Newmarket Era, 15 May 1903, p. 5

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ONTARIO fi General THE REX A I DAY MAY BRANCH Banking Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits ISSUED AT JOUSTS American Draft Sought and Manager MPs Simpson Frank Duncan AUCTIONEER Collected Street Newmarket Bolton Practical and Rouse Decorator Millard Weeks Local Hems Its Utility coming season promises a- large sale of bicycles The wheel is not the fad it was in years gone by but its adaptability to the requirements of business has Kept up its sales Football A game was played here on Thurs day afternoon of last week between Aurora and Newmarket High School teams and they were so evenly that neither side scored Open hip The residents in the vicinity Art lawn were treated to a delightful gramophone concert last Friday evening which was greatly enjoyed- It was a surprise where all the children came from Mr Goring has a superior instrument Results that Astonisbed Relatires and Friends Banbarta a Victim of Anaemia Impertfeefc and Debility Is Cuped by bessoo PAUL BEFORE FELIX Golden Text I will fear no evil are with me for In tee month May it is an tery Wood and imperfect circulation solute necessity that the body My appetite was almost gone and J be furnished with a richer and purer was afflicted with insomnia After supply of blood for the establishment several doctors had done alt theyj and by professional advocate of a health that can successfully cope could for me I was weaker than when I naiuC arrived to present Acts May INTRODUCTION In our last lesson we left Paul hi prison at The opposition which had been engendered against him at Jerusalem followed him to very promptly Within five days the high priest Ananias accom panied by a deputation from the 9- is the Time A an and a saw should be brought into use on the shade trees which bury many a home in a dense and shade Let a little sunshine in on the home even if it does seem hard on the trees You cant afford to shut it out unless you prefer to pay doctors bills and patronize the undertaker a eves J EVES SPECIAL DOUGLAS CO paying l Cc and guaranteed Block Newmarket- R Architect and Sanitary Engineer Room Manning Chambers Toronto plain and Estimates made for all rinds of building G MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Private frnyts teaucd at private residence if the A new roller awning adorns front of Hills bakery The water main on Lot street sprung a bad leak on Monday Mr Steve Doyle is putting up a wire fence on St Sunday June will be observ ed as a special day of thanksgiving and prayer in all the Methodist- churches in Canada to celebrate the bicentenary of the birth of John Wesley The Sanitary Inspector will his rounds next week your premises in shape for his ical inspection corn- Are NfeWMARKET LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones Allan Methodist Church At the official Board meeting fast Friday evening it was assertained that when some promises are paid all financial claims will be mot with the exception of about Mr Jackson was elected dele gate to the Meeting to he held in Bradford on 20th and of May Messrs P Pears jn and A Coombs were appointed auditors the Quarterly accounts Board adjourned till complete its finances of lo with the effects of hot first began to treat me and summer weather Poor blood in Me family became anxious about my sleep- A neighbor advised my mo feand fiallowfaiped men and women thee to have me use Celery Who quickly become Victims of some Compound Before I fiuisbed the my appetite was better recognize the I stronger and could sleep and fortifying the ly five or six hours each night I system by had so much faith in the wonderful ery speedily re- medicine that continued with it all from the until I was perfectly cured Today gives to the watery blood a after using six bottles- I am as larger proportion red corpuscles and strong as ever before I thank and arouses the organs of the you with all my heart for such a body to healthy aJCtionl medicine it saved my life when all Compound does a work for vie- other medicines failed All my tims of impure watery and stagnant friends are astonished at my happy blood that commands the attention cure of the world Miss Barbara Stan- fold Hamilton says For over a year my health was If you ate in need of free medical advice write to Consulting The Weis condition and I became venardson Co Limited Montreal Que weak and much depressed in spirits All correspondence is sacredly troubles arose from poor and J Out Door How la the time to have your photographed when everything and green and the foliage tot too thick w j sMittr Photographer Andrew Hunter Builder Contractor Given On Short- Notice Boiler Setting Granolithic Porches and Door Steps Before going elsewhere consult ANDREW HUNTER St P Box 332 Newmarket 9 The was re organized last week and the follow ing officers elected Hon J President Schmidt 1st Vice J Knopf 2nd Vice P Morgan 3rd Vice A J Manager J Weir Coin Messrs A Peppi- att Regular practice has commenced and the club