Newmarket Era, 15 May 1903, p. 1

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lbs Era gives more homo news every week than any other r JM0 3 4 me the liberty to know to utter and to argug freel according to conscience above all other liberty- AND ADVERTISER a T No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance ML No centa each Everybody knows about SWP Its success Is in the air It gains fame for itself with every gallon thatsspread on a house Uniform good quality has given it a popularity greater than any other paint on the market When you want to paint a build ing inside or out side THE will do it better and more econom ically than any other It will wear longer look better and cover more surface Its a paint with a reputation found ed on merit Ask us for color cards SOLD BY BUILDERS BLACKSMITHS CARRIAGEMAKERS PAINTS OIL GLASS Furnace Work and Our Specialty NEWMARKET fC ream AND- l ream TTER THEN AT Our flavors are the pure concentrated fruit syrups made from the best of fruits Theyre rich and heavy just teem to out of the I It would be much cheaper to syrups that never saw fruit the diluted rtuff made from essences r I I But our Soda reputation wasnt built on such foundation Our Ice Cream comes as near perfection as possible and we intend to top it right there- Agent Parsers Dye Works Agent Express Co Light Cartage and baggage hand led with despatch Telephone No we Mr We Marion iVjiV MARION MARION EkpKi w York Ufa Newmarket Ont Friday May TERHS125 per annum If paid In advance That In Our School we employ TWELVE teachers and ONE HUNDRED type writing It that is one reason why we produce the best We cannot begin to supply the for our graduates Enter 1 any time for catalogue Control A Toronto J Ouf Letter The residenoe of Mr at 170 street east has been purchased by Hon Blake KC for about and it is said that Mr Blake give it as a home for the Anglican Deaconesses Mr Giirney will move to road Dr who is in charge of a missionary hospital at Chung King Cbina is in Toronto on his home to England on fur lough A citizens banquet is to be given to their excellencies Lord and at the new King on Monday May Mr I Silver of who has been in poor health for some time is undergoing a course of treat ment at a private hospital and is progressing favorably Emerson who for many years has been Torontos effi cientBoard Health Commissioner passed peacefully away on Friday last in his year He has been a City ofJicial tor nearly thirty years Although guests are now being re ceived at the King Edward Hotel the formal opening will not take place hi May when a banquet will be given municipal teephone agitation has had the effect of the Bell Co offering the city to put a large num ber of wires under ground and to give a portion of the net proceeds as a bonus in return for a ten years contract but the report may be mature Two more women one married were up in the Police Court last week for shoplifting at They get caught so frequently that honest people wonder at the weakness of those who pick goods from the counter The familiar tattoo of the military bands and moving squads make even ings lively these times in parts city The assizes opened hero on Monday with Mr Justice Street on the bench Mr Hugh Outline of is the prosecuting Crown At torney Miss is spending the sum mer with her brother Sheriff at the country home in It has been settled to have a horse- show and parade in connection with the Toronto HomerComers Festival to he held July to four Her the Countess r Minto during her stay in the city has shown very commendable in terest in the various charitable insti tutions Toronto by making per sonal visits thereto The example is worthy of imitation by ladies mov ing in the higher circles of society- The receipts of the Horse Show this year were in advance of two years ago hut the expenses have been considerably higher in conse quence of the military attachment The will of the late Lieutenant- Governor Sir Oliver Mowat has been filed for probate estate amounts to and is divid ed as follows Threetwelfths each to Mr Arthur and Miss at and twotwelfths each to Sheriff Mrs W and Mrs Thos and Lady left tills last Monday for a weeks tour Western Ontario and Berlin were visited Monday J Stratford and London on Tuesday St Thomas and Detroit on Wednesday and yesterday Woodstock and Hamilton Owners of canines have been hunt- the official who Issues this week as they fear invitations will be issued requesting at the Police Court Dog tags are due to issue on the 1st of In the military church parade last Sunday to fall over men were In line and the attendance of Lord and Lady lent addi tional attraction to the occasion The streets along the line of march were crowded with spectators Lieut Governor and family were ako present It is understood the Provincial Gov- erect a to Sir Oliver Mowat It occupy a place in the Queens Geo an employee the was killed on Saturday morning in the railway yards near the Union A serious