Newmarket Era, 15 May 1903, p. 8

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J Cite THE FRIDA MAY In the good old days the announc ed a death in the community by a stroke on the church bell for every year of the life that was gone People expected then to live to old age and speculation at the first tap of the bell took a narrow range including only those who had lived the al lotted time There is no rea son why people should not have the same expectancy of age today except for the neglect and abuse of the one organ on which alt the other organs depend the stomach Dr Pierces Golden Med ical enables men and women to be strong and healthy by curing diseases of the stomach and other or gans of digestion and nutri tion which prevent the proper nourishment of the body with indigestion and ind taken medicine from my doctor for a Ion lne without iKiseii writes Mrs If Tec- bit around the Hal at ant find to record A very bad accident happened to Mr east end on Tuesday morning that PINE ORCHARD Ontario Last Sunday evening between SO and people attended the service in Meeting which was con ducted by Mr Webb a student at Hall Toronto who has in particular localities as local without This section dangerous In- Premier Municipal Power bill no private received a second reading on the has a bill before the and was referred to committee jp j empower Councils by the tenor of the speeches oil j lo establish municipal fuel yards just passed his examination fie is a the reading it was made within a city this bill passes brother of the President of the Pro- dent that quite a large number oft the fading to end Sabbath School Association had given the large con- McCatt has presented a bill in and married a daughter of the late the legislature to amend the Sidney Jackson of Hamilton who at There was quite a little stir in the Drainage Act He proposes the one time Kept store in Albert Legislature on Thursday over the appointment of two drainage viewers have proved fatal which may The people both here and at Real last election Councils who must be residents even yet have a very serious ending Corners were so well pleased with talk as if they had the right to municipality It is made the who is about years Mr Webbs services that he was ii range for these whether drainage viewers to was assisting Mr Jas Young vitcd to return next Sunday and he the electors like it or not lb is the engineer in laying out in repairing a chimney on the house has accepted the occupied by Mr Phoenix west end when his foot suddenly slipped and missing his footing rolled down the roof and fell to the ground a dis tance of about feet breaking his leg very badly and receiving internal injuries Wit ty to consult ray Or Fierce letter Yon to take Gotten Medical an I die to my after I was TV Medical Ad viser in paper cov ers is sent free for onecent stamps to pay customs and milling only Ad dress Doctor Pierce Buffalo high time the whole business drainage scheme contemplated was discontinued and the more the to have a voice regard respective party politicians in the to also in assessing and mode of Assembly quarrel over the matter the asrnent therefor They are to sooner will the disgraceful tinkering detailed account their ser- A brass band has been organised be stopped The idea at a few in town in connection with the in Toronto barter cIaimslor damagctJ orange Society tne rights of people is has introduced a hill I The painting and grating of the Law It con Methodist Church and School Room before proceeding is about finished The new seats are fee orders of the day Premier embraces rust one line expected here this week and prepara- Ross feelingly referred to the or follows Section Mr John Blacks little boy only tions are how being made for tho j for said Act is repealed This ends two years of age had a narrow opening the He spoke of his illness and in touch- business The clause Mr Whit- cape from being killed a few Mr Black was in the stable nosing his opening on mo He spoke of his illness and in business The ays Mr and Mrs S Thompson went language made a warm to wants to repeal en unhar- Newmarket on Monday to have the many estimable qualities which Lieut all body of their boy Claude removed won for him a in the to empowers the to enter agreements to develop power the horses it backed out stall and started tor the dour knocked the child down the were present to witness the keenly felt and heartiest power The and to comfort the bereaved extended to Ww relatives as a bill and On thursday last about noon a the deceased Whitney in con- Act which then stepped on his kit arm above large wood pile on the of Mr cutting in these sentiments thought telegraph and telephone the elbow crushing badly A doc- Wood was discovered to be on a was peculiarly proper that oh such companies hunt the lobbies of the tor was sent for at once and are fire The lire bell was rung and the occasions as