Newmarket Era, 15 May 1903, p. 4

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THE ftgoal the Most Out of Tour Food dont and cant if your stomach fis weak A weak stomach does not di gs all that is ordinarily into it tired easily and what it to Among the sign of After eating fits of headache and disagreeable belch- J hat troubled dyspepsia for Man and tried remedy I of tat rot anything that gave me relief I took cannot too for ihe good K does ma take it in tan wool not be without A Hoods Strengthen tones stomach and lha whole LEGAL v J Barrister Notary Public Street Newmarket to Loan on good Far security Solicitor Notary Money to Loan at Lowest BatM vision Court Newmar ket Ontario Barristers Conveyaocera Ac doors South of Post Of fice Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will also neat Newmarket on Saturdays and Court Days Solicitors for J Hoe Co Bankers and Ontario Bank Aurora Loin Barrister Reformer Block to Loan DENTAL A I DENTIST Over Toronto Jobbing House Satisfaction Guaranteed J AKent for fire tod LIT Money to interest at Current Orrica fl A Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent on Farm Risks and Isolated Town Property Over Hodges Tin Shop Newmarket Metropolitan Co TORONTO AMD NEWMARKET CO Jo so o CO at rtMro gcec4W so SO to saw fl ssss as St a 9 fr to CO o su J 4 ills and Saturday Afternoon GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY NORTHERN TIKE TABLE ill 33jiiass SS VI Assessment bills en- One of the most import gaging the of Legis lature tills session is relating to proposed changes in our as sessment Jaw As stafrco by the Premier presenting it to House its provisions are based on the re commendations made by the Assess ment Commission and in some re spects is quite a involution as com pared toe existing law board and raised gradually lor ten years when the actual value land and improvements is to be the assess ed value Beautys A Clear Skin Rosy Cheeks and Bright Eyes Compel Admiration- JOT Word comes from Ottawa that Mr J KC Hamilton ha appointed to the High Court Ontario Common Pleas Division succession to the late Mr No woman needs to be told the To the Editor Era Dear to the minutes or the last meeting the High School Board two of toe present teaching staS are reengaged for the coming school year at an increase of salary while the third is practically dismissed Now while we recognize that ft is the duty the Board to engage and dismiss teachers as the interests the school yet we cannot but feel deeply for the one to whom this dismissal came as a Had the Editor the gaged- like John Smith City in charm of a clear complexion No secretly trying to bring out a tern- complete J heblind to beauty Prance candidate not when it comes back from the spuria committee to which it is now refer completion red it will be of interest to present JBrigbt eyes and a perfect complexion the chief recommendations thecoma from pure bloodand pure blood from Dr Williams Pink Pills as follows enriching the blood Dr Williams Assessment of Land That real property be assessed a its actual value including miners real property of all cor porations It now stated that the the Slsle take place next the June and they will jail in the Ionian pink give vigor strength instead the This will health happiness and beauty the is a bit of proof For upwards- three years I suffered from anaemia says Miss Mary That the right of use by any person I had In of highways or other public- places in my addition to the thereon be assessed at value Personal Property That the assessment and taxation personal than income be abolished in all municipalities and face and gums and I grew so scarcely walk about the house I doctored a good deal but got no ben efit until I began using Dr Pint Pills Before tiken more than a couple of could titdTill lieu of this the meseea change for the- taxation be adopted in cities tinning the use of the pills for some towns village time longer my strength returned a Business back to my Face and In of personal property and- in- gained fourteen pounds in weight I can recommend Dr Pink come denved from business Where a person is engaged in at trade manufacture financial or com mercial business tax the person by reference to the rental value of the premises occupied for the purpose his business Calling Tax In lieu of personal property and come derived from callings up to In the case of persons having or Tbe Qazette annoces that Mr den has been appointed to the -for- signing ami marriage lLciesV Licenses -how- tie hands local is suers are made legal of the Legislature view of the discussion likely to arise rosy cheeks or the power of spark- but to elect a- the term ling eyes And every woman no the treating systeni be near at hand when a teacher matter what her features may be- charged hypocrisy l needs of all times to be at his best nor is it the mere loss of the posi tion itself serious aspect of the case than either of these viz that a teacher so dealt with by a Board finds it exceedingly difficult to secure another situation It may seem to some a comparative ly trivial matter for a school board by vote bo dismiss a teacher but think of the poor unfortunate whose professional career is thus blighted Surely be has rights that ought to respected and protected Perhaps this action on the part of the Board would not be commented on so freely were it not that two years ago a teacher who had taught here a year and who thought he bad been reengaged for a second year read a notice in a Daily paper asking for applications for the position which he thought was his and which in two three weeks he expected to return to fulfil This was the first intima tion he had that his services were no longer required I write not as a ratepayer but as one interested in the educational in- stitutions our town and