expects to have a win ning team this summer Cushion Tops And Cord at Hughes A Dangerous Crossing Last Saturday afternoon when Mr Henry Wesley was driving over the Railway crossing on Water Street his horses foot became fast between the plank and the rail and it stopped witn such a sudden jerk that Mr who was ridV beside Mr Wesley was thrown completely out of the buggy and very badly shaken up Another rig was coming at the same time and there was almost a collision For tunately there was no train coining at the time and Hie horses foot was extricated without injury This is the second time a similar accident has occurred at this crossing and it shouid be fixed before something ser ious happens Big Concert Tonight Town Hall Dont miss it Teachers The annual convention of North York Teachers was held in the Model Newmarket on Thursday and Friday of last week and was pro nounced by many to be the best con vention ever held in the Riding The papers were all excellent and the cussions lively The following teachers were in at tendance I Terry Sutton West Geo T J Power Miss Williams Miss Aylward Miss Ross Miss Miss Leek Albert Miss Walton Albert Geo Richardson Albert Miss el J and pine Orchard J Miss Russell White Rose Miss Richardson Gormlcy Lawson Lemon lie Brown Geo Hopkins Isaac Pike Geo Aurora Miss Frances Kelty King City Miss Newberry King City J Newmarket Miss Miss Ross Newmarket Miss Kelty Newmarket- Miss Ironside Newmarket Miss Cody Newmarket Miss Newmarket Miss Newmarket A Coombs Newmarket J Newmarket A Smith Newmarket Miss McCabe Newmarket J Wilson Newmarket Guy Morton Ravenshoe Muss Vandorf Miss Linton Rogers Miss Lehman Miss Caesar Miss McCauley Ketteby Edgar Hollingshead Kctteby Miss A Schoinberg J Curtis Schomberg Lloyd town Miss Eversley Walter Rolling Laskay Harvey Laskay Miss Jno Harper Temperanceville Thornburn Maple Maple Miss Morrison Maple Miss A Richardson Miss Richmond Hill Miss McClure Vellore MacDonald Grant Klefnburg Miss A King Bradford P Holland Landing Cole Sharon Miss Terry Holt Thompson Aurora Miss Ross Aurora in recognition and better results school work I Terry introduced Dupli cate Text Books and expressed desire that a uniform series of Text Books be agreed upon for use in tl North York Schools especially In the Junior forms Mr Harvey advocated the retention of answers to simple rules in arith metic Mr Cole considered the exercises given in the Grammar too difficult Mr Thompson counselled the con vention to go slow in the matter of advising the Government how to authorize their Text Books as there is at present a bill before the Local Legislature to amend the School Law He considered the Grammar good He does not use the Text Book in Geography but gives notes of their charges against Paul us addressed Felix a strain of and formulated his charges Paul Upon hearing these charges Felix indicated to Paul that he might make his defence PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS Felix was not altogether ignorant of religion Felixs heart was wholly hard ened Like Felix some of us do not enjoy moral Like some of- pass golden Like word that some of us disregard Some may tremble without permanent reform Felix must forever be a type many within the Christian Church- il sociation be paid when attending such Executive meetings Resolutions carried Mr was appointed dele gate to the E Assn to report at next meeting Mr BA of Richmond Hill High School gave a profitable address on What the High School should do for the Teacher Discus sion by Messrs Rannie and Mr Tilley then spoke on School Management and the convention ad journed about four oclock The Summer Fashions sxasesyfc The keynote of the Summer fash ions is The gown of the season is unlined and made to fall in lines that are graceful and easily adapted to different figures own compiled from any source avail able He advised leaving out an swers in the Arithmetic Text Book Mr Grant condemned the Readers and did not like the arrangement of matter in the Grammar Miss Kelty thought the character of the exercises in the Grammar would enlarge the pupils vocabulary Mr Davidson explained that the Committee on Limit of Work did not report because of the unsettled state of the question of authorizing Text Books Alter some discussion a motion was carried recommending the Minister of Education to Authorize only one Text Book for each subject of study ii the Public School i THOMPSONS REPAIR SHOP Prospect Ave Newmarket on shoot- a Specialty Guaranteed A THOMPSOM Get out in the mornings and in the evenings fellowcitizens and see what you cando to nature in beautifying your home property in J McCallum Aurora particular and the town in general Plant a tree or a number of trees theyll grow and future gen erations will call you blessed even if you dont to enjoy the shade yourself An evergreen hedge I fit in some place and a few rose bushes in other places or perhaps you can make the earth bloom in spot where there never before Was a flower garden by purchasing and planting a few packets those seeds that can be