Newmarket Era, 15 May 1903, p. 7

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THE NEWMARKET ERA MAY At Ladles Fine for Spring of Ladles enquiring for Weeks focal Rans The smaller engine at the Water- Works repaired by Mr A Thomp son was running four nights this week giving great satisfaction- It runs lightly that the condenser will start it Dont miss Town the big Concert in the It will be the treat of Prices and of The Royal Templars continue to be For flta Era Desert to BY A BANKER Tenders for Coal How diversified is the lace of Scaled tenders addressed to the in temperate climes at the vart- Provincial Secretary Province of On jed seasons of the year In winter Parliament Buildings Toronto The Gospel Temperance Meeting on the whole of deciduous forest and marked Tenders for Coal will Monday evening May was a very trees which in summer are clothed be received up to noon off Monday successful one in every respect The in beautiful foliage of ail manner or May or the delivery of following Program was rendered A verdant hues are now leafless and coal In the sheds the institutions reading by Miss tie smaller brooks are dry named below on or below the in a flourishing condition Annie Kin fcene neir beds shielded by a plate of thin of July next except as regards the were about sixty in attendance Wed nesday and two initiations One application was made for sick and funeral benefit Police Court A case of from Holland subject by Landing is to be aired before Squire Jackson at the Police Court afternoon A vicious dog case is also to be tried at oclock by same magis trate Both of these cases were settled out of court yesterday and Gertie Pollock music by ice all that is left of the purling coal of London Hamilton and Blanche Morion and Mrs Walker jvulet which gurgled down towards the ville Asylums and Central Prison- as rivet or lake which it helped to re- noted Asylum For Insane Toronto Hard coal tons large egg size tons stove size tons hut fie Fine Shoes We how they give every satisfac- the wearer Fit Perfectly Look Neat and Stylish They Wear Well They are just what the Ladies want Price OPENED The best value in Ladies Oxford iocs at and worth it least more per pair GROCERY DEPARTMENT HONEY choice quality and a section STRAINED HONEY fine quality lb or in pails CHINA DEPART MENT re- Elder of Keswick gave an These latter are now trans- admirable address on the subjects formed into a bard solid expanse of Moral Death Traps or The shining transparent glass on which vil a Trapper He introduced his DO ripple plays no wavelets dance an allusion to the amount break on their shores The ri ot trapping done by our forefathers too frozen halfway down to when our Canadian woods teemed no longer eddy and splash with game tie spoke of the traps impetuous current has been tbemselves how carefully they were Jed into stone and the waterfalls into baited the bait onlybeing seen the white shining cascades of polished trap itself concealed So Satan chalcedony cleverly conceals the net that he I And at times the entire landscape spreads lor unwary feet as he fully out from view concealed recognizes the truth In vain the beneath glittering mantle of snow- net is spread in sight any bird white crystals As far as the eye This is why he is such- a successful can reach the scene is one vast ex- trapper Some of devices jura of dazzling whiteness Roads To catch the parents and blind rivers fields lakes all hidden be- them as to the proper training a snowy pall obliterated child both as to example and from view as effectually as if they Like father like son existed an outspread lifeless tenths of the boys of our land will void Those songsters of the wood follow fathers example The bar- which have not taken wing on their Baseball The Capitals of the Senior League Toronto will play against Newmar ket at the Exhibition Park next Sat urday afternoon Ladies free team will be selected from the following players Weir Beitb Osborne Gamble Pep- Doyle Ross room which will never be closed to sunnier climes are OBrien Howard Sutherland Last Wednesday evening as Mr J Lewis of St was return ing home by way of Park Avenue his horse which had never been hitch ed up before took fright at the sha dow cast by the electric light on the honest corner of Church St and turned to the North very sharply jumping over the ditch The result was that one til men vote it down Here the dumb J insects have commenced treating system is the greatest agent their long hibernal sleep the bees Indulging in sinful pleasures many refuge in their winter young men and young women are lost for there are no flowers from because of some pet sins 4 Tobac- which to sip the honey and all Its use leads to the use of still strong drink 5 or perhaps an Artie blast love of gain One of Gods eternal