THE FRIDAY MAY- 15 -9Q3- j i WHEEL For Sale at Joshua caurch Newmarket P Small Family strong Girl for Housework Good wages housemaid kept Apply personally or by letter to St East Toronto She Never Up Brighter and Better Bach Issue All Printing Dona at Home Oof Toronto Letter be no more at the Industrial The directors so decided at a meeting held this week Instead however was appropri ated for special harness hunter polo and speed classes to be ex hibited front of the grand stand This will draw a bigger crowd than mere horseracing The Globe of Tuesday says thai the Genera See- Tuesday condolatory ad- act on the Alaskan boundary owing to He had in tended leaving for England on May A Pearl Crescent Brooch on last report that Saturday about am between judge may be forced by Roches and stores re from the bench Kinder will oblige by leaving the same at this office The forecast in the Era a few weeks ago- in regard to the of seats bill for the found guilty dressea to Judge Winchester marked the proceeding The Alabama Press Association is billed to visit this city on the July Isaac colored who was tried on Tuesday on the charge Caretaker Wanted redistribution Commons fans been sustained by the Governments proposition before the Applications will be received by the Committee York County have undersigned up to Tuesday the three members Whitchurch May for the position and will again be Caretaker of the Newmarket Model ed in their former position as part School Duties to commence at once of North York Toronto gets five State Salary By Order members instead of three DAVID LLOYD Secretary P The Era is the only paper in York manslaughter Legislature discussed the fa kir nature of quite a number of county fall shows called agricultural Fairs and members on both sides of the House thought that tbe best way to deal with directors who thus man age exhibitions was to cut Government grant from such societies About fifty English and Scotch County that has sent a sworn reached the Union Station of its circulation to Grocery and Provision TORE Directory New York annually and it has been done for several years The average circulation the Era for the nine months ending April exclusive extra copies during the election campaign a number of which were returned by Conservative nonsub scribers as they contained informa tion that they were tot desirous of knowing The average circulation of the Era for tie year previous was Cooked Meats always on hand Clarks Cooked Corned Beef lb by the can Pail Lard 5250 Hams Rolls Breakfast Bacon to Ma It is pretty generally understood at Ottawa Parliament will A fire causing about damage occurred at the Knitting Works on Berkeley Street last Tuesday The body of Cornelius who was drowned in the bay on April was recovered this week A city paper states that situa tion in the building trades was never in a more serious situation than it is today The effect of the carpen ters strike with the other troubles has resulted in the loss of work ag gregating fully The Street Railway Co has given a subscription of to the In dustrial Fair this year Mr J Fletcher tins city Bacon best KNOWLES Friday evening to take up mis- now looks as if Mr Taylors bill work in Japan We can buy at lowest prices Ban- to amend the County Councils Act Alliance Pineapples Oranges and Lem- will be passed some shape the proceedings against we keep the best present session Its chief provisions Electric Railway for are given in another paragraph else- cars on Sunday where today If it goes through Harry Marsh will put in an appear- County Councils hereafter be a Friday morning at the Police composed pi tbe heads of local town- Court for illegal net fishing near Ash ship town and village councils It will leave quite a number of present representatives without municipal oc cupation at County Towns GRAND TRUNK VICTORIA DAY May 24 Return Tickets Will Be Issued At Single First Class Fare Editor of the East To ronto Standard is on gridiron for libel at the present Assizes Mr Justice Street said an article was li bellous when it held up a person to for ttie blind at that city for the past twenty vears He had Between all stations in Canada alIJ to Buffalo Suspension Bridge to Canada Detroit Huron Mich etc Good Going May or valid returning from destination on JJ ta before May f one as representative North York Colonist Excursions A despatch from on announced the death of Mr A ridicule There is evidently a lot of principal of the Ontario kind of thing done ly persons do not think they are amenable One way tickets at low rates on sale until June to points in Montana Colorado Utah Oregon Washington British Columbia and California For tickets and all information ap ply to A Newmarket WANTED One Good Smart Boy For Grocery Department to act as Salesman Also