got so cheap Just now its too much trouble to grow any thing but grass then grow and keep rt shorn down with a lawn mower Miss Aurora Miss L Webster Aurora Miss Aurora A J Richmond Hill Miss Keith Richmond If ill Newmarket Mr Tweed Inland Mr Burns Ltoydtowu Elmer Richardson Aurora The President Mr J opened the meeting with scripture reading and prayer Messrs I terry J T Powers M Thdmpson and Misses Kelty and Ross were appointed a Novating Committee Meters Colquhoun and Keith were appointed a Resolu tion Committee Mr Davidson introduced his Field Notes declaring that he had found much inaccuracy in results and in correctness in method At the afternoon session J J Til- ley of Toronto Inspector Model Schools introduced the Teaching of Geography taking as his subject North America It was handled in a very Interesting and most satisfac tory manner and at its close several members of Mr ad dress report of the Auditors showing total receipt of and balance on hand of which was adopt ed The Nominating Committee report ed as follows President Isaac Pike VicePres Miss Kelty Librarian Miss L Ross Executive M Thompson Geo A Davidson Miss and Miss Auditors A Coombs Report adopted At Mr Brooks Vol the British American Business College Toronto introduced Writing In the form of a Drill taking the Convention as a Class Adjourned at 5 pm Friday Mornmg Convention opened as usual at oclock the President In the chair Minutes adopted Mr Grant of Kleinburg read a capital paper on Literaturo em phasizing the idea of making the pupil selfdependent Discussion lolldyed by Messrs- Da- vls Forhan Tilley and Davidson Mr gave an address on In ductiveTeaching Mr Davidson spoke of the tlons tobe considered by the Linen dresses made either in simple shirtblouse style or lavishly trimmed with embroidery and antique lace are the ultrafashionable modes of the season Tucks are used more than ever All over lace waists are styl ish and one of the charms of the summer bodice is the deep cape collar made either of tiny tucks and inser tion or lace One of the most popular fabrics is silk veil Veilings dotted checked and figured in a score of ways and canvas weaves are used especially for tailored dresses The sombre or the shaded effects in the silks make them wonderfully effective Handwork gives the smart touch to the rock this season and the newest fancy in embroidery is the rope stitch on heavy coarse linen Among the most elaborate trimming devices are the Art appliques artis tic designs in cut cloth appliquccd up on velvet or silk or vice versa The popular pendant ornaments are now made of braids and cords that will withstand washing and some of the new wash braids are sufficiently soft and pliable to be shaped in patterns Buttons Jure a principal source of embellishment this season and jewelled ornaments arc a feature of the smartest gowns From The Delineator for June A case of considerable interest in Mils community of Rev J formerly Baptist clergy man at against Mr John L Sinclair Councillor of came up for trial last week at the Spring Assizes at This was an action brought for the against his former parishioner for an alleged slander Between thirty and forty witnesses went down Wednesday bo testify in the matter The case was settled when called in court the defendant paying to the plaintiff and each one paying his own costs Starrier Sun CANADA Dept In reference to the Entrance Examination Information given con cerning the Schools taking as an example Sections 2 and in East Ttie Resolution Committee mended a delegate be sent to the Association and expenses up to WESTERN CANADA fin Jmt SHIMS 1 and upwards received Interest paid or A jo compounded halfyearly at Wlas JfftfCtillum Is the best Reader in Canada Hear her tonight in Town Hall better teaching higher members the Executive this As- President pleaded for prompt be paid by this Association discussion of the subjects before Also that necessary expenses and Upwards received for which debentures with halfyearly coupons attached for Interest at Jo ana Surplus SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE I J- Pharmacy Next door to Post Office m w J We have now a complete line of Pure Druggists Sundries comprising choice Stationery Toilet Prepara tions Soaps and Sponges Bruibea Combs Atomizers Hot Water Bottles c A Full of Patent- Medicine at lowest reduced prices We pay special attention to Prescription Department A Call Solicited Tie NORMAN J PATTERSON B ROGERS CO Limited j AGENTS FOR THE GREAT NORTH WESTERN TELEGRAPH COMPANY OK CANADA Phono No 6 urn SPECIAL VALUE IN- Crepe De Chenes Poplins Lustres Serges Worsteds Hen6r6ttas and AT THE TORONTO rtro THE PLACE To Buy Your Candy Where it is Fresh Eery Day GOO m Brown Mixtures per pound Maple plain per pound Maple Cream with Walnuts per pound Chocolate props Mixed Humbugs Salted Peanut Crisp Chocolate Dates do do do do do do io IB IB SO New Lemon Figs Dates Ac New Peels and Canned Goods at NEXT TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE

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