over the land Tbe wild howl- truths proclaims that more can be tempest drives before it blinding gained by honest means than by dis- I clouds or driven enow its icy breatb Procrastination This freezing near to death those who have is one of Satans most successful de- temerity to face its wrath and vices for he never yet a young causing everything that hath life to man it was a bad thing for him season we are Dinner and Toilet Sets direct from manufacturers and will give you tetter quality at no more cost OPENED OUR NEW TOILET SETS Pieces for 200 worth DINNER OUR NEW COMBINATION shaft and the singletree of buggy give up drink He simply makes him were broken believe there is lots of tme He al- ways tells people religion is a good Another Front J to hurry to embrace it Mr Jos Millard owner of the Mr Hainer advised all to take the l0 flee from its biting fury But now at length the seaspn has changed the lifegiving influence of the sun in all its genial power has dissipated the snows and ice has clothed the trees and hedges in their summer garb of green has called premises occupied by Messrs Hunter mariner as his example He is ine hiding places all the Bros has acceeded to their request lookout for danger and tribes and has decorated the and it is expected within the the aid of his chart and compass hedgerows and roadsides in a wreath two weeks work will be commenced able to steer clear of all rocks IoraI beauty pulling out the front of the store to be replaced with an uptodate Importing our similar to Roches store The plate glass will be about feet squarefor you showing goods wuth glass above for store light The brickwork in front of the store will be supported by steel girders Statistics The assessor returned the new roll on the of April and the time for OP USEFUL PIECES J Special at Only Would er chief food value at has been exceedingly fortunate for the Come and see yourself We carry assessment baa been raised largest stock outside city and in hues of scarlet So man should take chart of the Word of God and by its help Re- The fields no long est the Devil and ho will flee from aden with rip- Press Supt are laden with corn which bends in undulating waves before the summer breeze and the perfumed air is redolent with the tons soft coal screenings or run delicious aroma which ever pervades mine lump The soft coal to bo ell at close prices Lamps at Job Prices to clear want the room from to worth double Leading Reliable R A SMITH and nobody has found any fault There is a slight increase in the population the total residents with in corporation limits being 2393 Of this number are of school age- between and years The roll shows dogs cattle sheep hogs and horses Last year there were births and deaths in the Town jthe country in summer The lark Mr Pratt has spent the past poised high in air tunes forth its two weeks with her father in New- rythmical lays the blackcap and the market siskin pour out their love songs in a Dr Butler and wife of Toronto are very flood of melody and all nature rusticating with Mrs J J Spink is glad and gay But some find this Mr Allen Howard of Toronto who beautiful earth ever cold and cheer- has very recently completed his clerjjess But if they would only with studies which extended over a the help of the Holy Spirit lay their period of about years was calling sins on Him who died for them and on relatives and friends on Monday conform their lives to His will the last- He will locate at Cayuga absolute certainty that a bright and Co j glorious future in the hereafter is in We regret to report the serious ill store for them will turn their sighs which has attended Mr Melville into paeans of praise and their mourn Stephens the past three weeks Mr has taken j session of the stock and trade at the Post Office and will no doubt make size Soft coal tons lump wood green cords lor Insane London Hard coal tons small egg size tons stove size chestnut size Soft coal 50 tons for grates the tons may rot be required till Jan Asylum For Insane Kingston Hard coal tons larc egg size tons small egg tons chestnut she COO tons hard screen ings tons soft screenings stove size hard Asylum For Insane Hamilton Hard coal tons small egg size Soft coal loos size tons coal for grates tons for pump house 210 tons soft slack tons hard slack screenings Of the above quantity tons may not be requited until January- and February Asylum For Insane Mimlco Hard coal J 700 tons large egg size tons stove size tons chestnut tons soft screenings tons coal cords green hardwood Asylum For Insane Orillia Soft coal screenings No or run of mine lump 2000 tons tons hard coal stove size tons hard coal grate Asylum For Insane Hard coal tons large egg size 200 tons stove size 50 tons small egg Of the above quantity tons may not bo required until January