Newmarket Era, 15 May 1903, p. 6

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v J w i Buggies Repairing arid General thing Prices moderate J P COOK Agent Mount Albeit Peter Hamilton THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MAY 5 903 2 Fresh Jersey Cows Also Three Jersey Heifers due about June STOKES Mount Albert THE MARKET There was a good attendance at the market Tuesday Prices as follows butter to eggs 10 to lie chickens to 100 FARMS FOR Good of acres each In vicinity of Mount Albert Each building Alaoooeof with good barn and borne DAVIDSON Conveyancer Mount Albert Private Funds to Lowest Rates Main Newmarket Mount Albert Tuesday of each month Office Hopkins Block upstairs Office hours am to pm FURNITURE MISSIONARY TEA The regular of the was held at the home of Mrs on Thursday last Mrs S C McKewon and Mrs providing the usual tea The meeting was attended the customary programme was proceeded with PERSONAL Miss Smith and Miss of Toronto are visitors at the home of Mr John Spalding Harrison has returned to her home in Newmarket T- Mr Frank West is spending a few days in Town Miss Porter has taken a sit uation in the establishment Mr Hastings Aurora Mr and bride arrived home on Wednesday evening SUTTON Miss left on Monday of last week for Los Angeles California to visit her sjstcr there Mrs Gordon Mr AV of the Royal Hotel has sold out The now pro prietor is Mr VYiUoughby of Ke The Baldwin scribe asks my opinion about granting the franchise to the ladies I reply that I would not withhold a justice from the ladies cciiiiig me DC- Mr J Stark manager of Sutton benighted oh Bank ana lame and noli Ural if LAWN SOCIAL The annual entertainment of the Franklin Christian Church will be held on the beautiful grounds of Mr the sick list for the past few days Thirst on Monday May Cameron and- Mrs Jos Bank Stouffville and Mr Bolster of the head office Toronto were in town on Monday Mr and Mrs of were guests at the home of Mr Keller oh Sunday Mrs Davidson has been on You can save money by buying your Furniture at the lit Furniture Store A STOCK THAN OF Bedroom and Parlor Extension and Parlor Tables Lounges and Fancy Chairs We are also agents for Sham Holders and the Carpet and Framing a Specialty Goods delivered free of charge when ordered in ALLAN Tea will be served from to The program will be given by the Mount Albert Band Miss a Male Quartette from etc See posters for particulars JUST WHAT YOU NEED Chamberlains Stomach t and Liver Tablets are just what you need when you have no appetite when you are constipated feel dull after eating and wake up with a bad taste in your mouth They will improve your ap petite cleanse and invigorate your stomach and give you a relish for your food For sale by T Lloyd attended the convention in LOST AND FOUND Miss Harrison who at the home of Mr Haywood was using two bottles of the twentvfive greatly disturbed on returning from a cent size was permanently cured Walk on in fnit ho IV Alarmed By a Persistent Cough but Cured by Chamberlains Cough Remedy H P a student at law in Greenville had been troubled for four or five years with a continuous cough which he says greatly alarmed me causing me to fear that I was in the first stage of consumption Mr having seen Chamberlains Cough Remedy ad- concluded to try it Now read what he says of it soon felt a remarkable change and after Mount Albert We are busy opening Spring Goods DAILY Call and inspect our new of DRESS GOODS HATS A CAPS BOOTS SHOES EMBROIDERIES INSERTIONS WALL PAPERS Values Better ROSS BROS ALBERT DRUG A CHOICE STOCK OF Field end Garden Seeds Just Arrived Carrot Sugar Beet Mangel Turnip Seed sold at right prices A full stock of SPRAYING MATERIALS Constantly on Hand We alio carry a full line of patent Medicines among them and Rheumatic Cure Prescriptions awl receive personal attention day or night T LLOYD and walk on Sunday afternoon to find that her purse containing inite a sum of money was missing from her room A thorough search to find it but on Tuesday ruing it was accidentally discovered in anoth er room where it had evidently been carefully bidden by a friend LLOYD WARRANTS Every bottle If troubled with Rheumatism give Chamberlains Pain Ralrn a trial- It will not cost you a cent if it does no good One ap plication will relieve the pain It also cures sprains and bruises in one- third the time required by any other treatment Cuts