coin The tea and entertainment on Wed nesday evening in connection with the was a decided success The tea was simply excellent and the entertainment was worth the price admission alone The So cietys own choir led by the presi dent Mrs- J excelled themselves The good work done by the women will be seen by the fol lowing report as read by dent Mrs ending April new year Amounts raised during the year as follows members fees raised at teas thank Collection 37S home missionary work grand total The question might well be asked what would we do without the aid of the women in all our church work The Trustees ol the Methodist church on Thursday night- last voted Miss Flora organist twenty dollars for past services i President the Cabinet Minis- WW d to be compensated the representative of Peel will to cut on certain eonTinuousl acclaimed the King allowed They cut last season As the entered the aft feet bm on which they paid dues the manoeuvres batteries P has presented a bill in at J26 per thousand feet equalling guns in a deafening roar fired a Assembly respecting the employ- and wages of female and day Dr Barr has presented a bill to King Edward drove along the line laborers It provides that it shall amend the Municipal Act which pro- of troops while fanfares oi no be lawful to employ any female that members of town village were sounded standards were dipped shop factory retail store and township councils shall be bands frayed- God- Save the confectionery eating house or restaur- to sit lor two years instead of one King His Majesty who wore for more than nine hours a was sent to the Municipal a British Marshall time and a half be paid for tee It dont cost much to hold with i gray military cloak thrown overtime but females may be em- election and the annual discussion iter his shoulders surveyed the scene for more than hours with municipal affairs keeps tilings -front- an of out extra pay on Saturdays and days preceding holidays so long as the total hours do not exceed per drifting The member York is an old councillor a number of others on thi for North as well as committee week Day laborers in constant cm- and while they will recognize by corporations may be the trouble of annual flections where paid for every Labor Day A pen- all goes along smpptry they will alty of less than 30 for the first also a full free bill not On ascending the tribune under a canopy of flags by the chiefs State ihe King witnessed the review General Military Gov ernor of Paris commanded the troops formed them into two divi sions offence up to and for the second and at- nominations has The first was made up of brigades offence from 50 to may be im- saved a reckless expenditure of infantry Zouaves and colonial posed or imprisonment on default blocked many undertakings that troops the second included the mount of from to days It is thought otherwise have been saddled get beyond the the municipality Mr Lucas has introduced a bill to provide for the of- the vast sard that salaries of civil servants is all color and glittering stecf A dramatic climax of the rev was the furious charge of the who sea brigade of cavalry It was a blood- being manufactSidaily stirring sight as the solid line Hon Mr horsemen swept straight towards the Grants to Veterans Kings tribune the cavalrymen yell- those who are entitled to the grant and brandishing their sabres and and extends the time for application terminating with an abrupt halt in to January 1st unbroken column immediately- in front Hon Mr bill to provide I lil- -V- hussars stage this session field guns arid In reply to Col the forming a vast tlay- the Premier saidthat pounds of binder was in and it was now review at the whole season oflV03and it right why should civil servants be immune paying their debts any more than an ordinary laborer There is no room for a protected class fBffll Land of heartless debtors in Ontario widens the list Proposal to Develop Trade with England I of the tribune The King rose and bowed his for the consolidation rural schools and to remove the authorization of of the salutes of the school text books from politics came commanders and addressed words of second readme on By James Bay and Hudson Strait congratulation to President week for a second reading on Thursday Pieoed ARE GUARANTEED ask WANTED your a perm pay to We want a good reliable man to act as local Salesman in your district The position is one and offers large any wideawake honest worker All our goods are guar anteed We want to deal only with those who can appreciate a good position and represent us fairly We instruct you and furnish you uptodate sampler free We pay weekly All freight and packing charges are paid by us From 5000 to per month and expenses can be earned selling our goods BLACK FORD Toronto I bridge May William If Gibson who lived about five miles north here was babied death and his house and contents were des troyed about ten oclock last night Mr was alone in the at the time aid Just how the fire Originated will never he known When found he was nearly out of the house but deaf from hums received about the head Deceased was years of age and married The firemen are getting things down in shape for demonstra tion on of May We are glad to learn that Mr Ed of Sharon was down last week inflammation is much better and able to return home- here Mr Louis Todd of Newmarket spent Sunday last at home Last Sunday afternoon a number of converts were baptised in the stream hard by the church