and March Asylum for Female Patients Hard coal tons small egg size 2o tons egg size tons stove size Central Prison Toronto Hard coal tons small egg tons stove size Soft coal 2300 of dc- ATKINSON Optician NEWMARKET CO YEARS EXPERIENCE The leaves on all kinds of trees have developed wonderfully this week wheat is picking up in spite of the dry weather Only a few reserved seats for the Concert were left yesterday The Specialty feign has been replac ed on Fairy Lake Mr A J has made appli cation for domestic water The Era lor the balance of the it interesting for his customers Mr has furnished coal oil late design Mr M Robinsons experience on Monday evening was somewhat Ills horse became at something and placed his heels they were perhaps acceptable viz through the dashboard and bid him good night but came back next morning apparently much unconcern ed Op Monday evening a representative from made our quiet burg into gleeful year for to new subscribers Regular at Mrs J for a time using language ens next Tuesday the most type and A number of people are getting their only quieted when Mr Robinson next winters coal supply him the way people of his If firewood was not bo scarce stamp wore cuffs many people would be pleased to Mr has placed a roof two old shacks in Town go up in his house here in course of one on St and one tion that intending roofers might on St well take into consideration It is called The Sons of Temperance here are Now that the settled Newmarket Lodge l has got out a handsome little ffl pocket caret the figure and telling How to Join other i for the result of the In the trial feeling as- the Ross Government cant be His Out Business A noted clergyman who had great success In winning souls was intro duced by a millionaire to his wife in the parlor of a hotel where they were both stopping and the million aire went out of the hotel to return In a few minutes to find his wife in tears On Inquiring of his wife what affected her so much she told her husband that the gentleman to whom he introduced her was very able for he had spoken to her about spiritual condition so tenderly that she not help weeping Her husband said Why did you not tell him to go about his business His wife replied My dear if you had heard him you would have thought lie was about his- business It is reported that the wife could not find rest or comfort until she found her Saviour has about miles of granolithic walks If you do as you agree there will never bo any trouble When a man Is displeased with himself he knows who Is to blame You can raise fine crop of trou- tu VHV w Me from the seeds of discontent overgrown by than fair means Charles Addison a was nSU SSL I Simpson who has engaged as caught in a frog at London run over commenced probably injured Monday friends of appeal to the charity of pi J Mr D is having an community aM in of in- all must know that Blackburn feasible plan is to join the A whose and cheap- h It popuar put SSliM under his barn on the A a to widows and orphans In Mark 1 arid from inception of the years ago has paid over Number of Joln- aver- a acres this summer Mrs Gould of is rusticating with her parents here Her health lis improving ir in kr Seaor May About midnight a fir was discovered breaking out from the roof of the Milling age age about 29 years Present membership in Ontario 45404 Newmarket is giving Bargain Bay Rates to new members Joining Companys warehouse elevator month Information may boob- gained such headway that all from Mr M Re- forts of the firemen proved fruitier ex it v a or any of the members in saving It r coats Is a boon to the who makes her own clothes The Canadian Railway ex pect to ship 21000 head of cattle from the Northwest this season The man who cheats his neighbor in a business transaction has no about his superior business abilities Fowls running at largo In an or chard do much good in destruc tion of larvae worms beetles and bugs There arc so many remedies on fire today the result of prairie market that advertised to which had spread to the edge of cure every ill thai flesh Is heir to village A relief train has to that it Is a wonder that anybody la the scene Three houses were dc sick long unless swallowing so much stroycd according to latest advices lcn ho from the town i a TOWN HALL FRIDAY MAY 15 PART I DUETT- I Live and Love Theo AND MR MacGREQOR COMIC SONG I If I J AS PAX READING- Alexs Best MISS TESSA Morning MISS TERESA r tt t Dry Those Tears DONALD COMIC Honoria S J AS I PART- SONG- Oer Nelsons Tomb p DONALD Connor MISS TESSA SONG- Maty Had a Little Lamby fr V4 SOLO- My Rosary Mary oi Nelson MISS TERESA READING- The Little Drummond MISS TESSA SONG- How do they know I Dont Know FAX KING Mammoth Prize Long Red Mangel Seed iii lb lots r monthly as required Institution for Deaf and Dumb