disturbance occurred at the Boston Lunch St on Saturday night by which one man got a terrible scalp wound and received a compound fracture of his left leg Two plate glass win dows were broken the melee The offenders were arrested Big Fire at Ottawa Buildings Destroyed and Homeless- Ottawa May Today the city underwent its second great baptism of fire A smouldering mass of with a solitary chimney or broken walls standing here and there tell the tale of an awful conflagration laying war the area between the Canada Atlantic Railway tracks at the south street on the east Albert on the north arid- the tracks of the line and Third Avenue on the West About two hundred houses were de stroyed probably or 000 peo ple are hoincless and the financial loss totals- about Probably onehalf of this amount possibly more is cover insurance No lives ate known to have lost The fire is thought to have been incendiary origin while an exconvict is held the finger of suspicion to point against him The blaze started in the lumber piles near the tracks The tireswept area about acres was in the same as that over which the great fire of lt- burned only it commenced where that one left and worked in that direction it was just when the fire started that a break in the water works sys tem occurred and Had the effect ol temporarily paralyzing work on the part of the fire brigade Leading out of the big pumping station are 21inch water mains and three or four smaller ones One of these mains had been leaking for a consid erable time and repairs had been in progress since Thursday five minutes alter the fire pressure had been turned on the pipe burst gave way and the who station was temporarily inundated Men at once got to work in five feet of water and shut the valves of the disabled main so as to allow pumping to go ahead without damage to the station In the meantime pumps slopped and for an water was most needed none of it was going through the mains At the end that time however the pumping resumed and while was registered at the pumping tion the pressure on the district where the fire was registered was comparatively weak for the mains up there are small and but for the fire engines little force could have been got on Half an hour had that time elapsed and the blaze was burning with an awful intensity l It was sweeping down Preston along Ro chester south of Poplar and was making its way- for Division Street The residents of the locality were terrified but most them exhibited presence of mind enough to attempt- their household effects From every door and window bedsteads matresses and articles furniture were being carried peo ple who had been attracted to the district taking of their and lending a helping hand But there was a dearth of rigs and as usual people who had them were in many cases demanding exorbitant prices Household effects in numerous cases were placed on vacant Iota only to be overtaken later the flames and wiped in an instant before they could be saved five oclock the flames had work ed their way as far south as set Street while the gale continued strong from the southwest and grave fears wcrd entertained that the firewould retrace steps and over the whole and Hull district as not a mile that 6f made a clean sweep as it went and wiped out the district gradually but effectually That hluff known as and on tbCftop which stands St Jean Baptist Church was largely the salvation Wellington Ward In and again yesterday that alono the flarutfroinsweepihg into the business of the city r At the ratepayers on a bylaw voting to be expended In laying granolithic sidewalks a ST PAULS CHURCH Krected To he lit by electricity next Sunday lOvenhig This edifice was built on the site of the old church erected about Summary iVnd Recounts Receipts from Electric for Current supplied to customers Installing Liguts v IT LciDippj Water from water i J Light Payments for Pot m p Or oiii wo For Capital v Water Works Payments for Capital s 83 Operating Expenses Electric Light and WaterWorks Fuel -v- ii 6j Salaries Labor OH Waste Repairs Insurance C s06 for Street Lighting 00 Estimate lor Public Buildings Estimate lor Hydrants Fire i 10000 It Wont Be It be long until the lazy days in June When early in the gladsome after noon Dad comes home and says hes kind sick Then he 11 dig worms you know the trick Hell go fishing It wont be long till Sarah has to see- A friend- Some sick one some invalid you may depend Before the glass she powders up her darling face Then down- the street she makes a l race To meet her fellow It wont be long till the office boy buries dear old mother Followed perchance by father and perhaps a brother So the boss lets him and down the line he will shoot To bury his mother Not much hes going to At the ball It wont be long till at noon the law- yer his will close The doctor will shorten he goes The merchant will leave the store Then the whole caboodle will rise up arid roar same bail It wont be long till the voices of the night ii