One Good Boy For delivering parcels APPLY AT FOR SALE OR TO RENTi defeated in He was the author the law giving defendants in criminal cases the right to testify in their own behalf His wife pre deceased him in Mr A M law clerk to the Ontario Legislature is a son and Dr of Toronto Is a daughter Deceased came to this country from Surrey England to law The Grand Jury on Wednesday re turned a true bill against John OConnor of King Tp for the tWeft of household goods from Samuel Jar- vis Mansion House Thriving Village of Sutton above hotel is equipped and doing an excellent COMMERCIAL AND LOCAL TRADE Reasons tor giving up business ill- health For particulars apply to J WOODCOCK or JAMBS SHARPS Estate Sutton West Ontario In the Municipal Committee Mr Aulds bill has been considered It provides that when a person sent to a County not resided continuously for three years previous in a municipality every city town village or township in which he Una resided shall be responsible for a pro portionate share the cost of his maintenance The bill agreed lc as regards the Counties of and Kent- Mr Mathesons bill to make better provision for auditing municipal and school accounts was amended fry striking out clause The Mil pro vides that taxes shall be laid by the collector into a chartered hank to the credit of the municipality This is now only a permissive provision The chartered banks mutt lie by the Council- Hon J Davis has been chosen chairman of the Municipal Committee at its organization meeting week His long experience in York County Council eminently qualifies birr for tWs position Riot in Chill pout Houses Jot Sale in Mrs W Sutherland instruct the undersigned to sell her Houses on Niagara Newmarket They axe all residences in good condition They will be sold in block or Individually or In any way to purchasers For particulars prices etc apply to Vendors Solicitor f Newmarket Santiago Chili May strike of dock laborers at Valparaiso Is be coming more serious The strikers after setting fire to the quay as weH as to the offices the South Ameri can Steamship Company had a num ber of encounters with the police dur ing which ten persons were killed and two hundred were injured A detach ment three thousand troops has been despatched to Valparaiso to quell the disorder w There are twentytwo cases of smallpox In Detroit Mail say that hundreds of people are dying of famine in Kwan- si province China it Ritchies plaining mill at was burned The Investigation Continues The Commission was engag ed Tuesday in clearing up a few points in the evidence Several witnesses were called in rebuttal as to what the man from really said during his campaign The eOort of the prosecution was to show that Mr was a straight Conservative without any indefinite leanings and the crossexamination by the defence was to prove that he was not bound by convention and that he was ready to support any measure of benefit to pro posed by the Government in power which as it turned out was the Ross and not a Whitney Government At tho opening of the Commission on Wednesday Mr Warwick appeared on behalf of the Ontario Bank with vouchers and checks referring to transactions with fifty and hundred dollar bills but stated that the bank objected to public exposure of private accounts but had no objection to in spection in camera by one counsel on each side This latter suggestion was agreed to and during afternoon this pri vate Inspection took place A letter was read from Mr solicitor for the Dominion Permanent Loan indicating that officials and the counsel for too pro secution had not agreed upon me thod of obtaining tire information fiired Mr said ttie company was perfectly willing to give any informs tion if the prosecution would only say what they want Chancellor Boyd They dont know They are merely fishing was finally agreed that counsel should Inspect the books An effort was made by the prosecu tion to contradict the evidence of Mr Dr Chamberlain Mr and Mr Myers that It was on September about am that Mr had an interview with Mr Mr R J Armstrong a of Mr swore positive ly that he and Mr were to gether at the exhibition from to oclock on Sept His memory however was very defective to ex act time about everything else except this one visit to the fair Oaf Society Column of Bradford was ia town over Sunday Mrs Haines is spending a couple of weeks in the City Mrs Adams of- mother Mrs A is here oil a vis it Miss Toronto was the guest of Mrs Cane over Sun day Mies- of Sutton is visiting her aunt Mrs Prospect Ave Miss Olive Toronto over Sunday friends in Town Mr Dan- has rented His farm and is boarding in the summer of Toronto spent over The Bowery- fir Hill back from yesterday He did well his horses Mrs J has returned Michigan where she spent most of the winter On Tuesday