as one ever ready to protest against any ac tion which does an injustice to any teacher of either the High or the Public School Staff Marry citizens are asking What has guided the board in the course it has adopted Yours very truly A H Reply There Was a disposition on behalf of the Board to Mr A Smith as Science Master on the re commendation of the Principal at an increase of in salary but when Mr Coombs asked Mr Smith if he desired to be reappointed the latter gave no definite reply The Board therefore considered that the safest way to secure a teacher in good time was to advertise at once and if Mr Smith desired to put in an applica tion it would receive every JACKSON Chairman Had the Era that life was exceedingly grasping overate bank account it would have been nearer the truth than what the ExpressHerald said last week since editor bill to for over for local notices of the Old Concert while tho Era inserted all its free charge practising or carrying on any office boxes for or profession tax the person by re ference to the rental value of the premises occupied for the purpose his business or occupation Where the income of such persons i more than tax him first by re ference to the rental value of the premises occupied and tax him direct woman These pills are good for all trou bles due to poor blood or weak nerves Dont take any other medi cinesee that the full name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple is found on the wrapper around Railway went out every box If in doubt send direct some time ago and they appealed to to the Dr Williams Medicine Co the Minister of Labor to interfere and the pills will Sir William Mulock wrote the com be mailed at cents a box or six in regard to the trouble but The trackmen of the Canada At- strike County Council SPECIAL MEETING received a reply to tho effect that the trackmen left the companys employ and have been paid off men have been employed and the company will not turn these off to make room for strikers I The announcement is made that Mr The York County Council at special meeting Friday morning rati- Alexander Smith who for t ly upon any income in excess of 1000 th agreement with Messrs East- past ten years has occupied the derived from his profession or muir Lightbourn by which of Chief Organizer for the c House Tax Iter acquire the east wing the old minion of Liberal party has ten- A supplementary tax is imposed Court House property on Adelaide his resignation and will all owners and occupiers houses street east for a consideration of the practice of law at Ottawa meaning by that term used Of this on men have so large an acquaintance as dwellingplaces by assessing them the 15th of May on delivery of the Mr Smith throughout the Dominion for the rental value the house sub- a mortgage given for the Who his successor will be as Chief to exemptions graded according balance which is to be paid Organizer of the Liberal Party to the population the municipality annual instalments of with not yet been determined but rumor The following are the exemptions j interest at five per cent The pur- points to a gentleman now be allowed in fixing the house tax chasers have a right to pay all seat in the Ontario Legislature Where population 4000 or purchase money at any time on one the assessed value all houses months notice The purchasers less up to I purchasers a- 1 An Ottawa special to the to expend in remodelling makes the following- statement Where the population is more building and constructing offices Sir William received a cable rllStll J J FOR BALE AT THE but not more than the assessed value of all houses up to Where the population is more than hut not more than the assessed value all houses up to 2000 Where the population is more than but not more than assessed value ol all houses up to Where the population is more than the assessed value of all houses up to Income Tax In the of persons paying the business or calling tax and haying in come derived from other sources tax them directly upon such income with out exemption In case of all other persons tax them directly income subject to an exemption Annual Value and Rate of Taxa tion Vox the purposes of these special taxes the annual value is to be a sum equal to per cent of value of the land occupied or used and the rate payable for the business and calling tax is to be J per thereon This rate may be increased to per cent by bylaw tho mu nicipality rate for the house tax is to be per cent on the annual value which may be Increased to a rate not ex ceeding per cent by bylaw the municipality The rate tor income tax is fixed five mills and this may he Increased to mills bylaw the municipal The special taxes referred to in cluding Income tax are not to be a Hen upon land Exemption of Machinery One outcome of the abolition of the tax on personal property Is a recom mendation to exempt machinery used la any trade or Tbia was- necessary to preserve equality as between merchants and manufacturer Board That a provincial board appoint for the assessment of the lands railway and the franchises which is the term applied to the right use of or other pub lic other persons together with the land used in connection with the Railways The land of steam railroads at present at the tame value as in the Tin that merits be made by the provincial within nine months but their plans so Mr Robinson says show estimates for 9000 A bylaw con- frrnring the sale was passed The renovation will commence about Ma 25th The building disposed was erected in The main portion of the county buildings is being renovated papered and painted FOR GAS ON THE STOMACH Result of imperfect digestion pressing up against the heart It ex cites alarming symptoms Instant relief is afforded by the use ten drops in a little sweet ened water hall an hour alter tire meal aids