IF TORMENTED WITH CORNS Save pain worry and dis tress by using theneverfaiHag Put nams Painless Corn and Wart Ex tractor is reliable and acta quickly Cost the Census Nearly Paid Out in North York According to Dominion Book recently received at Wiis office It cost 24520 to procure tho data in North York required for the cen sus of West Ontario cost Following are some of the particulars North York Elliott Aurora Head A Love Rogers Bradford Noilly A Arthur J Nolan Armstrong 5L35 J M Bast W Burns A days A K 8286 Jewell 7317 A Morton Snake Islands J Yates West J PUillips J J Holland A 3630 I KingP L Phillips 7110 Harrison Norman Davis Stewart p Lloyd Pratt J Fuller Sutton- J J West Ontario May Knowks J Hughes 3860 l Pickering Tp Diva A J Tp7DiVH Whitchurch J Young W Law Brown J flcld T J Roach The post office at which has been In the hands of Mr Webster for years been transfer red to Mr Win Gordon sash factory at Trenton was burned Rich deposits of iron ore have been discovered at Little Vermillion Creek west of Saddle Lake on the north side of the Saskatchewan May In the engage ment between Turkish troops and re volutionary forces at Oknna May seventy were killed and twenty were wounded while tlu Turks bad killed and ten officers mid six men wounded But the singer usually hies him The mosquito It wont be long and first thing we know Were no quicker thawed but than were friz up with snow And springs glad day and summers sweet hours Will- consummate then In dreary fall showers And then oh have I heard that phrase before three short words Shut the door riuynmnd Babys Health Mothers all over Urn Dominion will be spared many an anxious hour If will keep always at hand a box Babys Own Tablets and give them to their little ones as occasion may require These Tablets have saved thousands little baby lives ami grateful mothers everywhere ack nowledge the good they have done their little ones Mrs J Wylle Writes- cannot praise Babys Own Tablets enough When I got them my baby girl was very bad with whooping cough and cutting her teeth besides With both these troubles the same she was in a bad way and slept but little either day or night Alter the second dose of the Tablets I found there was already a change for the hotter slept well through the day and nearly all night and this was a great relief to as was nearly worn out losing so much rest at night She cried almost in cessantly before I began giving- nor Tablets but in a short time the cough ceased she cut six teeth grew cheerful and began to gain wonder fully In act I believe I owe her to Babys Own Tablets as I do not think she woukl have pulled through had It not been lor them can recommend Tablets to any mother who has a cross fretful sick ly child These Tablets will cure all the min or ailments Utile ones they are guaranteed to contain no opiate and can bo given with advantage to the youngest and most delicate child Sold by all or sent by mail at cents a box by writing to the Dr Williams Medicine Co villc Onb Seasonable m The charm of the Summer hats with their masses ol beautiful flowers and foliage lies in their appropriate ness to the season A somewhat startling combination of colors is reddish violet almost a plum color with Bordeaux or carou- red More pleasing perhaps as well as more generally becoming is the combination of brown shaded with pink and red There are both hats and toques i made of foliage braids or even folds of soft satin in these tints The sttaws used to make the sum mer hats are legion An agreeable revival is the Leghorn as it lends It self delightfully to pretty lines aid curves Coolie straw comes in flat shapes but they are rendered quite artistic by the proper adjustment of velvet or ribbon bows anil ties Hats made of French chip braid arc stylish while Tuscan straws arc extremely smart Neapolitan horse hair is em ployed- some of the picturesque models and a point in Its favor is Its resistance to dampness Tulle and chiffon arc as pouularas ever and the manner of applying the fabrics to the wire frames is almost as varied as the shapes that are used The rolled brim sailor hat fashion ed from course straw braid In any pre ferred color black or white remains in evidence and to the youthful wearer It is most becoming For very small girls picturesque shapes which are being shown in straw and with ribbon and flowers for trimming are most appropriate The application pi straw braid and buttons Is one of the seasons novel ties From the June Delineator I I A I Two dock laborers from Liver pool I lor a and Jeremiah fell down the hold of the steamer Monterey at Montreal and Jeremiah was killed Stephen Grose a fanner of Township near is dead front concussion of brain caused by a tree falling on white he was flgh ting bush fires Col A of Duluth and associates have purchased the land grant Canadian Northern Railway exceeding- three million acres consideration being twelve million dollars

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