J Robertson visited his mother at who is in year Mr Campbell and bride returned with Mrs on Tuesday and are spending a few days in Town Mrs Hughes received sever al beautiful souvenirs a few days age- in recognition of her silver wedding rMrVI who has been en gaged at the Office Specialty left on Saturday to accept a tion in Mr and Mrs H also Miss Bassetfe spent Sunday with their parents Mr and Mrs R Pine Orchard vCv Constable Savage left on day night for North Bay He is gaged by the Co poll work between North Bay and Fort William Mr Perrin attended a meet ing of Canadian EggPackers in To ronto on Wednesday is the highest that packers will pay for eggs this season A Hon J Davis Hon P Dr and Mr St John represented the Legislature an funeral of Dr last Friday Mr Sterling who has been here on a months visit left last Monday for Medicine Hat where he has been for the past year He took a car load of cattle with him Hon J Davis and Mrs Davis also Sheriff and Miss were among the guests enter tained by Lord and Lady in Toronto on Thursday evening of last week Rev J Marsh a returned mis sionary from the great NorthWest spent over Sunday with bis aunt Mrs Geo Richardson Prospect Ave Two Indian boys that he brought down met him here on Wednesday Mr Allen Leslie Howard MA a recent graduate Knox College and a former student of Newmarket High School spent a day with his aunt Mrs of St Mr Howard has been called to Cayuga Mr Hunter of one of the firm of Hunter Bros Newmar ket was in Town on Wednesday His sister Mrs Long of Detroit and Ms from arc spending a few days with Mr Hunter Prospect Ave IF YOU IT IN OUR AD ITS RIGHT Try our Cooked Meats Ready for use the mo ment you want them Good Boots at the Lowest Prices For a Week we will give New Wall Papers among Our Home Our Spring Stock Sffr comprises about a different designs fo and Brown effects a make the Sr householders will offer values from clay to day O- Cunsisting of Rolls Glimmer Wall Paper with match Ceilings pretty mm a in Gree suitable for any room regular price 7 and Sale Price per Roil The Tomb SUTTON In East west of St on May years and days Interred at Newmarket Cemetery on Sunday afternoon TYSONAt Attica on May J Henry Tytfcra formerly aged Interred at on the Aurora on Monday May wife of Mr Ernest aged S3 years Sometimes the son of a rich man is small enough to get through the II in covering a kitchen with oilcloth a layer brown paper Handsome Is as handsome does put on first it will wear three but it saves a lot of trouble to be times as long born goodlooking THE LEADING Undertaking Bargains Extension Tables id and Couches For Fifteen Days A attended to at John Millard Phone and Rolls Wall Papers complete combinations New Designs regular price per single roll 2 and Sale Price 8c per Roll a Rolls Embossed Gilt Wall Papers Ceilings to match handsome Re- nausanceand Rococo Designs Buff Green Brown and Red colors for n a Re P remember that these are for the above named dates only Rich Pink Salmon 3 lbs Choice Gookine Fies lbs Good Prunes lbs Beans Snaps in Brooms Scrub and I Stove Brushes Grocery- Specials Phone 49 Sign of the Big Hand NEWMARKET The Oddfellows of Midland are or ganizing a hrass band Many arrests are being made in St Petersburg the comic is to bo in Bee- ton on the night of the The King and Queen received an en thusiastic welcome at Edinburgh on Monday Recent volcanic have de stroyed many coffee in Guatemala Winnipeg schools are becoming overcrowded The present is had a big wood last week cords of pine near the tramway were consumed Winnipeg May Immigration re turns for April show that 23204 per sons entered the Canadian West last month Two hundred and sixtytwo were Injured and three infantry offi cers killed in a riot at Kroonstadt Russia arising out of the seamens strike there for the Rockets Candles Wheels Triangles Canon Crackers AND OTHBU NOVELTIES The Cradle ROWLAND In East on May tb Mr and Mrs Rowland a son SANDERS In Town on May to Mr and Mrs Jos San ders a daughter ADDISON On Monday May the wife of Rev A P Addison a son Town May tho wife of Mr J Principal of Newmarket Model School of a daughter i Sat urday May to Mr and Mrs J P former ly of Mt Albert a daughter Express Wagons Wheelbarrows Doll Cabs GoCarts Toy Carts Rock Horses Baseballs Mitts Gloves Bats Balls Masks Complete Outfit Croquet Sets 4 6 and Balls GROCERIES PROVISIONS FRUIT Dried Prunes Extra Quality PINE APPLES Oranges Lemons Bananas Comb Honey Strained Honey Potatoes and Cooking by the Peek J MITUBEHHD MAIN ST NOHTH NEWMARKET All Orders v111 receive Careful and Prompt Attention est lour A car Just arrived in flretrelass condition This flour now on salo over the counter It Is highly recommended by all who used It Have YOU tried it Good ones each Central Telephone Office a 7