on the line Mr little son met with a painful accident one day last week by stubbing a needle in one of his toes which required the aid o a physician to extract the piece of steel Oi Sunday afternoon last at the Congregational church Mr Fred gave a very fine and eloquent discourse from the words Blessed arc the pure in heart for they shall see God- Mr Hainer will supply the pulpit until July 1st The annual meeting of the Baptist church was held in Hall on Friday evening The ladies served tea from to A generally sociable time was spent The years business was gone over officers elected etc church are in a very satisfactory state and erection of the new church on the splendid discipline and appear ance of the troops In reply to a question by as to the charge per acre for free grant land in Port Arthur Rainy J River and Districts Mr of vis said was made anywhere in tne Province In aqueducts and reservoirs of sct were allowed to pur- show that there was Thunder Bay district dant provision for running water in per flcr6VairdVin Rainy- the ancient They have district SO acres brought again into service of the May the lands in Rainy River city which for many years has been districtNverc withdrawn from the free dependent upon small accumulations and ordered to be sold at of rainwater The water is piped acre On May 3rd from Solomons Pools nine miles to to the free the south of the city drawing water grant list There are no free grants in district Lands there are from the sealed fountain mentioned in the Song of Solomon It is a deep subterranean spring which flows thru au arched channel to a distributing chamber This increase in the citys water supply will enable twelve an cient fountains the city to he used Shot His Orjun Son may commenced May A dread ful accident occurred in this vicinity yesterday noon at the farm of Mr Martin Ridge Row Mr Martin had recently shot a number of around his and while at work thought he The affairs of H bcWnd a stump some distance from him He to the man working with him who also felt confident Mr Martin ran for his gun but no sooner had he heard the report than also heard a scream from his lit tle fouryearold son whom had was the cause of the fatal mistake Medical was immediately se cured but the child only survived a few hours OH I if I XL all neccfiary repairs are done was also propositi the Cop JJ lilt Condition Blood Powder Sold by The Roche The annual meeting of the ratepay ers of the village of was held on Wednesday evening April and was very well attended A large amount of business was done and things put in such a shape that the business affairs should certainly be managed properly for the enbuirg year the ratepayers showing much wisdom In electing capable officers and passing resolutions necessary the welfare of the village The moot ing opened with in the chair and Mr acting as secretary The accounts of last year were audited Messrs and Jos as presented the road overseer Mr Joel wards A motion was put to the meeting and carried that Ruth accounts as be The following then appointed Mr for north ward Mr A for centre ward and Mr J no Walsh for south ward Mr Joel was appointed road overseer for the ensuing year It was that the Commissioners should every two weeks during the season sidewalks and streets are being at- to and that the Commission ers instruct the overseer where the to he done After the repairing season arc to every month to sec that Commis sioners meet as as possible ind elect a Treasurer to whom all money of statute labor paid and m deposited the Traders irlriui Bank the road overseer to issue his Tim order for work done on the Treas- urer who should a for I the amount payable at the Traders BOWNE Bank Sentinel all sold at cents per acre In reply to Col on Fri day last Hon Mr Ross announced that the Government has ordered the Clerk not to issue the writ lor elec tion in North Renfrew until after the close of the Bribery Commission in Hon Mr R06S has a hill respecting statute labor As soon as the teit comes to hand we will give a synop sis thereof for the information mui men I His Honor the at his request has been assigned an of- in the Parliament Buildings It is that he will up hisyfesidence in the Government House The sale of old Govern ment House property and the erec tion of a now residence for future LieutOovomors Is talked of In ac cordance with the legislation of A bill has been introduced by Mr Matheson to amend the Municipal shot through the back of the head The little fellow had a brown velvet A the auditing hood on and tho sun shining upon it Mr Preston South Brant Mr Preston South Brant has in troduced a bill into Legislature to regulate the speed and operation of automobiles It provides lor regis tration fee to be paid by owners of motor vehicles also that each ma chine shall be numbered in a conspic uousplace on the back of ma chine with figures three inches long- to have an alarm bell gong or horn and to have lamp which shall he lighted at night Speed Is reg ulated by this hill The AtJtorneyGeneral has a bill I fore the House to amend the Scotts Emulsion is the means of life and of the en- Protection Act It provides of life of thousands children under years of age women children trial on a criminal charge not be committed to county To the men Scott s tfc them some party must he found who will take charge of them until the time of the trial- Jr Another got explo sion in ftp ijouso last had been that the Cane Manufacturing Co of New