burns frostbites quinsy pains in the side and chest glandular and other swellings cured by applying it Every bottle warranted Price 25 and cents For sale by T Lloyd MAGISTRATES COURT Alfred Strickland and Alex of were up on remand on Monday evening before their worships and J A- Hopkins charged with breaking into David Studies and stealing a crosscut Saw The charge of housebreaking dis missed hut the charge of stealing the saw was proven and they allow ed to go on suspended sentence on pay ing the costs of the trial the saw not being considered very valuable A FARMER CURED Of Rheumatism man living Sold by T Lloyd QTJEENSVILLE We arc glad to welcome summer again and hope the weather will continue Miss Blanche Pearson entertained a number of young people on Monday evening Quite a number of young people at tended the Epworth League on Mon day night and we hope it will in crease more with- older people next week as well as young people Housecleaning is the order of the day We can always hear the thump thump of the any time we listen Mrs Simpson is spending a few days in Toronto Mr and Mrs I Greenwood of Ravenshoe spent Sunday at Mr Mortons Judge Oh BALDWIN BREEZES Is sick this week which many of our readers will regret on a farm near here came in a short time ago completely doubled up with rheumatism I handed him a bottle of Chamberlains Pain Ralrn and told him to use it freely and if not satis fied after using it he need not pay a cent for it says P Raider of Pattens Mills A few days later he walked into the store as straight as a string and handed me a dollar saying give me bottle of Chamberlains Pain Balm I want it in the house all the time for it cured For sale Lloyd KESWICK PAINT THE STATION Mrs Vandcwater reports the following live stock ship ments from the station here during the month of April Mr Shield shipped hogs and sheep and and during first week in way 25 cattle hogs Mr Robert Hayes shipped hogs and eightyone cattle during and cattle and hogs during the first week In May Ready Mixed All Shades Beaver Brand Every Can Guaranted Whitewash Brushes Everything for Time J ROWLAND Mount Albert r r r I The band serenaded Wio Town on Tuesday the residents on the hill get ting the benefit of the music this time Mr Gardiner proprietor of the Franklin Roller Mills has been seriously 111 for the past two weeks If you are not a subscriber you can have the Era from now until the end of the year or Call and get a sample copy The ratepayers are that they can commute their statute labor for a day if paid 1st June It will per day on and after that date In the wreck schooner near rfS the captain and fourteen of eighteen men were drowned Mrs I J Crittenden has returned spending a few weeks OrUHa Mr Alfred Morton had a barn rais ing on Tuesday last A large crowd attended Suckers aro very plentiful along the shore of the hay now Mr Sam Johnson of Albert was in town Tuesday Any person desirous of purchaaing a bicycle should enquire of Lepard as ho has both new and second hand wheels Mr J Is local agent for tne Era at Keswick and will be pleased to accept for the bal ance of the year to new subscribers i Mr Jacob Bar key an old and re- resident of the pass ed away on Monday in his year He leaves a widow- two- daughters and one son to mourn their loss The funeral took pace to Dixon Cem etery on Wednesday On Tuesday the to Mr and Mrs Hancock a daughter Mr attended the teachers convention at Newmarket on Thursday The children the School will give some choice selections of song at tne anniversary ser vices on the took departure for Manitoba on Tuesday VVe wish him The present warm weather bring ing vegetation on rapidly of Mr J If Plphern valuable cows died ante and political lines juvenile crickht club held a in St James Hall last week which at one of the proceed ings was badly disturbed by a young man under ttfe influence of liquor But Sutton gives liquor great Mr P was in city week oh business has moved from the village into cottage at the lake Mr Alexander Burrows will move into the Manor he ftaving purchas ed the properly some time ago from Mr Hugh The Misses Howard have moved to the Lake for the summer months Mr Johns conductor on the train has taken up his residence in the vil lage for the summer The Sutton and Baldwin Rifle Clubs- had a shooting match at the latter place Sutton were the winners Mrs A has gone to New York To visit her