Belleville Hard coal tons large egg size tons small egg sie 20 tons stove size tons nut size tons cannel Institution for Blind Hard coal tons egg size tons stove size tons chestnut size Soft tons Jacksonville lump Reformatory for Boys Eighty tons egg sio tons stove size tons size 1 tons soft coal screenings or run of mine lump Delivered at institution dock Mercer Reformatory Toronto Soft coal screenings or run of mine lump o50 tons stove coal tons Tenders are to specify the mine or mines from which the coal will be supplied and the quality of same and must also furnish satisfactory evidence that the coal is true to name fresh mined and In every resprct equal in quality to the standard grades of coal known to the trade Delivery is to be effected in a man satisfactory to inspectors of Prisons and Public Charities And the said inspectors may require additional amounts not exceeding per cent of the quantities hereinbe fore specified for the above mention ed institutions to be there at at the contract prices at any time up to day of July Tenders will bo received for trie whole quantity above specified or for the quantities required In each insti tution An accepted check for payable to order of the Honor able the Provincial Secretary must be furnished by each tenderer as a guarantee of his bona fides rnd two sufficient sureties will be required for due fulfilment of each contract Specifications and forms and condi tions of tenders may- bo obtained from the Inspectors of Prisons and Public Charities Parliament Build ings Toronto or from the Bursars of the respective institutions The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Newspapers inserting this advertisement without authority from the department will not bo paid for It J Provincial Secretary Parliament buildings Toronto May Mr Ed of Tilbury West lost his barn five homes and head of cattle by fire Winnipeg May 7 The little vil lage of on McGregor branch was partially destroyed by Dutch Sett Onions 10c per lb Potato Onions per lb Maple Syrup Wine gals i Maple Syrup Imp gals 100 Pineapples Strawberries Rhubarb Lettuce Onions Radishes Bananas Oranges Good Northern Spy and Russet Apples NOLL Biiy Your Field Seeds Mangold Sugar Beet Turnip and Cnrrot SEED CORN Improved White P Rod Cob Yellow and North Dakota Flint AT J WILLSON HURON STRHBT Telephone All the incapacitated Florida on account of the Hoods During disturbances at Hungary in connection with the elec tion of Judges the gendarmes killed four and wounded several rioters Trouble at Chicago Baptist Hospital which was started by the forty nurses filing charges of incom petency against Mrs Howes the head is assuming serious propor tions several members of the medical taking sides with the nurses A boarding car contain ing a party of railway laborers Was derailed at Dexter Station west Fort William and telescoped by the following car The wreck took fire and twelve men were burned to death Melilla Morocco May rebels have defeated the Imperial forces after a tenhours near Fez and have captured the positions held by the Sultans troops all their tents and much loot Both sides lost heavily Nature has given to men one tongue but two ears that we may hear from others twice as much as we speak It is astonishing how many there are who forget to put stamps on their before mailing They cant be forwarded but the postmas ter may inform the addressed that a letter lies at Ms and that if ho will send the postage it will bo for warded This is an unpleasant deal both parties concerned It can be avoided by jotting envelopes printed at this office with your name and address on The cost will not be much more than the plain envel opes My dear remonstrated Young- husband laying down his morning looking at the contents tho dish his wife had set before him You have given me this same break fast food every morning for a month Aro you never going to let up on the infernal stud Be reasonable returned his better half Just let mo explain There coupons come with this brand of breakfast food and as soon as I have a hundred IM be able- to get a lovely rocking chair for grandma Only be a little patient dear I counted my coupons last night and honestly yon have only to eat eightynine packages more ii HOW ONE MILLION IS SPENT Not less than one million dollars is annually spent by people seeking an absolute cure for Catarrh Bronchitis and Consumption Numerous are the remedies but the one standing pre- eminently above all others is It cures these diseases because it Is sure to reach them is inhaled into the lungs throat and nasal passages and bathes every part of diseased membrane with its germkilling vapour You simply breathe and it cures Price and at drug gists or Poison Co Kingston out i J l

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