this both sides of the mm pleased to learn that the arm do- lirebrigade took out the hand engine House could unite He thought as well as could be expected he Dunlop Reliability Yob full reliance in Pneumatic Tire they will never betr17 your hardest to punc ture repair Years of excellent service have mvle them of almost uni versal wheel a ropu- fitted with them rider of experience iniKU on Ihom- Tires make bicycle They Increase the pleasure of the troubles Is fturcd with The Tire Co Limited Toronto a St Abe you found Coin la I The firemen are doing their utmost to make May- a record breaker- Mr and Mrs J Davis of Newmar ket visited the home of Mr Lome ester on Sunday last Mr has sold his cream ery outfit to Mr J Williams of House- proposes an amendment for all such companies at to render what assistance they had been a representative of whom no councils of We understand valuable aid was m constituency need he ashamed to en resulting in a large quantity A works and structures from the street wood being saved About ten cords re samc Underground however were consumed ere the fire WockB t0 was co subd by sucn purposes from the ordinary rate vileges AURORA taxation for electric lighting Are j Mr Murphy also proposes to tax protection local improvements and persons occupying temporary rooms Our factories in town continue to certain general rates They have to hotels or other buildings for the he very busy A few days ago J pay school rates and four mills on the sale of goods by sample or Sons received a considerable for town rates There are no as transient traders or commercial I Lynn who shipped it away on avus a irTi order for plows for Tasmania buildings on these farm lands travellers who offer for sale goods Mr we understand I Miss of this place jhad about tomato plants frozen Monday for Assa for has been laid before to be afterwards in greehouse on Thursday night where she has accepted a situation last week as teacher in a Public School The Uxbridge District Annual Con- At a recent meeting of the Public vention of the Womans Missionary School Board Mr Thompson Society of the Methodist church was principal of the Public School was held in on Wednesday appointed one of the examiners the Entrance Examinations at There is not now a vacant store in the House A scheme for the propa gation of quail is explained Quail is becoming extinct and reserves in Essex Middlesex and Kent- Counties are to lie established as suitable locations for propagation At present there are game war dens in the Province and two more town excepting one and every dwell- nam for certain districts ng in town At to live in is occupied recently opened The report says iorcriv the number of wolves during Mr William Dennis has cut down I Owing to the largely increased directly with consumers and who re tail goods by sample a MAN WANTED two large poplar trees in front school population in town the of his residence This makes quite tees of the Public School have found cost Ontario change it necessary to open another room There were deer licenses issued Early closing evenings Mondays land employ a sixth teacher They j J moose and licenses Wednesdays and Fridays on and after have secured the services of Mrs Pal- nonresidents last year until the summer vacation when Dr has introduced a bill Dr and Mrs M enter- other change will be made which provides for the election j The assessment for this municipal- trustees to High Schools by the for present year has been com- pte instead of by town Council any other British and the roll returned to the When the High School District Clerk The total value of real pro- composed of two municipalities and for South party amounts to 13o0M personal ratepayers of each municipality shall fllj properly income and elect two trustees who together J a few friends on Wednesday evening The evening was very pleasantly in games etc I Mr Stephen Leonard has greatly improved his farm worked by Mr Leonard by the addition of a The Tide of Emigration London May The Board of Trade returns of emigration during April show that Britishers left for Canada during the month as com pared With in the same mouth Jast year Purine the first four months of the year 21613 British emigrants left lor Canada as against in the same period last year The totals of British and foreign em igrants combined were for the four months as compared with 17- More emigrants have gone to verandah and other fixings around total of real personal and income We want a good reliable man to act as local Salesman in your district The position Is a permanent one and offers large pay to any wideawake honest worker All our goods are guar anteed We want to deal only with those who can appreciate a us furnish you uptodate samples free pay weekly All freight and packing charges are paid by us From to SI per month and expenses can be earned selling our goods E BLACKFORD Toronto the house I Mr