the digestion expels the gas and imparts a sense of comfort is good for lot of other things besides Keep it in the house for Rheumatism Cramps Neuralgia Toothache Drug gists sell It Word has been received at of the death of Cannon assistant engineer for Waldle Lumber Com pany Victoria Harbor He was oil ing a shaft when his smock caught and he was thrown against a beam and- instantly killed I of Ointments Catarrh as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces Such articles should never be except on prescriptions from physi cians the damage they will do Is tenlow to the good possibly from Hills Cure manufactured by J Cheney A Co Toledo contains no mer cury and is taken Internally directly upon the brood and mucous system In Hans Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine It la taken Internally Id Toledo Onto by Pi J A Teatimotrfalrf by bottle Hells Family ire the beat A young man named Donald Perth was by a train while riding on the track at Lancaster and killed i sooc to a day Take All refund the money If It fails to cure Is on each box from Sir John Ward Postmaster- General of Now Zealand consenting to Canadas request that the domes tic postage rate on Canadian pers and periodicals should extend to that Colony This important change will be gazetted in Canada Ga zette on Saturday the and on Monday the will go into effect Step by step Canadian p- Ushers are by this reduced post policy having their field enlarged til before long the Canadian domestic rate will- bo good throughout the em pire The new assessment bill now before the Legislature of Ontario is almost a revolution in the mode of future as sessments and will take quite an ex pert to figure out the various phases of assessing real and personal proper ty as well as income To secure uniformity assessors should be ap pointed at the first meeting of Coun cils in the year and steps taken for a conference the assessors of a Riding or County to go over the provisions of the Act carefully to gether Alter being in operation a year or two it will be easier under stood The Legislature would he do ing the country a service by employ ing a shorthand reporter to full reports of the discussions of the com mittee to which the bill has been referred and have the same printed for the information Councillors and Assessors the Province The unexpected demise of Hon Jus tice Mills at his residence Ottawa on Friday night created a painful sensation throughout Canada as the tidings became next day We are told he was sitting quietly with his family at home when death over took him before medical aid be summoned Medical men tblnk that the bursting of a blood vessel was the Immediate cause of death Ho was as usual on the Supreme Court Bench during the afternoon hearing appeals a few hours before the death summons came Deceased was born In the County of Kent Ontario in March He entered Parliament at tho time of Confederation Held office of Minister of the Interior Mackenzie Government He appointed Senator In and in November succeeded the late Sir Oliver as Minister of justice in Sir Ad ministration until his elevation to Supreme Court Bench on of February last Along legal and literary lines deceased was a man of more than ordinary ability and as a parliamentarian was equally dis tinguished j WONDERFUL MEDICINE For Nervous Disorder such Head- sntl Swelling after and Drowsiness Cola Chills Flushing of Lots of Breath CostWcneis Blotches on thi Skin Sleep Ac This Is do action is earnestly led lo try one llorof and tUDrivlll bo A RIVAL as direc ted will restore They obxtri id an ana very ollrui or of tat For Stomach Impaired Disordered Liver tbethctlfkcj toJIea doses will work wonders upon the Vital filrcntthen- the Brit m rtitorina the the edge of apatite with the Boss of Health whole ltlrjerrrof ihe human are l by thousand lit all society and cna of the Nervous and Is IstOHAMtt PILLS of Medlltlriwat In for half century popular No published RECOMMEND THEMSELVES only by Sold Sad la E Paid up Capital Head Office Toronto BR Perth pjceWr Toronto Mark ham Montreal Hi End Br Mount Albert Waterloo P 5 Off Savings Bank Interest la a fear You are to deposit draw money or last day either at arty febt one of our little Booklet or sond you Ion ago BRAHOH J- Stark ALBERT Town of are the amounts paid last year by tbo users ol Electric Lamps To Registry Office 1901 Miss Perkins 20 a 2D Hp Office Specialty Co S3 J McKay John Roche 5 Helen Rose Metropolitan Co E Cane George W Jackson a David Lloyd J Cane THLloyd 16 A Davidson J Woodcock 22 20 Miss Ida Peck Dr 96 2 Ross go A I Jackson Rev P Whitney 2 Church Hall A Hall John 23 jo Masonic Hall J Christian Church J Root Mantling- 14 3j Dr J H Wesley Oddfellows Hall A 21 Smith Bros Cbas Sir 31 Moody Richardson 38 Mrs Rogers Roche Co 2 F S Stewart Flanagan ftl Knowles 36 A Smith 2 06 Bicycle Club Atkinson Davison Co Simpson eg ABrunton Boyd Bros 23 Wm Starr Richardson J A 23 Hill Grand Trunk Wright Dr Stuart Scott 33 A J Lloyd i Win Lyon Jas GO 3 73 Aurora Church A Thompson p Agricultural Society John Doyle Win Henry Joseph 23 Osborne Osborne Walter Bond 15 J 56 14 A- IS 1 Party 30 Conservative Party 49 Edward Jackson ICO A CO Luke Doyle 5 W Lehman Bradley W IL John Ough 56 3 46 Hall 10 Jas McLaughlin 22 A West 97 Ontario Bank Methodist Church 53 22 Church J Robertson 31 Church 21 A Industrial Home 319 W Fortune 34 Jacob Doyle Sovereign Bank Mrs Geo A 12 A Hill 38 Rogers 4 A Era 39 L Society Sam Col H Lloyd Hunter FaoWrv Johnston Josh United Factories 10 45 Allan Ramsay J J Pearson 32 1 M iff Office Specialty 29 Total Electric Light W6S5 W J J J For Sale three a Orchard In Township of Whitchurch given the let April ISO Payments to purchaser at a rate Interest J M I NOW OPEN FRENCH ffl a

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