daughter Mrs Hands It is reported that Mr James Sharpe of the Mansion House has sold out to Mr hotelkeep er of Zephyr The difference on the temperance question If John would submit to a majority of four Bill would very grudgingly submit to four thousand on a majority Mr Leslie blacksmith talks of leaving Sutton and has gone on a trip to hunt up another location In the meantime he has rented his shop to Mr J Stickland Mr Israel Dent has gone north for the summer as woodranger Mr A Davidson Inspector re cently paid our school an official vis it Mr barber has engaged an assistant Mrs E was in the city last week v Miss is now convalescent and has again taken charge of her department in the school- Miss Townleyof Toronto has been visiting- here guest of her aunt Mrs John Mr P McCIellan is fraying some changes and improvements made in his store property so as to give the tenants more room Three young men not a hundred miles from Sutton set out one day last week to bring home a calf for the slaughter They put in a lot of straw in the box to make a good bed for the calf When returning all three being smokers the straw he- ignited and a conflagration en sued They had to hustle the calf out of the rig in double quick time unhitch the horse and turn the rig upside down in order to get the fire out In the meantime the calf made tracks but was finally captured and brought home Who ever heard of any good from the smoking habit According to the medical and scientific authority no man is bene fitted by it and aside from and waste of timo and mon ey it has been the origin of fires that have destroyed millions of pro perty A highclass concert was hold in St lames Hall last Monday even ing under the auspices of the Metho dist church The farfamed poetess and reciter Pauline Johnston was the principal performer and attrac tion The concert was In alt re spects a great success Master has re turned homo from after pass ing the winter with his undo Rev Canon The corner stone of the new Ro man Catholic church at Virginia was laid by the Bishop and other digni taries of the church taking part More particulars later A Stove to Keep Cool IS THE NAME OF THIS INVENTION j- is very warm put some more fuel in the stove we must keep cool is a remark that will likely be a common one during the heated summer term In explanation it is only necessary to state that Mr Willis Moore chief the States Weather Bureau has announc ed that he has perfected an invention for cooling altogether new method for saving in great cjiie during hot summer days and at the same time providing an i luxurious mode of keeping comfortable no matter bow high the thermometer chooses to go The is what Mr Moore calls his new cooling machine He so it because is oven spelled backwards This little contrivance looking not unlike the oldfashioned airtight stove is claimed to contain wonderful possibilities within Its six- foot vertical cylinder in which ice and salt are consumed the as wood coal and charcoal are used in the ordinary stove Promoting man comfort by making the air de lightfully cool when coming in from the hot humid atmosphere outside it also washes dries and frees from bacteria the largo volume of air that circulates through a sick room It is probable said Professor Moore in a recent interview that this machine will play an important part in the building of the Panama canal and in the commercial conquest of the riches of the tropics If the Government will build its own ice tory and install coolers in work ing and sleeping rooms of the highly skilled officials and employees that it must send to the Isthmus from this country it will be able to maintain healthful conditions for them and probably reduce the death rate to a point almost as low as it is hero The acts without the applica tion of any mechanical power Its energy comes entirely from the gain in specific- gravity of the air by the chemical union of ice and salt and from the ingenious manner in which the heat of the air is allowed to pass into the cooling mixture The Department of Agriculture has been assigned the right to use the by Professor Moore and the ex ecutive offices at the capital will also very likely be kept cool during the summer by this clever contrivance as will the observation in the West Indies where the heat and hu midity are so harmful to health of the observers About four hundred pounds of ice and one hundred and