McCrhmnun left on Monday for where he intends to stay some time He has done a large trade here for the last three months enlarging pictures wish him success J Last week while returning from the station Captain Armstrongs horse good position and represent fright and ran away throwing spectators were fairly We instruct you and J jibe Captain out and giving him a views of Toronto vrc SUPERBACBU The number of persons assessed the number of dogs in the municipality number of cattle number sheep number of hogs and horses The AuroraRichmond La Club opened the season on Saturday in a very satisfactory man ner A large and enthusiastic crowd present and saw the tunc of indi cates the play of the respective teams both of whom however put up a game of which they can feel proud for so early in season AuroraRichmond Mill aggregation with constant practice will make a strong bid for the cham pionship for Mr sawmill and cheese box factory and Mr Kaars brick and tile works at Brownsville were destroyed by fire ARE GUARANTEED Farm Boll For tale at Half Price Enquire at Era valuable colt owned by Donnelly broke Its neck other day by rearing backward and striking Its head heavily upon the ground The population of is elevator assessed value of the town is placed at The the number of births for last year was and deaths badly bruised face as well as a good to The score about shaking up latest reports are to the effect that railway operation will have com by May The people of Schomberg have waited long and pa tiently for a thing to happen Jit would be a thing if only extended to Tottenham j A fire started in the house occupied by Mr Terry on Friday last and but for the prompt of some our might have turned out very it was discovered about oclock am The fire started from a stove pipe and getting between the ceiling and a bedroom floor it was duTicult to it especially as the was blind ing But the flames soon burned through the floor and then the work began in earnest The bucket bri gade did splendid work and had to carry water a long distance was a strong north wind blowing and had the lire gotten a good start many of the surrounding buildings would have been in ruins in a short time This coma of having no- lire The may he aroused to the fact some lime- that it is a necessity by hall the village being laid In ruins Mr I Warren president of Hie Metropolitan Hallway was In tire village on Saturday afternoon He assured residents here that the road be handling freight hi time for this years output The work on an will be commenced vhortiy- with the three appointed by ty Council shall form the Board of Trustees Provision is also made for representation on the Board where High School District is composed of part on the whole of more than two municipalities bill for making an as sessment of a municipality da for three years was read a 2nd time sent to committee but the Attorney i General felt sure advantages would he more than offset by the disadvantages Mr Taylor has a bill to amend the BONE This Is the host news that has had for time The paid their return compliments by contesting the Bee- ton Gun Club on their own grounds D11 j Thursday and were CUahuT8 and in adding another victory lo their in- list defeating their seven birds number of sporting fishwmen to Hoi landing Thursday and had Bis Blood Powder by The Roche Co I ftfc iff uMi Soft and crooked bones mean bad feeding Call the disease rickets if you want to The growing child must eat the right food for growth Bones must have bone food blood must have blood food and so on through the list Scotts Emulsion is the right treatment for soft bones in children give the stiffness and shape that healthy bones should have Haw legs become loose joints grow stronger and firmness comes to the soft heads Wrong food caused the trouble Right food will cure it In thousands of cases Scotts Emulsion has proven to he the right food for soft bones in childhood Send for free sample Toronto Ontario Dispute Much the sitting of the Private Bills Committee yesterday morning was taken up with a bill respecting the town of Aurora designed to dis pose of a longstanding dispute be tween that town and the village of Markham Two years ago a shoe man ufacturing firm Underbill decided to their factory from and on receiving a bonus County Council Act which if passed and certain privileges from Aurora will relegate some of the gentlemen located In that- place now composing County Councils out- took legal proceedings and had- the side the pale county dignitaries Aurora- bylaw quashed but In the one gives power to local mu- meantime Aurora had borrowed the councils lo pass resolutions money for the bonus and the new County Councils shall be com- tory was built and in operation posed of reeves of townships and Vil- lion Mr Davis was sponsor for the and mayors towns instead bill legalizing the bonus and laid of being elected by certain districts