market been obtaining special privileges through Mr Davis and Mr thought it Op position cause to throw a stone at the Commissioner of Grown Lands if the right Canes to cut timber by auction private arrangement Hon vis replied that the Cane Company have been cutting during the past winter on two in Georgian Bay near Point They are hot cutting under author of timber libchsc but under authority of as explained he low They were in licensed certain islands in Georgian Bay gives the flesh and strength so Necessary for the cure of consumption repairing of body losses any wasting disease For women Scotts Emul sion does this and more It is a most sustaining food and tonic for special- trials that Women to hear children Scotts Emul sion gives food and strength for growth of flesh and and blood pale girls for thin and sickly boys Scotts Emulsion is a great Bond for Premier Ross and Hon J Davis were interviewed fast Friday morning by a delegation representing the Lake Superior Long Lake and Albany Riv er Railway a company which is said to be backed by- several large steam ship companies in Great Britain that are desirous of utilizing the Hudsons Bay route for carrying wheat and other Western grains to Europe Mr Ashland of London England the chief spokesman of the delegation said that he was the representative of many wealthy concerns who re cognized the value of a short route to England He asserted that the company were prepared to build a road from Harbor on Lake Superior to a point on the Albany River a distance of miles which would be ultimately constructed to Fort Albany at the mouth of the river The company desired a land grant of seven thousand acres a mile from the Government and they would ask no cash subsidy They proposed immediately to place a fleet of light draught vessels on the route between England and James Bay and they that the water routo could be operated between May and Novem ber Mr Ashland thought that proper information regarding the of Hudson Strait had never been given and he also stated that he believed vessels drawing from to feet of water could proceed up James Bay by the western side to the mouth of the Albany The com pany intended to settlers in the district and desired to commence at once Premier Ross promised to look carefully into the matter as it was ho said a matter for great consid eration Besides Mr Ashland the delegates consisted of Mr J Mr J Andrews Mr Cane of Newmarket and A Yule of Aurora tip Mrs T Long of Stonewall Man writes Would miss the weekly appearance of the sadly Have been well pleased with it for Die fourteen years I have taken it We have had beautiful weather for wheat seeding hut today is cold enough for winter snow flying at times- WE liY not bite WE are nitchn people from gv WE that are to who hive up by from three to thirty eminent very claim that tablets an a euro for and con- blood maW and a corrective of tflsh liver and of a y t on days notice veSvv feiij mm mm mi r5f j PECULIAR TO MEN AND WOMEN It is sad to contemplate the unfortunate condition of so many of M our day and generation At they feel SO at they feel and at 50 when they should be in the very prime of life they are almost ready for the grave The fire of youth has gone out the fountain of vitality is you to do is to Dont lose your grip on life There are yet many happy golden yean tor you you only get help We can and will not only help you but cure you to stay cured Curing diseases and weaknesses of the nervous and sexual system has been our exclusive business for the past years during which time we have cured enough fallen to make an army OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will restore to you what you have lost It and enriclies the BLOOD strengthens the NERVES vitalizes the sexual organs checks all unnatural drains and losses and fits a man for the active duties of life Wo treat and Vnrlc6clc vr Blank for Homo Gloat arid If to cull write for a I Detroit Cured Security I- I- 11 f Farm Wanted to Lease WITH A VIEW TO About acres preferred Must be good rich loam well watered by windmill spring or running stream Bank barn in good repair to accom modate to head of cattle with silo if possible given to a place with good hog pen with pen room for to hogs House rooms or upwards If you have a farm you care to rent with option of purchase send particulars stating distance from Newmarket Cheese Factory Address Care Era Newmarket Comer tot for Sale r Formerly occupied by the old store house Half an acre Of ground A good well and pump Apply to COOK BROS- NOW To Meyers Poultry Spice For Sole at House for Sale Corner of Huron Street and Pro pecs Ave J Newmarket- House for Sale A House with Lawn Garden all good condition and all other conveniences further particulars apply to MRS MARY OLIVER Queen St Newmarket FEED STORE Opposite Foray I FirstClass Farm For Sale- acres three quar ters of a south of Pino Orchard In tho Township of Whitchurch Pos session given tho April payments to suit purchaser at a low rate of Interest J but Iht v Farm Horse Sale Heavy Draft years Cash or easy terms s Piano Agent Newmarket It pays to advertise In the Era North York License District Notice hereby given that appli cation boa been made to License Board of District for a Trans fer Tavern License from Elizabeth Flanagan to David both of the Town of Dated this day of April HUGHES License Inspector BAYLYS SCHOOL NOW OPEN ENGLISH fkfUhdi SjiiXXi

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