twentyfive lbs of salt required to charge a which will cool an ordinary room say sixteen feet square one hour if desired the can be so adjusted as to give six hundred cubic feet of air at zero temperature The ma chine accomplishes wonders with the simple ingredients with which it works keeps the room where it is located at any degree of coolness desired pace Has if The Fashionable Tailor MOUNT ALBERT We Value I House Furnishings Carpets Oil Cloths Papers Etc Etc HD ALBERT For Spring Cleaning a ra Our Paints are the most durable Our Varnishes the most glossy Our and the most beautiful tints Our Window Shades of the most handsome colors designs Our Brushes of the best material All at most reasonable prices- SUMMERFELDTS HARDWARE MOUNT ALBERT Stock Register GENERAL beautiful purebred Clydesdale the proper ty of John Smith will visit Baldwin Newmarket and Sharon during the season His colts have won prizes at all local fairs Farmers should him before promising StandardBred Trotting Stallion the property of French Mount Albert will make the season of at Albert Newmar ket and Zephyr Manager- Business in Victoria Australia is at a standstill owing to the railway strike A little child of Leslie was burned to death at while playing with matahes William Beck engineer oh the tug Snowstorm fell over board rtear Port and was drowned The Montreal longshoremens strike has been settled and the men returned to work Tuesday The barns of the Mohawk at were burned with five horses and fourteen cows Commonwealth the largest battleship in the world was launched on the Clyde on Wednesday The Niagara camp will begin on June Lord will vis- It each of the camps in succession To restore an eiderdown quilt to its original lightness hang it out of doors in the sunshine for several hours David Hogg an employee of the Canadian Cotton Company at Hamil ton dropped dead on street while walking home from work An Indian been arrested at Maple Creek for the mur der of another Indian at Medicine Hat It is alleged that the prisoner desired to exchange squaws with tho deceased who objected and tho pris oner then killed him Mode to Order Fancy Worsted pu Blue Serges up Scotch Tweed it up Wo A SPECIALTY of HighClass Work in both Ladies Gents TAILORING Walter a Peterboro boy was Injured by a on- the railway dead POOR PITY Growing Yes into weakness but not strength Studiesplenty of them Tired of course she is and weak too Does not cat enough and digests far less than enough This condition is so frequent but how seldom noticed by fond parents live her then watch her appe tite improve her cheeks and lips ow ruddy her step elastic her spirits buoyant All this simply the result of eating and digesting enough blood and thereby and brain power gives a womans strength to weak girls daughter needs let It today -i- LORD imported Stallion the property of Phillips Wilder will make the season of at Baldwin Be haven etc OJ Wilder Manager Thomas Arnold formerly propri etor of the Columbia Hotel St Thomas was drowned at On Wednesday all the cities and towns in New Hampshire voted for and towns against liquor li censes Charges inefficiency and neglect of duty against some employees of Kingston are to bo in vestigated and Levy three Toronto merchants were com mitted for trial at Montreal on a charge of conspiracy to defraud Margollus creditors The passenger steamer Winona which plies between Windsor and caught and it was only by the seacocks and allowing it to fill with water that the vessel was sav ed Twentyfrto passengers were safe transported to land JackScrew Lost Between the 3rd and Cons East on the sideroad Finder will greatly oblige by leaving word at this office or with jr To Farmers An Improved English Berkshire Boar with registered will be kept for service on lot in tho Con of East Geo Pollock Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY or Subscribed Capital STmS milKOfOHBl worth J Chair Alex at Current GEO MOUNT ALBERT Try Our Own Emulsion of Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Bark An Excellent Remedy FOR Coughs Colds We keep tho leading makes of Trusses Properly fit and guar antee them Forrests Store MOUNT ALBERT Ai DAVIDSON Ml Albert anil it Cbler Agent I MARRIAGE LICENSES -V- A large aBwrtrricnt of Red and Timothy Seed Good Seed Peas and Black All at Lowest Prices SHIELDS MOUNT ALBERT A J I if

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