the facts before tho committee of the County as at present Sec- After a discussion in which nearly gives directions where a ma- all the members present took part it was suggested that Aurora con tribute a sum towards Mario- ham a costs in the matter An amendment that the amount was lost but by placing it at the proposal found favor in com mittees of Die local councils pas sed resolutions favoring a change as above for giving proper notice and of bringing proposed change to the attention of the County Council as at present constituted that they aro no longer in evidence After making provision for election of War den the bill has a clause to prevent small municipalities taking advantage of the large tax paying municipalities by providing that on all questions involving the expenditure of money excess of the result shall bo determined by adding together ihe equalized as sessments of the municipalities whose representatives vote tor such expen diture and against such expenditure respectively instead of by a majority vote of the members as in other cases This saying clause will be a taking one to large municipalities Mr Preston of has intro duced a bill to amend the Municipal Act lie proposes adding another Hubsection empowering Councils prohibit spitting on sidewalks pave ments passage ways stairways J en trances to buildings used by the pub lic and in rooms halls buildings and places to the public resort cars public conveyances and in such other places as the Council may by such bylaw designate This Is getting after the In great shape Another clause of Mr Prestons hill proposes giving power to coun cils lo construct or enlarge sewers Although the medicine above all be carried on with the utmost coiiMxieutiouaneas and of responsibility the unfortunate fa that In no oilier is there And deception auxletfeaof the Hi sir relatives are traded upon In the manlier impossi ble cures are promised many prepara tions are worthless and come arc positively dangerous to health As ft consequence all proprietary remedies aic with suspicion by many people the good Buffer for the these reasons we announce that our proprietors are the principal share holders in walker sms limited which will we are sure be an ample guarantee of the truth of every repre sentation made concerning TABLETS Ironox Co If yon ever contracted Blood are site only thesjmplomsfor a time only tobreik ont a pain wheo let quacks experiment Our NEW METHOD TREATMENT to cure yon Our ffusrODties are by bank that the disease will Thousands of hare been already cored by oar NEW METHOD TREATMENT for over and no return of the disease No no risk not a patch up care The worst cases solicited if v RBW METHOD care ton nd cm of Under Us Influence brain becomes active the blood so all pimples and ulcers disappear the nerves become at so that add despondency disappear j the become bright the face full and clear returns to the body and moral physical and invigorated all drains no more vital waste from The various become natural and manly You feel yourself a man sea know marriage cannot be a failure We Invite all afflicted to consult us and free of let quacks and fakirs rob you of your dollars CURE NO PAY U- We treat and cure EMI SYPHILIS GLEET STRICTURE and DISEASES and all diseases Are you a victim Have von lost Are coeterupUticj Has your dbtased7 Have you aaj Our New Method Treatment will Cosssllatwi No niatter treated you write for an honest opinion Free of Charge reasonable Golden on Diseases of men fe of Women Wages of Sin Varicocele and Gleet All sent sealed r- No senl Ho on or envelopes Question lid ol FREE lor SHELBY ST DETROIT MICH Pag Metal Gates or doublelight durable Will not k or get rlckvir latches which open way A child can or a windno to Rest mode Fences and Poultry S Co limited Montreal and St John The Other Fellows Cant Do It I sell tho cream separator with supply can down where you caii it and where can pour milk in without lifting it up over head other fellows cant make that kind of because the TUBULAR SEPARATOR is protected by a patent that shuts them out The Tubular is not a back machine but the most desirable separator built today W J Sharon Farm Wanted to Lease WITH A VIEW TO About acres Must be good rich loam well watered by windmill spring running stream Bank barn in good repair to accom modate to SO head cattle with silo possible Preference given to a place good hog pen with pen room for 100 to hogs House rooms or upwards If you have a you care to rent with option purchase send particulars stating distance from Newmarket Cheese Factory Address Care Owe Newmarket Corner Lot for Sale Hi 1 Farm Horse Sale Heavy years old or easy terms Piano Agent Formerly occupied by tbe old store- house Half acre of ground A good Apply to COOK BROS House for of Huron Street J CANE Newmarket- i Meyer Poultry Spice rp FEED STORE

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